Sunday 31 May 2015


And in doing summat to my phone today I accidentally lost the picture off the front, I panicked for a bit but then Ed showed me how to download and put in place free substitutes


And this makes me a bit grumpy, I was in a medical establishment and they fed me way too many chips and I put on the weight

Bought Salad

So today I had to purchase some salad for the first time in 3 weeks because I have been eating my own growings but I finished them yesterday.

Sunday Shop

Then s'morning me and TheNearlyQualifiedNurse went to Morrison's and got the small amount of food that I needed

Saturday 30 May 2015

Middle Of Nowhere

Then after lunch today we went out driving a very long way to the middle of nowhere, up a single track road to find an Eco-House that was built ½ underground 20 years ago. It was well impressive looking but not open to visitors, somebody lives there


So we were out in the car s'afternoon and we passed some Horse Pecadillo, no Horse Poppies, NO Horse Parsley, that's what it's called. I remembered after about ¾ of an hour later

Friday 29 May 2015

Computer Crisis

Then suddenly today my 'puter went wrong. When I was typing EVERYTHING WAS COMING OUT AS CAPITALS even tho the caps lock light was out, and typing numbers, instead of 1,2,3.... symbols were appearing !, ", £.... etc. It was as if a shift key was stuck down. Much pressing of buttons later I went into the kitchen and searched the interweb on the iPod, some minutes later I found summat which said "Press shift 5 times to unlock it" came back to my PC, pressed left shift key 5 times, it was still wonky afterwards, shifted my attention to the right shift key and visibly it was stuck down at one end, it is a long key and one end of it was stuck down, I tapped it once, it unlocked, came level and all the typewriter functions are proper again, 1,2,3 etc

Naan bread plain

And we had the usual Friday Night dinner of Na'an Bread Pizza and oven chips for tea. This week we hadn't been able to get the usual spiced up Na'an (garlic and coriander I think) just plain, so it wasn't as nice as usual but well OK for a weekend dinner

More Reasons To Shop At....

So because I was bored tonight Alex suggested we nip to Morrisons and get some G&B plain chocolate as recommended by Denyse and while we were there my eye was caught by a new product. It looks tasty, healthy, and having read the small print there is no added sugar...
And what colour is this flavour that I chose this week?


Then we headed off to gym. And it was a class without Sam!!! But the FES isn't working again, after we changed 1 part and it made loadsa difference now it is not working at all


So as usual on a Friday we headed to Aardvark and bought more than usual. As I had a go upstairs for some bog roll, I bought most of the other stuff from upstairs to save me a trip. And we bought loadsa veg, milk, yoghurt etc. And we bought 10 dates which were very nice, I had them as part of my lunch


I feel this story is close to my heart after they were sufficiently advanced to save my life, but what do they do now....

Thursday 28 May 2015


"So a quiet afternoon then we are heading to Iechyd Da for an evenings entertainment" still waiting........
And it was entertaining after all.
And I was getting a bit paranoid about how often I need the loo but s'evening I only went to the loo twice while I was out, so paranoia is paranoia


So first thing s'morning we headed to Wilko's and bought some containers so I can take my medicine on't plane going to Belfast. Apparently they have a 50ml limit so....
Then we went to gym and did my usual "loadsa exercises"
So a quiet afternoon then we are heading to Iechyd Da for an evenings entertainment
But when we headed out I had on my new FES connectors which arrived yesterday and hadn't been used b4. I was nervous but they worked, as good as new so I now know that the FES is fully functioning


So reading this article about how poohing is wrong for all of us, well, when I lived in a bender I was poohing more properly, apparently

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Out To Carmarthen

So we headed off into Carmarthen tonight, and didn't see much, closed shops, out of business shops and about 7 passers by. All night

Damn It

So as we are going swimming today I thought "I'd better go here and here and get my stuff out ready. But it is so far to walk!!" but then it occurred to me that walking anywhere is therapeutic, exercise etc so I shouldn't complain too loudly
And we went swimming. It was quieter than yesterday...... oh what fun we had, it's finished for this week now

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Alex said....

