Wednesday 29 February 2012


And then we went out to Llanelli folk club where I had one alcoholic drink followed by a glass of water(1) followed by an orange juice and lemonade

(1) As this is the 3rd glass of water I have had today. Dunno, I need it they think


So later that TimMY came round and sat here doing strange reading of reports etc. Then Sarah the OT came in and we talked about loadsa stuff for us Brain Injured types then arranged to go to Cinema next week in Carmarthen.
Now I need a nap then we are going to Cinema to find out dates and times for next week


So t'other day I asked a MOMS for some assistance, then the next day I asked another one and between the 3 of us we couldn't find a way of making all links in a Blog open in a new window AND have an underline but this morning I have done it all by myself which will make my life a bit easier. I no longer have to type "target=_blank" to make links open in a new window or type "^u^ and ^/u^" either side of the txt to be underlined

Tuesday 28 February 2012


Then that Toby chap came round to see me. We talked about dinner and in the end decided to goto Frankie and Benny's to have some burgers, I had a veggie one and Toby had a dead creatures one. It was lovely
Toby seemed in good form tonight, he was telling me about him and his Mum are working together to try and clean Toby's system out of all the dr*gs he has been taking


Then as we were just shopping for more Blueberries we drove to Morrison's, I got out of the car with no wheelchair, walked across, got a trolley to stabilise me and walked into the shop like that, back out and back to the car which contained my wheelchair.
But they didn't have any Blueberries with longer than 1 day on them so after that we had to go to.... [embarrassed]... shhh... Tesco's where we got 2 packets with a 4 day best before date on the

What A Performance

So me and Paul had to go to A&E this morning for a scan to see if my left leg had DVT in it. So we went there, she asked me to take off my trousers and put on a gown then spent ages doing strange stuff to my leg.

After all that I had to wait for 20 minutes for the results but I don't have DVT

Monday 27 February 2012

Off out

And we are off to Burry Port to the folk club in a bit
And it was good, folk were saying pleased to see me but we left about 9.30 as I couldn't drink any more orange juice - but no beer, I am on antibiotics ATflippingM


And in the shower last night I noticed a line of bruising at the inside of my left elbow. I wondered where it had came from but no idea. Later on today I showed Ed and he said "Ah, blood tests last Friday" Ooooh


As someone phoned me twice today, first time I couldn't go then they phoned me back with a different appointment time so now I have to go to Glangwili Hospital for a scan on my leg tomorrow that the GP got for me. But the swelling has gone down, the antibiotics are working

Shopping with Ed-ding

So then this morning we went to Morrison's where I had to buy more than usual. Again I was walking around the shop with Ed coming behind me pushing my wheelchair. Again I didn't need the 'chair, I didn't sit down but I don't as of yet have the confidence to walk unaccompanied.

At a guess I will go back to the shop on Thursday to but more salad and blueberries, I might try that shorter trip without my 'chair


And last night I walked to bed and this morning I walked back, then walked into the loo. It still seems really radical to me but as it is becoming more normal I shan't post about it again.

Ta for your patience

Sunday 26 February 2012


Then Ed came in and has been catching up on paperwork and reading documents all day. At 8 o'clock tonight we were in Kidwelly picking up that Toby chap as a favour

(More) Walking

"And last night, for the first time in nearly 9 years, I got off my chair, walked to bed, slept, got up and walked out of the bedroom. No wheelchairs were involved at all!!!"
I did that, as of yesterday, s'morning, then today after all that I came back to my living room, sat down for a couple of minutes then stood up, walked into the bathroom, sat on the loo and did my business

Saturday 25 February 2012

Dinner Time

And after my nap and watching the rugby we went out to the hotel my parents are staying in and had a delicious dinner

We are back now awaiting some fun


So my (wrinkly) parents came back round today. First of all I showed them the proof that I am loosing weight further and held my hand out until my father paid me more. We chatted for a bit then went to town. We looked all round the market etc then went and had a delicious lunch. Now they have gone off, I will nap then watch the rugby


And last night, for the first time in nearly 9 years, I got off my chair, walked to bed, slept, got up and walked out of the bedroom. No wheelchairs were involved at all!!!

