Friday, 31 March 2017


So Which? mag sent me a link to a speed test today, my speed is OK, innit?

With The Gorgeous Teacher

And s'afternoon I went to Sam's class for the only time this week. Again it is becoming more possible, I can just do it now (well, most of it) Sam commented at the end how much better I am getting every week which was nice

Iechyd Ding

So last night we headed down to Iechyd Da (noisy link) for their folk night. We were there earlyish again so we could get the good seat and it stayed empty for ages. Then it was standing room only, suddenly it filled right up, nearly had to close the door and say "full". I thought it was as excellent as an excellent thing, as usual

Thursday, 30 March 2017

More Busyness

Then we popped to gym and I did 6.5km (of the 10 I was supposed to do) on a bike. Again after 4km I upped my speed loads and that is possibly why I was too knackered to do any more. I need to find a half way in between speed


Then after morning stuff me and Timmy headed into Iechyd Da first of all, fetched the veg and said "See you later" as we are going back to a folk night tonight, then popped to Morrison's and bought the milk and yogurt I need etc

Spring Time

And I didn't switch the light on in the kitchen when I went in to have breakfast s'morning

Wednesday, 29 March 2017


So we went Aqua Aerobicsing s'afternoon and it was... hard work but different hard work to last week IYSWIM

For Agnes

And in the current Terry Pratchett novel that I am reading a bit made me feel a bit strange

Get Out

So it's Brexit morning today....

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

She's Done It

So she has signed and sent the letter that officially starts Brexit...

Light Later

And tonight it is not getting dark until a quarter to eight.
It seems like a few days ago when it was properly dark by 5


Well we went and had a session with Sara. Dunno what to say, we were doing the usual difficult exercises but they weren't as difficult as they were last time I saw her

Hectic Day

First of all Denyse and the rest of the team are coming in to discuss me in some way, then me and RoyGBiv have to head to Pyle, Bridgend to see Sara the Physio after I have to say ""Bugger orf and let me have an early lunch"
They are all here now, so I am sitting out of the way and leave them to it...

Monday, 27 March 2017


So tomorrow morning Denyse is coming here followed by all my staff. They are gonna have a meeting about me then I need to throw them out of the kitchen so I can have an early lunch then me and RoyGBiv need to head off to be at Sara the physio place of work by 2pm

No Swimming

And we have no swimming today as we have to head east to a Headway Swansea meeting, what fun we shall have but it's better than the pool
So on the way there I thought to myself "How does one open a conversation?  I used to do it with any/everyone when I worked in the pub but can't now" but met a new woman and asked her the right question and she talked non stop for about half an hour. Right, so I need to ask them the right opening query

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Quiet Morning

So I got up s'morning, put my bedding in the wash and have been sitting out the front reading in the sunshine most of the day since.
I think p'raps after lunch we will head into town for a therapeutic walk....
RoyGBiv did say that when we were in town yesterday we were in amongst the busyness of The Merlin's Fair and he was impressed with how I now deal with crowds etc when I am on my feet
No, as Roy was so busy first of all clearing up tiny weeds from between the tiles out the front and then busy making my bed it is now time for napping.  Dunno, perhaps we will want to head out after nap but then I will be busy cooking
No, overcooking veg to the point of burnt-ness I was

Saturday, 25 March 2017

I am getting better

Well it is just becoming much easier for me to pop across the kitchen to do summat without even thinking "I need my 'stick".
I am getting better....

Merlin's Fest

So me and RoyGBiv popped into town for a walk today and were presented with musicians, clowns, jugglers all kinds of street entertainment. So we wandered about for a bit going "Wow" then popped home for lunch and popped back to watch some more. I was a bit too gobsmacked to remember to take many pics but I did take a few

Friday, 24 March 2017

She's Back

Then I had a gym class actually with Sam, she's back. Again it was hard doing it but I think it was easier than last week


Well we drove into town and parked nearly outside the toenail-chopper and went in, lordy this was a different service than the calling at your house one we used to use, she has got more machines and a steady hand. She took away about 70% of the left big toenail but it feels better now, as well she took away hard skin etc so I think it was money well spent

Thursday, 23 March 2017


So tomorrow first thing me and MM have to head to the Carmarthen toenail chopper on Lammas St in town for them to cut my toenails

Train Sign

And after the terrorist attacks t'other day today on Facebook I saw a sign from a railway station in London which is showing the spirit that we all need

To Where?

