Thursday, 30 April 2015

Freya Meeting Us

And Freya contacted me s'morning and said "Iechyd Da?" so I replied "See you there later..."
And it was as excellent as a..... There seemed to be folk playing tunes as opposed to nonsense so....

Early Lunch

And we had an early lunch today as we had to go to the dentist for a filling. It didn't hurt much but was an unpleasant experience
But she was well impressed with how much better my teeth look since I started using those Floss thingies and my mouthwash


And I ate some lettuce/salad from my Trug with lunch today. So next week I won't need to buy any salad

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Mynydd Cerrig

And we went out for a drive through places I used to live in, GGtGG said he could find Mynydd Cerrig (which I couldn't find last time, despite living there for ages) so we set off, thru there then across the valley past the Gardens

Can't Cope

And next few weeks are proving a bit mental. I get new super dooper faster broadband and fly to Belfast for my Dad's birthday. I have been too busy to get my head round it so far...


So we went swimming s'morning. It was as much fun as usual but I managed to swim 1.5 breadths on my front again.
It is more than 12 years since I could do that before

Tuesday, 28 April 2015


So me and Alex went to the gym for a cardiac workout. But I didn't see Jane or Sam so to get my heart beating I had spend 10 minutes on the rowing machine and then 20 minutes on the bike

Hows He Doing?

And Timmy is currently here with Alex and they are doing a "How's he getting on?" kind of meeting, in Timmy's role as the team leader

Monday, 27 April 2015

A Present For You

So I have made myself summat for the election and I have put a  zipped edition here to share

In Between Time

So in between me swimming and geekiness we phoned the airline, booked us on flights to and from Belfast for my Dad's birthday, and spoke to my mother who had been up to the hotel to view, was well impressed and booked us 3 nights there, in a disabled room, to be paid for when we leave

Uber Geek

Then today Timmy phoned BT and assisted me, enquiring about broadband. He hummed and ha'd and in the end they said that as my contract had ran out months ago and hadn't been renewed that I was currently paying far too much for my not very broadband. Basically on 6th May they are gonna switch my line to uber broadband and it is gonna cost less than it does ATM


So at lunchtime we (me & Timmy) headed out to the swimming pool. We were doing exercises as usual when someone caught our eye. Basically I copied her and was able to swim the first breadth I have been able to swim on my front since my accident!!

4th Game

And it was the fourth game sitting at the breakfast table before I won it, s'morning
And Busy Day#174 now.....

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Eat It

And today I harvested and ate some lettuce from my Trug

Wasted Sunday Afternoon

So we went out and drove around the place for a bit, had a push up the new shopping centre then went to Caffè Nero and had a brew

More Reasons

So we had to nip to Morrisons s'morning and got a small amount of food, but salad was the most urgent.
Having done that I cut some of the lettuce that I have grown in my trug and had those for lunch.
Which feels nice on so many levels

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Out For The 'Nooneraft

So we went out getting lost^Hexploring today and in the end we made it to Amroth, beyond St Clears and on the coast. We called into The Temple Bar where I had an orange juice and soda then headed home


And I completely forgot to use my right hand to milk my cereal s'morning, I obviously hadn't woken up properly that soon

It Works

And s'morning and last night the radiators were on, which they haven't been for a week or so, it is much colder now but this is just proof that the new boiler is working as it said on the tin

Friday, 24 April 2015

No Right Hand

So I prepare my muesli night before and add blueberries and more milk with my right hand in't morning. But last night I put on some extra milk so I didn't have to do it s'morning with my right hand. Can't remember if I used my right or left hand last night as I have been extra concentrating and using my right hand in the mornings for a few days

Second Busy

So we have a second busy day today. First of all I go to Aardvark and do most of my weeks (according to Timmy too dear) shopping. Then I come back here and make a lunch to eat in the car on the way to my next appointment. Then we head to the major hospital in Swansea where they have my new wheelchair waiting for me, months after I ordered it
So we did my Aardvark* shopping, came back, put it away, made sum lunch to take to Swansea in half an hour and now I'm having a coffee instead of after lunch
And that was quick and easy. We arrived 15 minutes early, waited for 10 then were called in and in it seemed like no time I was given my new chair. It has some subtle differences, the velcro strap that I had to buy to fit my 'stick to the old chair is bolted on to this chair. The biggest difference is the tyres, they are now pump up air tyres like bicycle tyres
 * I bought some blueberries in Aardvark too, they have obviously come back into season