Friday 24 February 2012


And when Sara was gripping my arm I happened to mention that I thought my arm was better enuf so I had been thinking of trying my guitar once more. She said "Try it now" so I did, it was still too difficult but a lot easier than last time I tried, so I have another hobby
ObAnd today someone else paid for my sandwiches today

What a Flippin Day

So Paul (the stranger) came round today. Firstly I had a visit from Sara the physio and she got stuck into my arm, hurting it but making it feel better too. She gave me a list of instructions verbally but I a have had such a shit afternoon since that I can't remember. Hopefully she will email me the instructions anyway over the next few days.
Then someone looked at my leg and said "It is too swollen, off to Drs". The Doctor said "No, looks ok but you need to have that checked in hospital"
So then I had to go to hospital, wait for ages to be seen, put up with him not being able to find a vein to take blood, then waiting even longer to see a Dr type. He said "Seems all OK, take these as a precaution, we will contact u and ask you for a scan to be really safe, so waiting
Then I was at last able to go with my folks and let them buy my dinner. They had to look after Freya earlier when I was stuck in the Drs......

Scared/Intimidated/No Problem

And tomorrow (well later today) Sara The Physio is coming to get stuck into freeing my right arm. Then my parents are coming to tell me what my Barrister said t'other day about my claim

Thursday 23 February 2012


And Ed had his way and I went to the gym. I was trying to distract her but she paid attention. And said afterwards that I am getting so good at the exercises that we perhaps need to find summat else to do to make up my hour of exercises


So Ed came into see me s'morning. We can't go off to t'shops etc as I am waiting for the Wheelchair Fixer to come....... I warned them at Gym on Tuesday that if he hasn't come by the time I am due to leave I am going nowhere
And good lord but he has been and fixed my 'chair. Ed seems to think that as he has been I should go to gym now....

Wednesday 22 February 2012

And He Told Me

And on the way home from the pub tonight we had a strange conversation in't car about stuff I have forgotten in the last ten years or so. There was one that is timewise what I should remember but obviously for me to remember it at all was just NOOOOOO.....


So tonight we went out to Stag & Pheasant pub in town where I was drinking strange cloudy cider which I actually rather enjoyed


And Mum and Dad and my Big Sis and Denyse were all at a meeting with my barrister today, I have heard
"Omg the things we do 4 u meetin just over loads of things discussed but most important how much better u are and how that means that u need more money 4 ur own place & ur support workers so some of the experts have 2 write some more reports so guess wot no settlement as yet!! But things are definitely moving on so sorry I have no definite news but it was all very positive xx"

Sleep research

And in a story on't BBC today it talks about how this big sleep thing may well be a myth which I had thought for some time


Then Sarah the OT came round. Spent ages talking about me being bored etc then we got stuck in and made some pancakes, even if we were a day too late.
They were delicious with caramel toffee and some lemon juice that Sarah brought with her, even if they were a day too late

Sleep Is For The Weak

Strange night, I didn't have time for a nap yesterday and I woke up sitting in my chair about midnight, went to bed and didn't sleep a lot after that. Ho hum.

So TimMY came round this morning, commented on how grumpy I looked but.....

Tuesday 21 February 2012


And I didn't have time for a nap today and it f*cked up my night


And after lunch my financial rep came into see me. He talked loadsa "bollocks/stuff about my claim" and g*d knows, I hope he will sort my finances out


Well the g*m session went as well as can be expected today, I had loads to do but I did it


Gosh, well today I have an appointment at t'gym firstly then my sister & hubby are coming to see me, followed by Denyse then last of all is my new financial rep. They are coming to do useful stuff but it's a sign that my claim while not being paid yet is becoming nearly.....