Then after an early lunch we headed off to the bowling in Swansea. On the way there Timmy said "So where is it we are heading?", I said "I dunno, that's your job"..... so first of all we called in to the first bowling place, no, nobody there, we got back in the car and drove for a bit to somewhere else, still no sign. So we shrugged and drove back, stopping in Carmarthen for me to buy a bun for Timmy to say "Ta for not taking me to the gym today" and then came home

Busy First Thing

So first thing s'morning me and Timmy first of all popped to Iechyd Da to fetch my organic delivery. Today we got a parking space in the closest spot of all so I was able to accompany Timmy to do the fetching veg.
Then, before going home, we popped to Morrisons, this week we didn't need to top up the organic order for the second week in a row, it had all arrived. 

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Didn't Drown

Well the Aqua Aerobics was a bit harder work than usual, they had a different series of exercises but I did as much as I could. There were a load of new clients today too

Busy Morning

So s'morning first of all we had to head to B&Q to fetch a strimmer as the two that had been donated to GGtGG the second one gave out loadsa smoke and sounded poorly so it couldn't be donated to me.
Then we popped to The Range in town to fetch 4 more cereal bowls, dunno where the existing ones disappeared to but they have nearly all gone
Then after lunch I got changed into my swimming trunks and tomorrows clothes then in a bit we are heading to Aqua Aerobics

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Out To Play

And we are going out to play tonight
Ooooh. Well he was on stage, said "OK, Neil, what do you do?" so I replied "Rehab...", he said "Why?" and I told him how I was knocked off my bike years ago, I have been in a wheelchair until a couple of years ago..... etc.... and he said "Wow" and got the other 50 people who were there to clap me and I dunno what to say
And someone was sat at the next table to us, she said "Remember me?", I could but couldn't remember and she worked in the Leonards Cheshire centre I used to live in


So we headed to the gym over lunchtime today. RoyGBiv said "20 mins on bike" but as I feel that my shoulders were a bit wonky I tried various pulling and pushing exercises b4 getting on the bike for "10" minutes. 15 minutes later I got off.
And I did notice that I no longer had to stop every 3 or 4 minutes to get my breath back, I am just so much fitter than I was. OK, I still have a long way to go but more fitter than I was

Monday, 20 March 2017

Demi Baguette

So then after dinner we popped to Farmfoods mainly so I could pick up a few more baguette pizza's and a few more frozen foods

Didn't We Do Well

Well we did it, went swimming. We got in the pool and I did 8 lengths (the days target) straight away so I could just get into doing the rest without having a worry hanging over me.

In The Morning

So as I am gonna have to take off my FES and change into tomorrows clothes before we head to the pool s'afternoon we headed out early to the Docs at the end of King St to fetch a 'script
Which we have done, got changed etc and ready and waiting to go to the leisure centre swimming pool

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Walking About Town

So we headed into town today and popped up Merlin's Walk to Savers where I bought 4 cheap packets of tissues(27). From there we walked back to Lammas St then across and down thru town, towards the old Aardvark then back up to the car. We weren't really sightseeing but it is therapeutic for me just walking around town
(27) But GGtGG bought about 6 items
I also spent 3 quid on a pair of trousers from a charity shop, they said if it doesn't fit bring it back but if I do have to I will just tell them to keep the few quids, it is for a good cause
Well, I had my bath and got dressed s'afternoon and I am now wearing my new trews, (new pic) no belt but not too tight, a "perfect" fit he said somewhat luckily

Saturday, 18 March 2017


Then after lunch we took loadsa rubbish from the garage and my old mower to the tip. We had loadsa stuff for 2 reasons. 1) When I moved in here I said "Keep that" about everything, and 2) We didn't know if I was going to buy this house so we kept loadsa boxes etc in case we needed to move again


So s'morning me and GGtGG need to go to B&Q and pick up a new lawnmower and strimmer. Just a cheap electrical two, which I will have to pay for from my account, not Petty Cash. Then we will go and drop them off at a "renew accessories" place where hopefully they can give them a useful second life and we need to drop a pair of trews off at a "send them to a poor country" place, I had this on my list as "charity shop" but someone was a bit scathing and said "As you are out......"
Well we just popped to Oxfam to donate my stuff and then headed to B&Q. There we got a pre displayed mower that was half price, so quite good buying I think. GGtGG announced when we were half way there that he thinks he has 2 strimmers given to him by dead relatives so he will hopefully bring one in next time he is working, if he doesn't it's back to B&Q next weekend

Friday, 17 March 2017

Na'an Bread

And we had the usual Friday night dinner of na'an bread pizza and chips for tea and it was as wonderful as usual
And stress stress stress I do the washing up now but by lord it is as dull as.....

