Thursday, 30 June 2011
Well first thing s'morning the chap came to fix my 'chair but as he wasn't able to change the front ones to a bigger size and I decided not to change the back as punctures are inevitable he did nowt. Later today they phoned Ed and told him that they couldn't change the front ones as my 'chair is on a prescription so I am waiting for another appointment with the doctor to change that.
Then we went out for a drive, in the end we arrived in Tenby, which was as busy as a beaver as loadsa schools are closed today, so we couldn't even find a space to park.
Once we came back Ed thought he'd better phone the climbing place we were booked into at 1pm and say we would be 10 mins late, their answer phone said shut 'til 2. Eventually they got back on and we made another appointment for next Thursday
BTW at one point today I met a really groovy visitor
Then we went out for a drive, in the end we arrived in Tenby, which was as busy as a beaver as loadsa schools are closed today, so we couldn't even find a space to park.
Once we came back Ed thought he'd better phone the climbing place we were booked into at 1pm and say we would be 10 mins late, their answer phone said shut 'til 2. Eventually they got back on and we made another appointment for next Thursday
BTW at one point today I met a really groovy visitor
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
So today I put up with Paul. He came here and said "Right, if we are swimming every Friday then we need to move the voluntary work that we do at Carmel to Wednesday. So come on then....", so we drove to Carmel and drove around taking pics of any litter in gateways, then after I came back I emailed them to them. When we were out, before we went to Carmel we went back to the O2 mobile phone shop, I got a couple of things sorted on my phone then asked them if the camera could have an icon on my home page, as we can't find out how to do this. He said "No, because this button on your phone is to switch on the camera". Oh, a bit embarrassing and proof that we haven't been looking in the instructions. Then we asked for a "Car charger" which we bought so I will be able to SatNav and so on
So I decided yesterday that I would be wearing my splint again today. It wasn't moving a long way out, just a very little unbalancing but better be safe than sorry
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Watching Telly
And I watched Mock The Week tonight on iPlayer and it seems odd, like an old style of program with new stars
Then a lovely daughter came to visit me, she didn't criticise me or raise her voice all day!!! She did like the food we had made earlier but apparently she isn't eating so much these days so half of it went in the bin. My half was all enjoyed
Then Sarah the OT has been round here for a couple of hours. Firstly we talked about why I was upset today then we cooked. She apologised for not sending me some recipes but she has been really busy this week and didn't have time. So she brought some veg which we added ingredients to from my cupboard and made a risotto type thing which hopefully Freya will enjoy when we eat it tonight
And she brought a bit of paper with what she is gonna ask "them" to fund for me, she thinks it will improve me generally
Pickled Onions
So today I opened a new jar of pickled onions that I bought, and WOW, I can smell them
Monday, 27 June 2011
What a morning. First of all Jackie txted me to say "I understand why you cannae gizza lift, c u there" then I went to the shop with Ed. We shopped well sitting down, got everything we needed etc, then when we were at the back of the shop I stood up and walked off pushing my trolley. And this time my foot wasn't being as wrong, it seemed a bit more possible than a few weeks ago. And while we were at the shop it occurred to me that next week we will have to try Waverley Stores to try and buy more organic stuff. He said "Wanna go after here" but no, I need to try them out first then get the rest in Morrisons
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Horrible Histories with Stephen Fry
And I watched a whole half hour long program on iPlayer today. It was..... erm.... a program
Gosh, it is roastingly hot again, the weather seems to have remembered that it's summer time. Just now I was outside and I pointed at a cloud and said "Look, it's the only one", kept on watching it as it blew across the sky, by the time it was half way across it had evaporated or melted or whatever the do, it had gone
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Phone Call
Then Jackie phoned me. Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t. She has got the results of her scan back and very bad news. She won't be able to work here or with me. Dunno what she is gonna do, The Leonard Cheshire organisation are obliged to find her some employment but what? I think the dole beckons....
Friday, 24 June 2011
Then I had a surprise visitor, he didn't phone and lemme know when he was coming 'til last night, but good lord, he is much bigger than I recall but as handsome and clever as ever, he is going to Ecuador on a student 'learn stuff' trip soon
So then Paul came in later, he caught up with some paperwork etc then we set off together. To the swimming pool, which was very strange, but it seems that my right leg is bending further than before etc. But I am exhausted now
And we went and had a lunch there in the café afterwards and it was nice to sit down somewhere peaceful for a while
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Wow. So at last I figured out how to take a pic with my new phone, and good lord, it isn't as obvious to use as my camera but it takes photos of outstanding clarity and quality.
