Saturday 31 May 2014


And I had a surprise visit today from Sam and Emma, they are busy redecorating their new house ATM and it was lovely to see them
Although they did bring me "a present" which made me a bit emotional

Friday 30 May 2014

Rugger 2

And a good time was had by all, on the way, there and having dinner afterwards


So we are off in a bit to watch the possibles vs the probables, a Welsh national team playing itself at rugby
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.


Then I went to gym for my usual class and actually impressed myself with how much better at certain aspects of that, that I am


So we went out to Aardvark s'morning and got the most of my weeks shopping. When I was there I had to walk upstairs to get some toothpaste and, for the first time in 14 years, I walked up the stairs, and back down in a bit, by putting one foot in front of the other, left, right, left, right. I havent been able to do this for 14 years
Then on the way back to the car we called into Argos and picked up my new talking scales

My Legs Are Getting Stronger

And usually now I stand up from my seat without having to use my arms to help, my legs are getting more proper and able to hold my weight

Thursday 29 May 2014

On My Own Two Feet

Today I stood up from the table after lunch, walked to the sink, did a small amount of washing up, and walked away again
It is getting easier, it is still very difficult but I manage


Iechyd Da-ing (noisy link) tonight, hope it's good.
I didn't go last month and apparently it was very good so hopefully it will be good again
And it wasn't busy tonight as folk have taken their kids away etc but it was still a bit good

A Different Life

Gosh, sometimes it kind of presses it's way to the front of my mind. Just how different is my life nowadays than it was before.
Before my accident, compared to most peoples normal life etc
On a different note, how different (but better) than my life in Leonard Cheshire......
We bumped into a MOS from there t'other day, she was pleased to see me etc and did comment on how I was unsuitable for there, it was a kind of permanent care for very ill people whereas I was getting better....

Wednesday 28 May 2014


So me and Paul and Denyse are gonna look at the house across the way today, so she will be able to say "Buy it" or "No, because...."
I'm not nervous, no
And we went over and had a look. Dunno, Denyse is doing drawings and calculations, she wrote down loadsa stuff when we were there
The house was lovely but access needs looking at so I am waiting to hear back from Denyse when she has spoken to some experts
No, it's all do-able but will cost far too much, perhaps £15 or £20 grand on top of the asking price so that's a no then. Bother it was nice but it has gotta be future proof

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Rugger On Friday

And as Timmy is back on Friday (and a fan) we are going together to watch the possibles vs the probables Welsh rugby match. He doesn't have to pay as he's pushing me and I can claim it from petty cash as it's a special trip out

Sweet Potato Oven Chips

Well, so today I was using my replacement blade on my chip cutter (that broke last time I tried making sweet potato OC's). Well it didn't break this time but it simply couldn't cut the sweet potatoes.
Tried it myself, called Timmy and said "Help" to no avail, it wasn't because I wasn't strong enough, it just wouldn't cut the sweet spuds. As I had already peeled the sweet spuds so Timmy had to take it on to help chip them by hand
So <sigh> we had to drive to that Tescos place and buy just some Sweet Spud Oven Chips

More Walking

And we went down to Farm Foods as much so I could walk but we did spend a few pennies in't shop. Just today as the gym is so busy so exercise was just walking
And again, yes FES no to wheelchair, we left it at home
More to the point instead of having a small trolley (picture of both sizes) which I usually struggle kicking it etc we decided to see if a big trolley was any different, what a difference it made, I could just push it and walk, no issue. The wheels are in a slightly different position


So today we went to Wilkinsons(1) with the intention of buying a new pyrex dish (for scrambling eggs in the microwave amongst other uses) and Timmy petty cashed loads of cleaning products to clean here
And we bought a new extension lead so the wires sitting on the floor to the too short extension behind my bed will all be out of view and out of the way underneath the table etc
Because the leisure centre is way too busy today we are just gonna go for another walk about town s'afternoon.
(1) With no wheelchair in the boot, we left it in my bungalow. And I did have my FES fitted, but I didn't have to use it all the time

