Wednesday 28 February 2018

Bin Bagless

So today I managed to have a bath without the bin bag over my cast as today the postman brought me a Limbo waterproof protector which doesn't actually need elastic bands, you just fit it on and it is tight enuf. Perhaps I am being too cynical but "We will see how long it lasts" but it is good so far

Really Hot

Lord, but they think it is well warm tonight

Busy Evening

So then tonight after someone cooks for us we need to pop out and go somewhere obscure and buy another battery for my remote control then we are going shopping in Morrison's a day early as it is due to snow tomorrow

Sigh Class

So s'afternoon we are heading down to gym to go in someones class at 2pm, it is the equivalent of Sam's class. As I can't swim.......
Well it went OK. There was many exercises I couldn't do but I just went on to the next


And today I am experimenting with not wearing my sling thingy, just leaving my right arm out and about. I do prefer it, just being able to reach stuff with my right hand even if I can't grip very tightly helps loads

Tuesday 27 February 2018


Well Roy ordered one of these for me today......

More Shopping

Then we had to pop to an unusual department store in town as the press lights thing in the bedroom had stopped working and we had to replace the lamp bit. Which is all fixed now. It had come apart when fell down some months ago and finally died today

Toasty&Warm S'Afternoon

Gosh, it is so warm s'afternoon, under the sunshine


And on the way back from the hospital Roy called into the supermarket to fetch some long life milk etc so it the snow does fall my staff will have food and drink

Check Up

So s'morning me and Roy had to head to the hospital for my follow up appointment about my broken hand. They examined me, checked with a consultant, and basically said there was nowt that they needed to do, just keep it in a splint for another fortnight then they will hopefully take it off. He said that it doesn't need to be in a plaster but as he suspects that I will hit it and cause much pain and discomfort that I'd better keep it on for now.

Monday 26 February 2018


So warm tonight


And after my bath I was able to put the bag up to drain by myself, so we will be able to use it again tomorrow


So after lunch we headed to Headway in Swansea. I was a bit negative about going, I thought I wouldn't be able to function with only one hand but I did, it was fine. But I lost both the games I played with the others


So we popped out s'morning, first of all to petrol station at Morrison's to get petrol, then into Morrison's for MM to buy some bog roll for them then down to Cantre Mobility by the railway station to get some ferrules for the end of my walking stick. As they sell them in packets of two we have a spare in the drawer

Sunday 25 February 2018


And I actually did that getting in the bath thing again today. Dunno why I felt the need to but I did

Cooking For Me

And RoyGBiv had to bake spuds and heat left overs for dinner tonight. And do the washing up, wiping around etc.
Grumble, grumble


And my right hand is a bit swollen up s'morning
And it fecking hurts this evening.....

Saturday 24 February 2018

Dinner Time

So I had told Roy how to make the weeks food s'morning then watched him scrub some spuds and stick them into bake for dinner. The food came, the weeks food WAS delicious, I finished that then turned to the baked spud. They really are an eat it with both hands thing, it was very difficult with just my left hand


And Roy looked at the plaster on my arm and said "Lets cover that with a bin bag so you can have a bath instead of washing your bits in the sink" and he then stuck a bin bag over the plaster with 2 elastic bands keeping it in place and I had a bath then. I even managed to wash my left armpit with my left hand but I feel much cleaner than before

Out Shopping

And we popped out s'afternoon to get some obscure electrical goods , a bulb which was adjustable so I can plug it in my bedside adjustable light and a battery for the same. So we headed down out of town center past the railway station to the obscure department stores and had to call in 2 to get both

Cooking S'Morning

So I wanted to make the weeks food today. I had to look at the containers and say "RoyTheBoy"........

Friday 23 February 2018

Dinner With Timmy

So tonight I had to give Timmy some food as he was cooking it. It was lovely the na'an bread pizza which he had put the veg on before the cheese, it makes a subtly different, not as falling apart meal which we both enjoyed


And I am feeling a bit piss*d off with life ATM, while I sit here with one arm in a splint and a sling..... I struggle to pull my trousers up etc, life has suddenly got too hard

Hooray Class

So I am going to head to my 2 o'clock class today and I am a bit puzzled about what exactly I will be able to do. But I will ask (That Beautiful) Sam whether I should show up for a more beginners class for all of next week as I will probably be in classes rather than swimming pool or exercise session eg
And she said "No, keep coming here" so I think I will be showing up 3 times a week as I can't do f all else. But the class was strange, much of it was walk about and do this with your arms so I just walked, but gotta keep this fitness up