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Getting Ready

And s'morning I had to remove the plugs from my phone and my iPad which sit on chairs in the way in the dining room, usually "we" can fit round them but as a Team Meeting is going on today there will be too many seats sat on
So it's the start of the well busy 2 days, today we have a Team Meeting and tomorrow we have to head to the hospital in Swansea to get my new wheelchair, the one I have been waiting for for some months now
And when I was leaving the first part of the meeting I heard someone say "Shut that door" so I had to turn around, knock, and say to Denyse "Je t'adore"

More Right Hand Practice

And I used my right hand once more to pour milk onto my cereal

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

I Am Getting Better

And I took a picture of myself pouring milk on my cereal s'morning because I can now do it with my right hand. It hurt, was difficult etc but I can do it at all, so it will be a little easier tomorrow etc etc

Oh What Fun We Had...

So we went to swimming pool at lunchtime today. It was nearly empty and I did 4 lengths and various exercises

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

That Place

That T place, so tonight I requested a visit to Tesco's to....... pick up some more sweet potato oven chips. So while I was there I thought I might as well pick up some Cream Egg Lollies but they had none, not one left. So Farmfoods for that then


So today after lunch we headed out to Aberaeron (due north of Carmarthen, on the coast), as recommended by Alex and it was remarkable. Very beautiful countryside on the way there and a posh, flat town with wide pavements. (There were actually loads of those cripple scooters there) There was a tidal harbour right in town which was remarkable and a walk past that was the delicious ice cream shop that we called at. There was also a "Bigbelly solar compactor" waste bin there which impressed me on so many levels
And not needing a pee every 15 minutes still fills me with joy even tho it has become habit now.....
And I feel that there were some photos "views of the whole town" that were not taken as I was too busy walking to look around fully


And I was up for a pee at a quarter to six s'morning and I didn't need to switch the light on, it was bright already
And I walked into the bathroom in my bare feet, walked up to the loo without holding on to anything, I am so much better @ walking since last year. Just generally I am astonished at my FES device, what a difference it is making. We phoned them yesterday and said "Can we have a new infoot sensor...." they said "First try this..... and....." and by the time Timmy had finished talking to them it was working again

Monday, 20 April 2015

Not Swimming

And as my timetable is a bit fscked about this week Timmy said "Gym, not swimming" today and we got stuck into the heart exercises, the rowing machine followed by the bike. Timmy thought that I was too tired so should stop after 15 mins on the bike but I carried on 'til the end. And then walked out of gym to the car, out of car back indoors

So today we did a "how much has your timetable changed" incident by nipping to Aardvark and doing the majority of my shopping. On a Monday!!! It wasn't as well stocked as it is on a Friday (When I usually go) but we got enuf

Sunday, 19 April 2015


And I was able to walk on uneven surfaces, well wrinkly ones this weekend. I an getting so much generally better

Immediately Back Out

Then we got in home, put the washing on and then headed off to Morrisons to buy the weeks foor and a little milk, hopefully I will get the rest of the milk in Aardvark when I do my weeks shopping there tomorrow

Home Again (Jiggity, jig)

So we made it back s'morning.
For a start I managed the whole journey without a pee and it is still pale coloured....... So we left there to much positive noise, I had been trying to show off and many people commented on how much I was walking.
Yesterday we drove into Hay On Wye, parked up in the free car park which is a bit out of town, I got out of the car and walked the whole way into town, narrow pavements in places, not smooth underfoot in places, SP was pushing my 'chair in front to clear the way but I didn't use it in the ¾ of an hour walk thru town to a cafe, OR the same distance walk back. Many people coming thghe other saw my situation and stepped down out of my way, I was impressed with the general level of courtesy
I knew many of the people there, got to know a few more and just generally felt welcomed
And the loo in the bedroom in the hotel was even lower than this one here, there was no "Raise your loo" on it like here and I still managed to pee and pooh properly

Friday, 17 April 2015

So Much Better

Just walked from the living room to the kitchen, without my FES fitted and it is frankly astonoshing how much flatter my right foot is even without it being on, that device has done me so much good


And we are setting off to SoS in a bit...