Getting Up

And I have got a lot better at standing up. More chairs are accessible and I can now get up from my kitchen chair without holding on to the edge of the table

Monday 26 May 2014


So we went out at Timmy's call to a place in Pendine (where he lives) which sold us a delicious ice cream. Afterwards I thought it's nearly time for more petty cash pay in and there is some left, lets have our dinner here. So we had our dinner and it was delicious


And so Timmy came in today. Yesterday I had a long list of queries to ask him about webbing, last night I got stuck in and solved most but afterwards I had an even longer list of queries. Most of which we solved s'morning. OK, most of which Timmy solved

Sunday 25 May 2014


So we went to Llansteffan for our "flask of tea" tonight, where we parked the car there was 6 steps up then 4 down t'other side before you could walk to the seat. Now I am so much better at this generally that I could just walk up, with alternate feet, then just walk down the other side, again with alternate feet, just like a proper person walking up and down. I used to have to step up one, then step up the next with the same foot etc


So s'morning first of all we nipped to Wilkinsons to get a new battery for my FES and we were looking for summat to attach my stick to my "new" dining room chair. So we went in with no wheelchair out of the car.
Then we went to Morrisons to do the rest of the weeks shopping as it is a bank holiday tomorrow. Here, because I am scared, I was accompanied by my wheelchair carrying the shopping. That was all it had to do, I walked all the way round the second shop too
And it was astonishing how many of Morrison's staff said "Well done, keep up the good work" as I was walking on my own two feet

Saturday 24 May 2014

Lens Cleaner

And I asked Ed where I should buy summat to clean my camera lens and he said "No" and went and got me a box of 50 spectacle cleaners from the office

Dropped It

I was in the bathroom today and when I turned away my walky stick fell over. I bent to pick it up and I did not even hold on slightly with my hand while I was down, I just reaching down to the floor and picking it up, no holding on or balancing required.
My balance is so much better


So today I am trying, and succeeding, in doing what Sara suggested I need to practise on exercises, basically bringing the LHS of my pelvis more upright (as in "flat") when I walk. But by gord, when I concentrate and am doing it I have to walk even slower than usual.
Like a snail who has got drunk and is a bit lost, or summat

Friday 23 May 2014


Then s'evening it occurred to me, at the back of the kitchen was sitting a kind of taller chair that I was supposed to use for cooking etc but I never got on with. For ages now I have either been standing on my own two feet to cook or using my wheel(y)chair. So tonight I asked Alex to move it to the garage and we got a big strip of kitchen back


So s'afternoon we are going out for a walk, instead of gym-ming. So as we are going out my FES will be fitted and then we are going to Scolton Manor for a walk. Dunno anything about it but apparently it's nice
Sigh. We didn't make it to the Manor in the end, instead we nipped to a country park which contains an enormous man made waterfall and instead of walking sat in the car to have our brew, out of the rain

Across The Universe

So s'morning me and Alex went.... first of all we drove up the cul-de-sac opposite so Alex could have a quick look at no. 52, then we went to Aardvark and did my weeks shopping, milk, cheese, veg etc

Thursday 22 May 2014


And Denyse told me today that she will come down next Wednesday instead of the week after and nip over, have a look at No 52 then come and talk to me about it and other stuff

Down and Up

Then Sara came over, had a chat for half an hour, a cuppa, then took me down to the floor and getting myself back up. Many times. But I could do it. It was a bit of a struggle, my knees haven't been crawling for 12 years but I did it, got down to the floor and got myself back up
We had a big chat about my strengths and weaknesses too, it was good to see her. And a bit mind boggling to get down to the floor and back up

Across The Road

And at 1 o'clock today we are walking across the road and behind that house to look the next next door house which has just gone on the market
Yes, I want to move, it is big enough, it has a conservatory, it has a patio and a garden, 2 bathrooms, internet access indoors and in the garage etc

No Sitting

And I was able to walk from the moment I got up again s'morning...