Monday 20 February 2012


Then we went out to Burry Port Folk Club. A couple of people said they missed me the few weeks since I have been so.....

With Ed

So Ed came in s'morning, caught up on sum paperwork then took me to Morrison's where I walked all the way around (a MOS commented on how well I was doing) got a smaller shop than usual.
Then I phoned that Toby and arranged to pick him up s'afternoon as I will be busy seeing my Financial Advisor when he usually comes on Tuesday. I have bought some pizza bases and mixture and he is gonna learn how to make them today
And he came round and made Pizza, from scratch. I had bought pizza bases etc he put it all together. It was lovely but in my fridge is ¼ of a pizza for lunch tomorrow. So I told Toby that I make pizza's from Naan bread and they are much more edible size

Sunday 19 February 2012

Quieter Day

Well TimMY came round s'morning, we have nowt on today but hopefully it won't be as disappointing as yesterday
And good lord but between us we are very clever sorting out obscure HTML crises, so now I get a noise if a gmail arrives on my phone, can read my blog on my phone etc. I haven't signed in to post from my phone yet but p'raps over the next few days if I am bored...

Saturday 18 February 2012

What A Day

Good lord, what a wasted day.

First of all TimMY came round and caught up with some paperwork while I looked at stuff on my PC. Then before lunch we set off to the cycling place in Cardiff. We stopped at a services after Swansea and had some lunch. We left the motorway and got into a traffic jam, if took us half an hour to travel the first mile. Which I didn't feel to bad about as it meant we had less time on the bicycle in the rain. Eventually we realised that TimMY had given me the wrong post code for my SatNav to be heading to and then as if by magic there was no traffic jam. We realised that we were gonna be too late for our session so phoned them and apologised.
Then went into the centre of Cardiff to the DM shop. And wow but I want a pair of pink Doctor Marten's but at £85 a pair and I need 2 pairs of different sizes I was a bit too tight fisted to buy any today. Dunno, perhaps in future I won't need a splint on my right foot, so one pair would be enough, wait and see
But I had no time for a nap this afternoon, I tried turning the radio off and shutting my eyes on the way back

Friday 17 February 2012


And I am still gripped with my Kindle. In the past I used to like reading books, after my accident my right eye and right arm didn't work so it was too hard to read books for 8½ years, then I bought a Kindle and I am currently half way through the third Harry Potter book I have managed and I am loving it


Then after we took Toby we just made it to Waverley, got the shopping. And as it was about 4.40 when we arrived I said "What time do you close?" expecting them to say "5" but the truth was 5.30 so we weren't that late


We were half way to Toby's house planning to take him to Kidwelly when he txted me and said "No need" so we nipped to the shop as we were out anyway
Then he txted us back and said "Are you still free", we took him later


So Tim came round this morning. First of all we visited Carmarthen Museum which wasn't that exciting, but perhaps just for me
Then we went for an explore around Cwrt Henri where we lived years ago, when there were only 4 of us in the family, just to see it again. But the house that we had to leave because it was sold looks empty now
Then after lunch we nipped to Morrisons and bought more salad (and Sloe Gin) because I wanted it

Thursday 16 February 2012


Then Freya came over this afternoon. She phoned me earlier and said "No-one listens to me, we are all going to see Martin's mum tomorrow, can I see you today instead". And it was worth it


So with Ed s'morning we went to Tesco's and bought some pizza bases (they might well have had some in Morrisons but the checking online system is very weak) for Toby to cook next week. We also nipped to Morrison's and bought some bog roll etc
Then later I went to the Gym where I was alone with Samantha and even tho I was mouthy I still did loads for myself too.
Then after a lunch here we went off to Morrisons and bought some kitchen scourers. I probably needn't have but I am trying to make next weeks shopping lists as small as poss. 'cos I will walk around the shop

