Friday 31 August 2012

2nd time in as many days

Then later on today that Freya came to see me again. I txted her earlier and said "What's going on?" she replied "Dunno" but I felt I couldn't tell my daughter "But I saw u yesterday" so we actually had quite a pleasant time

Cripples Race

And I am watching the Paralympics again on telly today, and it is so impressive. People who have beaten this 'u r a cripple' thing and are doing their own thing
Dunno whether to laugh or cry
Still watching it, just.....
"Ability not disability"


And I heard this "BRUM, BRUM" s'morning and looked out the window. There was someone on a 'bike pulling up outside. I thought "Who's this?" but it was someone looking for number 52

Thursday 30 August 2012


And we went out to Iechyd Da for a monthly folk night, met Freya there, and it was good.
2 monthly nights in a row but it was good


"And no Neil, it is not Saturday today, it's just Thursday"

Dunno why I feel it's weekend...


And while at Tesco's with Dicky I passed some txt's with Zoe, one of my best friends about 12 years ago, I haven't seen her since my accident but she is gonna drive down and meet me in Morrison's Café on Saturday afternoon. Her chap, who was also one of my best mates died when I was way too ill even to go to his funeral, so it is gonna be a bit strange, but exciting seeing Zoe again

Wednesday 29 August 2012

A Good Time

So when we arrived at The Parrot for the first of their new come-all-ye's there was only us, Clive and 2 other folk, but as night went on it became well busier, so I think I am looking forward to next months already


So this morning first of all I asked Timmy to check my car tax and it is ending June, oops. Someone is sorting it out now but be careful
Then we went into LloydsTSB and tried to sort out my accounts, we opened another current account and closed my 2 spare savings accounts. Hopefully the bank cards for the new account will arrive here in a couple of days
Because we said "Have you received my new deputy order yet?", they said "No" but basically they took the deputy off my account as I am obviously in charge of my own cash, so I will receive the new cards here

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Dat Boy

Then this afternoon a handsome young chap came to visit me. He has got to get up and go to college tomorrow so I hope it will go well

Nearly Hit The Ground

And in gym today we were standing up to practice just before we left, I stood up and toppled forwards. Luckily I could move my left foot forwards and my left hand with my 'stick quickly so I was able to catch myself, stop me hitting the ground.
My bum hasn't been right since, I nearly shat myself there and then

Gymmy with Timmy

So in a bit me and Tim are going to gym. I think today I will walk, with stick, from the car in the car park, into gym, show my card to get in then walk to gym. Timmy will need to follow me pushing my 'chair just in case...
I will let u know if I succeed
:) Didn't I do well :)

Monday 27 August 2012


And there being very little Ixion today I am watching some telly. And it is pointless, sh*t


And again I made a pasta and stir fry and stuff for dinner. The packet of stuff that I used said "serves one" on it but you were just supposed to heat it up and pour it over pasta whereas I had made loadsa veg to add.
So it worked and was lovely for the two of us

Veggie Forced?

Food shortages could force world into vegetarianism, warn scientists

AND they will make us read about it, too


And Julia's dad, Brian, came to see me s'afternoon which was a bit strange but quite good.
And he brought me 2 of these

My eye is getting better

Then today while I was eating my lunch I temporarily took the eye patch off my right eye. Looking out the window while eating I can say it is definitely getting better, much less between my eyes, the vision looked a lot more normal. Still obviously not normal but a lot better

More reasons to shop at...

So me and Ed went to Morrison's and did a small shop, I think this once a week is too much so I will try twice a week now


So it's a Bank(er) Holiday today but some of us don't get holidays, I have got no holidays, each and every day I have to work at flipping getting better.
Posted on Ixion s'morning

Sunday 26 August 2012


And for dinner tonight we had scrambled eggs, beans and (oven) chips.
Yum yum it was good
So next week I might try frying the eggs, having them with beans and oven chips.
The beans are a recent addition to me, yes I like them but I think I had forgotten about buying them, and as I always cook for two adults or more, one small tin of beans is a lovely addition to some dinners
And as we had beans tonight I couldn't find a space to add the chilli ketchup

Taking It Easy

And today I am not doing owt, resting, reading my "book", it had been so hectic that I am doing bugger all except reading until we have arranged to give Toby a lift back from Kidwelly

Gone Down

And Dicky measured my leg after creaming it, and my left leg is 2cm smaller than yesterday which is loads better.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Made your own pizza

