Sunday 31 January 2016


So all day I have been dreading cooking dinner tonight, it was my usual Sat dinner of roast veg &c and I just thought "More 2 feet-ing". So it came 'til tonight just before dinner time and I was walking about the kitchen cooking. That wasn't difficult at all, it was the easiest time on my feet that I have had today. As soon as dinner is eaten I am back to "not wanting to walk much"
It was strange, obviously having summat to do makes walking easier, but most of the time there is nowt so do-able.....


So me and GGtGG headed out to check he could find Ruth's house for Wednesday (We are both having dinner there) and then we headed back thru Cwrt Henri where I lived before opposite Ruth's.
Lordy, it was all a bit emotional for me, driving along roads I remember so strongly from my past that I haven't seen since my accident &c


Lordy, so yesterdays MOS has got to tell today's "Neil needs this cream there and this cream there" then today's MOS has got to tell tomorrows etc &c

Head Exploding

No, it does my head in. Until a number of weeks ago I used to wheelchair on a Sunday to carry my bedding out to put it in the wash, now I carry it out on my own two feet
(And Denyse I remembered to put it on a hotter wash)

Saturday 30 January 2016

The Old Ones

And I am watching on YouTube an episode of The Young Ones. Fun


And I said to Ed "Can u trim my hair?", he said "No, I'm back next week and it's not too long", but I said "You aren't here for 3 weeks", he checked and said "OK, trimming"


So I am a bit weary now. Thinking "Oh Lordy, I need to get up on my feet and walk to the loo". But it is still better than being in a wheelchair


As Ed(weena) is working today and he really dislikes my usual Saturday food of roast veg I have had to cook the Sunday (and Monday and Tuesday...) dinner of curry tonight. It was fine, all went well, except that it takes loads more time than roasting veg.
But it's done now, got to think of some accompaniment.... 

Not Allergic

So today my nurse, Ed, agreed that I am probably not allergic to those plaster thingys, as I have had no reaction so far, so it will be OK to keep them on 'til Tuesday, which is a great relief to me

Friday 29 January 2016

Aargh. Weeping now

And after taking those new big sticky plaster type balancers off my knee I think I am gonna cry it hurt so much


So I went to gym today and did various exercises recommended by Sam and it went well. She said "Can u get down? " but I managed it even with my wonky knee

Thursday 28 January 2016


And we went to Iechyd Da and had a good time

Washing Up

And I did the washing up after lunch as we are going out to Iechyd Da, to their Folk Night (noisy link) to have dinner tonight


So we had to nip to the Drs for an appointment today. Basically he gave me the same cream for my spotty chest and an anti fungal cream to put on my armpits, well a MOS will have to put it on, I can't see where it's supposed to go

Sticking Needles In Me

So Sara the Physio phoned me s'morning and said "Because you have this issue with your leg, shall I come round to see u instead of meeting u at the gym?". So she came round, gave me some Kinesiology Tape (and ordered much more) and stuck some needles and pins in my leg

Wednesday 27 January 2016


Oh me and Timmy are going off swimming again...
Tho the last couple of times we have been I have been able to fit my own "training flippers" by myself, again an improvement
And it went as well as can be expected. I did various "Improve your hamstring" exercises and 6 lengths. Timmy did comment on how much quicker I am swimming since I got my right foot to work too

Tuesday 26 January 2016


Yes, it feels OK, this walking stuff, I am back to doing it.....

Back On My Own Two Feet

Then when I was just about to cook dinner Denyse phoned and told me off for self-diagnosing and not walking. I said that it was so much better after resting etc. So when she hung up I A] Put the dinner isn't oven and B] Tried walking to the loo. It went so well I got my proper chair back up to the table and parked my wheelchair in the corner.
I am back on my own two feet now. Not just 'cos Denyse nagged me but because of the rest I had today


And it feels really strange to be in my wheelchair in the house again. I lnow it won't be for long but it feels SO strange
Phew, feels normal once more to be not in it

Some Better

And into t'bath s'afternoon, getting out of my wheelchair and walking about the bathroom then climbing into the bath it was defiantly a lot easier to walk than it was s'morning. Still not perfect but a lot better/easier than it was. So hopefully another 24 hours in wheelchair then I can abandon it again