Wednesday 15 February 2012


And I was making movements on both sides tonight, it was well cool bit late

Feed Me

Then today we took the girl who missed last week because she was steering a sailing boat out for lunch.
We went to a St Clears place which is beautiful (if pricey) and they claim to support local businesses and Organic so I wan't to cheer

Tuesday 14 February 2012

It's Fixed

And I tried the most modern version of Blogger tonight, like I have tried it every night for some weeks but tonight it worked

So hoo-flippin'-ray, dunno what the difference is but.... it works


Good lord. When I said "Help me" I actually meant Toby would say "Instruct me" and cook the whole dinner (which was lovely) by himself
And he agreed that next Tuesday I will be a bit busy what with financial reps coming so he'd better come and cook for me again on Monday
He seems pleased to be cooking for me as he needs to learn how to cook
And he seemed like a happier chappie again, yes there are some di*k*eads in his life but he seems to be getting above them


So with Paul first of all I got out the laptop and Skyped that Denyse who is mid-moving house ATM. Then we went to gym today, I was back after my day off and It was a relatively small group today but we did it. Doing leg exercises I can see how much better my legs are bending, generally moving.
So I will go for a nap now then that Toby is coming up and helping us cook Chilli Sin Carne

Monday 13 February 2012


Then me and it was Ed still this week went to Headway. Again I didn't see the point...
And as we were leaving someone said to Ed "If you like those muffins I made you might as well take the last packet home" and when I got home he said "Here u go" to me.


So at 5 to 10 this morning the chirpodist arrived and said "I knew u would tell me off if I was late" then cut my toenails. Then Ed came and took me shopping in 2 places. Because I had a big list of veg I needed to cook with tomorrow I went to Waverley stores to buy as many organic as possible. Then we went to Morrison's where I walked everywhere but the first 50 yards. So tomorrow me and Toby are cooking a veggie chilli which he can take the left overs home with him

Sunday 12 February 2012


So during the match I went to the cupboard out and got summat that I bought last week and have never tried before. Yoghurt coated banana chips. And what can I say apart from yum yum, I have a new hobby


So we went down to the pub to watch the rugby, but it was way too busy so we came back and made it 10 minutes b4 the rugby started so we watched it all on BBC1. And hooray, the Welsh won it well
And I had a bet with Ed, he bet me a pound Wales would loose


So Ed came round this morning. Hoo-flippin'-ray. He just hung about with me and we agreed to go to the Friend's Arms later to watch Wales play Scotland.
So I shall have lunch, then have a nap, then it will be time to go out...

Saturday 11 February 2012


Then this afternoon Ed took me out, first of all up the A48 to Cross Hands then we turned off that and headed eventually into Cwrt Henri where, on reflection, we were very lucky to find an affordable house to rent years ago
But it did my head in slightly, because if I can no longer have a driving licence it isn't as much fun directing your driver than it is just randomly turning at the last minute etc


Then s'morning me and Ed went out to Carmel to take photos of stolen gates etc. Except that today we didn't have to take a single picture, everything was in order

Friday 10 February 2012

Writing With My Right Hand

And I did a bit of practice this morning of writing with my right hand. My hand moves into the writing shape much easier than in has in the past but the problem is moving my hand to write the next letter. This is really difficult. So if I had some kind of scroll that moves every time I write a letter I could write by hand


And as I have mess on the front of my body warmer because if I am wearing it when I brush my teth when I spit some of it goes where I can't stretch onto my body warmer so today I bought a funnel so hopefully I can spit away from myself and rinse it out so it doesn't become smelly


Then this afternoon we went to Waverley stores and bought some health food etc.
Then we went to Morrison's and bought half of Mondays shop so it will be easier/quicker Monday


Then this afternoon Toby came up and borrowed some pocket money off me as he is entertaining a very foxy chick, so....


Then s'morning we went to CCC leisure center and had a swim. Hoo-f**king-ray but it does me some good so....