I am sorry for telling u this but I want publicity for my idea somewhere so....
For dinner tonight I had Naan Bread Pizza, it was ferking delicious. Open packet of Naan, spread some tomato purée over it, as much or as little as you want. Add some grated cheddar then some veg, I used 1/2 an onion and a mushroom on each tonight. Cook for 10-12 minutes at 200 degrees.
Coincidentally oven chips can go in the same oven 9 minutes before. It was so easy to do and so delicious, so here I am spreading the word
Posted on Ixion

Friday 24 August 2012


And I got in touch with an old friend tonight, one that I haven't seen for 13 or 14 years. Julia got in touch with one of her kids through Facebook and passed on her details tonight
And I have just found out Zoe works as a carer, I have 24hrs a day live in carers

Splint Off

When I was getting ready for my bath I sat on the edge of my bed and started to take the splint off. ! piece of figure of 8, yep, done, one piece around the back, yep done, but I couldn't find the 3rd piece. I called for help, he said "It's just this", I said "Aha, do it up again" and undid it myself and then was able to take my splint off alone.
See if I have remembered tomorrow night


So Freya came back for her dinner tonight which was nice, she was here 2 days ago but I am so important to her... we just had veggie burgers and oven chips but there you are, 2 pizzas will be made and eaten tomorrow night


And my splint feels much lighter less like an enormous device that hurts my ankle. I have had it on since 10.30 s'morning and it just isn't hassle, so I will keep it on until after shopping later s'afternoon, no problem, no issue.
Taking it off on the other hand.... I need help with that. Now.

With Dicky

So s'morning we better nip to shop as Dicky didn't get to buy himself some lunch, when we are there we will get some staples for their collection and we may as well buy a mousemat or 7 for me
Aargh, we got everything else but forgot a mousemat

Thursday 23 August 2012

Power Cut

And I was just sitting here about to turn my PC off and go to bed when it all went dark, the power had all gone off. After about 30 seconds it came back on, lights lit up etc


And I have got sucked into watching an upsetting telly program tonight. Very strange, I have been watching it for nearly an hour now

Doom and Gloom

Is this such bad news as it looks when I first glimpse it?

I need a week off

So today we nipped to the splinters and got a radical new splint, yesterday it was radical this, day before it was radical the other
I just want/need a week off getting better so quickly so I can think about what's going on and come to terms with it all


Then we got back here I had 20 minutes to eat my lunch then I went to try out my new splint in the gym. We were 2 minutes early which was well lucky after travelling over a hundred miles both directions, having my splint fitted and a quick lunch.
So well done Ed the driver

New Splint

And we have just been at splint makers in Cardiff and now I have a premade much lighter splint which only supports my foot sideqays, not up and down. It feels much better and I can now tap my toes while wearing splint!! I AM getting so much better

Neil The-smug-Hippy

(sent from my phone)


And we are going to Dacey's in Cardiff s'morning to get my pair of new splints
No, change of plan
So Sara the physio met us there, was talking to the splinter chap about how much my ankle is better, then rather than the 2 splints that were planned I got a new type of splint that doesn't restrict my foot moving up and down(1) but does restrict movement sideways. It feels really comfortable, is much smaller and lighter and it cost £34.00 instead of £150.00 which was penciled in for the big thing
(1) I have got my splint on and can tap my toes on that foot
And it is the first stage of getting rid of my splints permanently. OK, only a first stage but it has gotta start somewhere

Wednesday 22 August 2012


Then Sam and Freya came for tea, the youngest and the oldest.
Then we gave them a lift to mummy's with Toby, we picked him up on the way.
And he told me he had his interview with college and they have taken him back, so A levels in a few weeks


Then we went back to the doctors and he was positive about how well my foot looks now etc.
We asked him about some nutritional advice and he said he would put me in touch with someone at the hospital

Better Walking Day

So after my lazy morning I walked into the kitchen, stood up to prepare lunch and ate it on a proper chair. My wheelychair is in't other room

(sent from my phone)


And the toenail cutter came and did my feet s'morning. Lord, it is expensive but I think it's worth it

Lazy Day

And I am having a lazy day today, I stayed in my wheelychair until after I had prepared and eaten my breakfast, then I ditched the 'chair next to the desk, sitting in a proper chair and I walked to open the door to my chiropodist

Tuesday 21 August 2012


And by dinner time I was in my wheelychair again but I had to stand up and stir it loads until the white sauce turned into white sauce. I added to it loadsa cheese and some precooked veg and it was a bit lovely, but for the cheese sauce it said "Grate a cupful of cheese" and I thought "No, save on washing up" and just grated some, but I couldn't see how much I had grated until I lifted the Grater out of the way, I had loadsa cheese tonight, but it tasted ok.
The veg contained loads pak choi which kind of disappeared by the time it was cooked but there you are

Gym and...