Half Gym

So I wheelchaired to the gym today and did all upper body exercises, including the hand cycle thingy.
It's done now


Right. My view is that "It's fscked" but MightyMike says "No, it's tendonitis" so at a guess rest it
Well as I need to rest it I will ask GGtGG to nip out to the car and fetch it in for me to use, as a guess I will use it today and tomorrow then try to start walking everywhere again
"If you think you have injured a tendon, stop doing the exercise or activity that caused your symptoms and rest the affected area initially. As your symptoms start to improve, you can gradually return to your normal activities"
So Timmy txted me to say "If it hurts you need to see your doc" but as it doesn't hurt now, it only hurts when I am walking on it I suspect that just resting it will help
And as "resting" when GGtGG got my 'chair out I asked him to put the foot holder for my right leg on so I am not even having to hold that leg upwards. It is the leg that has been causing all the trouble, my left leg still works

Monday 25 January 2016


Fecking swimming today...
We shopped yesterday so nothing else in my diary for s'morning
Well it wasn't too bad. I had forgotten what a difference being able to kick with 2 feet again makes. So I was able to do my 8 lengths easily

Sunday 24 January 2016

I Can

So s'afternoon I was struggling with walking. But come cooking time I just found that I was distracted enuf that I just got on and did it.
Gord nose

Strangely Fixed

So after all my walking s'morn my right knee was complaining lots, not wanting to move property etc. I was a bit concerned but thought WTF to do?
So I had my bath, was sitting in warm water for about 20 mins, not exercising or owt, got back out of the bath and my leg is about 87% better

More Feet

So we went out and first of all we walked into to Morrisons. and did the rest of my weeks shopping. But we couldn't find any frozen chopped onion or picture frames for my won on EBay pic so we went to Farmfoods and again walked in and had a look around. We just found some onion bits there so we headed down to The Range where I was still walking (up and down the escalator too, which was a bit of an event) and right at the back of the fscking shop, the longest walk away, we found some picture frames
All these combined with having to walk around the car to press buttons for the diesel fill up after Morrisons stop that was a bit of a long walk s'morning 
When we were heading to Farmfoods after the diesel stop I thought "Wheelchair, boot"  but then I thought "NO, you are so much better just keep it up" so I did

Saturday 23 January 2016


So I managed to walk up & down the kitchen to make our dinner. Just lawks and lordy. What can I do now...?


So Alex came to work yesterday carrying a new car battery, plugged it into his car which has been here for 3 or 4 days, and this morning it started and he was able to take in home again.


So s'morning I changed my bed and just carried the box out of my bedroom on my own two feet. I know that it is 2 or 3 weeks I have been doing this but it still amazes me, just how much more capable am I?

Friday 22 January 2016


Gosh, my brain hurts. I am still walking, it is SO late but I still am.... My brain hurts, it just wasn't the usual for some years....

Important But Hard To Explain

So after my bath I stood there drying myself, I was drying my back, start at the top going backwards and forwards then I reached the point where I needed to move my arms over the towel and rub the bottom of my back and my bottom. As it has been doing for many years my left arm just did it, but my right arm which hasn't been able to do the same move without much help from my left just did it today. For the first time in how many years? So yes, it might seem small and irrelevant to you but it is proof, in so many strange ways, both big and small, that I am getting better

Pat & His Black And White Cat

And the postman came s'morning and dropped off a security camera and recorder for the car that in a moment of paranoia I bought. It's still in the box but we have been to gym and are back having lunch so hopefully...

And Timmy is as we speak booking "our" trip to Belfast

So he has my credit card and is making the payments for a June trip for GGtGG, me and Alex


And I am going to my only gym class of the week at lunchtime, potentially followed by 10 mins on a pushbike
And I managed it all. The class went as well as classes do, it seemed rather busy today so Sam didn't have as much Neil time but it was ok. After I did 10 mins on a bike. After 5 mins I had done X distance but in the second 5 I did 1.5X

Thursday 21 January 2016

Really 2 Feet

So just now I stood up in the kitchen and walked to the bathroom for a pee without my walking stick
Dunno, no doubt someone will tell me that is is too difficult and dangerous, so don't do for these reasons but...


