And no-one asked me to pay for my dinner tonight
Thursday, 31 March 2011
And it was excellent, there was enuf room that I could stay in my 'chair and we stayed later after they had all played they had a come-all-ye of the come-all-ye players. And folk tonight seemed to be playing 70's and 80's tunes that I recognised
Tapping My Fingers
So I was out s'morning and I am going out again tonight. Tapping my fingers now, awaiting...

2 new books arrived this morning, look good but I find it really hard this "choosing books online" thing. Any tips? Suggestions?
And I had the first 2 taxi journeys of today to Queen St, to the same place as I bought Ruth lunch last week. Today on the specials menu there was a vegetarian tart, which I wanted to eat but wanted one in so many ways too. 1/4 of the way into lunch Ruth's boss phoned her and she had to leave almost immediately, so I sat by myself and finished lunch. I asked if they had the spare sugar tubes that they said they would order for me, they said yes and produced an enormous box, containing 1000. I said "Erm.... can I sell you some" and they gave me a quarter of them for a quarter of the price, I said "Can I pay you for half as you have been so helpful etc", they said "Thanks" and accepted.
So I say that Ruth briefly but we had about 1 sentence each before she left
obAND Ruths daughter is MCing tonight at the Folk Club
So I say that Ruth briefly but we had about 1 sentence each before she left
obAND Ruths daughter is MCing tonight at the Folk Club
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Oh, yes, Denyse emailed me t'other day and said 'Dee, one of the nice ladies in the office...' so I had to ask her, "Is everyone who works for them beautiful?"
Out And About
Gosh. I am not worthy...... Well, OK, me and (that beautiful) Denyse woman went out and visited two "buy new cars from us" places. For a start every car I have ever been attached has been second (or third) hand before we bought it.... anyway at the Ford garage (all the sales staff were away at a meeting, leaving a service specialist to help us) but there was an awkward bit between the seats that meant I couldn't operate the seat belt, but at the other place first of all we tried an Astra which fitted me but we couldn't get the "cripples seat" into the boot. However the next one we looked at a Vauxhall Zafira it fitted. AND you could stand the 'chair up in the boot if you had loads of extras to put in. So we took it out with a salesman selling it, then he got in the back and let Denyse drive, it was very comfy for me and big and high up etc. Now we needed to ask Carolyn to send us some signatures etc so we wil go in in a fortnight and order it.
They had no electric cars but perhaps if I need another car after the contract for this runs out in 3 years..... so we ordered a 1.7 Diesel. Apparently they are a lot cleaner nowadays than they were 10 years ago, the "ecoFlex", so he did say "enviromentally friendly"est of our range
They had no electric cars but perhaps if I need another car after the contract for this runs out in 3 years..... so we ordered a 1.7 Diesel. Apparently they are a lot cleaner nowadays than they were 10 years ago, the "ecoFlex", so he did say "enviromentally friendly"est of our range
Gosh. I thought I had woken up this morning, thought my Dad was coming over today to take me back to Belfast for Christmas, so I thought to myself that I thought "Oh, must remember the charger for my moby" etc then I thought again that my father phoned me and said "We cannae go today, a plane has crashed and closed the airport"..... and when I was actually waking up from my nightmare I thought it was late December and was trying to figure out if it had been a bad dream or real and if we really couldn't go.
It's flipping March, not December....
It's flipping March, not December....
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Her Lift
And it was actually that Julia who came to get her tonight, Moishe and family have moved into a caravan in Freya's garden, so very hectic. But Julia said "I found your old wood burner that used to keep you warm when you lived at Happy Valley, want it?" and good lord, I had wondered where it was who had got it etc and it turned out to be under a pile of junk at Julia's. I don't need it but just sentimental reminding me of when I had a life
And strangily-strange. Tonight when I saw Julia I thought "Odin, how did I ever love that?", last time I saw her I thought "I still love her", so obviously progress in the getting better thing, but hopefully I will have come to terms with it better and won't think such nonsense next time I see her
Today, eventually, that Freya arrived. Then we had what proved to be a right performance but in the end it was a nice dinner. Yes, first of all I made the Falafel mixture and put one burger shaped bit on before the ring had heated enough and I had to call "Freya" and get her to help me turn it over. The second one was fine, easy to turn after a similar amount of time so it must have been the cooker. Then I had to call again and ask for help cutting the Pitta bread. She said "No, not yet" and put them in the toaster for a bit after which they were easily cuttable too.