Thursday 22 February 2018

So Iechyd Da tonight

For the Folk Club but I expect that I am not drinking any beer until I am a bit more stable etc
No, I got there, sat down and had an orange juice and soda but then later I had some glasses of red wine. It was fine, I didn't misbehave or fall over or anything, I just had some red wine, not loads. But a good time was had


And my hand hurt some when I woke up s'morning but pulling my trousers back up after my pooh was a challenge
Double fark. Just been shopping in Morrison's, Timmy had to push the trolley, hold my shopping list, take goods off shelf, all he didn't do was pay, he had to do all the farking rest, then carry the goods back to the car and indoors from there
Triple fark. And my tongue has been hurting for a bit so I said to Timmy s'morning "Am I getting ulcers or what?" and showed it to him and he said "No, did you bite it when you fell"

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Oh What Fun

Then after lunch I went out the back door to get the small bin things, I was stepping back in and I fell backwards off the step and had to be rescued by GGtGG. So I am currently sitting in hospital waiting to be seem and my right hand is a bit fscked
No apparently I have broken it. Hoo-fscking-fay
What fun. I can't tie my shoelaces, can barely pull my up trousers and zip up, can't look at my mobile phone unless I am by a desk, can't carry anything.....

But Good News

And GGtGG has just come in and said he called at gym on the way here and found out that there is no Aqua Fit class happening today, as it's half term


And I woke up s'morning and I had pissed in my bed. I wasn't even that drunk, I just had 2 glasses of wine last night
But it has put me in a bad mood, did-fscking-satisfied, grumpy now

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Busy Day

So at lunchtime we are going into town to meet up with That Ruth who used to be my friend and neighbor when we lived in Mynydd Cerrig many moons ago.
Then after bath/nap/food etc we are going into the bowling center just near the gym to have an evening of not bowling but socializing with West Wales Everything Group as a kind of "make friends" night
Well wasn't that good. So we headed into town and parked hundreds of yards away from the café but that is no longer an issue, we just walked along and got there. There we met Ruth and, oh, what can I say?  We had an excellent chat and a delicious bean burger and salad lunch which was so nice I felt the need to walk back up to the counter and praise them
Then l8r we popped out to a "Making Friends" bowling match and stayed there for 2 or 3 hours and it was pleasant, a good group of folk, although I didn't play bowling

Stickless Walkies

So s'morning I walked from the computer into the kitchen with my walking stick held up off the ground. Yes, I could do it, no holding onto wall when I passed etc but it took fscking ages. About 3-4 times longer than a walk with stick trip

Monday 19 February 2018

Double Figures

It was relatively toasty and warm today, in double figures for the first time in ages

Nearly Walk Off Without My 'Stick

I am so close to just walking off without my walking stick but "Be Careful" keeps eating my head and telling me not to. But I can walk a long way without it already


So as there was no swimming I went to the 2pm gym class and it wasn't taken by The Beautiful Sam. There was some chap in charge. But today on the standy up trampette I was actually able to stand on my right foot and lift my left foot 6 or 8 inches up, this was big progress from last time
And while cooking dinner in the kitchen tonight I was able to repeat the trick


And I am struggling with just being in a bad mood because of my circumstances. I am fscking sick of recuperating, I just want to be properly well. I want my life (and my wife) back.
"No, some carer will drive you to the gym then rub cream on your legs and chest after u have your bath"
Oh, and I am fscking sick of the additives to enable me to use the bath and the loo


So after thoughts s'morning I said "We need to go to the Drs again to collect another script". I am disappointed 'cos I thought we would walk in, the usual receptionist would be there, who saw me in last week, I would say "Now, why am I here again? Did I forget summat off my list or did I just feel the need to come in and see you again?". But the usual receptionist wasn't there today


And GGtGG on his way to work thought "Ah, half term, I'd better check" and called into gym and yes the class has changed the time to an unsuitable one and if we had showed up I wouldn't be wearing my FES so I wouldn't be able to do an exercise session.
Arse, arse, arse. So instead we are popping into Sam's 2pm class
Can't he just "Mind his own business"


I have got 2 days out of this month that I can't do

Sunday 18 February 2018

Shall We Go Out.....

.....MagicMark said to me s'morning. "No, day of rest" I replied
Dunno, we might do summat later but for now, no
BIG SIGH So I had lunch half an hour ago and feel a bit livelier so go out soon? NO, I need my fscking nap

And we couldn't go out after nap as I was cooking baked spuds for tea which involves
about an hour and a half in the oven. It was edible with some of Neils veggie stuff which
I cooked t'other night

Saturday 17 February 2018


And I have been a bit of a miserable sh*t again today, I am just sick of not being able to...... "run for the bus" or drive and sick of having cream rubbed into my chest and fecking feet every day
I know, I am not supposed to be grumpy as I was so much iller in the past but that doesn't help. I am still a bit...... loads.....

