Tuesday 31 July 2012


Then after all that stuff we had Toby round for a dinner and to use my new chair

New Chair

Then after lunch Paul took me to pick up a new chair(1) which had arrived. Luckily as it was too heavy for one chap to carry we had already arranged to pick up Toby and cook him dinner, so we said he was being paid wages tonight

(1) Which I had to pay thru the nose for, with cash I have already been given


So s'morning I went to the Gym again. I actually got on a bike for 2½ minutes which everyone seemed to think was brilliant but I didn't, it made my leg hurt, my right knee won't bend so far etc

Monday 30 July 2012


And in a bit we are going out to Loughour Boat (or Folk) Club...
And we got nearly there, I said "Where r we going, it's Loughour tonight", he said "No it isn't", we went somewhere that had no club tonight so we ended up at Loughour after all

Not salad for lunch

So today, instead of my usual salad, which I tried to chose with less mayonaisey fattening stuff in in this week, I had a lunch of Ryvita and Cottage Cheese which was a leftover from Paul's food but yum yum, I am gonna buy some more next week with less salad

Many Shops

So first of all I changed my bed. Then, when I was still in't loo having a shit^^^^pooh Ed came round.

Next we had to go to that Tesco's place not just to buy organic muesli because I can't make myself to go for a special trip just for that but I needed a new bath mitt so I thought that was enuf as I don't know it they sell 'em at Morrison's. And I forgot to ask 'em at Morrison's, next time. While we were there we might as well buy some more water and organic apple juice as they didn't have any at Waverley on Friday.

Then, after the excitement, we nipped to Morrisons where I bought most of the rest of this weeks shopping, and today I got 2 10in pizza bases, ready to be topped up instead of my usual Naan bread

Sunday 29 July 2012



Neil The-Hippy www.hippyweb.me.uk

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Ah, that's an "APPARENTLY NOT" then. VBG


And I started to watch the motorcycle race tonight. It only lasted about 2.5 minutes before I was overcome with jealousy


Then for lunch I had my small salad and some posh Ryvita with Cottage Cheese with Pineapple, which probable contained less calories than my salad, yes, it was nice, if a bit different and I think I will buy them both again next week

Busy Morning

So me and Paul went out s'morning. First of all we went to Superdrug in Carmarthen to get some 0.7mm flossers and then we went to a garden centre looking for Tomato plants, to no avail, then we went nearly to Whitland to another Garden Centre and here we foung some Tomato Plants and Pepper Plants and Chilli Plants for a lot less cash than they would have been looking for if they had any in stock in Carmarthen

Saturday 28 July 2012

Fields Forever

And today we realised that I need to be doing gardening work with my staff. So we planted loads of strawberries today, more plants to follow

Loosing Weight

And it seems that I am actually loosing weight this week, again


So me and Paul chatted s'morning, then we went to town to buy some more stuff to grow veg in my Vegtrug, then we nipped in and collected Toby and took him shopping, then we came back and cooked a Thai Curry Kit with stir fry veg and it was dead easy, cooked in about 20 minuted but was really delicious.

Another thing just made from Stir Fry Veg

Will this wurk?

So I haven't been able to Blog from my phone for a few days, trying
summat else now
Neil The~Hippy http://www.hippyweb.me.uk

Friday 27 July 2012


Oh good lord, I have just nearly finished the last Harry Potter book on my Kindle and what can I say except.....


And Freya came round to see me again tonight. We didn't know what to say to each other but it was still nice to see her

Gave My Keys Back

So me and Rich headed off to somewhere right in the middle of Swansea today to give them back my keys to Lon Ty Cwm. It was a bit intimidating but I managed

My Arm Worked

And yesterday I was running my bath. As usual I picked up the smallest towel in both hands and bent down to spread it on't floor. And yesterday it didn't spread out as unevenly as I have come to expect as usual, because my left arm and my right arm worked together and it spread out evenly. Like I used to be able to do without even thinking about it, and hasn't happened for more than 9 years
And it worked again tonight :)

Thursday 26 July 2012


And we went to the Folk Club in Jackson's Lane tonight. I went in, had a good time, Freya arrived soon after. I didn't need the loo, from arriving at 7.30 till we left at about midnight, and it is still pale coloured when I do go. I used to have to nip to the loo every 15 minutes


And so today I have got a blister on my ankle from....... dunno, from my splint I s'pose. So in order to prevent it getting worse "someone" has decided that I shouldn't go to gym
And because I am gymless today the chap came to see me, got out my rubber strips and asked me to do certain stretching exercises

