Saturday 30 September 2017


So tonight we popped off to my local and had a delicious pint (or three), from West Yorkshire (noisy) apparently


And we popped into town s'morning, parked on Lammas St and walked up past the old Town Hall to King Street. Walked along there into the theater where we bought tickets to see Phil Jupitus and the Cinderella panto at Christmas

Better and better and better......

Marginally smug, how far can I walk with no stick these days

Friday 29 September 2017


OK, so this week instead of buying a Morrison's na'an bread, as it has got smaller and smaller week after week, I bought some other brand of na'an bread, still from Morrison's but not theirs. It was much bigger than the usual ones so we couldn't fit 2 together on the big oven tray but I managed to fit 3 trays in the 2 shelves of the oven. And it was fecking rather nice, nicer than usual. But difficult to cook, lift it all out afterwards and wash it all up. But I managed

Hip Hip Hoo-Fscking-Ray

So it's the only day of the week where I go to a class at gym, so it's the Stroke Class with a very desirable teaching person
And today, for the first time ever, I was doing the step up and back down exercise without holding on with my hand. The first time I have been so balanced

Thursday 28 September 2017

Get Lost

So s'morning we don't have to pick up Organic Veg at Caffi Iechyd Da as they are closed for a week but today it will be at The Warren which I have been to before even if I can't remember exactly where it is
But having just Google Mapped to show u the links here I can now recall
Well we popped in and got the veg. Then we popped to Morrison's to get the rest. Then we popped to the Post Office Sorting Center and picked up the parcel that I was out yesterday when they delivered it and I had to sign for it. Then we went to the gym where I did 3km rowing faster than last week. MUCH faster, like 3 minutes or summat
Then we came home and I had some lunch

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Cheap Shopping

Then we popped out later and stocked up in Farmfood's, really cheap food, my freezer was looking a bit empty

Après Stress

So after such a stressful morning and hoping to hell that I bought the right oven for my kitchen I had an early lunch as I am going to Aqua fscking Aerobics s'afternoon.
Oh what fun, can't I say "I am too stressed to go"
Well that was fun. A decent workout was had and I actually managed to do the holding on to the wall with both hands and kicking thingy by holding on with one hand and propping myself with my right hand for the first time ever

What A Morning

Well, I seem to have bought a new cooker/oven type thing. Lawks and lordy.
They will deliver it next Wednesday and fit it (for an extra £90 but they need to). They were offering to take it away for more cash but I said "Naah" as GGtGG was volunteering to take it away

Tuesday 26 September 2017


And then we are going back to The Men's Club at Ferryside. It was OK last week, lets see what I can do this week
Change Of Plan.
So I was cooking tonight I opened the oven and it all got a bit tricky. So I don't think I am in the mood for being sociable

Oh What Fun We Had

So here I am going mad on the scary bike machine, another eight and a half kilometers to go.....
And I sedded after 7km that was enough, I wanted to call it a day and scary chap went "No, they don't pay me to let you skive" so 1km to go ATM

Monday 25 September 2017

Trip Out

So we went out to re-familiarize myself with the route to Mynydd Cerrig (Where I used to live) which we found, but the road there was closed so we had to take a long way round there and back. So I did recognize Mynydd Cerrig but didn't recognize the way there or the way home. Which was kind of why we took the trip


And while we were out last night a strange woman came up and talked to me. She remembered me from being in the hospital years ago, her sister was in the same ward. She did say how good it was to see me walking about, back when I was in hospital most folk didn't even think I would survive.
How have I proved them all wrong


So we are off to Headway at lunchtime today...... not swimming in the pool
And it was a bit odd today. We didn't do any "Playing games" just sat and chatted to one of the founders of the club for a couple of hours

Sunday 24 September 2017

I Want One Like This

Oh please, I do

From The Guardian tonight

Getting Dark

And it seems to have been getting dark a lot earlier than it was yesterday for weeks IYSWIM


So we went out s'morning to get more coffee for staff etc. We parked up opposite Aardvark and walked from there up past Debenham's to the top of the shopping center, back down and back out then back past the car to Wilkos to fetch some cleaning products etc (redun map picture, again!!)