Car Dealers

And we are going off to see the dealer about my new car s'morning....
So again we went with no wheelchair. When we were in there one of the MOS said that last time I was there I couldn't walk at all.
They also said "What's he called now?" and there is a bit of hassle because some departments think I am called one thing and some another, but I think it is sortable


And I dreamt last night that the kitchen sink had broken and the landlord was gonna have to come and fix it
This morning when I got up everything was fine

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Two Hands

Just now I was draining the veg to have with the dinner. I held the saucepan of water/veg in one hand and instead of setting the drainer in the sink like I usually do I held it in my other hand. Poured with one hand and caught the veg with the other


Today we headed off to town with no wheelchair, we just left it here
So first of all today we nipped to Wilkinson's to buy some sugar for the staff. We walked back and put that in the car, then walked off along Merlin's Walk and turned left onto Llamass St at the end. We stopped off at the Boars Head for an OJ which was nice, there is no wheelchair access so I haven't been there for more than a dozen years, then we walked along til we got to the old Tesco's Back Car Park and turned left along there and across into the car park where we had left Betty an hour or so ago.
By jupiter but it was a long way. I think if someone had been pushing my wheelchair behind me I would have said "Gizza lift" about 2/3 of the way through but as I had no choice I just carried on

Tuesday 20 May 2014

The Guards

Then later on today we headed west to have a walk on the front at Fishguard. We couldn't see any ferries this time but they do run a daily crossing to Ireland from here. So we took my new flask and the ingredients to make a cuppa while we were there. So I was just being followed by a wheelchair but I actually sat on a wall to have my brew. It was getting so late by the time we had finished, so Paul put my wheelchair away in't car and I actually walked into a pub/restaurant and had my dinner.
Proper chairs are becoming much easier by now
ObAnd I didn't have my FES fitted tonight, but muscle memory and retraining make me very happy


What a day so far. For a start I have realized what to do to avoid having to sit in my wheelchair first thing and then we managed to make me stop moaning about having to put my PC chair at t'table in order to eat. This has been a big change, simply swapping one chair for another has made it so much more stable

Walking Again

And I walked out of the bedroom s'morning

Monday 19 May 2014

Sweet Chips

So for dinner tonight I made some sweet potato oven chips which were a pain without my chipper (Gareth had to help) but oooh they were delicious


Then today we went to Morrison's only to buy one thing but it's a start. So today we nipped to Morrisons, got out of the car and walked in without being followed by my wheelchair. I did my shopping with no wheelchair. So we could have left the wheelchair here, it followed me walking from house to car, stayed in the car while I shopped then followed me again into my house.


And as Gareth hadn't forgotten we went off swimming this AM. Oh what fun we had although I did swim 4 lengths on my back with boyancy aids

Bending It

And as Alex pointed out to me last night I am obviously not having to think about bending my right knee, it just happens automatically when I walk
Hooray for RE-learning

Sunday 18 May 2014

Oh I Do Like....

And we went out tonight, I just said to Alex(ander O'Neil) "Take me out" so he drove to Pendine, a small "holiday" kind of place, where I walked on uneven ground and we went to the pub and had an OJ.
It was quite an eventful evening
AND it was the first stage of "Practicing going places without your wheelchair" and it was no problem

More Practice

And I practiced taking my own boots socks and sockings off again today. It might seem like a small step but it is one I wouldn't have been capable of a month ago

Wheelchair Trolley

We went to Morrison's shopping today. I walked from car to shop and back to car. So we only used the wheelchair as a trolley, summat to set the shopping basket on.
I suspect that next time we will go shopping without my wheelchair.
And I walked everywhere without my FES. Shout loud for muscle memory

Resting Today

And this is the only day of the week when I am wheelchair bound, resting

Saturday 17 May 2014


And we went out tonight to check out another bungalow but it was too far out of town, on a slow road

