Saturday, 30 November 2013
Losing Weight
And I have lose 6 or 7 pounds since I was last weighed a fortnight ago. The start of a long process.....
New HTML Editor
Well I was getting well peeved that PageBreeze was getting well complex and not just remembering stuff, so I downloaded CoffeeCup Free Html Editor and it doesn't seemso wonky
Roll Your Trousers Up
And my trainee nurse MOS came in today, looked at the swelling on my legs and said "Roll your trousers up to keep it cool" so....
And after my bath and nap he felt that they were a bit better so....
Friday, 29 November 2013
And it is Friday night, I have been well busy this week, and I can't have a drink to celebrate as I am on fscking antibiotics
Lunchtime Gym
Then we went back to gym, we told Sam that I couldn't do various stuff (1) but I still didn't rest for an hour
(1) Because of my infected foot
Morning, what a
And Timmy moved one desk into the others place s'morning. Had to unplug everything and feed it back through the small "cable tidy" holes. Phew it looks loads better now
Thursday, 28 November 2013
What A Day
What a day #27
First of all s'morning we drove to Swansea and was fitted with my new FES. It seems impressive if a little complex. HTF that Paul can pass on details of how it fits etcThen Julia phoned me to say that Freya was upset that I wasn't going to Iechyd Da tonight, she thought I was being selfish but I actually haven't had time for a nap today etc
Then we rang the Doctors to make an emergency appointment for later as my foot was swollen again
Then we came back here and had lunch, during which the chappy phoned me from the desk sellers to say "It's here"
So after lunch we headed over to get the desk, me riding in Paul's van. Which I can now get in and out of without a breeze block to get up on
Then we took his van with desk in t'back to Drs, sat in his waiting room for 3/4 of an hour, told them about the swelling etc and they gave me more antibiotics for a f***ing week.
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
A Smidge Excited
So I came out of the kitchen into my living/computer room after tea and as I caught site of tomorrows excitement I nearly cried
On It's Way
My new PC is on it's way, apparently.....
And gosh it arrived. I am leaving the box unopened 'til TechnoTimmy comes in tomorrow but it is here now
Monday, 25 November 2013
Busy Busy Day
First of all the chap came to fix my 'chair. He said "Erm..." but figured out how to do it. And he told us how to tighten the wheel when it comes off
Then we came back here for a late lunch, bath and nap
Then we went to Morgan&Morgan and got a new desk. They said they will phone me on Thursday if it arrives then me and Paul can take his van to the shop and pick it up. HopefullyThen Sara came to gym with me and said "Do this, try this...." had a conference with Sam and so on
Then we came back here for a late lunch, bath and nap
And then (more hopefully) we are heading oner to Staples in Swansea to pick up a 2 drawer filing cabinet, which may fit under the desk
And yes, we did head over to Swansea in the end, then got stuck in rush hour traffic big style, but when we finally reached the shop (in panic mode, it was so late) it turns out that it was open 'til 8pm anyway. But we did the business and purchased a filling cabinet which is currently next to my desk but hopefully it will fit under the new one, which we are hopefully getting on Thursday. My new PC is arriving tomorrow and......And it is still only half past two!!!
Sunday, 24 November 2013
And I finally got index.html right, it now has big name at the top and the whole picture on screen, and a gap at the top. I think it is best, because I made the print bigger etc then made the top level, just a gap, much smaller size than the rest. OK, it might not make much sense reading this but it works for me. Text with a space above and the rest of the page fits in one screen
So Freya came over tonight to see me and for tea.