Got It

And my new t-shirt arrived today, I had decided it wasn't too dear in the end
But it was a bit pricey......

Computer Crisis

And I am having a crisis today. My external hard drive which contains most relevant stuff has died. I couldn't have a close look s'morning as we were out walking and since then I have been cooking. After nap I will have another look
No, can't do f. all. I have had to dig out backups etc


So we headed to town s'morning and parked on King St and just went for a walk along including stops at 3 charity shops where I didn't find owt to buy

Friday 16 February 2018


So after an early lunch we headed to the Drs to get my script. Except I had forgotten to order one of the main items so we will have to go back on Monday or Tuesday and pay for fscking parking again. We had half an hour before gym class so we pooped into the gallery at the end of King St and had a look. This involves a scary staircase but that was no prob. I just climbed.
Then we popped to gym which was much the same as usual, except today we were doing an exercise with both feet taking turns to be backwards and for the second half of the exercise I managed to do it with my right foot staying flat on the floor, my ankle wasn't insisting it lifted 

More Grumpyness

After being grumpy yesterday today I am being p*ssed off with having to wipe my arse (after a poo) with my left hand
It is just wrong/It doesn't work properly/It is too hard

Hooray, It's Friday

So after my early lunch then we have to pop to the Drs to pick up my 'script (As Timmy will be "having a meeting" with GGtGG when he comes in) then there is my weekly class @ gym with Sam

Thursday 15 February 2018


Well I said it was too dear t'other day but in the end I bought it anyway.
So they emailed me today to say "It's on the way"


I am struggling a bit with just feeling sick of being as fscked as I am now. Yes, I was more fscked in the past but I still struggle with being this fscked now. I had an enormous life changing accident which wasn't my fault and did change my life. I used to be a lazy(ish) do nothing chap. That has changed. Because it is a struggle to get out of my bed in the fscking morning. It is a struggle to walk to the loo, to the kitchen etc.
And I need to have someone else rub my cream in every day etc. Et-fscking-cetera
AND I "have to have" someone supervise me cooking and eating....


Well we popped to gym, got a bit confused about what I had said to Timmy but we got there in the end so I sat down and did my 3 and a bit KM rowing exercise. At one point I had to turn my hands upside down as it didn't hurt my right hand like normal rowing does, so apparently it is making other muscles work but I did it.
Finished the distance


So s'morning we went to Iechyd Da to pick up the organic veg then to Morrison's to do the rest.
All dun, so now..... gymwards

Wednesday 14 February 2018

In't Pub

So we came out, there were some people here but they have gone now, leaving some folk in the other side, eating


And when we were on the way out today we saw the ex-landlady as she was down at the house next door. She commented the last time she saw me I was in a wheelchair and was also much fatter (Slim Jim she called me)

Frozen Food

And because we had run out of "Neil's food" we had to have frozen mini pizza's(1) and oven chips for dinner tonight. It was pleasant but I think it is about 3 weeks since we had anything to eat apart from na'an bread pizza (once a week) or "Neil's food" that I had made an enormous pot of and frozen loads the rest of the week

(1) With extra garlic and cheese


And it is an early lunch today followed by Aqua Aerobics at the fscking pool
Well wasn't it...... Well that went OK. For the first time ever I didn't have to hold on to the side for any of the exercises, I did them all on my own two (and one periodically) feet

Getting Light Again

And s'morning my alarm clock went off and I sat up and put my shoes on etc and, for the first time in some months, didn't need to switch the light on to see, it was bright enuf

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Different Format

And if I look at the test which tool you are using to look at this webpage on my iPad which I mainly use for watching telly it comes up as a mobile phone device

Feed Me

So I am heating up for dinner the last of "this weeks food" which actually means I will have to take summat out of the freezer tomorrow as I don't get the organic veg 'til Thursday.
It has lasted all week before, dunno if we have had bigger portions or I have lost some or what this week

For Miles

So s'morning RoyGBiv took me to gym and it was a cycle for miles session. (OK, 10km)
Oh what fun we had. About ⅔ of the way thru ATM
Finished. {Pant, pant, pant}

Monday 12 February 2018

Take 'Em Down

And I have just had to go outside and take down(1) my two "hanging, blowing in the wind" ornaments as it is getting so windy
(1) OK, or ask MM to help, he is tall enuf to reach

Headway Update

And we went to Headway and had a good time. We were sat with a women who remembers me from before and a newbie chap who had a car crash 5 years ago and is trying to get over it. We only had time, amongst conversations etc, for one game but I won it!!!!