And I said to Alex "Do you want toast or oven chips with your scrambled eggs for tea tonight?" and he had to say "Ah, I like scrambled eggs but my wife got 4 chickens last week, we had an omelette then, scrambled eggs for breakfast next day, boiled egg for lunch, fried eggs for tea, I just really don't want eggs again......

Nipped To The Shops

So then s'afternoon we nipped into Wilko's and picked up some Duck Fresh Disk's loo disinfectant stuff (noisy link)

Not Gym Today

And as they messed up Bank Holiday swimming we went today. It seemed full of kids, we thought ½ term was just one day but perhaps some of them have a week off


And I poured milk onto my muesli and mouthwash into the tub with my right hand today!!!!

Monday 25 May 2015


And because I was doing various "stretchy chest" machines earlier my chest hurts like a very....... thing now.


So me and Timmy went to gym, not swimming today, and he commented on my chest hurting etc and because of that we went and had a go on the hand bicycle for the first time in ages. Just wow how much easier is that nowadays.
Then we went on to another 'stretchy  chest' machine then a bike 

Bother (B*m)

And I have just had a chat with Timmy during which he said "Ah, but your FES is broken, so I think walking out would be a bad idea, lets go to gym"
And the postman to bring the replacement bits won't be here 'til tomorrow, bank holiday today.....


And last night I actually had a dream that I remembered. I had a dream that we had gone to look at some kind of record player device, I agreed that it was nice but I wouldn't buy it until I had heard it, but then I paid for it anyway, before heading home without it........

Sunday 24 May 2015

Second Coat

So "he" has driven me to the shop and is now busy giving the back door a second coat. In a bit he will move on to the front

Saturday 23 May 2015


So t'other day I was bathing with a potentially under charged battery in my 'getting out of the bath' devices (1) and I was paranoid that it was taking ages to lift me out of the bath but today it was fixed and it took just as long
(1) The plug had been knocked out at some point in the night, it was recharging

Change Of Name

So Alex has changed his name to Timmy. Or the other way round. Or summat. It said on my diary that Alex should be here at 10 s'morning, but at 4 minutes to 10 Timmy pulled up in his car

Friday 22 May 2015

First Coat

And GGtGG got stuck in today, prepared the paintwork then gave both doors a first coat with the new paint that I had to buy t'other day.
He will give 'em a second (and hopefully final) coat on Sunday when he is working next
(Another view on Saturday)


And I made my usual Friday night tea of Na'an Bread Pizza and Chips and it was lovely as a very......

Proteiny Lunch

Then I had my new baby bel cheese with lunch, as instructed by Denyse

Gym Class

Then I had my 1 gym class. It was surprisingly easy even without my FES on. Because of that I was pushed in on my 'chair but I stood up for the rest of class
But the muscle memory that my FES has created is incredible, frankly

Friday Feeling

So start the day with trip to Aardvark then my weekly gym class
And I went to Aardvark and spent loads. But as it stopped working yesterday I had no FES on, but I just walked everywhere no problem. I feel tired now but I still know I can walk to (and around in) gym

Thursday 21 May 2015


Then Freya came down later and was well cool. She ate that pasta and stuff that I had cooked and complimented me on it's loveliness

Odd Shop

So after fixing the internet me and Timmy nipped to Morrison's, then to Tesco's as they had run out there.... So t'other day Timmy was discussing my diet with Denyse and she was a but insistent "More protein" so we were looking for a selection of mini cheese treats which we did find in Tesco. So 2 mouthfuls and it's gone but I need it every day, apparently

Hectic Day

So today we have a technician coming to fix my 'chair, to put some "prevent it falling backwards" equipment.
Concurrently Timmy will be fitting the new wire on the internet, so it will be even faster...
 So the 'chair fixer arrived at 9 s'morning, fiddled about said "Nah" and arranged to try again next week

Wednesday 20 May 2015


Then we went to swimming pool. I had as much fun as usual but it is incredible how much progress is being made in this getting better malarkey


So s'morning we started by going to the doctors and picking up my script, then walking across the way and down to the chemist. Waited 20 mins then left, with a bagfull of medicine. IIRC it is the first time that I didn't use my 'chair for any part of the journey, I walked all of it.
Then we drove to Aardvark where again I walked from car to shop and just picked up some pasta sauce, as Freya is coming tomorrow when Timmy will be here who doesn't eat my food, and I cooked some last week and put half the chopped up veg into the freezer, so everything else is here, ready

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Force Of Habit

So I am travelling about in my wheelchair as it's evening. So I zoom about with my right foot stuck out in front and propel with my left foot. But NO, my right foot works now, I should be using it. But force of habit....