When I say taken to gym I actually meant taken to That Evil Tesco Place where I bought some digital scales which might be easier to use, then Gym. But they weigh about 8lbs heavier that my others....
But the gym didn't seem so..... I wasn't in the mood today...

More Walkies

And I woke up in a bedroom with no 'chair in it and walked out and to get my breakfast again
Then I had to put my splint on and be taken to gym, then take it off as soon as I came back. I wheelchaired thru preparation of lunch then got back on my feet for eating, clearing up and leaving the room
And I am walking to my bed for a nap etc now, my wheelychair can stay out here

Monday 20 August 2012


And according to Ed who could see me today I was walking properly, more upright and moving my leg better etc


Early s'afternoon Toby txted me and said "Can I come to yours and do some washing, and take me to the chippy too as I am hungry". In the end he came round for his weekly visit a day early and liked the food I gave him


So I am having a walking kind of day, I walked round the kitchen to make breakfast s'morning, and it made me wanna cry with stiff legs being difficult to walk etc but how else will I get better at walking? Just fscking do it, walk Neil......
And I am gonna walk to bed tonight too

Words Stuck

Then s'morning me and Timmy were puzzled we couldn't figure out what the next words were, "You took the words right out of my mouth..." but in the end this Interweb solved it

Sunday 19 August 2012

½ Man, ½ Bistcit

And looking for summat else I came across a 'Half Man, Half Biscuit' song and rather enjoyed it, there were links to loads more from the same page


Last night I was weighed again, Saturday night is my new routine. Timmy reckons, after looking twice that I am 8 pounds lighter than last week, so obviously last weeks reading was too high, I have lost some lbs both weeks


And I have found a problem on my PC that Timmy can't fix!!!!

Saturday 18 August 2012

I Robot

And fark me, but I Robot (Asimov), my current read is getting a bit scary, all the robots know how rubbish humans are.....


And I got two videos today, eventually, one on me walking last week and one of me standing up to cook. But the one of walking shows me when I was failing to walk properly last week, I am trying so hard not to be like that and the video of me cooking is Rich being well shakey of hand

Aargh, Effort

And today I am doing really well, I haven't been in my wheelchair since I came out of the bedroom s'morning, but I am fscking sick of having to make such an effort. I had my injury so long ago, shouldn't I just get better now?? "No, Neil, struggle and make an effort to get better". Swear, swear, swear (Link fixed now)


So today I walked into the kitchen, walked from kettle to cupboard etc, made my lunch, sat in a proper chair to have my lunch then walked back out of the kitchen afterwards.
Now I am going to walk into my bedroom, leaving the wheelychair where it is sitting beside my desk and going for a nap, I will walk back out later
Cooking dinner was so complex I got in my wheelychair but I stood up to cook food, then 'til about 8PM I walked everywhere


And "someone" has suggested this morning that on the Interweb I go to and there are about 12 sports channels there, you need to stit thru an ad for 30 seconds, click close, then watch eg the test match


And when I was going to the loo I had to call Timmy and I had to ask him if I was walking upright properly and not leaning over like I used ta do and he said "Yes", so :)

Friday 17 August 2012


Mmmm, and my neighbour said to me t'other night "I am gonna make a cake for you at the weekend" and came round today with a large cake and handed it to me. Me and Dicky have just had a large slice each and it is a delicious fruitcake. And we had a big slice each, there is still ¾ of it left


And as we were nipping out I put my splint on, when we came back I took it off again, as instructed by Sara


So then we nipped into Argos and bought a heavy weight lifting bar,
then went and had a brew,
then went to Waverley Stores and did some more purchasing of organic food and drink


So Sara the physio came to see me s'morning, I said to her when she said "How are you?" that to most people who ask me that I would say "All the better for...." but with her I really mean it. We did some practice walking and she showed me how I am trying to walk and how I am when my brain gets lazy.
By the end she had me walking in my non-splintified right boot too, and at the end of the session we agreed that I will wear it indoors and only put my splint on when I am going outside. As I said "All the better...."