But it was delicious, the falafel in Pitta mix. It would have been even nicer with tomato but green salad was a close second
But it was delicious, the falafel in Pitta mix. It would have been even nicer with tomato but green salad was a close second
So today I went to the loo, poohed large style, then wiped my bottom, then wiped some more with loo roll, I didn't use wipes, then I did one last wipe and checked the loo roll for dirty bits. Then I was so impressed I needed to check again. Good lord, I had done a whole poohing cycle without any extra wipes, I managed it all with loo roll. For the first time in ages!!!
Monday, 28 March 2011
And I seem to have noticed that I am getting "better" at wiping my bum after poohing. I had to start, ages ago, I got some Grown-Up Wipes and I used to wipe with one or two loo roll then have to finish with 3 or 4 (or 5 or 6) wipes, now I use as many loo roll as I need and just use one wipe to make sure
So s'morning I got up, had breakfast, was half way thru breakfast when my alarm ckock went off, finished breakfast etc.
Then Ed came over and took my to Morrisons. We got all we needed but couldn't find a MOS to complain to as they don't sell any Tofu with bits and Marinade which means that next week I will have to go to that Evil Tesco's Place to do my weeks shopping
Then Ed came over and took my to Morrisons. We got all we needed but couldn't find a MOS to complain to as they don't sell any Tofu with bits and Marinade which means that next week I will have to go to that Evil Tesco's Place to do my weeks shopping
Sunday, 27 March 2011
...Bloody Sunday
Last night I was busy doing.... stuff.... didn't go to bed 'til 4 AM. Then this morning I lay in, asleep, 'til 9.15.
Last night I was busy doing.... stuff.... didn't go to bed 'til 4 AM. Then this morning I lay in, asleep, 'til 9.15.
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Friday, 25 March 2011
Missing You Already
This afternoon I went across the road and had a glass of wine at the "Boss" there's party as she was retiring today.
I had to say "I was really surprised to hear you were retiring, you look much too young for that. Then it occurred to me, you must be entitled to an early retirement after the stress of working somewhere like this". She said "Awww" in response
I had to say "I was really surprised to hear you were retiring, you look much too young for that. Then it occurred to me, you must be entitled to an early retirement after the stress of working somewhere like this". She said "Awww" in response
Thursday, 24 March 2011
And I suddenly realised that when I was tidying up the index page for my website last night that about 40 links had disappeared. They all still worked, so for once I was glad that they all had a standard name (N.T~Hxxx.html) so I just had to put one page up and change the xxx to the next number, save the page, then I had to rewrite all the links.
And luckily Ed is coming here for 6 hours today and we have no plan as such, because when I was getting dried after my shower last night I knocked the shower gel down onto the floor and the top broke in half. Sounds like no problem but it is a strange upside down jar that won't sit any other way up except lid downwards so shopping will use up some of our hours
Double good lord, we did the stuff I needed to s'morning, then came back here for lunch then pottered about in Carmarthen. Good lord but it has changed, we explored the new shopping center etc. Then we went opposite Ferryside and just pottered for a while, had an ice cream etc. When we were in town I got to use my key for a Disabled Loo that I have had for some time but have never been able to use yetAnd we found Mynydd Cerrig where I used to live, they have changed all the roads leading to it
And gosh that right up seems too brief, we had a good, very important day oddling about
"For Odin's Sake"
Well I went to bed about half past midnight last night and fell asleep about 2 minutes later, woke up again at 7.50. And when I was putting on my shoe|splint combo today I put the laces over it for the first 2 bits then for the final one I pulled the splint on top. It seems like a fair enough compromise and I could do it up myself s'morning and didn't need help
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Heathen Deity
So as I needed a heathen deity instead of saying "In The Name Of God" so I had a Google and it turned up a Find Your Heathen Deity page. So I can now say "In The Name Of Odin"
And I had a shower tonight. As I was coming out of the bathroom I tapped my right foot against the door frame. Now if it had been my other foot I wouldn't have thought about it any more, what's done is done but as it was on the RHS of my body, the side that's f*c*ed, it hurt loads, I nearly cried.