That's What It Is

And while we were out we were passing loads and loads of a flower that I asked Timmy(?) if he recognised it t'other day and he said "No", but tonight as I was with Alex, and he said "Horses like it, it's called Hedge Parsley (1)" (as he feeds his wife's horses so knows about that). According to the interweb it can also be called Cow Parsley so they must like a nibble of it too
(1) Amongst other things e.g. Queen Anne's Lace

Oot For A Drive

And we nipped out for a drive. Turned off the main road, turned off again, I have no idea where we were but it looked good. And the rain stopped there too

What A Morning

So first of all we went to the hospital and drove round and round the car park and couldn't find a space.
So we drove off to gym. And got there too early so it was full of schoolkids having lessons. But pushing between them I managed 4 weight machines and a 20 min cycle
Then we tried hospital again, it was much quieter by now so we managed a parking spot and went in to cue for the blood sampler. Eventually he saw me, had some trouble finding a vein again, but succeeded in taking my samples which will be sent off to the testosterone Dr.

Monday 18 May 2015

The Internet

Megaweb, suddenly out of the blue tonight


And we are nipping to t'pool today.......
And strangely enuf, I did various exercises first then Timmy said "Breast stroke action, like we did last week", I was puzzled but in the end with a weight/float in each hand and my legs just doing a front crawl action, with a support round my chest I did not one, not two but 3 lengths trying to make my arms move strangely sideways (noisy link)

Sunday 17 May 2015


Just been looking at Google Maps around Carmarthen and it is just WOW, how posh can computer software be, holds so much information....

Dinner Tonight

So we are having my usual Saturday dinner tonight, roasted veg, as we had the first pasta I have had in years last night
Fark, I love that dinner, it was delicious.....


And while we were out in the daylight Paul said "Good lord, a bruise on your head" and yes, there is one just to the left of my mohawk from t'other night


So s'morning Paul came in and handed over. Then he made a cuppa and passed me a pack of Oreo Cookies which were rather nice. Then we nipped off to Morrison's and did my weeks shopping, very little was required, but we did notice that the Go Bars (healthy snack) were half price so I brought 7 packets home instead of the one per week I normally eat

Falling Backwards

And it is still astounding me, t'other night when I fell over I was able to get myself back up, from on the floor to on my feet with no problem

Micro Sleep

So I woke up s'morning at about a quarter past seven, thought "No, too early to get up" and lay there. I was thinking gord nose what and next time I looked at my watch it said 7.35 then at 7.37 thinking "I will get up at 8 as normal". Next time I looked at my watch it said 8.15, I must have micro slept the last half an hour

Saturday 16 May 2015

Haven't Made This For Ages

So for dinner tonight I asked Ed "Roast veg or pasta?" and he replied "Pasta" so I got stuck into chopping veg and grating cheese etc and even tho I haven't made it for ages it was reasonably lovely.
AND I have got half the veg I chopped in the freezer now so it will be even easier next time


And I feel a bit wonky s'morning but no bruises from my fall over last night.
I think, on reflection, that GGtGG had to rearrange the room and pick up my wheelchair etc but I was more than capable of picking myself off the floor, which I wouldn't have expected myself to be able to do, so perhaps I am less fscked than I give myself credit for

Friday 15 May 2015

Fell Over

Well after being so drunk that....... tonight..... I went to the loo, had a crisis, fell over backwards...... had a MOS pulling..... I said "Do it like this" and managed, I was scared but managed..... got back up on my feet