Wednesday 25 July 2012


So earlier on today I went to great hassle to post back my 2 Broadband adaptors which were wrong, hopefully I will get a £74.00 refund when they arrive back. THEN, later, I started looking on Ebay. So I managed to get a couple that I hope are right this time for £40, inc postage. Someone else was bidding against me but his last minute bid was still a quid ad a half lower than mine. Fark, it was close but I won :-)

Comtrend Powerline Ethernet Adapter

And lordy, so we were supposed to drive miles to a Folk Club tonight but "we" decided to stay in and try to bid on some Ethernet Adapterm which, hopefully, will make my BT Telly work again


Then I thought "Lets have egg and chips for diner". Went into the kitchen and had a brainwave. In the cupboard was a tin of beans which I have owned for a very long time. But Egg, Beans and Chips, mmmmmmm


Lordy. So s'morning we tried to package my ethernet adaptors. Eventually we wrapped 'em up etc. Eventually we managed. After lunch we set off for the post office.

On the way we stopped cause Denyse was asking me serious questions about "stuff"

Got there, bought a Jiffy Bag, wrote the address on and gave it to "her" to post. Gosh that was expensive, but they said I can have my £72 back when it arrives

Tuesday 24 July 2012


Lordy. So I had a brainwave today, struggled for a bit then managed to send an email from my phone using the btinternet.com bits. So I have been able to unsubscribe the Gmail account from Ixion and I can now send btinternet emails from my phone or my PC


Then Toby came over briefly for tea. He was already drunk(1) and had to go off early to meet his friends at the swimming pool
(1) He had a borrowed over 18 card which he borrowed and is trying to not return

'Puter Fiasco

So this afternoon we connected my new "connection tools" to the PC to enable BT telly. It wouldn't work, nor would the interweb. So we put it all back as it was before this £74.00 piece of junk^^^^kit arrived


And before gym we nipped to The Doctors to pick up my asthma medication, but there was none there. They said Boots had taken in to deliver but they hadn't my current address. So we nipped to Boots in Carmarthen and finally got it but by then I was 20 minutes late for gym.
But the rest of the gym session was as effective as ever, I dunno why I need to go there, I am so much better than the rest of the class


And it occurred to me last night that with the stir fry chopped up veg, curry = stir fry veg, tin tomatoes, lentils & curry powder. The chopping up veg andf storing half an onion etc was the reason I haven't been willing to cook so much, but well, now ideas are making me hungry


So at the Folk Club last night they didn't have any of the shorts I usually drink, so last night I got stuck into pints of beer. After just two I felt as pissed as a rat and I stopped after three. BeforeMyAccident four pints was getting a bit merry before going on to a party, or summat

(sent from my phone)

Monday 23 July 2012

Quiet Afternoon

I had a quiet nooneraft, a haircut and nowt much else, them we are going out Folk Clubbing tonight.
And it was excellent, when we got there we were the only folk there but about 9.30 it started to get busy etc


So we nipped out to Morrison's, then we had to go to that evil T place to get some Organic Muesli. We couldn't find it, asked a member of staff, she couldn't find it, looked again and the end packet was turned sideways, there it was

Strange Poohing

So as is quite common I got up s'morning and went for a pooh before breakfast. I did my pooh, wiped and for some reason I wiped so well today that I didn't need my Andrex Fresh to finish off cleaning me

Sunday 22 July 2012

Together Again

And my parents are still here today. They brought me loadsa stuff for my kitchen when they came today. In a bit we are going out for lunch then to M&S to get more non-elastic socks
Then we went out over lunchtime to my parents hotel where we had a very nice lunch. So I will just have salad for dinner tonight
AND I have finally fixed it so that "my parents" link is pointing here not here. There was a "#" in the wrong place, it wasn't missing but in the wrong place
Well they've gone now. This evening they drive to Cardiff and stay in a hotel by the airport then first thing tomorrow they go back to Belfast.
It was the first time in 9 years where my Mother didn't cry when she was leaving

Saturday 21 July 2012


And new bulbs are annoying me a bit tonight. I go into the kitchen and switch on the light to get some supper. As I leave the kitchen my hand wobbles over the light switch but I know that with these modern lo energy bulbs you mustn't switch it off then on again within 15 minutes, by which time I will have eaten my supper and want to put the plate away in the kitchen

ANOTHER "What A Day!"

So first of all s'morning we went into M&S and bought some "non-elastic" easy grip socks and just WOW for how it feels on my leg, much better, no rashy squeezed bit.
THEN we nipped over to the furniture shops at Cross Hands. In one shop they told me that the chair we ordered 3 weeks ago should actually be delivered on Wednesday or Thursday of this week. In another furniture shop nearby my parents bought me some furniture for the spare room, next to the bed. My mother is already referring to it as "her room".
Then we went off and bought a stir fry and different pasta which I actually prefered this time. Luckily Freya got better enuf to get a lift over hear today, so she cooked the stir fry and there would have been much too much it we didn't have an extra mouth to feed.