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Ready To Go

So today I sat down and watched Timmy get ready my gear for SoS, he got all the clothes and listed all the bits SmallPaul needs to take tomorrow. We are setting off in the afternoon, I am partially excited and partially shitting myself, we no longer have any connection....

Washing Up Again

And as Timmy wasn't eating here tonight I took it on myself to do the washing up again, my plates etc from lunchtime and the tat from dinner


So s'morning me and Timmy headed over to gym, no wheelchair was taken, we were having a gym session. As Sara had talked about improving my arms we got stuck in and did 3 full on arm type exercises. It is astonishing how much better I am at some of those, my right shoulder still hurts but it works nearly as well as the left. And every time I do a session like this it hurts a bit less, it is freer(1)
(1) Check it

Getting Ready

So today me and Timmy will take out all my "stuff" for taking away tomorrow, with the exception of my toothbrush etc, and lay it out in piles on the settee so thet SmallPaul can check it out and pack it away and know what I am taking etc then head away to Clyro Court, Herefordshire for the Ixion do tomorrow....

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Odd Shopping

Then we went out looking for some "quick charge" rechargeable batteries like the ones that are in my landline phones. In the 3rd place we looked he said "Of course, here....."
But they were roughly £1.50 per AAA battery, how much did I have to pay for the 8 batteries I was after/needed?


And we are off in a bit to the swimming pool where we are meeting up with Sara the physio for a session
And she was rather impressed. It is 4 months since she saw me and she was well impressed at how much progress I am making. So I swam 2 breadths with no float for her too. She advised me how to try to move my arms while swimming too
Afterwards in the changing room I parked my 'chair up, walked to the taps pushing an in shower chair and was able to clean myself while standing up, then I walked back pushing the assistant chair again. On my feet the whole way thru

No Neil, leave it

I am so sad, I hadn't even left the breakfast table and.....

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Show It To The Nurse

They Arrived

And eventually my pin up thingies arrived. I bought them on Amazon, contacted the seller last week and said "Where r they?" and he said "They are coming from China" which I kind of object to on the grounds of support local businesses but I have done it. They arrived and I am relatively pleased with them but surely a Welsh carpenter could have made them for roughly the same cost


So we headed to gym about lunchtime and had a good session on various weight machines, the pedalling machine, and the rowing machine. This last one is still a novelty to me but I can use it now

Urgent Pooh

So I got up s'morning, walked into the kitchen, took my medicine, took 2 steps towards the breakfast area then thought "Hang on...", turned around and then went to loo and had a 'pre breakfast pooh' which is reasonably unusual, usually my routine is breakfast, pooh, get on with the day.....

Monday, 13 April 2015


And then we had a hectic, unpleasant trip to the swimming pool.

A) A chap had ignored the sign that sez "Don't leave your stuff in the changing room", left his stuff and kind of half outside locked the door on the big "2 person" changing room. So we had to go to another smaller, not as well equipped, room

B) Primary schools are still on holiday, so there were loads of little kids in the way

C) The disabled loo (Which I wanted to use after being polite enough to not pee in the pool) the light was broken, so GGtGG had to leave the door an inch open and stand in the way so no-one else could use it while I was in there so I could see

But I did it, swam some, did some exercises, showered in one of the open to the public "Don't take your pants off" showers (and had my cream put on in there) before drying and dressing in a much smaller room round then back

3 shops, 1 trip

So we nipped out to Morrison's s'morning. On the way we called into Wilko's to get some cleaning goods and into Farm Foods to get a couple of items on my list, they are cheaper there

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Friday Dinner

And we had my Friday dinner (na'an bread pizza) for dinner tonight as we were out on Friday with D&N, but instead of chips we had it with 2 cous cous & veg thingies that Nóra had bought

Get Rid

And s'morning D&N came round, drank tea and chatted a bit then they had to go off to airport
Nóra was a bit emotional, as she used to be so involved in my care and then hasn't seen me for 7 years and can't comment on how much better I am and how much better my circumstances are here and now

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Busy "Day Off"