And I am going off in a bit to buy that (lovely) Ruth a (hopefully) nice lunch
And yes, it was both lovely, and the pancakes we had for pudding too. Mmmmm. AND as well as us Megan, Ruth's daughter came in to say hello, I managed to persuade her to let me buy her lunch too.... But she is 17 now, looking for work etc, that means she was only 9 when I had my crashBut I just had a fizzy water now as I have some Sloe Gin for tonight, stay sensible (ish)
And I was panicing a bit, thinking I can't have that much food for lunch then a big dinner, but I went to the fridge and checked the best before fate on the chopped up veg that I was gonna cook tonight but it's best before tomorrow. Guess what I am having for tea tomorrow?
And about a half hour after I should have been in bed the Broadband connection stopped working so I spent the next hour and a half checking bits etc. No joy. Although it did say that it could tell that all wires were connected to my PC so I wasn't panicking as much as perhaps I would have been. So in the end I gave up and went to bed. I was forced to get back up because I was worrying about summat else (No need as it turned out) and as I was about to go back to bed I glanced at my PC (OK at my Broadband provider hub, the magic box that sits next to my PC) and all the lights had gone blue again, it was working again and I was supposed to be asleep
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Then my daughter came over today. I really don't know how to handle her ATM but she is my daughter, I do love her very much. She announced that Moishe and her tribe are moving into a caravan outside their house now..... then Moishe came to take her to Guides...
While she was here she felt the need to practice on my guitar, I am a smidge jealous
While she was here she felt the need to practice on my guitar, I am a smidge jealous
Scary Cutting
I went to make lunch today. I had no defrosted bread but some bread rolls that I bought yesterday. So I took out the enormous bread knife from my kitchen drawer. I havent used this knife (or one like it) for nearly 8 years. Firstly I held the bread in my right hand and the knife in my left ~ it just felt wrong, no way was I gonna try. So bread roll in left hand, knife in right. Breath deeply a few times first.
Then I cut the roll, good lord, that was easy!!!
Then I cut the roll, good lord, that was easy!!!
And today I tried the up and back with no stick again. Today I managed it all for the first time
Monday, 21 March 2011
Oh G*d....
Well today is gonna be the first day when Ed takes me shopping etc. For a start I haven't had to order a taxi but I am just curious about how he is gonna react to shopping with me, and as I can't see both sides of the aisle so I need to go dead slowly and turn back and forth etc
And Good Lord but it went reasonably well, Ed let me shop, went after me, carried the bags out to his car etc. I had a shopping list which I thought had 2 items on which we wouldn't get from the supermarket but Ed seems to have better "Looking for obscure stuff" skills than me, we didn't need to look anywhere else afterwards. We came back, had lunch then went into Carmarthen for a drive round which still felt good for me, reminding meAnd it felt reasonably good not needing a pee when we were out, but on Thursday I must remember to take my "I'm a cripple" parking badge with me
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Washed Tonight
And this evening I had a shower, got clean, put my sandals (1) on instead of my boots as I thought "No socks for an hour" and tried and tried, in the end I had to give up and call a MOS and ask him "Can you do up my right sandal, please"
(1) Which are a lot harder to stand up/walk in, those 2/3cm that the right heel of my boots is lifted up makes such a big difference
(1) Which are a lot harder to stand up/walk in, those 2/3cm that the right heel of my boots is lifted up makes such a big difference
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Better To Ixies
And I am really trying now to make my posts to Ixion less, and the few that there are will be a bit more interesting to read etc. Time will tell but hopefully my new effort will pay off
And I got to sit and watch a chap cut my grass today, he couldn't quite finish, the strimmer ran out of charged battery but that will be recharged by tomorrow when he is gonna finish
Friday, 18 March 2011
So I had a shower tonight, when I got out I thought "No point putting socks on for an hour" so I went and got my sandals out of the corner. And good lord, it is much harder to stand up in 'even up and down' shoes. My normal right boot is 3 or 4 cm up in the heel and it is much harder to stand up without that