Friday 20 July 2012


Then afterwards my parents arrived in town, we picked 'em up at their hotel and brought them first back here. Triple good lordy, they have been so worried about me for so long and now I am living in a beautiful bungalow in the real world. Then we went out to Pizza Express in Carmarthen and it was nice, and they had to pay


So I got up s'morning, didn't sit in my wheelchair but walked out, across the hall, into the kitchen and made my (posh) coffee and my breakfast standing up. Then walked the VERY LONG way to the table, sat in a proper chair and am exhaustedly nibbling breakfast there now

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Thursday 19 July 2012

Lordy 56.5

Well s'morning me and Dicky had a bit of a chat for about an hour or so then we went off to Cardiff to the splint menders. For a start they fixed the tape across the top which was wearing, then I complained a bit about it being much too hot to wear in the summer. They took it away for 20 minutes, brought it back with new tape and more to the point had simply cut the back off the splint. It is strange, it doesn't feel any weaker but much cooler, ventilated. They also measured my foot, how far it bends and actually said that it was worth my going back in a fortnight and getting another splint made, with the heel and the toes in a more natural position.
Then we met up with Denyse for a cuppa and she gave me some advice about walking more etc etc.
And Denyse said that "someone" had been discussing my broken hand splint with her and they decided that as my hand is so much better there is no need for a splint ATM

It Works Again

So the broadband is working again now which means that if I am looking at a rude sight my 'puter no longer says "No, too vulgar, prove you are 18..."

Wednesday 18 July 2012


So the chap who is singing at the Folk Club ATM said this a song by Donovan. Ed said "Who, Jason Donovan?"

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Folk Clubbing

I am off out in a bit to a Folk Club soon, busy waiting for my broadband to kick in

Not Walkies

So as I am wearing my splint as little as poss because it was making my foot wonky I am stuck in my wheelchair.
Tomorrow we will be at the splint fixers so wait and see if he can improve it and/or give me a smaller bootless splint too


Waiting for the BT fixer to come here and install Broadband today..... I had to get up early in case he came and I am still waiting....
He's been, done some beeping in the socket now he has gone off to fiddle in the main outdoors phone socket, say's he will be back in half an hour
Well so he did "stuff", came back, did some more beeping then my BT landline works now. Hooray etc. BUT the broadband still doesn't work, apparently after the setup it will take up to 24 hours but it will just start automatically
18.19 Still not connected...
Lordy, what a performance, so "someone" had to phone BT s'morning, no avail, about 10 minutes into the phone call he realised that there was still an adaptor on the phone/broadband plug, took it off and the blue light lit up, hooray, no dongle, quicker etc etc

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Little Girl

So me and Toby (and Dicky) were sitting in a restaurant tonight, as I was too much in bits to cook for Toby, when a little girl walked past. She saw my eye and stopped and said "Your eyepatch looks cool"


And Gym s'morning was as excellent as usual but after we had a discussion about Splint fixing etc afterwards we agreed that as the only appointment I could make was for Thursday afternoon I will have to have my splint mended and miss Gym on Thursday

Monday 16 July 2012


So Dicky is now in for his first unaccompanied work session with me. So far today we have been out shopping to 2 places and eaten, but all goes well so far Well the afternoon went OK too.
After lunch I had a shower then went to bed with no trews on (evaporation saves the world), then Dicky redid my cream and put my boots back on. Good enuf
Then we have a Folk Club tonight

Sunday 15 July 2012

Less Swelling

And s'morning Ed had to cream my feet and measure my left leg.
Apparently it is now less swollen then it has been for ages

Logging On Crisis

Last night I thought my Dongle was working very well, now this morning I am trying to upload website and it says "Unable to connect"
All day I have been unable to FTP and send email [at 16.23]
Lordy, so I complained to Ed, he unplugged and replugged the Dongle and it works now!!! I am not gonna try downloading music from Amazon again in case it won't work again (they refunded me today as it wouldn't finish) but.... [at 16.49]

Saturday 14 July 2012


Phew, what a day back has proved. 1) I got the hang of all my 'puter stuff straight away, was able to upload, Blog and reopen my Ixion subscription straight away, so it's still working and I can still work it. 2) Still don't have broadband, apparently it will be fixed next Wednesday, ½ a week away. 3) I have just had a bath, the first one I was able to do in nearly a week. I have been washing my bits and pits every night but it is not the same

Friday 13 July 2012


So we have just sat thru Sam's graduation. Just WOW. And Julia shook my hand in kind of "Didn't we do well" way, which was well cool, we are beginning to make our relationship friendship which is cool

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Thursday 12 July 2012


So I had to go out with a prune last night.