Wow once more
So Ed came round s'morning. We had no plans for today so we pottered together for a bit, cutting the grass etc. He helped my log onto O2 to check my bills etc
And walked up and down beside me saying "Your foot is not turning over"
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
So Paul was here later because his son was cheating in races at school so he feltt obliged to watch. This evening we went out and spoke to someone knowledgeable in the Mobile Phone Shop and left half an hour later with a Nokia E7 which is my new phone. We had to leave it charging and were awaiting it to adapt to the new SIM card so we went out and had another lovely dinner Little And Large's then when we came bac here my phone was working half. It still won't send btinternet email but we were warned that was hard and we will see the guru in't shop tomorrow who knows what to do. It is confusing but exciting. And the mini keyboard is a treat
It is still a secret but when I can work it fully I will publicise the numberBut it is a treat
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Then later that Freya came over to see me again. It went well with her today, she was very pleasant. As we hadn't cooked with Sarah this week we had leftovers from the freezer with an extra cheese sauce made and added as we both thought it was too dry before. Both of us said that it was nicer than last time even without the extra sauce so who knows.....
So Sarah the OT came here today and instead of cooking she took me out to the garden center to look for Trugs to buy. They didn't have any in stock but we came back and looked online at them, I said "No ta, much to expensive" and Sarah said "It's OK, he is buying it for you"
Monday, 20 June 2011
So I went out and about with Ed s'morning. Firstly took me to the mobile phone shop in town to see what I need to bring on Wednesday, I think the woman said "No can do without your sister, just do it by phone" which I thought someone had told us not to do, but f. nose, try it and see on Wednesday. Then we went to (More Reason's To Shop At) Morrison's and did my weeks shopping, not much was required this week as I as trying to eat up frozen food so next week I will need sum veg etc. Then as we had seen none in our trip to town or Morrisons I went to Tesco's where they sold, from the chemist, eye patches. So now I have 6 which I got Ed to stick pirate eye patches on while I went to the loo. Then he quickly hoovered and then went home, time was up
Sunday, 19 June 2011
And I have just watched the F1 Grand Prix on iPlayer. Earlier today I also watched Have I Got A Bit More News For You and this morning summat else too. I might have a new hobby. But what is good on telly ATM? If u can think of any recommendations for me drop me an email, please
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Up And....
Well today I am just busy from start to finish. Looking out the window, drinking tea....... OK, not a very busy day
There is no fun on my timetable 'til Monday, Burry Port Folk Club-bing then
Friday, 17 June 2011
And Julia brought me over an box of MP3 CD's t'other day, an old collection of mine. I tried to rip them but it wouldn't work so I put the box to one side, I thought that they hadn't worked, not burned properly or summat. Today I was showing Paul, he said "Yep, fair enough, but can you see the tracks on the disc?". Ever since slightly further on in that conversation I have been copy and pasting Julia's CD's onto my PC, it works now that I know a slightly different approach
What a day
So Paul came over later, we went to the swimming pool soon after. It was the first time I have a) been in the pool with only 1 person to look after me, and b) worn my new googles which seemed to work etc. I was a bit non-summated about washing, showering, myself afterwards but it all went OK
I don't think there is owt as noticeable as last week but my arm feels better and more moveable this week
I don't think there is owt as noticeable as last week but my arm feels better and more moveable this week
And after our swim we stayed and I had a lunch at the pool café, which was nice too
.... & at 'em
So I woke up and got up early-ish today. My trunks are on etc. So I am waiting to see if the van containing my footwear arrives from Llanelli (!) before I go, according to online checking it is on it's way

And when we had been to the swimming pool and came back what was sitting on my doormat? So next week I shall try my grippy shoe type things
Thursday, 16 June 2011
So then later I went off with Ed. First of all I went to Lloyd's and paid in the cash that I had been sitting on here, because apparently I can have loadsa cash and still recieve full disability payments so wait and see now. After that we went to Ben and Jerry's for lunch. It was the first time Ed had been there and we both enjoyed it immensely
Ebay Wurks
So because I had sum advice on what to do I reset up Paypal on ebay so hopefully it will work now
OK, so I went shopping, and found another eye~patch which looks loosere than the 'play' ones I have been using, so hopefully will be better for me.The point is ebay works!!!