So we went up to't pub but Jo (the neigbour) didn't show up


And what do we have for tea every Friday?
Yum yum it was
And I "did" loadsa washing up while it was cooking but there is still loads for GGtGG to do, loads.
Because it is not a heat frozen food dinner at a guess I should just get used to it

Making Friends

And we are off to't pub tonight to meet up with my beautiful neighbour and her hubby who have lived here about 2 weeks longer than I have. We met them last week and she said "Next Friday" so go about making friends locally etc etc


And we are off in a bit to my one class at t'gym each week. Wish me luck.....
And to some extent it was inspirational. I did say to Sam how much I don't like the class but.... and she said "But you can see how much good it is doing you", how right was she. She did also comment on how my right arm is no longer going into the holding baby position when I am doing some exercises which it used to. She also told me how I inspired one chap to come and keep exercising. He had had a stroke and thought he had got as well as he could so was gonna leave class, one day he saw me walking in and said "He used to be wheelchair bound" and realised that there is hope for us all


So we went to Aardvark s'morning, had to pay to park but..... So we went into Aardvark, did my usual shopping and then, when we were ½ way to the till I thought "No, pasta too" so we bought some pasta, some veg and some organic tomato and chilli sauce so next week we have another meal that is properly cooked (OK, not made from scratch but better than the frozen thingies I have been serving). So next week, I cook pizza one night, roast veg another, scrambled eggs another, then the pasta and nonsense a fourth night so a minority of frozen food, only 3 night

Friday Feeling

So shopping in a bit
And practicing typing this on my new phone...

Thursday 14 May 2015


So after a brew s'morning we headed over to gym. I did some lifty weights and astonished myself that I can now just do one of the arm exercises, I really used to struggle with my right arm but now it is so much more equal. Then I had about half a session on the bike because I was trying too hard and exhausted myself. On the way home I walked up the stairs in't gym to make up for it. Down in lift, up stairs and back down in lift to head home

Wednesday 13 May 2015

More Shopping

So after my nap we went shopping, looking for a bigger washing up bowl, one big enough to actually take a plate flat. We found the tape, measured the sink and the old bowl. First of all we tried Wilko's but they were all as small as my existing bowl. So then we headed to The Range and after some looking found one that was 1cm bigger than the sink. But Alex said "It's tall enough to be out of the sink" and when we bought it and brought it home it is. And the plate fits in it flat

Another Busy Morning

So first of all me and Alex headed out to buy a screen protector for my phone. First of all we went to the recommended shop, they had loads of protectors but not one for the A5. So then we headed market-wards as it was market day and in the end found another shop, she thought she had none but then found one. Because I was being charming she cleaned off my screen and fitted it, which was nice.
Then we nipped to the 'wimming pool and did my usual exercises and lengths. It was too busy to swim breadths so I couldn't try swimming on my front but.......

Tuesday 12 May 2015

My New Phone

Does this work then? 😑
Well it does work but you can't see the smiley I put at the end of the line, but it is proving itself capable of everything. Samsung A5 it's called
Lordy. I have stopped playing around with it long enough to go on my PC for a play. I seem able to type pretty well, even tho it doesn't have buttons which I am very glad about


Good lord, so I am having a Timmyday today. So s'morning we went to gym, on 2 machines for half an hour, then we nipped to the O2 shop and hummed and hawed then decided to get a Samsung A5 phone. Then we came home, ate lunch and every minute since before I finished we have been getting stuck into phone. I am still confused etc but Timmy said "Just play with it" so....

Monday 11 May 2015


So then we nipped out to buy more Sweet Potato Oven Chips but first of all we went to Farm Foods, as I was confused, but we got some frozen food and ice cream there then headed to Tesco's where we just bought the chips we wanted


Then we nipped to B&Q to buy a small tin of (very) expensive "painting metal" paint to do the door numbers and a tin of emulsion to paint around where that goes and over the door etc etc


Then after lunch Sarah Davies the physio came to see me and did balance tests etc, my berg balance etc

GorgeousGertrude (SexySuzanna?)