Then after 5 we headed into Aardvark and bought a weeks fruit and veg and milk etc

Half Hearted

So I went to gym and just did 4km on the bike. It took me about 23 mins and then I said "Let's go", Timmy replied "You did 10km last time we were here together" but I just thought "Enough"

Wednesday 20 January 2016


And it was well icy today, taking Alex home. After 12.30 there was still loadsa ice on the field but as I didn't have my camera with me I had to take a photo with my phone. Which isn't as clear but you can just about see how much ice there is on the field. By the afternoon

More Farmfoodsing

Then because I needed some more garlic bread and summat that isn't sweet potato oven chips (for Alex) we popped back to Farmfoods. Where a MOS was being very positive, she hasn't seen me walk before etc.
And we bumped into a passer by who I met somewhere and she hadn't seen me walk before either.....

What A Day

What a day, at least it is over now. Right, first thing Alex, who was s'posed to go home at 10.13 today, had a car crisis. It wouldn't start. So we looked in the garage, in the boot of the car, in the end we popped to the neighbours and asked to borrow some jump leads. We plugged them in, left the car for half an hour while my car was running, then Gareth got in my car and reved it while Alex tried to start his. Nowt.
So we had to take Alex home, nearly all the way to Cardigan, he lives miles away, in Drefach Velindre.
So because that took so much time we couldn't go swimming so we headed to town for a walk
We parked up at the corner of Blue St (the bus station) and Lammas St and set off walking, with no wheelchair accompaniment. We walked thru town to the new shopping centre that used to be the Cattle Market Car Park. Walked all the way up thru that, gave a busker a quid and walked back down to the old Aardvark shop, it's now a café and a very nice one. After a brew in there we walked all the way back to the car. Big walks!! And big walks as we weren't in gym today so I did loadsa outside work


And each and every night about this time I think "Gizzmy wheelchair" but every night I think "No, good practice" so...

Nearly Winning

And after a morning of genius there is only one that I haven't won this month

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Sick Of It

And good lord but I am sick of this fscking rehabilitation, I just wanna be better. Dunno if my process will ever end but I suppose the consequences of 'failing' doesn't.....

More Walking

Then s'afternoon we popped out to get some more coffee and sugar for the staff and a few bits of cleaning stuff.
We fetched it from Home Bargains in Carmarthen and again I was on my own two feet with no wheelchair in sight


So we went to gym s'morning and did 4 machines followed by a 10 min cycle. On the machines I felt nearly at breaking point but I just carried on without complaining. The very fact that I felt able to just carry on is a sign that I am getting fitter/healthier

Strange Dream

So I had a strange dream last night. I dreamt that in town we had met Naomi from (ex) Brer Rabbit and we drove up to her new house and had a cuppa
Really strange when my alarm went off s'morning I was thinking about this and couldn't tell whether it had been a dream or if it was real. To get to her new house you drive past where Brer Rabbit was then a couple of minutes later you turn right.
Gord nose.....

Monday 18 January 2016

Struggle On

And I have been a bit pi**ed off with having to carry stuff about today but I just did it. On my own two feet...

What Fun....

And we are off to the swimming pool in a bit....
(not real photo, somewhere else)
So we went and mostly I am just astonished at how well my right foot is kicking water away.  So because swimming is so much easier/faster I did all 8 lengths, easily
And I was nervous about being able to walk afterwards, but I tried it on the way out of the 'pool to the car and that gave me some confidence so we got home and I just walked
BUT  even tho it has been fixed for a week it was the first time I have sat in my "normal" wheelchair since it was fixed and just wow, it's wide enuf etc

Sunday 17 January 2016

Sunday Shop

And as Sunday is my usual Supermarket Day and I had already got my weeks shopping in Morrison's t'other day we headed off to Farmfoods. As we had to go past the driveway on the way we stopped at Morrison's first and I walked in, looked around and chose some snacks.
Then we drove down to Farmfoods and this time, as I had checked out distance etc t'other day I walked in and around, got 1 of the things we were after and a substitute for the other
Walking, both shops. Walking

Struggle, struggle, struggle

And I still does my head in, actually changing my bed then carrying the washing to the machine. I used to not walk at all one day of the weekend, the day when I had to carry this heavy box out, used to be wheelchair happy for 1 day. Used to be, used to be. My wheelchair doesn't come in the house at all nowadays...