Take 'Em Off

And today Alex was out hoovering the car so I tried it myself, leaned forward and took off my boots, my socks and my 'sockings', both feet, no problem


And today I dropped the yoghurt lid when I was walking to the bin. I didn't have to use any support, I just leaned over and picked it up, without holding on to anything with my not stretching arm
And after my bath I leaned forward to dry my bits and bum without holding onto anything either


So we nipped into Ceir Cawdor Cars in Carmarthen and said "Neil wants/needs a new motability car" and they said "£99" so we said "OK, we'll be in touch" and came away to tell Denyse to start the process

Friday 16 May 2014

Denyse's Humour

What do you do if a bird sh*ts on your car?


And we went out tonight to have a first look at a house in St Clears, it was up a beautiful cul de sac, seemed really nice, big cheap but at the bottom of the garden was the A40 with lorries heading for the ferry etc, noisy


Then after lunch me and Paul nipped out to Aardvark. Where again I walked into shop, walked to back room, walked everywhere, did my shopping standing


So early s'morning me and Paul met Denyse at the testosterone doctors. He said "Yes, your levels are normal again after rubbing gel in, you can have the injection". So now I have gotta wait for them to write to my Doc, them to order the stuff then write to me too make an appointment
But because they didn't inject me today they are gonna have to keep on rubbing my boobs for a bit longer
And while we were there we walked past a nurse who grinned when she saw us. Later on we met her again and she said that she really liked my t-shirt

Thursday 15 May 2014


Then we went off to gym which was as much fun as always but... I might not be able to attend my class tomorrow as I am seeing a doctor so...
I am going to see a doctor to tell him that I need that testosterone injection

Nail Cutter

And s'morning the nail cutter came in and accepted my praise for last time then spent a few seconds cutting my nails, it seemed so quick, then made another appointment and left
Zoom it seemed

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Burry Port-ing

And we nipped out s'afternoon and I had an enormous walk in Burry Port. When we got furthest away from the car (across the river) I sat down in my wheelchair, didn't travel in it, when it was time to go back I stood up and walked
It was odd walking next to a fence tho, I wasn't holding on at all, just able to hover there and I was able to walk unaided when that was there

Real Spam

And I got a letter today, or two actually, telling me that stuff bought a couple of years ago might die etc.

More Reasons To Shop At....

So we nipped to Morrison's to pick up some milk s'morning. I stood up in the car park, walked right in round and back out. So Alex was pushing a wheelchair to carry the milk back on

Tuesday 13 May 2014


So we went out s'morning and picked up my 'script for more "rubbing on my tits" stuff. Although we will have to go to the Dr re that a few days into my 'script and he will possibly inject me then but we will have to give him the rest of the 'script as it is very saleable on the black market, apparently. I walked from the carpark, into the Drs, back out across the way and down the really steep bit to the chemist, sat in wheelchair while waiting for my 'script, then stood up, walked to the counter to get it, then back out, up the steep bit then back over carpark to my car
Then we nipped to gym, didn't do treadmill as I am walking so far but did 15 mins cycling then 3 weights exercises

Strange Poohing

So s'morning I sat on he loo. Sat down and leaned forward as usual and squeezed. And squeezed. And squeezed. No pooh. So I leaned back, sat upright which I almost never do on t'loo and poohed hugely.
Dunno what the issue was, why it worked like this, if you have a clue mail me and give me a clue, please

Monday 12 May 2014


Well on one incident today I couldn't even recognise common flowers so I think perhaps my ABI has had some strange effect on my memory


And Timmy arrived s'morning and said "Hooray, swimming today" so my "Trying to think of an excuse" has failed
And we went swimming again and it actually wasn't as bad as I expected. And I managed to dry my own back today, for the first time, towel in both hands and rub. AND I did 4 lengths today

Sunday 11 May 2014

Looking At...