Headway Today

So we are off to a meeting of Headway Swansea instead of going swimming today which I don't know how to react to. Yes, not going swimming is excellent but going to a meeting...... "Why am I here?" springs to mind.
THEN there is a Carmarthen Headway meeting tonight to sort out next years activities, dunno what I can offer....
No, after discussion with MM we decided to not go to tonight's.  They email me notifications about "do's"

After Breakfast Time

So an hour after I got up s'morning it was still cold

Sunday 11 February 2018

Drinking Chocolate

And as I was getting ready for bed I made myself a drink of Hot Chocolate which was a rare but pleasant treat

Let Some Air In

And s'afternoon after my nap I turned the bedroom radiator off and opened the window. I will reverse the procedure after dinner time but it needs doing, doesn't it?


Then we had to pop to Morrison's to fetch a 2 pint container of Organic SS Milk as on Thursday, when I was shopping last, the b/b date was too short so I only got enuf for a couple of days


No Neil. Watching The Winter Olympics and 'The Biathlon' is not some perverts race

Hail Storm

And not 2 minutes ago there were hail stones falling from the sky
And because of this I didn't suggest a walk on Sunday Morning and it stayed bright and sunny. Until just before my bath I was doing my exercises and couldn't see out  the window but I could hear the rattle of more hail stones
Then later it snowed for about 2 minutes when I was in the utility room emptying the washing machine

Saturday 10 February 2018

My Arse Hurts (Some)

So I was fine all morning, no pain in the injection site then I was sitting on the bed taking my socks and sockings off to have my bath s'afternoon, I lifted my foot up, changed position slightly and suddenly the side of my arse hurt loads

Rugger Buggers

And the Wales v England rugby match was on at dinner time, I watched it and we fscking lost

Well Morning

So I spent all morning first of all cooking the weeks food then getting together last night's pictures (and recording) from the Ukulele Band at Iechyd Da

Friday 9 February 2018

In The End

And we headed up to t'pub tonight and were the second and third folk in there. Perhaps a bit eager
And later it filled up. Excellent, a good nights entertainment 


So after my early lunch and an hour to digest I went to That Beautiful Sam's Class and again did better than last week. I can't say "It's because of this", I am just getting better every week.
So now I have had my bath and am in bed, looking forward to pizza and chips for dinner then out to see tbe Ukelele Band

I Know UR Bored With These But......

Sorry. I know you are sick of these but walking without my walking stick, this is well important


So first thing s'morning as Timmy finished me and RoyGBiv headed for the Drs, she asked me which cheek I wanted the jab in, I said "You choose" and she injected me. Lord but that was a thick solution, she had to squeeze and squeeze then squeeze some more to get it in but eventually it was finished, she made another appointment for 3 months then we left
As we were passing gym on the way home I said "Oh, I think my arse hurts too much to go to the gym class s'afternoon" but I don't think he believed me
That's the first item from my diary for today
Well that's the second done, had an early lunch so I will be as fit as a.... in (The Gorgeous)  Sam's class

Thursday 8 February 2018


So tomorrow morning RoyGBiv has to take me to the Drs where they are gonna inject my arse with testosterone. Then we need to come back and have an early lunch before going to Sam's gym class then if I am feeling well enuf later we will head up to The Local Pub where there is gonna be a Ukulele Band or somesuch (potentially loud link, the last one)

Snow Gone

So after yesterday's snow it is back to Wales tradition, it is raining again today

Thursday Morning

So we have the usual Thursday morning walk about to the shops etc but it is fecking raining today. So first of all it is park on King St and walk all the way down that walkway to Caffi Iechyd Da then a trip to More Reasons To Shop At.... then to gym.
Then stop for lunch
Well we did it. First of all to Iechyd Da where it was raining so heavily that Timmy said "Stay here" and ran down to the shop and back with the food. Everything was there apart from salad packs which I added to the Morrison's list which was quite short as we had to get f all from there but we did it.
Then came home and put it away and went to gym where it was rather busy but we avoided the queues and got on the rowing machine. Today I was supposed to stop after 2.25km which I did

Wednesday 7 February 2018

......Chicken Dinner

Winner winner.......