Saturday 16 January 2016

Making Dinner

And once again I cooked on my own two feet. It is still a pain, but it does get a little bit easier every day


So I am cooking a curry tonight. It will be made from veg and a jar of sauce. Marginally nervous but I hope it will be nice
And it was nice. I was worried it was too runny, I had added too much water, but it tasted very good, I don't think it was too much actually.



Friday 15 January 2016

The Weekend?

Is it really Saturday tomorrow? Where has the week gone?

Sneaky Shop

So as I finished the salad @ lunchtime I decided that if we needed salad I may as well get the other 3 or 4 things on my list for Sunday/Monday shopping so we did.
Again Alex said "No" to me asking him to push my chair behind us but yes, he was right, I can just walk the distance, all the way around the shop, not just the salad section by the door
And I suspect that someone criticised me for taking my chair into Farmfoods on Tuesday but I think that it is not much different to the dimensions of this shop so we will have to see when we are back

Proper Class

And I am off in a bit to my only weekly visit to a proper class at gym
So we arrived, walked up the stairs, walked all round for the class and did my 10 min cycle at the end. Then I used the lift to back down
Wheelchair stayed in the boot of the car

Thursday 14 January 2016


So me and Timmy headed to Aardvark and got the usual weeks shopping as well as an "add veg (or meat) curry" which I am gonna try instead of the casserole this week
And I had to give her my "Look how much I have spent in Aardvark" card as it was full with £20 to be paid back to me. She said that this was only the 3rd to be handed in so I obviously am an important customer

It's Fixed, Not That I Use It Much

So "the chappy" came and fixed my wheelchair s'morning. Not that I use it much but it's fixed anyway

Team Meeting

And (sigh) everyone was here for a "team meeting" this AM, I left them to it....

Becoming Habitual

So it is becoming a habit, to walk a short distance about my house without my walking stick. Every day and in every way noisy link I am getting SLIGHTLY better

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Listen Timmy

Can it be true?


And Timmy txted me and said "The wheelchair fixers are coming at some point tomorrow". That's quite good because I will be about all day tomorrow anyway as there is a team meeting happening


And "we" are heading to the swimming pool at lunchtime....
And we went and did it, it actually wasn't too unpleasant so...

No Garage Garden

And "he" announced yesterday that they had discussed to "garden in the garage" idea but as there is no drainage that was a no no. He sent me an email with a couple of alternatives but said "Don't buy these, wait 'til Wilko gets their spring items in, they will be much cheaper" and said that the plan is to put it at the RHS of the garage, on the piece that never gets driven on.
I think the 2nd link is the most appealing, wait and see. They will have to put a couple of breeze-blocks around near to the entrance and then it will be posh

Tuesday 12 January 2016


When 'he' had to "reset" my email client all the Ads came back. So I went online, found AdBlocker and installed it. The ads were still there. So I panicked and gave up, figuring CleverITTimmy will be in here on Thursday. So tonight I just tried downloading it again and I noticed it said "This has been disabled by..... click to enable", clicked and tried restarting the email client. No fscking adverts, the big objectionable type, gone again now

Further Nuts Are We

Gosh, and I watched it for a number of hours again today....

Feed Me

And we had the last of my chic pea casserole for dinner, it was the last of it so tomorrow night we will have to have some frozen food
It feels so old fashioned, I have been cooking so much food for about a month


So we went to gym s'morning and did 4 exercises followed by a 10 min cycle. Gosh I am so much fitter than I was a few months ago, it it really noticeable

Stressful Interweb

So as my email was being filled up with spam and my interweb connection was ignoring what I told it to connect to we had to go into "settings", advanced, "reset". Which did work but eg my Blog password etc have been gone. I need Timmy to come back and tell me how to get rid of AdSense adverts which have come back since resetting

Well dun, Sir

It's a week now, this walking......