Then tonight we went out looking at more houses. One was a definitely NO but the other was a definite possibility and we will contact the Estate Agent on Monday

Shopping 2, 3, 2

So we nipped to Morrisons and did my weeks shopping (which if it wasn't for the whiskey would cost about £6).
Then after we brought that home we went back out and bought more Persil and tooth cleaners (from a different, cheaper, shop). The Persil is even more concentrated than it was before, so use even less of it
And I walked all the way round Morrisons, until we had finished shopping, I wheelchaired to 'til then stood up again and walked back to the car


Yes, it's habit by now...

Saturday 10 May 2014

Got Up

And as I walked out of my bedroom s'morning I think we can say that Neil has learned to walk, I walked until I had my bath/nap, just gotta learn how to extend it


& for dinner tonight I made my usual Saturday dinner of Roast Veg etc and it was nicer than I have managed before. It was neither raw or burned, it seems that 40 minutes on 220 followed by 20 mins at 200 (so we can cook the Linda McCartney sausages to accompany it<1>) was almost perfect for veg cut up like this
<1> 15 mins to cook, 5 mins beforehand to allow the oven to cool


And as we are in Wales today I can look out of the window and watch it rain
It has stopped raining now and while Ed cleaned inside the car I made some tea

Friday 9 May 2014


Then Freya came over to see me, which was nice. We seemed to be in good form with each other although I left her alone for a bit to catch up on her coursework.
But cooking on a Friday?
Well in the oven tonight I had some sweet potato chips (cook for 35 minutes), some normal chips too (cook for 20 minutes), some Linda McCartney sausages for Gareth (cook 15 minutes) and 2 pizzas for me and Freya (cook 11 minutes). It was all delicious but what hassle putting it on, I was glad when the Pizzas went in and I could rest


Then we nipped into Gym for my class, gosh I can really see the difference, how much I am improving.
I am sick and tired of making the effort but the results are so worth it...


And today I was wheelchaired to the door of Aardvark, as we didn't have time to walk, I parked outside and only came back when  had been everywhere and bought everything


I walked out of my bedroom again s'morning

Thursday 8 May 2014


And after my gym session my MOS said "You look fatigued" in a French accent.
So I wasn't sure if he meant "You look tired" or "You look like an obese homosexual" - "fatty-gay" is how I would spell his pronounciation

After lunch

Then at lunchtime the postman came with my new chip maker device, which I won't be using to make chips but we nipped to Morrisons later and bought a sweet potato that I will try tonight
And the f**king chip maker broke when we were first trying to make chips
Well the sweet potato chips were lovely once Paul had cut up the other half of the spud with a knife, lovely they were
Well they agreed to send me out a new blade and said "Sorry" when we phoned 'em s'morning. All helpful and nice, so.....


So first thing today we had to go to the Dr with my sample of piss, the Diabetic Specialist. Basically she said all was looking good, my blood was cleaner than a month ago so now she is just putting me on a monitor list, no drugs

Wednesday 7 May 2014


And we might have found another potential house to look at, I will show it to Paul tomorrow and then we can move forward on with viewing


It sucks, big style


And it occurred to me that I have a webcam on top of my PC but am clueless how/if it works and if the sound is audible. So "Timmy" came in with his laptop and did a bit of fettling then it worked. OK, dunno who I am gonna speak to but it is progress


And (hooray) we went swimming s'morning (after we had gone to the Docs to pick up my new asthma medication script). It was as much fun as usual but I did it, I managed

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Out Walkies

And we are heading out now to meet Sara and go for a walk around the National Botanic Gardens
WOW. I am so much better. Sara said when she was first working with me I would walk a measured 10 yards outside my flat in the care center and would be exhausted and wheezing whereas today I walked the whole way up the hill at NBG

New One

And we headed into Carmarthen looking for new walking sticks (as everywhere is open again today). The old one is wearing out where we had to stick some gubbins over the metal parts on the end, but the new one is made of rubber so it works on all floors etc

Walkies - again

So muscle memory I walked again s'morning, haven't been in my wheelchair yet....