Well as most of my diary functions are in my blog and web pages this is unaffected. Calendar is what is gonna happen, I got a bit peed off with not being able to put stuff in every week etc so I gave up and restarted and updated my Google calendar again
It occurred to me s'morning, as I felt too rough to have a shower last night that for most people it's relatively easy but for me walking a bit with no splint, washing my back etc then getting dried and dressed makes it into a tiring stressful event
Thursday, 17 March 2011
So I was in my room today with the MOS who was changing my alarm mobile etc. He said "Which plug is your mobile?" I pointed" he removed it but instead it was my new alarm clock that went black in the screen. We said "Whoops/No Neil" etc then plugged it back in, and because it had a battery as well as plug the time came on correctly, no need to reset it again
Out And About
Well. Gosh. (Bang, bang, chop, chop) Busy (Busy, Work, Work)
So today I had 5 hours with my new Support Worker, Ed. Gosh, what a day we had. Firstly we went to that Tesco's place where I bought a New Phone as my old one was getting wonky. And my new phone was really cheap as I just want a simple phone, not camera, internet etc. He sent me 2 txts afterwards and I was able to delete them both at once, which my old phone had not being doing for a while. While we were there we purchased some Guinness as it is St Patrick's Day today. Afterwards we came back here, got my new phone charged and working with my existing SIM card (so the same number), I had some lunch, then we headed off to look for furniture. Three flipping places we looked to no avail. We went to a Charity Shop to give them my old phone. And if I had had to get a Taxi for every journey I would have spent 20 or 30 quid just on those today
So gosh yes, we had a good day, no time to look for cars but we will probably do that on Monday after shopping. Oh ObAnd he cleaned my kitchen floor which I tried to do t'other night but then every time I went back in the kitchen my wheel's were making a mess, but today we went out, so the floor was dry by the time I got back
ObAnd(2) and I scanned and emailed the first of his monthly "pay me" sheets, he took a copy to post too, it needs to be done on this date every month, so he had a small claim this month
So today I had 5 hours with my new Support Worker, Ed. Gosh, what a day we had. Firstly we went to that Tesco's place where I bought a New Phone as my old one was getting wonky. And my new phone was really cheap as I just want a simple phone, not camera, internet etc. He sent me 2 txts afterwards and I was able to delete them both at once, which my old phone had not being doing for a while. While we were there we purchased some Guinness as it is St Patrick's Day today. Afterwards we came back here, got my new phone charged and working with my existing SIM card (so the same number), I had some lunch, then we headed off to look for furniture. Three flipping places we looked to no avail. We went to a Charity Shop to give them my old phone. And if I had had to get a Taxi for every journey I would have spent 20 or 30 quid just on those today
So gosh yes, we had a good day, no time to look for cars but we will probably do that on Monday after shopping. Oh ObAnd he cleaned my kitchen floor which I tried to do t'other night but then every time I went back in the kitchen my wheel's were making a mess, but today we went out, so the floor was dry by the time I got back
ObAnd(2) and I scanned and emailed the first of his monthly "pay me" sheets, he took a copy to post too, it needs to be done on this date every month, so he had a small claim this month
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Saving JPGs
And it occurred to me today when I go to save a JPG, it says SAVE, below that SAVE AS then bottom SAVE FOR WEB which if you click it, I discovered today, you can adjust various stuff to make the picture file smaller, sometimes 80% lower, but the picture the same size IYSWIM
Men On The Moon
So I was outside this evening and I noticed a beautiful moon. For some reason I thought "Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin" which it turns out was correct. Very strange and not really relevant but more proof that my memory is getting better
Well Denyse came in s'morning and listened to me waffling about how excited I was about tomorrow then Nic Cosmos came in from CBS. He looked at my flat now, measured it and door widths etc, and we talked about the place I will wanna buy, what I want/need etc. He seemed quite pleasant but I feel a bit 'done and dusted' now.
