Wednesday 30 September 2015


Then we went swimming again, I still can't do breaststroke under GGtGGs instruction but we did all exercises and 4 lengths on my back etc

New Monitor

So I was expecting a second hand monitor for the bedroom PC s'morning. Waiting and waiting, I thought "In 20 minutes we have gotta go swimming. Hope he arrives while we are still here to accept a big parcel" Then in 5 minutes he arrived, with nothing for me today. I thought "Tomorrow then" and then in another 5 minutes a new PO van pulled up outside the house and unloaded my new monitor. I unpacked it, said "Looks good" etc then we went swimming. Afterwards we were able, no I wasn't able to, I watched GGTGG plug it in etc and it works. Properly etc, I am a bit pleased


And I have just phoned up and booked (I have got a Hynt card now, so my carer goes for free) to see The Rocky Horror Show (noisy link) in Cardiff in IIRC February next year
"The river was deep but I swam it, Janet....."


Paraplegic man walks again with help from electrodes
(noisy link)

Tuesday 29 September 2015


And tonight (as usual) I was lying here and all the rest of me felt warm enough but the toe section of my right foot was shivering thru cold


Then tonight Alex said "Lets go out, not to Carmarthen like we always do" so we headed down to Burry Port to look at the boats etc and they actually launched the lifeboat while we were there


Then after lunch we headed out to Charlies, a kind of all sorts shop where I found summat for my Dad at Christmas. So I have been busy online too this week and I have already bought nearly all the Xmas pressies that I want


So before lunch me and Alex headed to gym and I did lifty up exercises and 20m on the bike. I did notice that on the bike I didn't need to stop for a rest, I just cycled 4 and a bit KM. I am so much fitter than a couple of weeks ago

Monday 28 September 2015

Confusing Day

And we have had an odd day, me and GHtGG doing as normal and Timmy and Mark being in the background, training Mark.
But good lord, my MOS need to know loads and loads about me


Then we headed into town later looking for Xmas pressies, found one for my Mum but nowt else


So we went off swimming today. I was really struggling to do the breaststroke, dunno why, I was doing it all properly, push off the wall, kick loads and move arms, just didn't succeed today. So I did 2 lengths of not really stroking, 2 lengths on my back and many hamstring exercises. GGtGG said "Come on then, get out" but I tried again to do a breath breaststroke, still couldn't, dunno what the issue was

Getting Easier

So because I am going swimming today I carried the half pile of washing out of my room to leave by the machine, I will fill it up later when we come back from the pool. But today I walked on two feet, walks stick in left hand as usual and the box of washing in my right hand. Just phwoargh, how much better is my tight hand? It seems like no time since I had to wheelchair out of my room in order to carry half a box of washing etc

Sunday 27 September 2015


So s'afternoon we headed to The Trostre Shopping Center in Llanelli to try and find some stuff for Xmas. I found summat for my parents and f. all else
Apart from some wrapping paper.

More Reasons To Shop At...

So s'morning me and Alex went shopping (noisy link) as I finished last weeks salad yesterday. They only had 1 pkt of granary or brown baps, I had to buy a packet of white too

Not So Urgent

So while I am having my breakfast s'morning I do need a pooh but it is not so urgent today, I can eat my breakfast and drink my coffee and do the washing up first
Back to normal.....

Saturday 26 September 2015

Right Hand

And cooking dinner tonight, I had to chop "some" veg to put in a pasta sauce, a red onion, a courgette and a big mushroom, and I took my knife in my right hand and chopped up all the veg. I did not use my left hand at all
Until It came time to eat......
And I am just walking about the kitchen when preparing food. No stick, no chair. I do walk slower with no stick but I can do it


And Ed the hair cutter (and....) is working again today
But most mohicans don't consist of grey hair.....

Nipped Out

And we nipped out to Wilko s'morning to fetch more "kitchen cleaner" stuff and staff bog rolll etc.


And s'morning I got up at about 10 to 8 and immediately went for a pooh before my breakfast. That's different to usual

Friday 25 September 2015

But I Can't

And I spent ages today farting about with video files. So I made some .mp4 into much smaller .avi files, tried to put them on my website, couldn't. OK, went back and tried to put the .mp4s on, still not working. So I had almost given up, looking again and again for answers on that Interweb when I came across summat which said "Your bandwidth will cost too much, put it on youtube" and 'Doh, of course', that worked


Then Sam did my head in (more than usual) at gym, I was on the stretchy thingy and she looked at me and said "Just crawl backwards" which I just did. Then we were doing various balance exercises, lifting each leg in turn, then each hand etc
It was just really strange, doing stuff that I would have said "No, impossible" tio even a couple of weeks ago


So as usual we went shopping in Aardvark s'morning and found everything that was on my list