Gorsh. So s'morning we met up with David & Nóra in town and went looking for benches. We couldn't find a nice one in either of the places we looked in Carmarthen (I know which one was best but still not that lovely) so then we decided to head off somewhere that hadn't been on he list. When D&N were waiting for me near M&S s'morning there had been a young chap running a stall selling various things, they enquired about benches and he directed then to his bosses company in Pembrey Industrial Estate. So after we went to M&S and bought some lunch type stuff we headed off to Pembrey. We got there, drove up the lane, thought "Where is it?", looked behing summat and went to look at the last option and there it was except it was closed. As he had told us to come along today they phoned him, he said "Sorry, at home for lunch, see you in 5" and showed up. I was impressed. He is very talented at working with wood and runs a small, successful business from what is effectively a large shed in the back of an industrial estate. I was double impressed reading some of the stuff about him, he is boss, his son D&N met s'morning is training to be a carpenter and all the rest of his staff are various less capable folk who have summat wrong but he is trying to help them

Anyway David bought a bench for me and arranged to pick it up from the chaps van in Carmarthen later, after nap and bath etc. So we did meet up later picked summat up, and we set off with the back seats folded down and D&N following in their car. Before they arrived Ed had taken it out of the boot and set it up

Friday, 10 April 2015

Out For Dinner

Then we all went out to Tafarn Tanerdy to have a delicious dinner and chat etc
"They" insisted on paying for Alex's dinner to kind of say thank you for putting up with that Neil chappy


First of all we came back here, I put the food away then showed Nóra around my house which she hasn't been to before.
Then we took all 4 of us to gym. What can I say, as Nóra hasn't seen me exercise since I was trapped in a 'chair she was telling me how much better I am. I think I know that but I am suppressing memories of how ill I was so it is wonderful to hear it


So me and Alex and David And Nóra nipped to Aardvark s'morning, it went well, still no posh muesli but.... but it all seemed to take even less time than it took last week. I bought loads and Nora paid it ion behalf for my Mum.


Lordy, as I looked at diary s'morning I realised "Lord it's my birthday" because I am so old I was suppressing


So we have gotta meet D&N in Aardvark as they have gotta buy my shopping so they will have to witness me walking upstairs etc

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Hectic Day

So today is the start of business. So at lunchtime Anthony (my financial advisor) is coming to see me then later my brother and his missus are coming to visit me
Well Anthony came over, just to see me as he had to do a visit locally, we talked about the house, if I want him to get in touch with Denyse about stuff etc. and he looked pleased that I was so pleased about ownership
And in a few minutes we are heading into town to meet up with David & Nora(h)
And it wasn't too bad actually. Turns out that Nóra (without the h it is) actually buys the same soapy stuff that I found in Aardvark. And she has instructions from my Mum to pay for tomorrows shopping (And she pushed me out of the way when I tried to pay, so she paid for Timmys, mine, hers & David's)


And when I went to fill the kettle s'morning suddenly I was scared, there was an enormous spider in the kitchen sink.
Ed came and killed it after I had said "Can u put it out the window" because he said I was scared but I called for help as I don't trust my right arm to behave as I wast yet

Wednesday, 8 April 2015


As we had got in touch we headed over to get Freya from her house at dinner time tonight. She was as intimidating as a teenage daughter can be.
She is now in her last half term at sixth forn, she is nearly officially a grownup. She was my baby, youngest of my kids

Walkies not swimming

So as Ed said "Forgot my trunx today, as it's a half term we will just go and do summat else instead" so we headed down to Morfa Lane Carmarthen Town Park and I walked all the way round a full sized rugby pitch without ever sitting down in owt

Tuesday, 7 April 2015


So a little bit later we headed down to Llansteffan by the sea. We walked along the path, stopped for a bit, I stood up to walk again and Alex said "Back to the car?" but the answer was "No, I need/was supposed to walk further" and did before turning back and walking the whole way
And I was able to climb up both sets of stairs left right, did the down like that on the way out but was too exhausted by the time I came back
But I didn't see any "take a pic of me" things, I feel un.....summated

Just Cycling

So me and Alex had a discussion, I said "Half term" etc and how I really wanted to just go for a long walk instead of gym. He said "Ah but..." so we decided to just go to gym for a long cycle then come home for lunch, then go out for a long walk outside. So when I have finished we are off out.
I don't think we should try that walk from the back of the leisure centre again, it was all uneven..