So LusciousLinda came and did my feet s'morning. She has been all over since 7 o'clock this morning, I can't imagine having my toenails cut so early but I suppose some people have it dun in't morning before going to work for the day


So I went to bed at about 12.summat last night and stayed in bed until 8 am s'morning, no loo visits. I did need a pee when I woke up s'morning, I went to the loo, started, carried on, and carried on...... and carried on some more. It was an enormous pee. But it hadn't leaked out at all last night or owt

Sunday 10 May 2015

More Reasons

And because my timetable for tomorrow is full of Georgeous Gertrude (or Luscious Linda) coming to cut my toennails we headed for Morrisons. And bought bugger all as my salad is ready to harvest here.
But the electricity seems to be properly fixed s'afternoon, it's working

Power Cut(s)

And I got up s'morning, said to GGtGG "What's that beeping noise?" he said "The router?" and then we discovered that the light wouldn't come on to help us look, it wasn't working either, no lights, ah we've had a power cut. He was boiling a kettle on't cooker while I went to the fridge to take out my cereal, when I opened the fridge the light in there was working, power had come back on, everything was working again
Then half way thru my muesli it went off again
And half way thru my coffee it came back on

Saturday 9 May 2015

Roasted Veg

And we had the usual Sat dinner of roasted veg tonight with 2 differences. I put most of the veg on to roast for three quarters of an hour but added 1 red pepper (chopped in 4) and a floret of broccoli 20 mins before I took it out and it was extra delicious
And I did all the chopping for cooking with my right hand

Hot Water

And it occurs to me, in the bath, that any time of day or night I just have to turn the hot tap on and it comes.
Any house that I lived in with my parents or later alone or with a partner, in any/every house you needed to light the fire or turn the immersion on. 
See these modern systems...

In Town

So we nipped to Carmarthen to buy some printer paper for "them", so then I said 'Push me around town' so we explored from one end of town to the other
On the way around town I met one of the wannabe singer/guitarists from..... Folk Club. She stopped to speak to us and did comment that when she first met me, a year or 3 ago that my speech wasn't as clear then, whereas nowadays it is as good as most peoples. Which was good to hear, because the people I speak to most are "my staff" who have practised listening to me so they can't really say if it is clearer or not. So not only was it good to meet someone that beautiful, but she made me feel happier about my speech
Not that I can shut up nowadays, practicing you see...
And while heading around town we called into Nomads shop where I wish my brother hadn't bought me so many clothes (from Belfast), when they wear out I will have to replace them from here. And I knew the woman who was working there which felt a bit strange

Friday 8 May 2015


So we went to my local pub tonight. When we got in there was one other person playing the fruit machine. Within 3 minutes of arriving a coachload of chaps looking for food arrived followed again by 5 or 6 locals who came round and chatted with us. Noted was my neighbour from half way up the street (no. 40) who I was flirting with as her husband had fallen asleep on the sofa, they had been to another pub first

Friday Fun

So then we went to the usual Friday ritual of going to proper class in gym, with Sam.
It does my head in as I am so much better but still struggling with what would have seemed like minor inconveniences this time last year, but they are still big struggles


And we went and spent loads on loads of food in Aardvark s'morning. It was quick, leaving home to leaving Aardvark was only half an hour apart


Timmy will be pleased

Thursday 7 May 2015

Moishe's Do

Then tonight we headed out to see Moishe's do, to fund raise for her trip to Canada. Basically there was an ongoing auction of various goods and services that had been donated but I was way too tight fisted to be involved in the hundreds of quids being raised. Between times there were various muso's and entertainers who were also well worth it.
I sat next to Julia who was there with Freya and also saw Stuart and loadsa folk that I don't know as well but have met before. 
The beautiful woman who was due to work for me but couldn't fit it in was there too

Waste Energy

So GGtGG and I were talking and I said "Wot?" he said "Have you never heard of..." and I said "No"
Talk about wasting energy etc


And as me and my chap got stuck into the crossword together today, I had done about 50% of it before he arrived and we finished the complete crossword s'morning.
They call this one "quick", it is much too difficult for us normal chaps.....