Thursday 24 September 2015

Oogie Woogie

And it was as entertaining as usual at Iechyd Da (noisy link). As usual Timmy didn't approve but I liked it


We live in a ridiculously capitalist world

Washing Up

And I did the washing up after lunch today as we are going out to Caffi Iechyd Da tonight

Cycle... to the moon & back

So in gym s'morning with Timmy I repeated the cycling 8 km thingy. I was obviously lazy, it took me 25 seconds longer today than t'other day. So yes, I didn't have a rest until I had already cycled 4 km, which used time be a total session involving 5 or 6 rests. That was the only test, that 1, in my 8 km today

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Farm Foods

We were in Farm Foods tonight buying more tea/coffee/sugar for the staff on my petty cash card when I glanced at one member of staff and nodded "Hello". She saw me and immediately came over. She said "Remember you asked but we didn't have any? Well we now sell Sweet Potato Oven Chips"
And I think they might be nicer (as well as cheaper) than the ones I had to buy from Tesco

Good-ish News

And Alex has just announced that as he is full of the cold we can't go swimming today. So hooray etc but he is gonna take me to gym for loadsa exercise machines as I just went on the Tour De France yesterday
And I went in and did loads of lifting exercises. One of them, lifting straight up from the shoulder, I was only able to do 3 or 4 times last week (because my right arm is fscked). Today I was able to do 18 lifts. I am just getting better in so many ways

Tuesday 22 September 2015


So I wasn't skiving today when I forgot but after Alex reminded me I got stuck in and did my sara-cises for the afternoon

Alex Mender

And Alex got stuck in with a hammer and the filing cabinet in my living room now shuts properly like it hasn't for a week now
So ta Alex....

Tommy Ducked

So today we went to gym and I got on one of the exercise bikes. And I cycled further that I have ever cycled on an exercise bike, 8 km (autoplay video, noisy) I did, I used to struggle to reach a few km
But yes, I am Tommy Ducked now, but I don't have too much to do s'afternoon

Monday 21 September 2015


And I used the first section of my spraying deodorant today. I wouldn't say "No problem" as I need to think about using it especially spraying it with my right hand but it worked. The future is now......

Swim A Long Way

So today in the pool with Timmy I swam 6 lengths breast stroke. And my right arm is much more able to do the strokes, keeping in position etc which it wasn't doing even last week
6 lengths, I used to struggle to do half a one

Sunday 20 September 2015

Small Ways

Lordy, I am still improving day by day in small ways


And there was a lot of fun had by folk on the Ixion do, oop in Yorkshire this weekend. I think I may go next year (more mobile etc) but dunno, it is such a distance away

Ha Ha Ha

Oh dear. These are just 2 of many but they got me......


So I was sat at the dining table at lunchtime realised that I had forgotten summat from the fridge. So I stood up and walked to the fridge without using my walky stick, I just left it on the back of my pushy trolley
I am so much better/more confident now


And today I got it together to not just look at at and actually burnt some incense, but I was right, my nose is too fscked to actually notice a difference


And we are gonna watch the first Wales game in the rugby world cup in a bit....
And I had to just watch the first half then bath/nap etc
So it started with Wales losing....  then it went on to them losing even more, but then Wales got back in touch and in the end they won by 40summat to 9 points or summat

Saturday 19 September 2015

At Cinema

So "we" were outside the cinema today and they are advertising one of my chat up lines as the name of a picture that's coming next week


And as I forgot to buy milk in Aardvark yesterday we had to nip to shop today. I thought shouldn't waste fuel just buying that so we went to Morrison's instead and got my weeks shopping that I was gonna do tomorrow


So s'morning I updated my iPad and it said "Password" and scared nine sense it stopped working altogether. Luckily Timmy knew how to reset it then I have spent a happy hour reloading my apps etc

Friday 18 September 2015


And we went out to my local pub to watch their big screen of world cup tonight
And England won the first match of the tournament.....

Fame And Fortune

So someone at gym today said "Have you seen The Carmarthen Journal this week?"