Because I couldn't find a date


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That Mcr seems rebuilt etc, I can't find anywhere I useda live etc

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Lordy, just wow

So we are up in Manchester for Sam's graduation tomorrow. Sam came and let me buy his dinner last night, after we had nipped to The Garrett where I used to work, past the student union where I used ta work, past the no longer a BBC building. Just lordy, lordy, lordy, strange memories but it looks SO different

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Wednesday 11 July 2012


So we are off to Manchester now to see, and clap at, Sam's graduation, when he gets his first!!!!

Tuesday 10 July 2012

FTP failure again

(Sigh)FTP isn't connecting again....(/S)
(Double Sigh)It's after 10pm now and it still won't work....(/DS)

Full Team Visit

Then just after lunch my whole team arrived, one at a time, for one of their monthly About Neil meetings. It is the first time they have been able to come where I live, they used to meet in town but now there is room/space for them all to be in here without being in my face


So s'morning I went back to gym which was as gymmy as usual

Monday 9 July 2012


So I am out in Folk Club in Burry Port tonight. It is excellent but sumone said "It's too far for u to come, buy the South Wales Evening Post and read their Gig Guide and find one more local", lordy I was looking in the Carmarthen Journal with no avail so wait and ss

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Ta Paul

Then to say ta to that Paul chappy I cooked a stir fry with noodles and chilli sauce. It was very delicious

Pauling 3

Then after lunch we had to go back to that T place to try and get a fat persons belt to go with my jeans for Thursday, we only found one, so as a vegetarian I was so fat that I had to buy a leather one

Pauling 2

AND when we were in't shop s'morning Paul said "Do you like scones?", I thought so, said I wasn't sure but possibly so he bought a packet and butter and jammed them after lunch. WOW, yes I do like scones, I haven't had one for nearly 10 years but mmmm


So with Paul in't shop s'morning I bought the ingredients to make a chilli fkavoured stir fry with noodles to make tonight for "us" and I took the first of my £20 per week for feeding them, well I only took £10 as I will be away for most of the week but there you are, it was a first

Sunday 8 July 2012


And this afternoon FTP stopped working again. So I switched off my PC, went and had dinner and a chat, by the time I came back it was working again

Sunday Dinner

And me and Ed had a Sunday Dinner tonight. Nut roast (1 miniature each), some chopped and mixed ready to boil veg, and some roast potatoes and it was generally delicious.

I was glad that Ed was doing the washing up, especially the tray that contained spuds

Saturday 7 July 2012


And we tried the pub again tonight. There were actually half a dozen residents in the eating bit and 1 resident sat around the corner in the pub bit that I went into. His name is Steve (IIRC!) and he lives at number 12.
He is my neighbour and he was friendly

Food Shopping

Then today we bought ourselves a roast dinner* to make tomorrow night as Timmy was having one of my pizzas tonight.
* Nut roast, loadsa chopped up veg to boil, potato roasted with cheese, just put 'em in the oven


Then Timmy bought himself a can of refreshment in town. It looks like a normal can but at the top is a closable lid. It seems strange, every other can I have ever seen has a ring pull but this one is much more considerate


So me and Timmy went to town s'morning. First of all we nipped into Argos and picked up a coffee table that we had ordered, then we went boot/trainer shopping. We actually found some boots that I wanna keep in the second shop but trainers for gym were harder, I can't get wide enough ones to fit over my splint

Friday 6 July 2012


And tonight we decided to try out my new wok and had a stir fried veg with noodle for tea, and it was quick and easy to cook, not very dear to buy the ingredients and absolutely delicious, like food I used to enjoy before my ABI, that nice


And we came back from 'pool today, i was only be indoors long enough to nap so I left my 'chair in't boot of the car

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So because I ran out of Muesli a day before I buy some more this week I had to have toast for breakfast. A) It's very hard to butter now, and B) It's just not very tasty any more. I used to like it but now.....

Thursday 5 July 2012


And I had another bath tonight. Few nights ago it felt really special and took ages but now it seems to becoming part of my routine again. Tonight I was in a bit of a rush, I thought "Shall I just wash my pits and bits" but then it occurred to me that having a bath wouldn't any longer and I still have to do the "Drying my bottom" which is a struggle. So tonight a quick bath, I still washed my bits and pits and relaxed in my grubby water for a minute


And I was sitting outside reading my Kindle earlier when a family walked their dog past.