Proper Class

And I am off to the proper Stroke Class @ gym after an early lunch today, and Sam is hopefully back from her holiday today, she wasn't there last week
Bitter tears. Her return flight couldn't take off for ages so she was stuck, the class had to be taken by a chap that hasn't been involved in my therapy for about a year and a half but he was impressed with how much better I am nowadays.
According to chap her flight has landed on the way home but she was still travelling on way back. So we will see her next week

Thursday, 16 March 2017

To Go Where

Then we headed out to The Warren, the place that I hadn't heard of until they accepted my delivery of organic veg last week. But ooh wasn't it busy and nice. We got the last seats at a table (on a Wednesday night!) and were surrounded by folk drinking and eating some delicious looking food. Timmy said "Me and my missus will come here to eat soon", it looked that good
We only had one drink there, after that we headed to my local and had a couple of pints there, we decided not to try Iechyd Da gig night


And we went to the place that we went to to collect my veg last week and it was very busy (full of people playing games or eating loads) but after 1 drink there we headed to my local and had 2 or 3 pints there which was a bit special


And the FTP program that I use to set up my webpage had a sulk today. It said "Connected" but just said "Uploading" for ages without actually doing owt. Eventually it did work and I was able to do a page very slowly then later I did another page and it was quicker by then. Hopefully next time I use it it will be properly fast again

Dun That

Well s'morning we popped and did the shopping things. Then over lunchtime we popped to the gym where I did various arm movement exercises then 1500 m on the rowing machine. I didn't feel that I was going so fast but it was still the quickest I have ever done that distance in
And for the first time in some time everything organic I had ordered arrived, their suppliers are obviously being well behaved this week


So first thing s'morning me&Timmy need to pop to Iechyd Da to pick up my veg, to Morrisons (noisy link) to get the rest of the weeks shopping and to the gym to do...... gord nose what. Perhaps I need to try the upsteps thing again, without falling off it this week

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Destroy The World

So after drinking out of my new cup just once I was getting the bowl out at bedtime to put my muesli into with milk overnight, when I picked it up and didn't grip it properly.


GGtGG seems to have the extra job of sweeping up behind me, loadsa bits of broken crockery most of the time


And we popped to the Aqua Aerobics class and it went an well as can be expected. I am definitely getting better, generally and specifically at the exercises there

A New One

And the posty brought a replacement for one of my broken things s'morning

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Bicycle Races

So me and Timmy headed down to gym so Timmy could sit looking bored while I cycled 10km. Ho hum. So I did 5 and then said "Right, that'll do, lets go" but Timmy was insistent that I might be "The Boss" the rest of the time but he was in charge telling me to get on with it cycling

Useful Products

So I was glancing at a shopping website s'morning and came across such a useful product that someone has made and sold
I need one

Paid For It

So t'other day Timmy txt'd me to say that he had made the booking with the toenail chopper for next week, and he had to phone them and hand me the phone so I could already pay. Dunno why, perhaps just 'cos I am a newbie, hopefully next time it will be afterwards

Monday, 13 March 2017

My Novel

And in the book that I am reading ATM the heroes are locked in a prisons camp because they have advanced psychic powers.
And s'afternoon I am going to a Headway meeting, which makes me feel a bit like the characters in that novel, "I shouldn't be here, why am I here?"
Actually on the way there I was having a bit of a "Why?" conversation but the chap we were playing the game with was actually interesting. He was saying that after his stroke he has trouble with names and numbers, his brain usually works OKish but when he has to remember eg how much summat costs on the way to the till he can't. He was all in favour of the Headway group and exercises which made me a bit uncomfortable

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Being Nagged

After Sara The Physio (I think) was nagging me a few weeks ago I have been practicing standing straight up, not doing it to one foot forward and one half the way back which I had to do since I learned to stand up again.
Yes, it is much more difficult but practice makes it easier. I need to move my bum slightly forward in my chair but then I can do it with no hands holding on etc, it is much more like a normal standing up action

Rest Of Red Stuff

And for dinner tonight we had the remains of the red stuff we had with pasta last night with baked potatoes tonight and it was even nicer.
Yum yum but it is all gone now


