Thursday 11 August 2016

Different Shopping

Just wow. So today Timmy said to try shopping at Morrison's before picking up the veg and it took us about an hour and a half less than last week. Dunno why so much, quieter roads, quieter shops but there you go. So I suspect that my weekly shopping list has changed order
But I nearly had a crisis. I unpacked all the veg, put it away, paid for it then got ready for lunch. But there was no salad pack with the veg. Crisis, I was about to go back to Morrosons and leave my coffee to go cold when Timmy looked at the bill and said "There's no salad on here, have they forgotten?" when I remembered, "No there is more grown in the greenhouse" and went and picked today's salad. That is gonna be the arrangement for the week, I didn't require a refund or owt