Saturday 23 September 2017

New Job For RoyGBiv

Ohhhh, I was a bit impressed with how he did s'morning so he may have a new job, cleaning the windows


And that Toby chap is coming from England to see me and his mum today
He rode down on his motorcycle.....
Just lordy. First of all Toby was late because he had "dropped" his bike. Aargh, crashed? Fell off? Aargh, they are so scary and dangerous..... No, he had been standing next to his bike, parking it at Julia's and had literally dropped it. Apparently he has never fallen off so .......
Anyway we popped to the pub in the evening and Toby bought me some pints, he has a job now, he is a grownup

AND my staff were talking to each other s'morning and commented on how the
conversation with Toby just went. There was no awkwardness, no 'what shall I
say', it just went. Which is well different than "last year"

Friday 22 September 2017

No Longer Scary

And by now I am better enough after my fall (over a month ago) that I am no longer scared of going to Sam's Stroke Class @ gym which I will be at 2pm today
AND I noticed yesterday (it was the first time I have consciously noticed) that my coccyx is no longer hurting. Phew etc
Lordy yes I am as functioning as I was before my accident, in some ways better but that's just progress. But again when we were standing still and doing various exercises I just ditched my walking stick to the floor and tried all the exercises unsupported

Thursday 21 September 2017


And I got a bit confused trying to sort out my bookmarks etc as t'other day I stopped using Google Chrome as my web browser and got onto a not spying on me one, but I had to cry "Timmy" and he came and told me what to do to sort it out


More Evidence of how much better I am after I recovered from my fall

Usual Thursday.....

So we have the usual Thursday Morning on, to Caffi Iechyd Da to pick up my organic veg, then to MoreReasonsToShopAt.... then me pop to gym and do sum exercises.
Then we have lunch and catch my breath.....
And I have got to say "Missing you next week already" to Caffi.....

Well Timmy had to run down to get the veg while I was sat in the car in the middle of King St as there were no parking spaces and no one coming down the street behind us. So he did say "Missing you next week" from me. Then we popped to Morrisons and did the rest of my weeks shopping. SO after putting veg away etc we popped to gym where I did my 3km cycle quicker than last week etc
Then we came back and ate a marginally late lunch 

Wednesday 20 September 2017

What Fun.....

And we are off to the Aqua Aerobics session today.......
And as we didn't queue up to see the attendant on the way in, just did the waving card at the machine, the machine didn't say "No aqua aerobics today", we didn't find out until after we were changed and heading for the pool. So we had a swim anyway but it wasn't the same

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Off Out Tonight

Then after dinner tonight we are heading to Ferryside to try and find the Men's Shed which is some kind of doing stuff together club. Dunno what to expect, wait and see.....
Well. that was good. Everyone was quite talented but friendly, chattable which was nice. So I spent an hour going "I can't...." but then I got stuck into cleaning off a 1940's machine which is now a lot more useable
AND I spent two and a half hours standing on my own two feet!!!

Ride A Bike

So I am in gym riding a bike ATM. See if I can do all the Km it sez on my diary
Well that was hard work. But I did it. Thought "Lordy, I am so knackered I will stop at 5Km". Reached 5 and just pushed on, until I made it to 10Km

A Misty Morning

Monday 18 September 2017


And I am off to the swimming pool today, there's nowt on to distract me. And I am going with my PT Professional Swimming Instructor, Mark.
Just sing HOORAY, I am looking forward it so much (he said sarcastically)....
And "Oh what fun we had....." redone link now

Sunday 17 September 2017


So we went to the pub tonight and I didn't have any spirits

Saturday 16 September 2017


Someone* didn't study Latin at school but they still knew this
Dunno what to say......
* Roger Collier


So you should listen to some poems from the PunkPoet



Aargh, I have just received an email from that Stu-rit saying he usually goes to Men's Shed on Tuesday evening, which would suit me more than today so I suspect a change of plan has occurred

Friday 15 September 2017

Tomorrow Morning

So.... perhaps..... but what to do when I am there?

Isn't She Lovely......