Monday 11 January 2016

6 Days

And tomorrow, if tonight goes according to plan, I can announce that my wheelchair hasn't been in my house for a week. I have been walking and sleeping etc. So I had my accident about 650 weeks ago and it is only the last week that I have been wheelchair free.
0.0015% of the time or summat
So tomorrow I will feel the need to announce it to Ixion... It's like I really wanted it late last night but I thought "No, carry on...."

Minor Crisis

So we headed out to Farmfoods and picked up some bits but on the way there Gareth said "Oh look, warning light about tyre pressure" so we called into Morrisons to blow up the tyre, it was only 2 psi down, but the light is still lit. So at a guess me and Alex will have to take it in to the seller/garage tomorrow and see if they can fix it

A Number Of Things

Well me and GGtGG headed for the pool s'morning.
1) They said when we entered they the stairs still weren't working but because this didn't take me by surprise and make me panic I just stepped down and up on the steps

2) When we were in there GGtGG said "As you haven't been swimming for a while take it easy" and started off with a back stroke. But this time I was able to kick with both my feet, not just the left one, like it was going for the past many years, and it was so much faster than last time. I kept that speed up when I was swimming on my front too

3) Afterwards I was just able to walk from the car to the house, leaving my wheelchair in the boot, I suspect it is the first time I have walked after a swim

Sunday 10 January 2016

Less Apprehensive

And I am less nervous about cooking tonight, partly I think tonights dinner isn't as time dependant, just stick it in a pan and leave it for ages etc
And it was extra strange cooking for myself and doing the washing up again, but this is the second time I have not cooked for Timmy since I started this walking everywhere thing and I fscking managed. I really wanted to sit in my wheelchair but I just carried on

My Memory Is.....

So last week I started a bottle of Sloe Gin that I was given as a pressie. I really am enjoying it so I bought another bottle yesterday. Timmy pointed out to me today that I used to drink it and stopped because The Doc said it was way sugary and possible helping cause my Imminent Diabetes. All of which had escaped my mind


So s'morning we (me and Timmy) had to head to Wilko to buy some more napkins for the kitchen table as I thought we had a packet somewhere, we finished the Christmas ones and couldn't find the spare box.
We got out of the car, I didn't ask Timmy to push my 'chair as I am making so much progress, so I just walked into, around and out of the shop
Assisted by FES which we had out on before we left

Exploded Mind

Where has the wheelchair gone, from the side of my bed?


So the 3 coded letters on my bank account spelled this today

Saturday 9 January 2016


Again. I was worried about chopping, cooking, setting the table etc while on my feet but again it seems to have worked

At Last, I figured it out

So I struggled trying to add a link to the middle of a blog page, but in the end I figured it out. There is no reason for just showing the second paragraph of this but this is what I was struggling to do.

And what eventually I figured out how to
I think this came about t'other night when I wanted to link to summat but the first paragraph was about something completely different, irrelevant


More Reasons To Shop At.....

So s'morning we nipped to Morrisons (noisy) as I needed more salad today and thought "I might as well do my Sunday/Monday shop a day (or 2) early" so I got it all

We drove there, we got out of the car, I walked into the shop, Alex pushed my wheelchair behind, but he needn't, I walked around the shop, walked to the till and walked back to the car

Ho Ho Ho

Witticism for New Year


Hoo-flipping-ray. Another day another dollar...