And as I am walking today I am making the special effort to bend my right knee just a fraction after I have put my right heel down. Which is making a big difference, walking is easier/better

Wednesday 6 May 2015


So we are going off swimming in a bit before coming back and awaiting the wheelchair fixer chap who is gonna fit some don't tip over backwards bits to my new chair
Well that was strange, I was thinking my right foot/leg is better but I can't say how/why but then it occured to me, getting into the pool I was able to use my right leg to get me down the last long step getting in, then when I was getting out I was able to use it to do the opposite. For 12.summat years my right leg hasn't been that capable but today it is
But we just beat him here, he was 25 minutes early so I was still eating my lunch when he arrived, he fitted a tip the chair backwards up a kerb device instead of what I expected, but I am pleased anyway, it works and makes it easier to push me

Pooper Scooper

And first thing s'morning the phones stopped working, I thought "WTF ?" Then realisedd the internet was down too then a few minutes later it all started working much faster

Tuesday 5 May 2015

New Router

And there has been a surprisingly large number of gadgets which won't work until I have enteres the password for the new router, eg printers, blog etc


And I finished my new book t'other night, I did enjoy reading it, so I got another few tonight, see how they go

Shopping AND gym

So we headed off to Wilko's (2nd time in 3 days, I know) and I walked in and carried my heavy basket with 6 mouthwashes, back to the till all by myself. No help was needed even tho I nearly cried out for some, loads
Then on the same trip out we went to gym, and walked in despite the wind now being so strong, and did my strength exercises

Monday 4 May 2015

Nipped Out

Then 'bout dinner time we headed down to Farm Foods and bought some more oven chips and a few Cream Egg lollies


So in a few days we hopefully have the "switch on the uber-broadband" and the next day I am scheduled to get a new mobile phone
Dunno, I might keep this one, and pay a lot less as it is paid for. Just paranoid about being able to get everything that I use this phone for on my new phone


So we (me and SP) headed to gym today. I said "No swimming, it's half term" but when we got there the pool looked empty but 4 under 8yo kids had passed us as I walked in so it might have been busy in 10 minutes. So I did 20 minutes on the bike and then 10 minutes on the rowing machine. SmallPaul was just astonished at how much better I am generally
It is frankly astonishing being able to use the rowing machine tho, I just couldn't a while ago

Actually Reading

So I have bought another book for my Kindle and, this is the third or fourth I have got in the last week or so and the difference is this one is actually readable, I am enjoying it. The previous ones lasted 5 or 6 pages before closing them, this one is excellent

Sunday 3 May 2015


And for dinner tonight I baked a spud and baked some Quorn Sossiges later. With the tattie I had some real butter and a corner of grated cheese. Mmmm, it was well lovely, and dead simple

Bank Holiday Tomorrow

As it's a bank holiday tomorrow we had to nip to Morrison's s'morning, for an even smaller than usual shop. I needed rolls, naan bread, blueberries etc but I didn't need salad today, and by the looks of it I won't need it for a few weeks

Saturday 2 May 2015


And I had such a full on, busy, Saturday today. All day we were...
Well I did have an EdHaircut today...

Friday 1 May 2015

Garlic Pizza

So I made my usual Pizza's for tea tonight (and it was perhaps even lovelier than usual) and as is now usual I crushed some garlic to add. I thought I could taste it on most mouthfuls but for some reason on 1 mouthful I could definitely taste garlic. Dunno why, don't think it was too strong but for whatever reason 1 mouthful tasted well garlicky, I could definitely recognise the flavour

New Router

And it was posted thru the letter box while I was @ gym, so we read the instructions, it said "Connect" so we plugged it in and it wouldn't connect. So we've reconnected the existing router until Wednesday 6th when it will cease working.....

Gym Class

So I went in (walking in) to my weekly gym class. Which was as much fun as usual but Sam did comment on just in so many small ways I am a load better


And we are off in a bit to Aardvark.
But BT are supposed to be delivering my new router......
And we went off to Aardvark, did my usual loadsa shopping and the assistant actually gave me the money off that I deserve
And no BT man by the time we got back to find Timmy still working away here