So we headed for one of Sams Stroke classes and just "ooooh" I am getting better in so many ways now. For a start I seem to have fully recovered from my drunk fall a month ago. For a second during the class when we were doing various 'stand on one foot' type of exercises I left my walky stick lying on the floor next to me and I was able to do all the exercises (loads, about 15 minutes worth) by standing and lifting both legs in turn etc.


And I have just finished the second Terry Pratchett novel in the series and what can I say. Yes, it was a good, interesting read but being able to read books again fills me with joy. For so many years I couldn't.....

Raining Again

But I can't take a good photo that will catch the visible raindrops

Friday Morning

Oh dear. So we are off to Sam's Stroke class @ gym today.

Thursday 14 September 2017

Thursday Lunchtime

Then we headed over to the gym and I did a faster 3km cycle than last week

Thursday Morning

So s'morning we have to pop to Iechyd Da to fetch the organic veg delivery and then to MoreReasonsToShopAt.... to do the rest of the weeks shopping

Lovely Day...

So an hour before we are out to shops etc this weather is doing the "showers and sun" thing to the extent that it is really showering ATM.....
And the bin men came and left my food waste bin outside the front door, I popped out to put it away and it had stopped raining. It has started again now.......
And sunny a couple of hours later

This Weekend?

So I might try this this weekend. As Stuart sez he goes, just turn up and see what you make of it......

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Clarkin' Bell


from Da Gruniad

Sitting On It

And today I popped out to my front garden and sat on the bench reading my Kindle for a bit. It was the first time since I landed on my coccyx 4 weeks ago that I have sat there without a cushion protecting my a*s, and it was fine, it didn't hurt my bum as much as making me stand back up immediately like it did the last time I tried


Then after lunch we headed to Aqua Aerobics and I have got to say a bit of "Wow". Because I used to have to hold on to do the balancing on your right foot exercises but today I was just standing in the middle and I was able to do all the balance exercises


So s'morning we had to pop out to the Pond St clinic where she just checked that my feet were OK and trimmed the nails while she was at it. Because I knew she was doing this I had no FES fitted, I just walked like a proper person.
Then, afterwards, we had to pop to the Drs to pick up my 'script, still just walking unaided. I was a bit impressed with how well I managed, I had to walk slower and with more attention but I managed

Mixture Of Weather

So 10 minutes ago it was raining heavily but now it is sunny under a 50% blue sky

Tuesday 12 September 2017


So today first of all we need to pop into town

Monday 11 September 2017


So here I am sitting in a Headway meeting in Swansea playing number games. Which I won the first one of and came well last in the last game

Better @ Walking

So last night I hadn't had a drink so I felt brave enough to walk from my bed to the loo (and back) without my walking stick.

Sunday 10 September 2017



Jump Break?

Does it wurk like this?

We Can But Hope....

Can we?

I AM Getting Better

And 4 weeks since my falling over drunk disaster I can finally walk on both feet with no stick again.

Reaching my fridge from the table, a brief walk, but without my 'stick

Saturday 9 September 2017


Oh dear...

What's For Dinner

So Roy commented that I was cooking while he arrived s'morning, but it was worth it. I switched the pan back off at lunchtime and back on when I put the spuds to bake to accompany it tonight and it was lovely. I think that A) My sense of taste might be getting slightly better and B) My cooking skills are definitely improving, so the veggie nonsense that I cooked was f-ing lovely. Tomorrow we will have that with pasta for tea as Roy is here tomorrow too
And he liked it too, complimented me on it as he finished

YES, mended

And last night I cooked na'an bread pizza and chips for dinner. I had to open another drawer in the freezer to take out the chips and it worked!! The freezer drawer is fixed!!