They all said hello :)

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And I am going to Gym later for the first time since I rejoined the real world...
And it went well, if as much fun as ever. I am so much better at many exercises than many other students, I was the only person there today who has not suffered a stroke. I said to a MOS that I thought of reducing my hours to one session a week but she said "No, one session will be enough to keep you as fit as you are now but as you are improving I should keep that up"

No Wheelchair

So last night after we dropped off Freya we came back here for ¾ of an hour before going Folking. We pulled up outside, I walked from the car into here, left my wheelchair in the car. OK it was only for 45 minutes but still progress, we left my wheelchair in the boot
And today my wheelchair was used at breakfast and ever since then it has been sitting by itself in t'other room and I am walking, pushing my relatively stationary chair
And I got into my 'chair to make lunch then abandoned it again...
And it was after half past three before I readopted it today...

Wednesday 4 July 2012


And tonight was the emptiest folk club I have ever seen, finished early as it was empty


Then I thought we would be straight off to folk club with no time for a bath but after we dropped Freya off we had an hour spare, so guess whay I did?


Then Freya came round to see me, as she is away on Friday when she usually comes and off school today. Her Mum brought her down and came in to admire my house and it was generally just fine. I am coming to terms with not being her chap any more. It has been years but I was unaware for the first ages

Edding - quiet day

So we don't have much to do today, later, when Dicky comes in, we will go to the doctors to a) show him where it is and b) order a repeat 'script for cream for my feet, then show him the dentist
Later today Freya is coming in for tea, as she will be away on Friday, then we will take her and Moishe's daughter to guides

Tuesday 3 July 2012


And I missed gym today 'cos Denyse came to see me..... oh woe is me.....

Then later today I stood up from bed and walked out of the room, it felt so much more normal that I rather liked it
What a day again, so Denyse stayed here talking about my life etc, then giving Dicky a Working With Brain Injured folk lesson until after we had fetched Toby and Paul cooked a rather nice baked pasta with loadsa cheese and chilli dish for dinner, as me and cooking are in different places
This afternoon, in our discussion Denyse said that they will look into a perching stool for me to use in the kitchen, again losing my wheelchair
And "they" have said that I should have broadband again by the 16th or 18th of this month, hoo-flipping-ray but I want to scream at the delay....

Monday 2 July 2012


So we went out to a Folk Club in Burry Port tonight and it was excelent, esp a group af chaps playing with 1 guitar, one violin and one whistle
And earlier when Timmy was putting cream on my legs he said how much smaller my left foot looks ATM

Bathing Again

And I had an earlyish bath today as we are going out after tea. Good lord, thats the third bath in 3 days

'Mail Crisis

And s'morning I turned my 'puter on, collected email, and for my main account it said "Nah, wrong password". It worked yesterday...... So I went on to BtYahoo and changed my password and it still wouldn't work. In an email they sent to me it said "It might take time, try again in a bit". So I went in t'other room for a bit. Came back and it still wouldn't work. Greeted Timmy, made him a brew tried again and it finally worked

What A Night

So last night I got drunk, Ed nipped to bed, I got more drunk then tried to go to bed. Except I couldn't find the lightswitch to my room. So I sat in the living room for a bit, feeling grumpier and grumpier, until I gave up and found my way in in the dark and went to bed

Sunday 1 July 2012

VBG, v v v v v v v

:) ;) :)

Don't Walk Anywhere

And today, for a bit, I abandoned this chair with wheels thingie, completely. I was able to stand up by myself and walk to my wheeled device without holding on, afterwards

BETTER Walking

Good lord, today I was able to walk about 3 times as well, and as far, as I could yesterday, just not holding on with my left hand as I pass the sink etc, if I continue to get this much better this quickly I will be running up the road after totty within about 2 weeks

Bigger Walking

Well I started walking earlier today anyway and it is already later then the time I stopped walking yesterday but I am gonna carry on for a bit I need to practice, it is good for me


So I woke up s'morning, walked to the bathroom without a splint, had a pee, went back to bed.

Later when I got up properly I was walking everywhere again.

When we nipped into town to get more petty cash out I was in my wheelchair, when we came back I ditched it again. Today I am walking alone or with my pushable aid

'Til after 3 today, that's 8 hours of walking

Happy Chappy in the extreme

Gosh it is lovely living here

(sent from my phone, please CC hippyweb(at)btinternet.com too)

Alarm Clock

So here I am sitting here eating my breakfast at what time o'clock? My alarm clock is no longer set as I dont have to be up by staff coming time so my "You can't get up yet" notification is switched off so whenever I wake up I get up

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