She arrived 10 minutes before I got up from nap but watched telly 'til I got upAnd she felt ill tonight so we had to take her home even before Gareth had done the washing up
More Reasons
And then s'morning we had to nip to Currys to pick up anti virus super stuff for my new PC then we nipped to Morrisons as I am way busy tomorrow, with the wheelchair fixer coming followedby the physio who is coming to an extra gym session with me
So s'morning I was about to have breakfast when I thought "Ooh, dilemma, do I need to have a pooh first or second?" In the end I thought that perhaps I would be able to eat my muesli, leave my coffee in the pot then have a pooh. But I actually ate my muesli, had my coffee, had a few (loosing) games of Solitaire, then came in and sat at my 'puter. It is now 10.30 and I haven't been for a pooh. I think I am relearning how it feels when I need one, not just "Now" like I have been feeling for some years.
I only learned how to feel like this with pissing (well to realise that I did) a few weeks ago
I only learned how to feel like this with pissing (well to realise that I did) a few weeks ago
Saturday, 23 November 2013
And we went out for dinner, to Frankie and Bennys in town as we both had fiver off tickets
And we bumped into Freya on the way, on her way to the cinema to see Dr Who.....
So s'morning me and Timmy have to buy a PC online, go to shops to buy anti-virus etc.
BUT FIRST I have to make my new camera connect to the PC via WIFINo joy on the connecting to the PC thing, there is a phone line open Mon-Fri so we will have to contact them next week
But as I am having a new PC in the next few days, wait and see
BUT we did manage this buying the PC thingy, gosh we spent loads and loads
Friday, 22 November 2013
So first thing s'morning me and Ed went and didn't buy as much as last week at Aardvark. Again I walked in until we were cuing to pay at which poing Ed brought my 'chair in the shop.
I did have a conversation with the owner about how last week there was a chap walking down the slope while I was waiting at the bottom and he said, in passing, "What a struggle it is without a handrail" so she said "OK, I will ask the builder instead of my husband..." so wait and see now
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Desk Shopping
So s'afternoon me and Gareth nipped to Cross Hands on the way to Swansea looking for desks. So first of all we called into Morgan&Morgan who were closed on Sunday, last time I was looking. But I thought it was fine enough, I called off the trip to Swansea and said "Buy it here". We didn't buy anything today, we had a quote and will send it to Denyse and (more to the point) Anthony and he can get on the phone and argue down prices then pay
And Denyse has just phoned me and said "Go for it", the funds should be paid into my account in the next few days
Helping Out
So s'morning me and Gareth went to Trysordy where after a couple of hours work we are down to 12 more members entries to fill in.
So dunno if someone else might have finished it by the time I go back in 2 weeks, as I am having my new splint fitted next week.
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Off In A Bit
We are off in a bit to buy a camera
What a performance. So on the way first we stopped at the docs and picked up another inhaler for me. Then we nipped to Morrison's to buy some small cheese rolls but they didn't have any. Then we drove to Swansea to Morfa Retail Park to find Currys. First of all we went into the Massive Morrisons shop to get some cheese rolls, then we went into Currys. Hayley wasn't working there today so we had to make do with a chap, but he heard what we were asking for no prob.So when we got home I swapped USB leads and plugged it in to charge. The manual is on my PC now, just don't know what to do next. Waiting.....
So we came away with a new digicam, a new USB lead, some new cards, a new case etc etc.
What a performance. So I took a pic that was fine but I couldn't upload it. So I tried 3 times to download it, and failed every time, then SmallPaul actually read the instructions and gave me the CD with it onI think I am pleased with it, when somebody is in to read the manual and instruct me further....Then I got the pics onto my PC but I want then going straight to the file of Pics which I think I found out how to eventually
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
So today a) we have to take the car in to be repaired and b) we are going to gym later, not to a class but just time to practice. I need that but hopefully (the beautiful) Sam will be there helping everyone, including me, I need to work on my stamina/fitness etc too
So we have done the first bit now. We took the car to Cawdor Cars and left it in, they said it will take a bit longer as it's the second service and they need to change extra stuff, so they will phone Timmy when it's done. Then we went into Wilkinson's and had a coffee and a mince pie then we got a taxi home. Later when they phone Timmy we will get another taxi back, pick up car and head to gym directly
Right, and we have done the picking up and gym now. It was a bit strange but I did 2 sessions on a treadmill and one session on a bike. Which wore me out but not too much
Monday, 18 November 2013
Aargh, brain injured
And I was watching on telly 5 minutes of a program about brain injured people in the world.