Friday 8 January 2016


And I am scared as tomorrow morning I have gotta change the bed.  I have never carried the bag of bedding out on my own two feet, I useda take a day off my walking and carry it on my wheelchair.  Never, so am a bit intimidated
Well I managed s'morning, it was relatively easy, I might have been skiving somewhat in the past

Stress Cooking Pizza

And despite my moving stuff out before use etc I still found it needed loads of nipping about the kitchen to make pizza and chips but I fscking managed. On my own two feet
And it was a bit delicious 

Keep Your Dignity

Right, I had realised that not sitting in my wheelchair to leave the bathroom was making my big towel fall down, removing my dignity. So I had a look today in the cupboard and found 1 (Should have a partner, didn't see it today!) even bigger towel. So  I got out of the bath today, dried myself, got the biggest towel wrapped around my waist, was able to double over 6-8 inches and it stayed up while I walked out of the bathroom, carrying the piece of lifting device to be plugged in, my pants and my walking stick.
No passers by could look in the window and see my bottom

Gym Class

So me and MM are off in a bit to my only gym class that I go to each week. I am a bit excited about telling her how long it is since I sat in a wheelchair. And it felt a bit strange to listen to Timmy saying "You must fix his wheelchair" when I haven't sat in it for some days.
I s'pose that's future-proofing it etc but...
Well I went to class and worked really hard to try and get around this "You are being lazy since Christmas" accusation that has been made. I told Sam that it has been a number of days since I sat in a wheelchair and she made praising noises
But I am vaguely worried about Morrisons tomorrow, walking?  


So watching Breakfast Telly s'morning there was a piece about accesibility, gigs being more wheelchair friendly etc but I was nearly crying when watching and had to turn it off

Thursday 7 January 2016

Exploding Head

Now my head has blown up. That's because it is 2 or 3 days since I have sat in my wheelchair

Minor Panic

And I had another minor panic when I realised that 'cos of this "no wheelchair" rule I was gonna have to walk out of my bedroom after napping, carrying the washing basket and carry it all the way to the kitchen and put it on. I had always sat down to carry stuff before
But today I managed. Carrying in my right hand, walky stick in left hand, it just worked


So as Timmy was with me today and he had his "being in charge" head on I went on a bike and did the full 10km in just over 50 minutes.
And he did say that yesterday's crisis was just me forgetting that I have done it before at the pool, and when he said "It's broken" I panicked


So tonight I am in bed with no wheelchair at the side. Fark, how much better am I, have I got?????

Wednesday 6 January 2016


So I was gonna come into the kitchen, I pushed my chair away from the desk, went to start pushing it in here..... No, you got a stand up and walk, that is not a moveable wheelchair


So today I am doing that "Walk everywhere" thing again. (Which is excellent etc, I know)
Because I am walking everywhere I no longer get to think "Ahhhh, that's easier" when I get into my wheelchair for the first time, usually in the afternoon after my nap


And finishing my lunch I panicked, thought GGtGG better nip out to the car and bring my wheelchair back in. I can't have a bath without it. But after conversation I just went to the bath without it. It was hassle coming out on foot, carrying my 'pants, the tuner for the lifting me out device, my 'stick, towels etc but I managed. Only having one and a third hands that work can be such a hassle


And while I was making lunch I said to GGtGG "Take my wheelchair out of the kitchen (where it's in the way) and put it in the boot of the car". I know he will be able to fetch it back later if necessary but as I didn't use it at all last night.....


So we headed into town first. Looked in 3 shops and eventually picked up sum new sandals as my old ones were coming undun etc.
Then we headed into swimming pool, got changed, went by the pool GGtGG went to ask the chap for the stairs device that I get down and up he replied "No, it's broken". After much humming and hawing I got half way in down the ladder but changed direction then and got back out. I didn't feel confident enough to go down the last 2 steps as I needed to be able to reverse the project. So we came back here, had lunch then I will have a proper bath and nap


And we need to go swimming s'morning. Hoo-fscking-ray

More Walkies

And Alex fixed it for me s'morning, carried the other chair in and put it in place so now I, hopefully, no longer need my 'chair by my bed

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Muscles Contracting

I don't know any more detail but there was proof. I was standing at the loo having a piss, I farted and it stopped my piss coming out for about a quarter of a second. Don't know why but it must be some form of contraction


So today, as suggested yesterday, I used my wheelchair into the bathroom, used it to carry my washing to the machine afterwards, then parked it and walked. I have been wanting to/feeling guilty for not walking more for some time now
And I walked while I cooked tonight. It was a struggle but I manged
Still walking everywhere. 8.23pm. 10.15pm now... Effectively all day
And I was walking all day, I went off left my wheelchair in the kitchen, shut the door then realised that I don't have a seat by my other PC so had to go back and get it. I'll fix this tomorrow 