Up And At 'Em
So I set my alarm last night as I need to be up in time today. Woke up s'morning, got up then 3/4 of an hour later my alarm clock beeped
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Isn't She Beautiful
That Freya came around today and was a bit stroppy but she did apologise soon after.
Later Later Aligator
And that Denyse lass is coming to discuss 'stuff' with me after lunch and we agreed late last night if she can bring 2 new support workers with her so they can see where I live and we can all eat lunch together. She has already warned them that this is a meat free house
Good lord, aargh etc etc. That was strange as she was talking about ways the new staff can help me get a life!!Double good lord, she brought a new diary for me so that I can transfer dates from my online diary and if people need to come with me they can etc.
I am beginning to get a life again, I haven't had one of those for nearly 8 years but it is starting today
So last night I, being a rebel, stayed up 'til after 2. This morning I still woke up at 10 to 8
Monday, 14 March 2011
Going Out Tonight
And tonight it is another monthly Headway meeting so at 6.30 tonight I have to go a few doors down and ask for a lift
And WOW wasn't it about me tonight. A professor was talking about loads of research they are doing, mainly into damage of one part of the brain and rather embarrassingly most of my problems seem to be associated with damage there(quote from an email I wrote tonight)And one of the things the prof was talking about tonight was how folk with a Brain Injury often shout and loose their temper for little or no reason (/qfaeIwt)
Morrisons Supermarket
Well I am off to the shop in a bit, extra long list today, lets see if they sell THOSE too
No, they don't sell 'em but I looked and bought one online after I came back. Everything else off my list I bought except hummus, I forgot half way around the shop. Hopefully someone from here is shopping in the next few days and they can get it for me
Bright and Early
When I went to bed last night I thought "Should I set me alarm clock as my taxi is booked for 10.30 in't morning and I need to be up, dressed, had breakfast by then" . Luckily I didn't, I was still up before 8 o'clock
And I went to log on to my bank to check my balance, entered my password and memorable information, it said "Wrong". So I checked, tried again still says "Incorrect". I will try it again in't morning and if it still won't work I will have to contact them
Phew, it worked again s'morning, must have ben a temporary problem
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Old Habits Die Hard
Well this evening I finished the first long, new to me, book that I have read in nearly 8 years. I really enjoyed the story and getting back into reading too. The only problem I have is I can't read in bed as I put my splint on one hand which means I can't hold the book or turn over pages with my right arm. BUT blinking flip, the first book I have read in nearly 8 years. Wedi Gorffen
It occurs to me as I typed this 'read first then put splint on later' so I will have to try that with my new book tonightAnd it worked!!! OK, I was too tired to read for more than about 20 minutes but it worked! Then afterwards I was able to put my splint on without having to sit up or anything, so HAPPY CHAPPY
After Shower
ObAnd I did the drying the toes on my right foot with a towel thing afterwards which I am still disproportionally (for most "normal" people) proud of
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Mine Eyes Have Seen (or not) The Glory Of The Coming...
Oh dear. Last night when I was eating I glanced down at my plate. Just one chip left so I ate my pizza instead. Then I turned my head around slightly and glanced at my plate again. Good lord, there are two chips sitting there, but one is on the RHS in that bit of my vision that doesn't work so well. Yes, that's why I don't have my driving licence, that might have been a pedestrian that I didn't see
Friday, 11 March 2011
Le Pissoir
So today I had a piss before I went out with Denyse. Then we did loadsas stuff, including meeting with someone else, talking afterwards etc, then we came back here and talked some more. Then she left and I still didn't need a pee
Today I had to change my online appointments diary as they were suddenly insisting I paid for it. Dim diolch. So I had to type loadsa stuff into Google Calender, wait and see if it is good
Double Good lord, that diary decided to lose all my entries so I am trying another ATbM(Sigh)Another one now(/S)
And later today she is coming here for a chat for a couple of hours then we are going off and interviewing someone for a job, looking after me
And what a day we hadYes, we interviewed my new support worker, excellent, good stuff. He appears to care and be a smidge non conformist so he starts work on 17th March.... And we talked about loadsa stuff, she insists I will have a life so....