Then I went and did an exercise class with Sam. Again it is hard to say why but I am better than last week. She did say to me that next week we can start getting about on the floor and generally doing exercises while I am down there because my confidence, my ability to get back up, is so much better than it was a couple of weeks ago


So we headed to Aardvark first thing s'morning and bought not quite as much as usual as I still possess loads of veg that I bought last week. I checked it all s'morn so I can confidently cook it over the next few days

Thursday 17 September 2015

Popped Out

Then s'afternoon we popped into town mainly for a nosey but while we were there we bought some more clean myself scrub that I use every day in't bath

Furthest Cycled

So today we went shopping in Aardvark (to get some upstairs stuff) then in next door so Timmy could have sum breakfast (while I drank a cuppa tea) then we went to gym where I did 6 km on the bike, the furthest I have cycled in some years
And I am knackered afterwards

Wednesday 16 September 2015


So after Gorgeous Greta the Foot Fairy comes to take some money off me, me and Timmy are going swimming again. See how this breaststroke is coming along etc
Well she came and really impressed me with how much better the overgrown toenail on my right foot is looking now, again she cut well into the overgrown bit, making it smaller again
Then I went and did my swimming. It is a bit strange, doing breaststroke the right hand which on Monday was turning itself over has pretty much stopped, it is just doing what I tell it. So in between exercises and stretches I swam 4 lengths breaststroke. Which I couldn't do before my accident

Tuesday 15 September 2015

A Long Way

So today we headed to gym and I just got on a bike, and cycled 6.3km in the next half an hour.

Monday 14 September 2015


And I am reading once more. A book that was donated by an Ixie called Chernoble by Frederik Pohl. It is a serious long book but I have just finished the first quarter and it is mind boggling. A big disaster has occurred and noone is any the wiser. Yet


And today is a fscking 'wimming day.
Hooray etc he said sarcastically
Right. So what is Timmy doing differently than Gareth?  He said "Do this..... and make sure you do it like that" and I immediately swam 2 lengths of breast stroke


And today I am a bit impressed with the FES. I haven't had it on yet today but already my right foot is nearly being perfect. Walking into have breakfast I was hardly having to level it at all, it just does it by itself now

Sunday 13 September 2015


So Sunday..... we had to nip to Morrisons before lunchtime as I had run out of salad but that is the only exciting thing to happen today
OK it wasn't very exciting but.....

Saturday 12 September 2015

Early(ish) Bath

So I had an early(ish) bath <at the time I am supposed to every day> so we will be ready to head to The Cwtch about tea time
Which was a bit excellent if a bit muddy. Chappy soon realised that pulling me backwards, if a bit unsettling, made wheelchair progress possible


So he has won the Labour party leader election

Confused Conference

So me and Alex had a conference about heading to The Cwtch. I thought it was starting early so there was gonna be all kinds of bath/nap issues but actually it will be s'evening before "proper" bands get on so we won't go til then

Friday 11 September 2015

Friday Dinner

And what do I cook every Friday? AND tonight I cut the end off a red pepper so we had that too, pizza with onion, mushroom and red pepper. And garlic, with chips
And I experimented with using cling film to wrap the rest of the pepper tonight

Busy Day

So as well as my usual Friday busyness, Aardvark, gym class etc, today we have to nip down to the Dr's for a testosterone jab about nap time s'afternoon
Well we have done the Aardvarking, no problem. We were able to leave the wheelchair in the boot and walk in, it is still in't boot after we came home to put shopping away. In a bit it is off to gym, then lunch, nap, and testosterone jab in quick succession 
So we nipped to gym and again I am astonished at how much progress I am making. I am in bed for a nap but I didn't have time for a bath. Dr's. in an hour
And that was actually more scary than painful. She got me to stand up, took ages and ages to fill the syringe as the gloop is thick so I was becoming more unable to run away which I wanted to. She eventually stuck it in me and it hardly hurt at all. So PHEW

Thursday 10 September 2015


So we went "out for the night" and drove around until it got dark, then we went into my local and had a couple of pints there. With no wheelchair, I just walked in etc


And just wow. How much stronger is my hamstring after doing her exercises for half a week?


So me and Timmy (who now weighs more than me BTW) went off gymwards and did some leg stretching exercises. We tried an AbCruncher machine but I really didn't get on with it.
After the exercises I did nearly 4.5km on the bike in 20 mins, my fitness is going up in nearly every respect

Fark, what's going on?

I thought I was doing well, walking 20 yards outside today but for many folk that is not far enough


So s'morning I walked outside to get my food waste bin back into my possession. I walked out to get it, down and up the slight hill. No problem. A few weeks ago I would have done it but see it as a problem. A few months ago I would have headed out in my wheelchair and fetched it
I am getting better, sometimes it is hard to notice by how much but I am

Wednesday 9 September 2015


Relief for some of us


And we are nipping to the swimming pool in a bit......
And we did it, it went OK. Doing loads of stretchy exercises etc. I did try breaststroking a width as it was less scary than a length but no, still no

To Docs

So we had to go to the Drs to pick up my script for asthma medication today. I thought initially leave wheelchair behind but as GGtGG said "Pop to Wilko's too" I brought it. So I arrived at the Docs, walked in, got my script, walked to the chemist, got it and walked back to the car.
I was only in my 'chair when we were in Wilko buying some bleach