And this morning we wrote down details of my trip to pedal poweer next week, we are gonna make a day of it shopping in Cardiff etc


And actually with my new flower I can smell it. It doesn't smell as strong to me as it does to visitors but if I put my nose next to it it is smelly

Thursday 9 February 2012


So as we were driving all afternoon I couldn't have a nap, but as we were driving outwards I switched off the radio and tipped my chair back and lay quietly for 25 minutes. Dunno, I don't feel too rough now so perhaps it was OK


Then I saw Toby later as he walked up to borrow the Rocky Horror DVD and a book


Then at 5 o'clock we made it home from Dacey's in Cardiff after I cheered and said "Ta muchly, it has changed my life" etc, then the took my splint and fitted some proper cover the metal 'cos I'm allergic bits and some replacement bits under my right heel


And we had to leave here at 12ish, stop for diesel, later we stopped for a sandwich then got "there"


So Ed came in s'morning. Straight away we went to supermarket and stocked up on blueberries etc, then he gave me another haircut, well he shaved the sides. At 12 o'clock we are heading off to Cardiff to have a review of my footwear splint. Dunno what a review is but we are going for one anyway

Wednesday 8 February 2012


And we went out and had another good time at the Folk Club. Although it was very cold when we were coming back


So for dinner tonight I am having 2 eggs and some oven chips. I left 2 bits of bread out of the freezer to eat with one egg, I was planning to have a sandwich. So I was trying to decide wether to cook the egg in sandwich first then eat that then cook the rest or what, but then summat occured to me that hasn't for years. I will eat both eggs with my knife and fork then have 2 chip butties

Ooh how exciting, chip butties

Off Topic

Then Sarah the Occupational Therapist came in to see me today and we were discussing various things I need to do to free up my right shoulder, apparently that is why my wrist doesn't function properly too, because of my shoulder

Tim(my) Shopping

So Tim(my) came in today, as I still knew where my phone was, we went shopping, too but some cheaper toothbrush heads (Superdrug) etc

Tuesday 7 February 2012

First Born

Then this evening Toby came to see us. We had a quality time, yes he is pissed off with his life but making plans to get on. We made arrangements that he is gonna come early next week and cook Chilli Sin Carne for both of us


Then we went off to the gym, told them to be gentle with my arm and did a good session.
Then we went to Morrison's, had a sandwich, bought some washing powder for Toby, dropped it off and came home


As soon a Paul came in today I had to tell him my tale of woe... "So I took my phone into the loo this morning, read txt messages while I was having a poo, stood up, washed my hands and can't find my phone now. Is it in my bum-bag? Is it in my pickets? Is it on the side in the bathroom? No, so I was beginning to think I must have dropped it down the loo then flushed". So he phoned it and we could sort of half hear it so we knew it wasn't down the loo. But where was it. After much looking he had a brainwave, said "Stand up" and there on my 'chair, beneath my legs was my phone? How did it get there, no idea. I must have set it down on my chair, wiped my bum, stood up, washed my hands and then sat down without removing it

At least we found it in the end

Monday 6 February 2012

Boat Club

And we went to an out of order folk club tonight as we had 2 members of staff with us, one learning, and it was impressive, including the strange Happy New Year group who weren't to my surprise asking for charity money. But double basses in a folk club?


Then I went to the Doctors and showed him my sore arm. But he said "Nowt to worry about, just pulled muscle" so phew


Then I had one


After lunch that Denyse lady came round to talk about loadsa stuff. We only managed to discuss half of it but we have agreed on a Skype session next week


So s'morning Paul came and then we went to Morrison's and did about an 1/8th of a normal shop as I had been there yesterday. Then we came back here, dropped it off and went back to Morrison's with Toby in tow. We spent about 30 quid on his food shopping as he owes most of his giro away. Not through his own fault this time