And we popped into town today, parked a bit along King St, walked along, off the end to the old town hall, walked all the way down there, across and back up past Caffi Iechyd Da back up to King St and the car. It was relatively long but easier than last time I tried

Saturday, 11 March 2017

I'd Forgotten

So I stopped watching the football about ¾ of the way thru as the result was fscking obvious and I knew MM needed food quickly after so we ate and both said "Yum yum" as I had made another pasta and red stuff c/w herbs and garlic etc, THEN MM said "Wanna go to this bingo then" which I had forgotten but we were late and they were only playing the last 3 games, which I so didn't win, then we sat there through the raffle call out which we hadn't been offered. But it was nice to see and be seen kind of doing my bit for the community

Staying In

And after a relatively nice morning when we did nowt it seems that that walk we were planning for s'afternoon might be damped out


So I went to the fridge today and got 2 ingredients for the dinner I am cooking for tonight. 2, so in 2 hands, so I had no hand to hold my walky stick.
And extra therapeutic, I walked to where to put them, got out my camera, pressed "self timer" and rushed back halfway to pose

Different Noisiness Outside My Bedroom S'Morning

Baa baa they went

Friday, 10 March 2017

Watching Rugger

And we are going up't the pub tonight to watch Wales and Ireland play in the rugby.
I think I am a Wales fan but I suppose it depends on who wins
BUT first I need to do the weekly unhealthy dinner of na'an bread pizza and chips for tea
Ooh, didn't Wales win after an exciting game


And I am off to Gym Stroke Class with a different teacher than usual this week. I bumped into her t'other day and she said "Sam told me to spank you" meaning be hard on me but I just said "YES PLEASE"
Well I did it. It was as hard as every Stroke Class has been but that is obviously good as I am getting better and better but it doesn't feel very good anyway

Neighbouring Fans

So are they cheering for Wales Or Ireland tonight

Do They Know Already?

So I was looking at the 6 Nations website s'morning to check what time the match is on tonight and the score seems to be on there already.
Oh, but a bit of further reading says it is the kick off time tonight

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Going Where

And Timmy said to me today "There is a gig at Pembroke Castle, the Bootleg Beatles and Bootleg Beachboys, playing, there is access to a disabled part, with a loo........" so we booked it for me and whoever is working on that date to go and have fun!!! Their new Pettycash paid for their half and mine paid for the rest, apparently it is a going out therapy so...... So it is in future, the 15th July but waiting now....


Then after we had brought the shopping home and put it away we headed to the gym. First of all I was walking quickly upstairs (after a long conversation with Timmy about how I walk better when going slower but it is supposed to be a cardiac machine so just go fast). I was due to do 10 minutes and I decided to pause after 7.5 mins to catch my breath but I just pressed pause and stopped walking. The machine stops more slowly so I just was thrown off down the way. No bad injuries just a small cut on my shin

But I did climb up 12 flights of stairs before falling all the way down
After sitting down to catch my breath for a couple of minutes I went on a rowing machine and did almost loads but I objected a bit because my hand is no longer working as it did before as I had a Botox injection there last week
So generally it was a bit of a disaster but I survived

Busy Morning

So first of all s'morning we were lucky enough to find a parking space across the road (a disabled space) from The Warren which my veg was delivered to as Iechyd Da is shut for a week. Actually first thing I got an email from them saying "Your veg has been delivered" and I was rather impressed with the place generally. So next week (when not so busy) we will head down to a games night and see how it is
Then we popped to the Drs to fetch my asthma 'script
Then (more) we went to Morrisons and bought the rest of my shopping, including "stay cold" items which is why we went to Drs. first

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Different Aerobicist

And today there is gonna be a different "teacher" in Aqua Aerobics, but the class before us has been cancelled, obviously she is busy doing summat else then
Well it's done. It was as much fun as usual with some novelty exercises etc. But it was done another week

Tuesday, 7 March 2017


And we are nipping off shopping s'afternoon to try and find more joggy bottoms. Yes, they don't look the best but they are elasticated in the waist and as I am loosing more and more weight I am sick of belt/braces. This time we are nipping to Matalan which (GGtGG thinks) is where I bought my last pair
Well we got a pair for £8. I didn't try them on as I had all my FES on etc but I will try them on in't morning when I get changed b4 swimming class, so if they don't fit I have another 27 days to take them back. I think they do tho, they seemed rightish when stretched over me etc. The receipt is in the hall waiting