So we went swimming and showed my card to get in and she told the next person in the queue behind me that there was no Aqua Aerobics session today, the MOS was off sick.
So we had a drowning session


There was nowt when I went to bed last night but when I woke up s'morning there are a couple of cm of snow everywhere
And by the time we went to the swimming pool it had completely disappeared. Like 100%

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Melt Down

And the snow which was trying to lie earlier seems to have melted off the streets etc
But I think as it was icy etc when we woke up s'morning and will get icy after dark we won't attempt to go to the Men's Shed tonight


So HOORAY we have come to the gym to get stuck into cycling. So I have done 1km so far, only another 2 and a bit to go
Done 2 now, only 1 and a bit to go
No Neil. Don't get too excited and get off at 3.25km like you tried. As GGtGG pointed out it is 3.25km on the rowing machine, it's 10km on the bike
5 done now
Well finished. Knackered but I did it. And I had to be told to stop. I was going for another quarter of a km like I do on the rowing machine but "No Neil" he had to tell me

Monday 5 February 2018


Not that I suffer from OCD but  I was eventually able to finish a game today. Most of the other dates for games have 2 or 3 dots to celebrate finishing but the bottom left one here (and a few other earlier dates) have got no stars at all because it took me loads of attempts to actually finish it


So MM came in s'morning and saw my towels etc in the hall and said "Oh, are we swimming today?". I said "Yes, haven't you got your trunx with you?" hoping in the extreme but he said "Nah, they live in the back of my car, that used to be my job"
Well didn't it happen.  ¾ of an hour of jumping etc. And I did feel that I was better at standing on just my right foot and kicking with the left. And I hardly had to hold on to the side at all, my general balance is well better

Sunday 4 February 2018

It's Chilli Tonight

Minus what?


So me&Timmy headed out for a walk s'morning. Timmy said "Head to town walk up......" but I replied "No, lets walk up to the community center and see what's on. It's up the hill, past the pub but there is no problem, I can walk that far (and back) without any problem. Some bits are scarier than others as the pavement is well uneven, been dug up in parts but I could walk the whole way.
Having done that I can now say "There are no advertised *do's*"

Saturday 3 February 2018


Well Wales are proving themselves better at rugby than Scotland s'afternoon. 27-0 in the first hour
34-0 and there are still 5 minutes to go
Well 34-7 it was in the end, Scotland scored at the very end

More Reasons To Shop At....

And we had to nip to Morrison's s'morning and pick up a bottle of org olive oil as I finished the last when cooking s'morning.
But I didn't take a basket with me as I had to resist the chocolate treats, I just carried the oil in my hand

Friday 2 February 2018


So we went up to the pub tonight and drank some of their beer from a micro-brewery in the West Country, near Bristol and they are advertising a mega band next Friday but as I have to go to the Drs and have a jab in't morning I dunno if I am up for it

& Chips

So we had the na'an bread pizza and chips for dinner. We went back to smaller 2 na'an breads inna pack this week but it was good and big enough

Isn't She Wonderful

Well I have to go to see that Sam (noisy link) today.......
Gord, dunno what to say, I am getting better every week. Today I was doing the stand up and exercise with no stick and no chair to hold on to, using both arms and standing on both feet. Sam spoke to me at the end and suggested at some point taking a video of how much better I am at various exercises to send to someone else who was involved in my early care

Booking 2

And we have just booked the hotel for our stay in Belfast. We had looked at renting houses across the road from my Dad but in the end it was much the same price to book a hotel as we don't need a disabled room now


And Timmy had to phone the dentist and say "This appt in April, we will be in Belfast" so they just said "Come a week later, same time"

Thursday 1 February 2018

Won All Last Months

Hoo-fscking-ray (How sad?)

Bookings Were Made

And me and Timmy have just booked and paid for flights to Belfast about my Birthday so we can see my Dad and we are gonna book a house to rent across the road so all is said and done
 Aargh etc

Thursday Morning At 5 O'Clock

No, the reference I was trying for is Wednesday (noisy link) but we have the usual Thursday morning business. To Iechyd Da, MoreReasonsToShopAt.... then to gym then pant etc
Well first of all I was tapping my fingers while Timmy and GGtGG were spending much too much time doing the handover but eventually Timmy was free to put on my FES and drive me to town. We got stuck behind a delivery van on King St (he had to stop 3 times to make different deliveries) but that did mean there was a parking space clear. So Timmy carried my food back to the car and we headed off Morrison-wards. Again that went well and all was done (including organic tinned tomatoes, there were none in my org order).
 Then we came home and I put it away then we headed gym-wards and I got stuck into a rowing machine and did 3¼ km as usual. Then came home and had a late lunch and a late nap