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
And after having a shower tonight I got dressed and came back out, I didn't put on my socks and splint, and good lord but it feels different now, my right foot is going down properly etc etc. It hasn't done this for so long, and I am going to the swimming pool again on Friday, it might help me again
With Little Chap
So today me and little Paul got it together. Last night I was awake at about 6AM but by the time my alarm clock went off I was asleep, big style. So by the time I had woken up enough to do my splint, eat breakfast and do a big pooh Paul was already here, I didn't even have time to drink my coffee first. Anyway once he arrive and I finished my coffee, he did a few chores, said "Lets leave the gardening until it is dry" then we headed off into Carmarthen, into that evil Tesco's shop, where we bought some swimming goggles and a little mini kick board float type thing. Then we went off to the end of King St to that restaurant, Frankie and Benny's, we ate at last week where we had another different meal, which was as delicious as last weeks.
That Paul has taken my goggles and a black marker pen, that we also bought, away to colour in the right hand lens, to make it opaque
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
So I started today tapping my foot. Then the meeting came here, all 4 of "my" staff. Last night the chap was talking about how we can find it exhausting just being in a difficult, stressful, conversation and now I believe him. After much nonsense I went off into the kitchen with Sarah and we made this evenings delicious dinner, it was Moroccan Mushrooms With Cous Cous and it was very delicous. About a third was put in the freezer for another day.
THEN my staff finished and went home.
THEN Freya came and really enjoyed her food
THEN my staff finished and went home.
THEN Freya came and really enjoyed her food
Monday, 13 June 2011
Then someone came to see me and said "Anthony isn't going to H/W tonight, his cars broken". So I felt but today is the last day for giving in our "going on holiday with the kids" forms, so I asked Ed and he has to leave about 8.30 but can take me. Phew
And wow that was interesting, even tho he spoke after 8.30 it was still very interesting, fatigue and brain injury
So first of all I got up etc then had to wait, after breakfast etc, for about a half for Ed. He came in, made my bed again as I had taken the sheets and blankets off and washed them, then we went off to Morrisons, shopping. There I went in my chair for most of it but stood up about an aisle away from the till. Gosh but it was very hard concentrating on keeping my foot upright but I managed. I stayed on my feet, easy if I'm not trolley-ing, paid and pushed the trolley away. Then I sat down again. Yes, it was very difficult but next week I will try an aisle and a quarter etc etc
Then we came back, put the shopping away then went back to Morrisons as I had said "Cash till" as we came out but as we had chilled food we didn't stop on the way out. We parked the car opposite, about 20yds away and I said "No chair", got out with my walky stick and walked all the way there and back. It was only a short walk but it felt important for me to say "No chair"
When we came back we went on Ebay to try and buy a wallet for my parking permit. It all went pear shaped but them we went online and tried to sort out my paypal account so next time I will be able to use that and pay on ebay
Then we came back, put the shopping away then went back to Morrisons as I had said "Cash till" as we came out but as we had chilled food we didn't stop on the way out. We parked the car opposite, about 20yds away and I said "No chair", got out with my walky stick and walked all the way there and back. It was only a short walk but it felt important for me to say "No chair"
When we came back we went on Ebay to try and buy a wallet for my parking permit. It all went pear shaped but them we went online and tried to sort out my paypal account so next time I will be able to use that and pay on ebay
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Good lord, I have watched loadsa telly today. There was loadsa MotoGP motorbike racing today, 2 races rather then 1, then there was an F1 race this evening, which was rained off, so far. It ran for 20 minutes then they said "Nah"
Double good lord, I was looking at www site a number of hours later to see the result and they were just about to restart the race. So it is running now, it's nearly bedtime and they are just in mid~race
Well today it is raining, back to proper Welsh Weather. According to the forecast it is gonna rain heavily all day. So hopefully no drought here ATM
Saturday, 11 June 2011
So I was remembering that I used to like The Friday Rock Show so tonight I got out my copy of iplayer and it's now on as The Monday Midnight Rock Show, which I am listening to ATM. But next I will listen to the 2.00AM on Tuesday Morning Punk Show which is a lot more radical than R1 used to do when I still listened to it
Still Good Lord
And my right foot still seems to be bending nearly as far as yesterday. Hoo-flippin'-ray
And as they were setting up for The Summer Fete it rained big style so they had to move it down the road. Then it stopped raining. Then as I was sitting outside with a long face on someone offered me a lift, so I went and thoroughly enjoyed it. If a bit strange I still enjoyed it.