Very Strange
And when I went outside s'morning I couldn't focus my eyes for about the first 10 minutes, it was very strange and helped me realise how ill I have been and how they have tried to fix loads
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Tai Chi
And after someone has hoovered my flat, I have eaten dinner, done the washing up etc we, me and a MOS are going to Tai Chi for an hour. Because said MOS doesn't have extremely expensive insurance on his car I can't go in that, so I have already booked a taxi
He's hoovered, I have eaten, I have done the washing up... just waiting nowAnd went and did Tai Chi, it went better this week than last, so....
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Lunch With A Beautiful Chick
Then I got a Taxi to Café No. 4 on Queen St. Well, it is a small establishment but WOW with good food and drink. She was working in the kitchen alone while 1 MOS waited on the tables and my lunch was flippin' delicious. At a guess we shall eat there againnext week
My Memory
And I saw a car that said Gravells on the number plate and my memory came flooding back, was that Gravells Of Kidwelly I thought? Yes, it was
(T) (mouseover)
(T) (mouseover)
My Right Hand/Wrist
Last night I had a shower and changed my clothes. With my shirt I rolled both cuffs up once before putting it on. After I put it on the left sleeve had come back down. So last night I tried twice (with a pause between) to roll it up with my right hand. To no avail. So s'morning I tried once more, still couldn't. So I went outside and said "Erm..." to a MOS but she was on the way to see someone else and couldn't stop to help. So I was outside looking at it, I tried again once more and this time I managed to do it, obviously summat is getting better with my right hand, it's the first time I have managed a task like that in nearly 8 years
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
So tomorrow I will go for lunch with that Ruth. I had thought, before she contacted me that I would say no tomorrow as my head is really in bits, full of sh*t ATM but then I thought "No, I need to see someone who knows me and talk to them" so yes I will see her tomorrow
It's marginally scary in case I just fill her with woe bit I need to see her
This morning the post man delivered a huge number of pages for the census. Which I binned, because the only thing I required was my number to get in and do it online, which only took about 20 minutes
Healthy, Wealthy, Wise(EST)
Aah, went to bed lateR as I was trying to sleep in s'morning, but still woke up before 8 o'clock
Monday, 7 March 2011
So I looked at my splint over my right foot and thought I's better replace it. I got out my new splint, looked at it, thought "Erm..." and called a MOS to help. She came, said "You don't need to attach the bottom" looked again and took my boot lace out to fit the splint. Then she had to do it again as she had done it wrong but now it seems to work. Dunno if I will be able to do it up in the morning as it is tighter, lets wait and see
Healthy, Wealthy, Wise(ER)
So I went to bed about midnight last night and I still woke up at about 5 s'morning. Lie in, ha
So I got up about 5.30 and emptied the tumble drier, went back to bed and still lay there awake 'til I eventually got up
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Drying My Feet
So tonight I had a shower, got dried and when I was nearly dry instead of reaching for my "dry your foot" device I looked at my right foot, tried to move it one way to no avail, moved it another way, grabbed it with my right hand and then used my left hand to dry between my toes. The first time in 7 5/6 years that I have managed
Healthy, Wealthy, Wise
So I didn't go to bed 'til about 1.30 this morning and I still woke up at 7.30. Lie in, ha
And having got up so early I had a pooh and a shave before breakfast
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Her Cars Back
I opened my front door s'morning and saw a car sitting outside. The number plate spelt Kick (or Kiss) Fu*king Virgins so I thought it might be Jackie's car again, and yes it was. She has been driving to work for about 3 weeks in a borrowed van but at last it's fixed
Friday, 4 March 2011
So s'morning someone had said "We are going out for lunch, wanna come?" I said "No, dentist just before that" but when I got back to where I live I thought "Yes, my teeth feel fine, wanna go out after all" told someone and they said "Yes OK, 10 mins" so they took me and 3 other more ill people than me out to Hamilton's Restaurant and it was very nice. A bit heavy on the meat but I did find some veggie food.