So I said to GGtGG s'morning about how I would much rather go for a long walk around town instead of cycling for 10km, like MUCH, but he said "No, it's so therapeutic, go cycling".
So I did it, progressively going faster and faster instead of starting too fast which made me have to finish unfinished last week. Anyway it took me me 42 mins to complete the distance

Monday, 6 March 2017


But first of all me and MM need to go to the swimming pool for my weekly session, not a class, just a session
And it went OK. I was a bit nervous as I felt strange in the pool last week but no issue today. First of all I did my 8 lengths, which I would have found too knackering even last week to do them all at one go but my fitness is increasing loads. MM said I looked much better, less red and panting when I finished it too which is good


And we have to go to the doctors s'afternoon and tell him that I am feeling lightheaded/dizzy when I get up/lie down too quickly
Right. Dr listened, took loadsa tests, took more tests, said "Erm...." and then basically told me I seem healthier than he has seen me, wait and see. get back in touch if it gets worse but just wait and see, he hopes it will get better by itself

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Out For Dinner

And as Timmy said "Can we go out, please" we headed into Pizza Express and had a 3 course meal for next to nothing

Cheep Cheep

Noisy Birds again


Sunday bloody Sunday
(First link noisy)

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Washing My Back

And when my MOS was creaming my back every day I had noticed that they needed to do more at the top LHS, the one part that I can't reach with either hand to wash. So a couple of days ago I re-started using the brush on a stick to clean it. And even though I have only done it twice so far I think Timmy had to do less creaming at the top LHS today

Lets Go Out

As it's a quiet Saturday, let's go for a walk. But it's raining like fsck, perhaps not
And on second thoughts someone is coming soon (18 deliveries away) to deliver new ankle weights, which required a signature
Only 14 away now.....
And it arrived when I was in bed, Timmy had to sign for it

Friday, 3 March 2017

Friday Night Dinner

So I had the usual Friday night dinner of na'an bread pizza and chips for tea, it was as delicious as last week. But as I have been "doing the dishes" all week I got stuck in, there was extra bowls etc from grating cheese and 2 oven plates but I just did it all. I even did it all, looked round to check and had to get the floor sweeper out to pick up some bits of detritus, but I did it all.
So I shouldn't pay my staff as much as I have taken over one of their rôles?


And today I am heading to the only gym class I do every week
Well I did it. It was nearly as hard work as ever but I am slightly fitter than last week so it seemed a touch easier. MM did comment on how much easier it all looked but that was because I wasn't skiving


And so last night I was trying to stand just on my right foot, balancing. I was trying to last for 10 seconds as I couldn't even manage 2 seconds last time I tried but I managed roughly 9 seconds this time, which is a big improvement

It Worked!!!!

And this morning my hand is more stretchable already, my fingers are stretching without bending over already
And I tried writing with my right hand, it is still difficult but only half as difficult as yesterday

Thursday, 2 March 2017

I'm Off

And I'm off to bed early tonight as I had to have a too early nap today so I could be up and off to the Botox clinic so I am half asleep already


So here we are waiting in Neath/Port Talbot Hospital. Tra la la
Well that's done. After a bit more waiting they took me in and said "Hum" and "Ha" about my wrist then decided in the end to inject for just my wrist which is what I thought they had been asked to do, gord nose. So they had to stick some needles in and test that they were injecting into the right place and then they said "Excellent, tara". What they had injected me already?? Wow and it is dun. I've got a form that Sara has to fill in and send back next time I see her

Strange Day

So as usual on a Thursday morning it is nip to Iechyd Da to pick up my delivery of organic veg then to MoreReasonsToShopAt..... to fetch the rest of my shopping, then after lunch me&Timmy have to head miles east so I can have another Botox injection in my arm
Apparently loadsa women use Botox to hide their wrinkles but it is purely functional for me, I am so ugly there's no point in vanity to that extent

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Reading Again

As I finished my Terry Pratchett novel I am sat outside trying to get into another new book

Aerobics, Aqua Style

So today we have to head over to Aqua Aerobics class to do loadsa exercises etc
"Oh what fun we had....." (noisy link)
And they signed me in etc but failed to tell me that she is off sick today and there is nobody to take the class. Which I found out after I got changed and in the pool. so we did various exercises then were the last to leave