And I won a prize at the party
Friday, 10 June 2011
Wow, what a day
Well firstly Paul came round here. We went straight out to a Mobile Phone Shop in Carmarthen. It looked promising but they didn't have 1 I could try. So we went to another Phone Shop and they had one I could try. Good lord, it is more impressive (to me) than Paul's phone and available cheaper. My heart is set on a Nokia E7 and now we have loadsa hassle 'cos they want my debit card address to be exact whereas it actually says Scotland cos my sister is my deputy. So I suspect, that he will contact Denyse later, she will contact big sister and she will order my phone from up there and ask them to deliver it here. Or summat.
THEN after all this excitement we came back here, ate cheese and onion pasties, and Sara arrived. We all went together to the swimming pool in Carmarthen. Gosh it felt good, I wasn't swimming but floating, walking in the water with no splint on etc. It felt strange being in the water but I suspect that my right leg was freeing up slightly
THEN after all this excitement we came back here, ate cheese and onion pasties, and Sara arrived. We all went together to the swimming pool in Carmarthen. Gosh it felt good, I wasn't swimming but floating, walking in the water with no splint on etc. It felt strange being in the water but I suspect that my right leg was freeing up slightly
And good lord, but my right heel seems much more touch floorable even tho it is hours since I was in't water, it may have done me some good.
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Open links
For some reason my PC had stopped opening links in a browser when I clicked them, so I had to copy and paste links into Firefox. So I was trying to sort it out. I looked on the www, then I looked again, looked again etc. In the end I was on a page and there was a click to see if Firefox is the default browser button, I thought "Why not?" clicked it and it said "No, wanna connect it?" so I obviously clicked yes and now it works. It has been broken for days
So this morning I woke, sat up in bed, was putting on my splint etc when my alarm clock went off. Gosh, a lie in by my standards. I finished splinting, went had breakfast, went to the loo and did an enormous pooh, came out of the bathroom and Ed knocked the door. So we went was too far east on the M4 to the Wildlife Trust where I did good work on the PC
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Then Paul came over, and waited a bit as we were still at Dr's, and then did loadsa paper work and hoovering etc. We talked loads and I had a play with his phone, I now want one like that, internet, GPS, camera, and more to the point notepad, etc and loads of other aps. and download more if I want some. He knows the score, if we find one that I want then I will have to email the serial no. to Carolyn who will then, as my prefect, set up an account so it will be paid monthly. And I think it is about 25% more than I use in PAYG every month and a lot posher. If we can find one that I like and can use
So first thing s'morning I went to the Asthma Clinic with Denyse. We spoke to the nurse, and that was a busy conversation. For a start she told me that I can take between 2 and 8 puffs a day of brown puff, I currently use 4. It depends on how many blue puffs I am needing, if it is less than 2 or 3 per week then lower the brown dosage. She also said "Want to try one of these?" and showed me an Aerochamber device that you take your puffs thru to make them seem stronger. So if it works I will be able to drop brown puffs
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
So Sarah with an H, the OT, came around to see me today. We talked for a bit then got stuck into making Refried Bean Quesadillas which look very good, sitting on a plate ready to go into t'oven and have some last stuff poured over then me and Freya will eat them
And good lord but it was delicious if a bit hard to cut up. We added so much stuff afterwards that I couldn't just pick up a piece, but me and Freya both made positive noises
Tum Ti Tum
So today is the only day this week when I don't have a MMMs coming in't morning but after lunch Sarah, the OT is coming and I expect to make some equally easy delicious food.