Then s'morning me & Alex walked out the front door along the pavement to the house 2 doors down. There I gave her a picture of a daffodil that she had given me from her garden 6 weeks ago and it now has dried up and died. But looks rather impressive
Again walking with no 'chair and part of the way with no stick


And struggle, struggle but I have been walking some of the way indoors with my 'stick held off the ground, up in my right hand. It is still struggle, struggle and so slow but the fact that I can do it at all is miraculous.
Improvement here we come....

Right Handed

And today I brushed my teeth, poured out some mouthwash with my right hand.
It still isn't obvious but if it works @ all...

Monday, 6 April 2015

I *AM* Getting Better

And today I walked from my PC, into the kitchen to the bin, from there to the airing cupboard and from there to my bedroom without leaning on my 'stick. My right knee seems to have realised to bend without me having to concentrate so hard. It is still hard word, slower than a very slow thing but it is normal!!!!

And About

So as it is half term ATM we couldn't go swimming so Timmy & myself headed west, thru Saint Clears and on to the coast. We ended up at Amroth where they seem to be having a pirate theme

Ha ha

So as I was inspired by an ad for a t shirt I explored on-line further and found a quote of witticisms which I rather liked

Sunday, 5 April 2015


So s'afternoon we decided to go out. Where? He asked. I suggested Llandeilo, Llandovery, turn right, go up and over the Black Mountain then come home on the other side. And it was lovely, fleece off all afternoon, it is spring time at last and it is so beautiful looking down from up there

Where's She Gone....

Where's the queen....

God Botherers Day

And everywhere is shut today

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Emergency Shop

So we had an emergency visit to Morrison's because my diary said "Shop Tomorrow" but it is closed for that god botherer's birthday or summat tomorrow and I can't wait 'til Monday. But we did it. Far too much spending etc but it is done
But on the way there we had to call into the tip to dump the grass cuttings off

Friday, 3 April 2015

Friday Treat

And we had the usual Friday treat, (naan bread) pizza and chips for tea and it was as beautiful as ever


So I was half way through grating the cheese to make tonight's dinner when suddenly I thought "Using my right hand?". I hadn't even thought about not using my left hand, it just happened automatically

Aardvarking (again)

So we headed to Aardvark s'morning. We parked across the road so there was no need for my 'chair, it stayed in the boot. So we walked in, up the slope etc and walked back out with full carrier bags
On the same trip we nipped to Farm Foods (after visit to the filling station) and picked up a few more Linda McCartney etc

To Do

So s'morning I was checking out my diary for when Denyse comes back and I had written in it a few weeks ago "Ask her about the house" but that is irrelevant now, I have owned my house for 9 days now

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Long Way

So I begged Timmy "Can we go out for a long walk instead of gymming today" and eventually he agreed so we headed to the Leisure Centre car park, parked around the back and headed off following the path by the river. It was eventually by the river, much scary downhill but I managed - I did it.
It didn't occur to me that I would have to walk back up but.......

Getting The Bin In

And I was out the front s'morning fetching the food waste bin back after it was emptied. A neighbour was walking her dog and stopped to chat briefly. She commented A)on how much better generally I am, but (more to the point) B)how much clearer my speech is than it was a year ago

Wednesday, 1 April 2015


So "we" went out to the pub up the road tonight and had a pint or 3


Then after lunch we nipped to Wilko's and bought various bird feed and feeding devices then we put together the bird stand that my brother bought for me ages ago. It all looks good, we just need them to pass on word and loads come and eat

Gym not swimming

And this morning I nearly had to have an argument with GGtTT as I was insisting on not going swimming as it is half term so no idea how many kids will be there, so in the end he agreed to just (ha, just!!!) take me to gym where I did my loadsa exercises followed by 20 minutes on a bike
But before we went to gym we had to nip to the chemist next to the Drs and pick up more cream and more sockings. Isn't the NHS excellent
We did see Sam, she was there today, and I asked her..... - she said I was looking thinner on Tuesday whereas the scales said "Just as fat". She said that I am reducing fat and growing muscles again, so don't worry too much about scales. So OK, as long as she can give me regular updates


And my Dad sent me a strange Irish joke s'morning which I actually found rather funny.