Right Hand

So today I used my right hand to put toothpaste on my toothbrush, the first time in more than 9 years

(sent from my phone)

Thursday 16 August 2012

Sam and Emma

Then Sam and Emma came over for an hour, oh they are so special and Sam is gonna come back on his own to be fed one night next week


Then today I was able to go back to gym with my splint and boots on. I said "No cycling, not much footwork" but it worked, I went But before as I was busy over lunchtime Paul said "It's a 2.30 start". It wasn't, I only had half an hour but I do feel better for it


Before lunchtime we went to Carmel where I was taking pictures of litter etc. I haven't been for a few weeks as I was moving but I think I will do it once a month from now on


So I got up s'morning, was having breakfast when I heard my MOS having a shower. Just NO, this is wrong. When I was a lot littler my mum used to make me bath every night. Fairy nuff, but it seems to have made my brain insist that for me evening is the washing time, not before you have had any breakfast

Wednesday 15 August 2012


And the taking of my boot back off revealed just my foot, all is well, so booting to gym tomorrow

Dinner In A Bit

So in a bit I am gonna try making dinner. Tonight there will be fried stir fry veg, mixed into that a cheese sauce and pasta under it all. Here's hoping, it can't be very hard but I am nervous about preparing owt since my accident
AND WOW, it worked, it was f'ing delicious and there wasn't a single lump in the cheese sauce. Quantity wise, well, some milk, some butter, some cheese and nearly a big spoon of flour, but it worked.
So that is summat else that I have relearned how to cook, and it was easy. OK, not as easy as I would like but in the global scale, well easy

Shopping Again

I needed to go and buy more veg tonight but then Toby txted me earlier and said "Can you take me and buy food?" so together we went shopping

Right Foot

Gosh, my antibiotics are working. My right foot is now just about as thin as when I started and nearly as pale, just a little pinker, the redness has gone
And I have a check-up appointment with the doc s'morning and I don't think he will be worried etc
Well this afternoon I got someone to put my splint back on and it feels OK, so far. I am not gonna keep it on for ages but a few more hours then to gym tomorrow

Tuesday 14 August 2012


And I noticed tonight how different my right wrist looks than the left, they were obviously too busy trying to save my mind to bother with a mere broken arm


And this afternoon Julie came up with Ruth's son Athan in tow, not with Toby. Because Toby didn't feel very well s'morning, but he perked up and me and Timmy went and got him, and they all stayed for dinner, a curry with 2 of my chilli's from the garden my Trug added

Lot less swelling

And my foot still looks red but it is a lot less swollen now

Poorly Gym

So I went to gym s'morning but as I had no splint on I wouldn't stand ior walk so it was a bit.... but it went OK
And I think that my foot looks less swollen today so I might be weating my splint again by gym on Thursday


So Dicky got up before me s'morning and was just having a coffee to start his day, so while I was eating my breakfast I found some research into why he needed it too


Well my foot seems better s'morning, still red(ish) but less red and less swollen since yesterday

(sent from my phone)

Monday 13 August 2012

No 'Lympics

So tonight as there's no Olympics on I dunno what to do in the evening. I didn't used to be obsessed with 'telly but I might be now

Welcome Back Dicky

So Dicky came back today and showed me loads of pictures of his new tiny, hairy baby. Just AWWWWW.
Then Dicky took the advice that was given to Ed last night and took me to the Drs to show him my swollen foot, it has gone down a bit since last night and the Dr said "Come back on Wednesday"

Sunday 12 August 2012

Bye Bye Olympics

So I been sat at my PC for an hour with the Olympics playing in the background and I have been singing along to tunes I know from the 70's and 80's loads. So have they made it an old tunes night for parents like me to go a bit emotional??

"Life's a piece of sh*t, when you look at it" has just been playing

Posted to Ixion at 11.10PM


And my right foot swelled up today, so we nipped to A&E s'evening, they have given me Doxycycline antibiotics to start tonight but I have instructions to go to the Doctor tomorrow or the day after and get him to check if it is the right medication

ANOTHER Quiet Sunday

There we are, another quiet Sunday, Ed didn't get up for ages after I did, I s'pose if they paid me to be in bed I might do it more......
Sorry he was up, he was just working so hard in his room, didn't have breakfast 'til I was about
Tomorrow Dicky is back, his "just had a baby" leave is over but it makes me a bit emotional, I remember when Toby and Freya were born...