Monday 5 May 2014

Farm Foods-ing

And we nipped down to Farm Foods to pick up more baking tatties and Linda McCartney. On reference I now know how much cheaper their oven chips are but I have a bag and a third here already, so next time.....

Walking - more

And s'morning I left my wheelchair by the bed, I haven't been driving it today. So I walked out with no FES fitted, just did it
Muscle memory is the best, cleverest function of my muscles

Sunday 4 May 2014

Muscle Memory

And I have been walking everywhere today with no FES on and my right foot isn't turning over. Gosh, isn't muscle memory a bit special?

Out For Cuppa

Then s'evening we were bored so decided to head off for a brew. We thought "Carmarthen, where?" so we headed west to St Clears and called in the the Little Chef where we were the only customers for most of the time it took to drink my brew


So s'afternoon we went looking for a "thing for the end of a walking stick" shop but they were all closed.
We finished the trip by going to More Reasons To Shop At.... and doing my weeks shopping a day early


And as Gareth was putting cream on my legs he said "Look" and my hairs, which have been absent since my accident have started to come back, big style


So last night he forgot to put my "sockings" on me, so I slept with free ankles last night and I still got up and walked s'morning.
Lets hear it for muscle memory

Breakfast seems to be a new habit

And I walked into the kitchen again s'morning, it seems to be a new habit
Even tho I was walking unsupported....

Saturday 3 May 2014

Trip Out

Then later we headed over to Laugharne looking for the Dylan Thomas celebrations. Which we didn't find but it was a nice day out


And I got up, parked my wheelchair and walked into breakfast again
And lunch too, see the photos

Friday 2 May 2014


So I got out my grating machine tonight and was eventually through about a third of the cheese we need tonight. As I bought the grater when my right arm wasn't well enuf to grate I thought "Lets try it again" So I got the grater out and found that my right arm is now well enuf to do the other two thirds of the cheese in half the time I had been using the machine

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Gym Crisis

So we went to gym, I left my wheelchair in t'car and walked in. When we were there they signed us in etc downstairs and didn't tell us that the class was cancelled. We headed towards it only to meet someone who told us. So we swore a bit and headed upstairs to do some gym anyway. Half was there a passer by kicked my walking stick and I nearly fell over. Thankfully Timmy was being extra alert as the last passer by had almost kicked my sick so as he was alert he caught me by the shoulders and kept me from hitting the ground.
After that I just didn't have it in me but I did 10 minutes cycling then headed home, a long walk out to t'car then a drive home

More Two Feet

So I was walking again s'morning

Writing Text On Pictures

And last night I finally figured out how to put the piece of txt I was placing on jpg's(©) exactly where I want it, not just nearby. "Preview" then put it exactly where you want it

We're Off

And instead of going Aardvarking s'morning I have gotta go to t'hospital and have some blood tests done, so dunno when we are gonna shop, later today at a guess
Wow, so at hospital there was no-one else waiting so we were seen after 5 minutes and she took my 2 blood samples in about 4 minutes. This time there was no "No blood coming out" crisis she just did it (painlessly) and we were finished
Then we were able to nip to Aardvark and do my shopping (on my own two feet again) and were home before 12, the gym session is at 1

Thursday 1 May 2014


... hooray the first of May, outdoor sex begins today


And we nipped down to t'gym today. Yesterday we were MOTing the car and Tuesday there was a staff meeting so he was extra keen today and made sure I did it all


Then we went out and looked for another chair for the dining roon, with wheels and brakes. In the disability shop they said £2000+ and in the proper furniture shop they said "Naah" so we didn't buy one


And Sara - the physio phoned me s'morning and said "Sorry, my car has broken down, won't make it today", so weeping bitter tears etc


So s'morning I got up, got on my wheelchair, travelled to the end of the hall, parked it, walked to the loo on my own two feet, then walked into the kitchen/dinette and prepared breakfast on my own two feet