Which I shall share with that Freya this evening
Which I shall share with that Freya this evening
Monday, 6 June 2011
Scared / intimidated
So in a bit we are going off to get my weeks shopping and I am gonna attempt to walk everywhere again
And I didn't manage, my right foot was turning over as I walked, like last week, but since then I have the email saying "Relearning" so I didn't want my right foot to learn all wrong so I stopped walking ½ an aisle later then refused to go any more. I came back here and put my shopping away and had sum lunch etc then Ed said "Walk outside with me" so I tried and now I could do it without my foot turning over. So perhaps next week I will walk but be 'chaired round the shopThen, after lunch we went out, for one direction I asked to goto Cwrt Henri which still makes me feel a bit emotional, even tho it was before Freya was born when we lived there
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Phone Call
And I received a phone call today from Brian, Julia's dad. We chatted for a bit, I think his main conversation was "How's Toby?" and I think I was able to make his heart beat better. I think and I hope
Gosh, it is boring not being busy as I am 6 days next week. Although I did learn why I need to use my 'stick, to stop my body relearning how to walk all wonky
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Much Later
So Paul came round and did some dull paperwork then took me out. Just before we went out I switched off the PC so I wasn't able to check the address of a good local veggie place, we went round town two or 3 times before a brain wave struck paul and we went to Frankie and Benny's in Carmarthen in what I remember as the cattle market car park, but it is now an enormous shopping center. Gosh it was mostly meat but we both had a different veggie dish and we were both pleased and impressed
But with the garlic bread to me it tasted like mostly toast, I couldn't taste garlicAnd in the driving all over stage we went to Burry Port for a look. They couldn't feed us as the room was privately booked but they did confirm that tomorrows Folk Club is on
Friday, 3 June 2011
And I am watching a program on't telly tonight too, BBC Iplayer Annie Nightingale - Bird on the Wireless and it is strange but I like it
Background Colour
And I couldn't find the code to put a background colour on a piece of txt, because I wanted one here, and good lord, I found clues like add this 76 lines of code to the tag etc, and was starting to think "I mustn't have done this before, perhaps I am remembering falsley.
Then at last I found 1 line of code to put anywhere on the page to work
Duh, it is so simple, I have done it and used it now
Then at last I found 1 line of code to put anywhere on the page to work
Duh, it is so simple, I have done it and used it now
And where it sez here I did a bit so that link opens up the bottom of the pic, the relevant bit
So this morning Paul came round. We talked briefly then went to town. There we went shopping bought 2 swimming trunks, an XL and an XXXXXL. We also bought some sweets, shhh. We came back and the XL trunks fitted so we went back to Tescos and got a refund on the XXXXXL ones. The ones that fitted were £3 (minus 25% at the till). The returned ones were £7 (minus 25% at the till)
Thursday, 2 June 2011
So Ed came over this morning, we chatted for a bit then set off to head for Dynamic Rock Adventure, the Rock Climbing place, in Swansea. It's 2 junctions past Swansea West but it is still called Swansea North. Anyway we went there, he said I'll just go and see how to enter you, came back 2 minutes later and said "Closed 'til 12 o'clock, where shall we go?". I said that soon after 12 I would be looking for lunch so why didn't we head back for an early lunch then we can come back and play. So as we headed back to Carmarthen we passed a lorry, I asked "I wonder if that's my car being delivered?". After lunch we headed back to the Climbing Centre and good lord, all I can say is "Wow". It was a free visit for us today as we weren't climbing but I am rather impressed, I think we will go back, if we can sort out some hassle(1), and have a go
(1) The loo is upstairs eg
Yes, I said that I would have a go!!! (/radical)
(1) The loo is upstairs eg
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
So today Paul came round s'morning. We talked for a bit, he listened to me talking about slopy writing etc, got me to practice on a variety of slopes then said "I will make you one". Then we went to town, went and got a tape measure so I could measure my waist so Paul can get me some trunx. While we were in there I walked the whole length of the shop and stayed standing while I got myself some sweets. Then we went and had a cheese and onion pasty out of the bakers so we were in town in time to go to the Podiatrist who cut all my toenails including the one I hadn't been able to cut as it's an in growing toenail but it all feels a lot better. We asked if we can make another appt. to go back next month he said "No, we can;'t just cut toe nails, cant someone from Leonard Cheshire do it?". We had to say "No, they are not allowed" but him and Paul arranged for Paul and Ed (and presumably Jackie) to be trained(!!!) so they will be "allowed" to cut my toenails before my feet are such a mess that I am able to ask him again
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