Good god but I am lucky?
Late Lunch
So we had a late lunch after the swimming, then soon to bed as I was rough then nowt to do for the rest of the day. We had Falafel's for dinner which I had bought in Aardvark at't weekend and they were delicious
Even to Gareth who had never tasted one before but liked 'em
More Reasons To Shop At....
At about 10.30 s'morning Gareth took me to Morrison's to stock up on various food items. But I didn't get stir fry and noodles 'cos the date was too short. Possibly I will go back on Wednesday with SmallPaul. We had to go early as we were....
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Better at pis*ing
So today in the car on the way back from Swansea I commented to Timmy how much longer I can wait between pisses now. It is almost/is better now, I went to Swansea, looked around shop, went for lunch and came back to Llangain before I needed a pee. Whereas a year ago we couldn't have driven the whole way to Swansea without needing to stop. He commented on how when I was in hospital I had a catheter, ever since then I have had to relearn, to teach my bladder, how to hold in pee
Then s'afternoon I had a bit of a confusing conversation with Freya then I realised that we needed to nip to her house and pick her up. We got her and on the way to town I said "Where shall we eat?". I think Freya doesn't enjoy my cooking and so we went looking for somewhere to eat. The first place was too busy we would have to sit for at least an hour so we said "No ta" and went looking for somewhere else. It became clear why the first place was so busy, it was the only place in town open. Eventually we found somewhere else, Weatherspoons, and the food was actually really nice, at least mine was. Simple but nice
Then we took Freya home again, it was a bit early, but she would have come back here for half an hour then left
Shopping Trip
So today me and Timmy went desk shopping in Swansea, to perhaps no avail. We did go shopping for my brother who is coming over at Christmas too, before we ate lunch out
At a guess we will have to go to Ikea in Cardiff next Saturday to carry on looking at a bigger supply of desks.Coincedentally it is Timmy who is scheduled to be working next Saturday so no problem passing information about the trip to someone else
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Currys in Swansea
Then we went to the massive Curry's in Swansea. There most cameras had batteries so I was able to discuss my needs with a (beautiful) woman and we brought away a piece of paper containing all info. about this camera. So hopefully we will pass it on to Anthony then he will either buy 1 for me or (more likely, hopefully) give me the cash to buy it.
Then we went and had dinner in Pizza Hut across the way and then we were s'possed to go 5 minutes away and see Alex's band but Paul thought I looked so rough we just came home instead
One foot is cold
So I had my bath, got dried then got on my bed for a nap. None of me is undercover, it is warm enough. For all of me apart from my right leg. Which is cold from the knee down, rest of my leg is warm enough, rest of body and arms warm enough apart from my right shin (shrug).
So me and SmallPaul (a stranger, I haven't seen him for two weeks) nipped into Carmarthen to go shopping.
First of all we went into Curry's but most of their digital cameras had no battery, so the whole visit was useless.
Then we went to Carmarthen Camera Center which was a lot better and lookable at/playable with. I think we decided what to buy but I am a little put off. Apparently the photo will be higher quality but until I can play with it and plug it into my 'puter I won't know for sure
Friday, 15 November 2013
What A Difference
And we went back to gym at lunchtime and what a difference moving my right foot 5cm to the right when doing the up and down thing (OK, the down bit) has made. It is incredible, I can now get down confidently and easily.
It doesn't hurt so f*c*ing much, or at all, now
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Aargh, now
And it has gone ½ an hour later....
SighOK, so Mozilla Firefox is refusing to keep my bookmarks and my banking details etc so I am back to using Google Chrome, not what I wanted but the best at pres...
