Monday 14 August 2017

Video Crisis

So I saw some folk on the news taking videos with their mobile phones and thought "Yes, I...." and first of all got stuck into trying to sort out my posh camera. After about 3 hours I ended up again on the video settings menu, in the end I asked MM "HTF.....?", he looked, said "Scrap all the alterations, look, and press that small red button next to the picture button". Aargh. Then I spent another 2 or 3 hours trying to put it on my website, loads of different ways, none of which worked, then summat called out in my head "Youtube, there is an upload button at the front....". So in the end I sorted it, and took another similar video with my mobile phone, well no, I took many, upside down, wrong side up etc, in the end I figured out how to do it properly