And I was brave enough to mop the kitchen floor this morning. I had thought that I would be able to mop it but I might need some help drying it so I could go back in t'kitchen but it occurred to me, "No Neil, you are going out in an hour" so I did it myself and now there is bugger all wetness on't floor any~flippin'~way
And at 10.30 s'morning a Taxi is booked to take me to the dentist, again, and as well as my obvious wonky teeth I will ask why it hurts on my tooth on the bottom LHS when I rub over that with a brush
And I did it, it was actually OKish, she just did a filling for me today, not so bad
Early Once More
I woke up at about 6 this morning, lay there sulking, don't think I went back to sleep, got up at 7 in the end
Thursday, 3 March 2011
So this morning I thought "Oh my new splint is much too hard to use, where did I put the old one?", found it, put it on. Yes, it is much easier to get on but my ankle feels naked with it on, the more difficult one was obviously doing a much better job too, so I guess I'd better go back to using it
Link To Mid Page
So after reading a webpage I now know how to make a link go to the middle of one of my pages. A demonstration is on and it sez 'Anchors' as the link to be clicked
And today I am entitled to vote on a referendum about the Welsh government
And I did, it felt good being a citizen once moreBut I am flippin' exhausted, the MOS that I had accompanying me was also pushing another, not able to use his feet, voter so I only asked for help when I was stuck, so she only pushed me about 2m on the way back, up the slight but long hill
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
In A Bit
Late last night someone txted me so because of that I am going out for lunch with that Ruth, going to somewhere I have never been before but Ruth ate their last week. Where is Queen St, I know where King St is, I assume Queen St is near that. "The Café At Number 4" we are going today.
Apparently it is the end of King St where it goes around the corner. Must be 25 yds long that flippin' streetAnd I had just hung up my phone after ordering a taxi when Ruth phoned me and said "Change of plan", I started to panic but she said "Just change where we meet to Jackson's Lane again because....." so I thought "Phew" and carried on. And we had an even deliciouser lunch than last time too
Because of that I just had a veggie burger with the left over Hummus and Tahini Sos for tea, no need for any more
Well Timed
So I was in the loo this morning for about 10 minutes. Squeeze squeeze. I finally finished my pooh, reached for the loo roll, 4 pieces later I was clean, thought phew, reached down, pulled my trousers up and then there was a knock at the door. It was the postman with a parcel that wouldn't fit thru my letter box
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Just now there was a MOS in my room chatting. First of all I shouted at him "Look, it's just me expressing myself - ignore me" and spoke after that "Tell all staff, 'Neil shouts occasionally, just ignore it, don't be upset'"
Then we were talking about the chap in No 1 who had to wear a padded helmet as he is severely epileptic. According to the MOS he was in a wheelchair until he was 14 years of age!!! There is hope for us determined f**kers
Then we were talking about the chap in No 1 who had to wear a padded helmet as he is severely epileptic. According to the MOS he was in a wheelchair until he was 14 years of age!!! There is hope for us determined f**kers
Right OT
Well, WOW what nice Falafel Burgers we were able to have for tea in the end. First I ground chick peas, then.... then Freya had to help putting them in Pitta Bread with loadsa extra things, then we are them together and we both rather enjoyed them
And I am told that they sell ready-to-eat Falafel at Morrisons, I will have a look next Monday
O(ff) T(opic)
Then Sarah the OT came to see me. And WOW, what can I say. Well basically we made some Falafel Burgers for tea, gosh it was a right performance but we managed. So I had to open a tin of Chick Peas, put them into my new Food Processor, ground them, added spices etc, loads of other ingredients and fried them. Then we mixed up hummus and tahini and some different spices for a dressing, put away some lettuce and Pitta Bread to wrap them up in for Tea tonight with Freya. I couldn't do all of it but I managed most of it alone, and Sarah was talking about how asking for help can be helpful sometimes, yes my independence is the only reason I have come so far, as she realised, but help makes the final part of getting better more likely
Up and At 'Em
So I woke up "much too early" s'morning, lay there trying to go back to sleep and failing that for half an hour then gave up and got up. Oh great, it's five to flippin' seven....
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