Tuesday 8 September 2015


So I saw one of these so I felt obliged to purchase one of these


So I couldn't be vulgar to Jane today. We drove straight past the gym, I said "Where we going?" and he (Alex) replied "We talked about taking a walk today, s'morning". Oh yes, I had agreed but forgotten, so we were out without my wheelchair etc.
We drove for about 25 minutes until we arrived at Saundersfoot. So I got out of the car and walked off. We walked around in a circle, along the beach walk then up through the car park and back along the street.
We were out of the car, walking, for 45 minutes. He said "Wanna sit here and rest?" twice but no, I stayed on my feet, walking for 3/4 of an hour

Monday 7 September 2015

And Hooray For Getting Fit

And in an hour or so we are heading down to the swimming pool to swim
And breast stroke I just couldn't do it today

Quick Shop

Then s'morning me and GGtGGhad to head to a disabled persons shop by the railway station and pick up another cover for my in bath seat device

Sunday 6 September 2015


So tonight we have ended up in Yr Hen Dderwen eating puddings and drinking hot chocolate

More Sara-cercises

And doing my hamstring exercises today I notice how much further I can lift up my leg, after 4 days of exercise


So Timmy is here today and tomorrow. Before lunchtime today we need to head to Morrison's (noisy link) to buy some vegetables etc
Which we did, no problem etc
No, on reflection it's GGtGG tomorrow, sorry for being confusing

Saturday 5 September 2015

Squash For Tea

And the main ingredient in tonight's Roast Veg was Butternut Squash which I bought last week and prepared today. What a fscking performance. Ed had to help me cut it up, I tried and tried and just couldn't manage. It was delicious but I don't think I will cook it again. Well not soon


So today I did my Sara Exercises for IIRC the third time. And already my lifting up muscle has got stronger, it is easier already

After Lunch

Then today after lunch/during my lunch I decided to try and see if the news was a bit more cheerful. It was still all about the crisis but the news was a bit more positive, talking about how folk have been able to move to Austria, instead of saying "They're stuck" so it was the first piece of news that I was able to watch to the end since last Wednesday or Thursday

And Today

After yesterdays crisis the news today is still full of crises and dead babies etc

Friday 4 September 2015

The News

And every time I have seen "the news" today it has been full of eastern crises, dunno, I can't watch it, it makes me wanna cry....

For Sara

And I had my first session of 'Doing what Sara told me' so I did loadsa exercises to make my right leg stronger at the back. So I lay down and GGtGG strapped the weight onto my ankle....


So we went to Sam's Gym Class over lunchtime and just wow, how much am I still recovering years after my accident


So we nipped to Aardvark and walked from car across the road and in. There I got everything on my list, no problem etc
And Paul was so impressed with my French carrier  bag that he took a pic of me holding it

All The Better.....

So yesterday as Sara was leaving I went outside to wave and saw my neighbour who called across "How r u? I know, all the better for seeing me!" and Sara said "You say that to someone else do you.....?"

Thursday 3 September 2015


So Sara the physio came today and did loads of exercise walks etc. Without my stick, sometimes she held my right hand to keep me more upright and sometimes not.
Then she did some Acupuncture which I had to leave in my arm and leg while I drank a cuppa tea and had a piece of Timmy's Birthday Cake eating and drinking with my right hand, as I couldn't move the left
And then we did loads of exercises to improve ...(?)... my quadrupeds.  I had to lie face down on't bed, someone would attach a weight to my ankle then I would lift my leg backwards, bending my knee


And I was watching a video about refugees and I actually started to cry part way through it
Some peoples lives are shi*ter than sh*t

Wednesday 2 September 2015

The Parrot

And we went out to support a local business and it was a bit quiet. Only one muso showed up so he/they gotta play all night.
He was quite entertaining but a bit of variety would have been good
BUT I did stand up at the bar all night. Well no, I sat on a bar stool for about half an hour, stood up for the rest of the night

A Hacker

I have just come in, turned to my blog and there was an entry there that I hadn't posted. I have deleted it but my security has been compromised.
HELP if you can suggest owt
Dunno, I have changed the password, for the first time in ages, just dunno


And we are blinking swimming again today, apparently the kids are back to school
I said "No, not til next week, not all the schools are back yet" but the staff laughed at my excuses, so....
Well it wasn't too bad, quietish pool and I did my loadsa exercise

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Busy Morning

So first thing me and Alex headed into town to the post office*. There I posted Freya's shoes back to her mother who can return them once she gets back and Alex posted a parcel for his wife, an Ebay sale
Then we headed into Morrisons to pick up the freebee I had been emailed about, a bit disapointing
Then we headed to gym where I did loads on various machines, no music distracting me today
* No longer on King Street, they share with W.H. Smith now