Went Out Last Night

So me&Mark went to my local last night. It was the first drink I have had there since my disaster a number of weeks ago (When Mark had to pick me up off the floor). I knew I wasn't going to finish off on spirits last night but I was still nervous.
No nervousness was needed, it all went according to plan

Subtle Ways

For a start in the bath I put liquid soap substitute on my right hand in order to scrub my left armpit. I used to have to do it quickly and carefully, and not put too much soap creme on as it would run off, I couldn't get that hand into the correct position. Used to, I can now
And today I used a tin of plum tomatoes, crushed up the can before disposing of it. And it was the first time since my accident where I used my right foot to crush it down

Friday 8 September 2017


So me and MM went to my local pub tonight. It was fine, some beer, no spirits, no falling over afterwards etc, it was just proper

Back To Her Class

So after an early lunch today we are off back to Sam's STROKE class. Again I am still so much better than last week so hopefully I am back to my routine of making myself better....

Thursday 7 September 2017

Popped Out

Then we popped out later today to the mobility shop by the railway station to pick up new ends for my cane. I already had 4 ends, but they were cream, not black like the "new" cane


So first thing today first of all was popping to Iechyd Da to pick up my delivery of organic veg, then we popped to MoreReasonsToShopAt..... and got the rest of my weeks food. (Mainly na'an bread and milk)
So then we popped to gym, did 3km of cycling which did hurt my coccyx some but not as much as last time.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Is She Back?

So we will head to the 'wimming pool at 2 o'clock and see if she is back, Aqua Aerobics again now the kids are back to school
And yes she was back. I had as much fun as ever but it is a bit strange, how different are my capabilities than they were 6 weeks ago?

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Still Getting Better

Lordy, I am still improving. Whereas last week I was stuck to my walking stick, today.......

Missing Her Already

So today I had the last physio session for 3 months. As I am getting so much better.......
(Missing You Already was written on the envelope of the card I gave her to just say ta for helping me so much. Written with my right hand!!)

Monday 4 September 2017

Still Dead Pleased

And I am still outrageously pleased at being able to do summat obscure on my website
I feel so clever......

Nipped Out

Then we nipped out after tea to Farmfoods to buy more Garlic Bread&Cheese and more Chocolate Ice Creams just cos......


So as it is the last day of the school holidays today we didn't take trunx to the gym but as we entered there was no-one in the swimming pool..... Anyway we popped upstairs and did loadsa machines, various exercises, both leg and arm then last of all he said "Want this or this?" so I tried the walking upstairs machine and it was actually OK, I did 5 minutes

Sunday 3 September 2017


Lordy, so I put up a webpage and next to the link there was a link to a mobile phone version (As it couldn't display pics properly on phones) . In the end I did summat that displays either version automatically depending on what you are looking at it "on/with" (The wonky version, not phone friendly)
Oooh I feel so clever....

Getting Better

And I am still getting better after my fall 3 weeks ago. I can now walk with no stick forwards and backwards. 3 weeks later!!!

Home Bargains-ing

Then when between showers of rain s'morning I went and fed the birds (there have been oodles of tits eating recently) I gave them the last of the seeds that I had here so we popped to Home Bargains and got another load

Saturday 2 September 2017

Trip Out

Then after the mist had faded s'morning we headed out to let Timmy get the feel of the new car. We headed west, parked overlooking an enormous beach and took a walk about

Misty Morning

While this photo isn't the best I have ever taken you can see how misty/cloudy it was s'morning when I woke up

Friday 1 September 2017

Opened It

And I had pizza and chips for dinner tonight, it is a regalar Thursday/Friday dinner and the only day of the week when it is necessary to open the "chip" drawer in the freezer. The drawer that MM had to do a serious repair on this week. But to his credit the drawer just opened and closed again when I was finished
So big ta to him

Fetch It

Well the phone rang twice when I was in the bath today. Afterwards I looked at it and it said a Carmarthen no. So I thought...... who?.... and dialed back. It was the Toyota Garage in Carmarthen saying "Where are you, your new car is here...?"
Aargh. Much confusion and unpacking of boots etc then we popped into town and swapped the cars over. Just wow etc, it is so clever etc. 


So we have an early lunch today then off to Sam's class at gym. Lordy, I was getting much better last week but it still seemed that I was too poorly to be getting on with the class, again I am 17 times better than I was last week so......
Gord, yes, I am as better as a nearly back to normal person. Anle to use all the various machines again etc. Phew or somesuch