Fark - it's just come back
And the "Do more Blogging" button has been missing from the corner of the page all day, I have had to log out and back in again to be able to update "" but last time I looked at my blog it was there.
Here are the buttons, now
Team Meeting
So we are having a team meeting at pres. OK, they are, I got thrown out for interrupting again, so now I am sat at my PC with the sound of many voices coming across from their meeting in't kitchen
Afterwards Denyse is gonna come and see me and talk about housesWhich we did, we basically agreed to wait til I have a few more to look at then....
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
And me and Ed-weena are going to the swimming pool in a bit.
And it was actually.... actually..... <shame>OK</s>, it all went well in the pool, my stamina is much better etc. I even climbed in and out on the proper ladder, I now no longer need steps on a slope
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
No Interweb
And s'morning I had no Interweb connection, but my phone was still working. (So I panicked a bit.....) So I switched off & back on the router and all came back to life, both my Interweb and in the office....
More Property Snooping
Then me and Gareth went out to look at the properties we weren't able to find t'other day. One was much too far OOT but the other is added to my list of "Tell Denyse" ones
As usual I was full of joy going to gym s'morning but today I worked so much better that I finished a whole set of exercises for the first time. At the end about 7 mins before we finished I said to Sam "I've gotta sit down" and she said "No, stay up there's only a few minutes left"
And, more to the point, when I was doing my down and up again I complained about my right foot turning over in the last 4 inches and she said "Try it with your foot a bit to the right", I moved my foot just a couple of inches and it hurt much less
Monday, 11 November 2013
Wake Up Time
And I got rather confused looking at my clock today, trying to decide whether to be woken up at 4pm or 8 am. I was a bit (really) confused until I realised that my alarm clock goes off every morning and my alarm is timed separately from that
Nowt On
And there is nowt on s'morning, I am waiting for the wheelchair fixer to come and fix my chair
And he came and said "It's broken?", checked that what we had said on the phone was correct, and said "Right, I'll order the parts..."
Then we nipped out and visited more estate agents in Carmarthen that we had missed last time. I think I am on all of their bungalow lists now
Sunday, 10 November 2013
OMfG. What a performance. So it looks like other PC's could use my links to pictures but not on my 'puter. We tried and struggled for many hours but in the end we has to install a different browser and that didn't work either. Another browser was downloaded that works now
Double good lord, more stressful-ing but I think it is all sorted now, I can click and still see it etc
Aah, good lord, it takes some getting used to. I can work it all but..... scary, different
And me and Timmy at a guess better go sandal-shopping today. The last pair that I bought are f*cked.
They have died fastest of any of my footwearAnd we bought some naan bread too, some more sweeties and some more marg
Well, it turns out it's the wrong time of year to buy sandals. In the 3rd shop we looked at they said "Ooh, we have got a pair in the back, hang on" and fetched them for me. There was one pair like my old ones and another pair which looked way too complex etc. So I have bought another pair to wear when not wearing boots
Saturday, 9 November 2013
Go Away
And after Ed had arrived this morning and done his handover it only took Alex 3½ hours to get his van started so he could go home. He needed the help of one of his friends who had to tow his van out of the parking space so it was sitting level, fill it with a gallon of diesel and try again
But Ed has his haircutting hat on today so... wait and see...
Friday, 8 November 2013
And Sam wasn't there for Gym class today. Some chap was instructing us and he was fine although he didn't do the pressing/getting down exercise with me.
I got the impression that although most people in the class are far advanced than me they haven't had to come so far so I think he is impressed with how far I have comeBut my right foot wasn't behaving today...