Saturday 11 August 2012

Processed Food

Tra, la, la.... they say eating processed food is bad, well tonight instead of making a dinner we had some veggie fingers and oven chips. It was the first night in 3 nights that I was able to put my shirt back on after my bath, it didn't need washing. Like yesterdays, like the day before's.... I hadn't spilt any forkfuls on it


And this afternoon Toby phoned me and said "Can I come and see u?", I said "After nap and do you need a lift?", he said "No lift, c u in a bit". So....

Then a car pulled up outside my house, I opened the front door, said "Hi" to Toby then saw the driver, my best friend from many years, Julie
And I was so gobsmacked by her beauty that I forgot to take loadsa photos

Friday 10 August 2012

Banana Chips

So in Waverley stores today stocking up on milk, juice, organic veg etc, I said that I was no longer "allowed" to buy yoghurt coated raisins as they contain far too many calories but I had a look around and spotted some banana chips which I bought a small bag of. Then I looked online when I got home and they are deep fried to turn them from banana's to banana chips. The word "chips" is a clue

Posted on Ixion at 22.04 tonight

Right Handedly

I have just been in the bathroom, I reached behind me to close the door, which is on my right hand side, and I didn't even have to think about using my right hand, it just happened. It is still not as strong and useful as my left arm but for some jobs it's obvious that I just need to use it

Hello Paul

And Paul is here today, so s'morning we went to town to buy some ink for their printer and some Blue Loo to keep it smelling fresh etc

Thursday 9 August 2012


So we went out and about had one pint in The Drovers in Carmarthen, then came home. On the way we talked more and came to The Tafarn Pantydderwen in Llangain and that was a quality place

Caerdydd AGAIN

So we are off to Cardiff again in a bit to the splint makers and he is gonna make me a splint without quite so much "hold still" on my right ankle. And I will ask 'im to leave a smidge more on the back up over my ankle
And we managed it, gosh my foot feels in the wrong position now that the plaster has been cut off
And we will be back in a fortnight to pick up my new "normal" splint and one to use barefoot

Wednesday 8 August 2012

My Right Hand

Then when the pasta was cooked I held the collander in my right hand, the saucepan in my left, held it over the sink and was able to pour from one to t'other, using my right hand!!!!

Strange Mind

So today I was trying to remember the radio stations I used to listen to. I remembered Radio 1 and the other was Radio..... small country. So I asked my driver "What do you call the small country between France and IIRC Spain?". He said Luxembourg and I recalled, "Radio Luxembourg"

How very strange is my mind??

(Posted to Ixion at 6.57PM)


Has been quiet, Ed trimmed my hair, I had a bath, then a nap, then Ed creamed my legs and put my boots back on then......


So s'morning me and Ed nipped to MoreReasonToShopAt.... (noisy-ish link) basically to buy some veg for tonight's dinner (with making pasta sauce) and tomorrow's dinner (I already own the Curry sauce) but also to get more Chilli Ketchup etc etc
And the dinner was lovely tonight, a mild chilli pasta sauce, stir fry veg and some pasta

I finally figured it out

And for the last 2 days I have, off and on, when sitting at my PC, looking for the reference I found before about how to start watching mid-video. In the end I found it, it was easy to do and made the whole "watching" experience much better. So I have carefully saved a link, in a number of places, so hopefully next time I will just be able to do it

Tuesday 7 August 2012


So as Ed insisted on driving past m'way services we had scrambled egg on toast for dinner. Break eggs, add a little milk, beat 'em then put in the microwave for a couple of mins, mix it again and put it back in the microwave for a bit longer. Gosh it was easy and very nice, actually cooking in a microwave, not just heating up food


Well that's done, at least he said that the underlying gum was healthy. Now we need to stop and have dinner somewhere

Neil The-Hippy

(sent from my phone)


So here we are in Cardiff in the rain. We have to go see a dental expert re my claim

Neil The-Hippy

(sent from my phone)


Then we tried to nip to the bank. Paul eventually phoned and said "Right, they didn't say owt about the £500 quid minimum when Anthony spoke to them, leave it and drop him a line and we will see"

Lordy Again

So me and Ed went to the gym again. Hoo-flipping-ray I thought again. We did our usual exercises then she said "Lets all go cycling", I started "No....but...." but she said "No, come on" so I went in cycling again. Now today it was strange, if I cycle slowly I was nearly crying as my right ankle complained but if I cycled fast it didn't bleedin' hurt. So I lost more inches today.