That's how I take a video. I was looking at my camera a bit puzzled today, thinking "It can take video's, but how?" but Alex knew, "Press the red button next to the taking photo's button"


So I headed to gym today and got straight on the bike. I said "Don't measure my distance as if I do it takes about an hour 20 to finish and I am not prepared to do that ever again. I am just cycling for half an hour then we are going home"


So today I was able to brush my teeth and use mouthwash which I was advised not to last night but everything seems to have worked. The hole has closed over and seems to be well mended

Monday 4 January 2016

Oops, shop

Then s'afternoon I looked at the veg I am cooking with and decided there wasn't enough. So we nipped to Morrison's and bought some broccoli and half a red cabbage to add. Wow but red cabbages have loads of content, I had to get a bigger saucepan out to transfer it to
Right, as it started to cook down it was looking like I had put too much water in after all. So I enquired off Timmy "What will thicken this?", he said "You haven't got any cornflour" (looking in t'cupboard) then suddenly he said "Lentils". D'uh, why hadn't I thought of that
AARGH, and I forgot to pick up a na'an bread for Friday......


So then later I thought I would just make a cuppa coffee for lunch as my mouth felt weird. Then I thought "Eat yoghurt, that's soft" but actually had some yoghurt and 2 bananas for lunch, before drinking my coffee


And Timmy phoned the dentist at about a quarter to nine and said "Neil..." and they said "Come in at 11.30" so...
Fark. So we went along, she prodded, said "That tooth is dead, not connected, want me to take it out otherwise you will get loads of infections?" so I thought for a minute then said yes. So she gave me loadsa jabs then waited for a minute then got stuck in. First of all she got some "pliers" then went to attach them, thought "No need" and just attacked my tooth with a screwdriver type device. She got in, attached it then instantly handed me the tooth, no struggling and pulling, it wasn't attached. Then put a rolled up bit of cloth on and said "Goodbye"
But again I did this trip without wheelchair. Timmy drove there, got out of car, walked down the stairs outside then to the door, reversed route on way out. Up/down the stairs, not around the longer stairless route for wheelchairs and those of us who can't use the stairs
Right, I have had my bath and my nap now and the anti-hurting stuff has worn off and it does hurt now. But only some, not enough for a "Parrot to eat anything" etc

Sunday 3 January 2016

Everybody Needs Good....

Then (noisy link) there was a knock on the door tonight, I went to see who it was and it was Simon and Vicky my new next door neighbours, who have just moved over from England and seem interesting


So.... a quiet Sunday, we nipped to More Reasons To Shop At... (noisy link) yesterday as I ran out of salad..... and the only thing on my diary was "Ask Timmy to phone about AF" and he said "No, you had such a stressful journey last year, it took 13 hours to get there, just head for SOS this year"

Saturday 2 January 2016


Then after Ruth had been round telling me to make a life etc I had a bath and was just sitting on the edge of the bed about to get in it for my nap when the doorbell rand. Ed answered it then came back in and told me it had been the new next door neighbours coming round to make friends.
Aargh, missed them


Then someone came and knocked on the door s'morning. It was Ruth and her son who was born about the time I had my accident and is a bit massive now. Basically she invited me to her house for tea once a month or so in order that I can start having a life once more

Early Shop

So as I had run out of salad and needed sum today I thought I may as well so my weekly shop a day early. So 1 basket, 1 bag of stuff but we couldn't get any na'an bread so I will head back on Tuesday or Wednesday and fetch them

Friday 1 January 2016


Someone posted a link to his wife's calendar for this year

Busy Day

So I am having a busy day today, on antibiotics so not being "naughty" but Sam did txt me earlier to say "we" would come over later.....
Which they did, they are on their way back to Sheffield and called in to see me one last time....... they were only here for an hour but it was nice


Well Happy New Year to one and all. It must be about..... 2003ish. WTF's happened to all the intervening years, I don't remember them. It's now 2016