So we went out early shopping and did out weekly shop at Aardvark, I didn't spend quite so much today but we still bought a fair amount of food
Thursday, 7 November 2013
Isn't She Special
And that Freya came here s'afternoon, well we picked her up in town, and she came over for her dinner etc etc
Busy Morning
So after a cuppa tea we headed over to Trysordy where by now I have finished about 7/8 of the computer work, so hopefully in another week or 2 I will be back to actually doing work with the goods
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Estate Agent-ing
So as it's half a plan now me and Alex went into Carmarthen and went to 3 estate agents. They have printed off loadsa waffle and given it to us so we can look through it and decide if they have any properties that interest us
Oh yes, and while we were in town a strange man walked past and said "I enjoyed you singing last week" which was nice
And I went back to gym s'morning, even tho I was so nervous about it. We did warm up exercises then Sam said "C'mere Neil" and got me doing up and down (old link) exercises. Gosh they were so much easier today, I just bent over, prepared myself mentally and got down. For the last 3 or 4 inches of going down my right foot was protesting and turning over but I did it anyway
Monday, 4 November 2013
It Wurkz
Then today I put the pouring measures device on my new bottle of whiskey, which I bought instead of two half bottles which I have been using for a number of years as I was too scared to try pouring a whole bottle but there was no problem, I managed, so I am like a proper drinker now.
And about £6 richer too now
And then s'afternoon Denyse came round and discussed my future with me, how I am gonna about potentially buying a house, how I am definitely buying a PC and probably buying a camera, how to's, what to look at etc
So Sara the physio came and worked me loads. We went for a walk together half way up the street and back. On the way back I was a bit concerned and asked Timmy to walk ahead and fetch my wheelchair back but I didn't need it, I ignored him when he came back and walked all the way to my front door
Sunday, 3 November 2013
According to Timmy it was agreed a number of weeks ago that I make special food on Sunday so we are going off in a bit to buy ingredients and devices to enable us to make Banoffee Pie and some Mushroom Stroganoff (whatever that may be) for tonight
And after lunch, before bath&nap we got started, I broke up most of the biscuits, mixed that with melted butter and spread it out in 3 small cooking tins (that we bought s'morning) and then put 'em in't fridge so it will set into the base of BanoffeeSo I am supposed to be exercising my chopping veg skills but we cheated. It wasn't my idea....
And we cheated a bit too, while we were in't supermarket buying ingred. for both things we werer half way round when we saw a packet of MixItYourself-Stroganoff so we got that and put half our shopping away again
And after nap we mashed banana and put it in the pie then waited for Timmy to finish whisking the cream and we put that on.In a few minutes I am gonna start frying the onions for our Stroganoff, I chopped the mushrooms while Timmy was whisking the cream for our pies
And put them in the fridge to solidify. I haven't tasted it yet, but will after dinner
And that was all reasonably delicious, the pies were far too much hassle to make
again but the Stroganoff was actually quite easy if a bit time consuming
again but the Stroganoff was actually quite easy if a bit time consuming
Saturday, 2 November 2013
So I looked at my diary and thought "I'd better go shopping tomorrow instead of Monday, as I am busy then" but then I thought "Oh no, it's Timmy (Mr Tesco's) with me tomorrow" so I checked online (opening hours) and had to ask Gareth to come with me tonight. So some of the stuff is a day younger 'best before' but I think I will survive
And because Gareth was looking critically at my usual purchase of two half bottles (and he pointed out how much more cash it costs, like £6 more like that) I practiced for a few moments with a whole bottle, tipping it etc and in the end I gave in and bought a flippin' enormous looking whole bottle. But I can't practice pouring it until Monday tho....
Then today I played Backgammon again. In the last few days I have won by two or three pieces but today I was winning by so much that I offered a double at which point my opponent gave in
So we headed off to see if we could see the house recommended by Moishe, Llanpumpsaint, but we couldn't see it. But it does look posh etc there so perhaps further inquiries should be made
Friday, 1 November 2013
Lunchtime Gym Session
Aargh, I had another gym class, again a few women told me that they can see how much better I am getting, but still doing that down and up stuff really felt uncomfortable. It is easier to get up that it was last week but still too scary
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