Monday 6 August 2012


And after we dropped off Toby we didn't come back here but headed off to Llanelli to the Folk Club and it was good


So earlier tonight I was greeted by that Toby chap, we watched and talked about the Olympics then after his dinner a txt message landed and he said "C ya" and we did say goodbye

Neil The-Hippy

(sent from my phone)


And when I was in't shop s'morning I thought about buying more water. With fruit, so it was either with sugar or evil sweeteners, so no, I bought some much cheaper water with added ingredient carbon dioxide - fizzy


And we went into HSBC to open another bank account so Anthony can pay me eg petty cash and petrol easier. But they said "Sorry, too many staff off sick today, make an appointment" so we have made an appointment for 1pm tomorrow, between gym and going to Caerdydd to meet up with the dentist about my claim


And then the landlord came round, said "I wanna fix your toilet" and walked into the staff room and fixed their loo, not mine at all. But he fixed it. We showed him the awful noise that comes out every time you switch on the "wash hands after looing" tap, he said "Erm...." and was a bit puzzled

Guardian Came Back

So for the last couple of weeks the Guardian has been refusing to add itself to "recently used shortcuts" window when I start my WWW browser, G2 has been there, every other program I use has turned up there but it refused to include The Guardian, dunno why, perhaps for political reasons on whatever. But then today I cleared out all my history so had to redo the list. And The Guardian worked today, for no reason


So first of all me and Tim nipped to Morrison's to do loadsa shopping.
Then about an hour after we came back the wheelchair fixer chap came to repair my wheelchair. Having not phoned to check that we were in, like they had arranged


So for a couple of nights I have used my back scrubber in the bath, it works etc but that means I have gotta dry my back too, I hadn't realised but it was getting no water on it in my old bathing routine

Sunday 5 August 2012

Visit 2

So we didn't have much to do today, me and Tim had a quiet day, then at about 4.30 s'afternoon Ruth and her pudding maker of a son came to see my new house. It was really good to feed them both, and to be fed pudding by her 8 year old son

Saturday 4 August 2012

Lost A Couple Of Pounds

I was weighed again tonight and I have lost a couple of pounds again


Then today my visitor who was away conferencing yesterday came to see me instead. It was nice to see her even tho she will be on a bus to Switzerland and won't be able to come next week it was still nice to see her
And tomorrow I get another visitor, Ruth and her 8 yo son are coming for tea

No Staff

And my MOS who was s'posed to be in s'morning is a bit busy, his wife is giving birth. So last night's MOS couldn't leave until todays extra MOS arrived, they can't leave me alone
And they have a daughter now, all are well

Friday 3 August 2012

Phone BT

And Ed is still on hold as he is trying to phone BT to see why the TV won't work


Then again we nipped to Waverley Stores and got orgy porgy products as much as possible


And I had to ask Ed to move some stuff from one cupboard to another as I can't see what's in the back of my saucepan cupboard


And me and Ed had to nip to MoreReason'sToShopAtMorrison's s'morning to a) buy some Cottage Cheese and Ryvita to make really dieting lunches and b) buy some veg and tomato stuff and pastas to cook for Ruth and her 8 year old son who are coming on sunday

Thursday 2 August 2012


And tonight we braved veggie sausages and oven chips, as I have been cooking all week I thought I would try frozen food tonight.

Fire People

Then 2 reps from CCC Fire and Rescue Service came out to look over my property and tell me how often to test fire alarm etc. Basically they advised me some and went away again, I think they were reasonably pleased


So I got up extra early s'morning as we were expecting the wheelchair fixer between 9 and 1, but he didn't come. We tried to phone 'em at 1 but no answer til 2. So no gym at 2 as we were waiting. We finally spoke to someone and they said "Oh, we were coming next week"
Aargh, which I can't make as we will be at Splint Fixers in Cardiff that day...... We rearranged summat, eventually

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Not Very Busy

So s'morning I had nowt to do, after lunch I nipped out and bought a laptop 'puter for me, then we nipped to Morrison's to buy a stir fry veg bag and the other ingredients to make them into a pasta bollock-knees. And it was OK, reasonably nice but I need some advice on spicing/seasoning


Is it?

(sent from my phone)
Lordy, in my address I had a full stop between hippo and 21 which it took someone as clever as TimMY to spot, now it wurkz again