Sunday 5 February 2012


And it is much warmer now, reading outside tonight after 9 o'clock it is merely a bit chilly rather than freezing like it was last week


Then this evening we went to the club where we usually go to Folk Nights and were in a room full of Wales fans watching the rugby. And it was a close match, Ireland were winning at the end until 2 minutes before when they got a penalty which Wales scored
Then afterwards a very good band played for a couple of hours, they were very good


And yesterday when Timmy knocked the door I walked and answered it. He commented that I have never done that. Fairy nuff. It only occurred to me that usually I am too scared to walk until someone else has tightened my right boot, the one with the splint in

Saturday 4 February 2012

Much Warmer

And tonight being outside this late it is merely a bit chilli, not as cold as a very cold thing which it has been for 5 or 6 days

No Hands

And I am still working on this standing without helping by pushing with my hands as it is still improving so ..... hoo-flipping-ray


Then we went out to Morrison's and bought half of the stuff that was on my list for Monday as I will be busy on Monday afternoon so I want it to be finished quickly on Monday


And after our shopping trip today we went to the bakers and bought a cheese and onion pasty and a custard slice. Now I have known about cheese and onion pasties for 30 or 40 years but these Custard Slices, I have no memory of eating one before my accident but now I think mmmmm Why didn't I know?


So with Timmy today first of all we had to fix my electric toothbrush as it wasn't charging. Then Timmy was able to take his coat off. But he had to put it back on as we went shopping for body warmers as I don't wanna big coat on sometimes but it is too cold to just have my jumper on.

Then I came back, had a nap and now......

Friday 3 February 2012


God. Talk about technology has gone mad. Well on the laptop which has a built in webcam you can "phone" other webcam onliners and talk to the real time moving image of them. Good lord, I feel out of date


Then Freya came round and had a quality just father and daughter hanging out day, I was well pleased


So me and Small Paul went to the swimming pool this morning and had an excellent swimming and walking up and down the pool session. And I seem to have got a bit used to Paul being there and helping me dry etc, it seems less embarrassing today
Then after we went swimming we stopped and had a sandwich for lunch in the café there. I parked my chair at the table, walked to the counter, ordered my food and carried my tray back. On my own two feet

Thursday 2 February 2012


And I have noticed recently, from my wheelchair, the loo, seats in class etc that I seem to be able to stand up most of the time without using my hands to pull me too

Less Nap

And as I was nervous because Toby had told me he would be here at 4 PM, and I couldn't nap 'til 3.20, I only had a 20 minute nap today
And it is now 11.10 and I am still up
After midnight still up now


Then I cooked the dinner from the lentils, the veg selection I bought yesterday and the leek that I picked from my garden t'other day


Then eventually Ed gave me a copy of the video that he had been working on for a couple of weeks, so at last I have a video of me singing

After lunch

So then after lunch we went to the gym where I was alone with Samantha again. It went well and she was telling me, and I could see it myself, how much better I am getting and how ½ the exercises that we do are irrelevant as I should concentrate on some


So Ed-ding came here this morning and did stuff on Laptop for ages, this afternoon we are going back to gym, so....

Wednesday 1 February 2012


And then we actually made it to the folk club tonight which was rather excellent and we are actually going back there on Sunday to watch the rugby and then the band that are playing


So today me and Tim(my) went out the back and looked at my veg patch and picked some organic leeks from there
Then me and him went to...... shh.... Tesco's in order to buy some ingredients so tomorrow I shall be cooking vegetable stew in a saucepan. With my leek


Then Sarah The Occupational Therapist came round. First of all she was videoing me doing the nine peg test, then I had to do it with both hands 3 times and counted etc. Then she talked about my shoulder and the restrictions of movement and how I need to buy some sponges and use them to clean my cupboards etc

Noisy link


So Tim(my) came round this morning. He fixed the loo roll holder to make it more upright, took me to the shop and bought Toby a loada food, delivered it to his house, did some paperwoprk etc