Monday 31 March 2014

Viewing Property

Then s'evening we went to look at another new property.
Mmmmmm, I think. 
There is loadsa work to be done but loadsa cash to spare. And it is way bigger than it looks from the pictures, it goes a long way back, yes I liked it. So next time me and Paul will have to look at it and if he sez yes then we contact Denyse etc.... then an offer can go in

Good News

And I got not one, but two, pieces of good news and thanks for getting involved today.
(Link from one of the pieces)

Spring Time Today

And I actually had to take off my fleece for a part of the day


Then we headed off to the Leisure Centre and went swimming. It was as much fun as usual and the showers in the disabled changing room still don't work properly.
But as I was doing exercised with the dumbbells (noisy link) I noticed that my right wrist is so much better, again. (I noticed this yesterday too)

More Reason's To Shop At....

So first thing s'morning Gareth came in to replace Alex, they handed over then all 3 of us headed to Carmarthen, dropped Alex off at the bus station (his car broke) then headed to Morrisons
Where I bought my usual small amount of shopping

Sunday 30 March 2014

Going Straight

And look how straight my right wrist is here, in a working kind of way

Saturday 29 March 2014

Phew, at last

So tonight I was playing some games and for the first time in a number of days I won solitaire and pool. Phew, it was the first time for ages (perhaps 24 or 36 hours)  that I have won both together. I did lose at t'other game that I play regularly but.....

Blueberry Planting

Then after lunch we headed out to Wyevale Garden Centre in Carmarthen and bought a new, bigger, pot for my blueberry plants and some compost. We had to ask a MOS which flavour of compost but they said "This kind" so we bought some. We came home and replanted the bush, there were loads of roots keeping each other away from the soil so hopefully it will be happier in it's new big pot.
At Wyevale it was so up/down etc that I didn't attempt walking, just stayed in my 'chair

Walking Is Getting Easier

So today we had to nip to Cantre Mobility to pick up my left handed potato peeler. So I got out of the car, switched on my FES, just got my 'stick from the boot and walked into the shop, down to the far end to the counter, into the other room to use their paying machine then back out of the shop. On my own two feet
Then we nipped to Morrisons, not to get my shopping but to get some cleaning stuff for the staff. Again I started walking but I asked SmallP to bring my wheelchair behind me in case I needed it. I didn't need it, walked about half way round the shop, back to the till then out to the car on my own two feet again.
When we got home I get out of the car and walked back into my kitchen
It is getting easier to walk every time I do it, a few weeks ago I would have felt knackered after such walking but today I am ready to do it again

Friday 28 March 2014

That Needed Cleaning

Oh dear, so s'evening Timmy got his "cleaning" head on and went into my bathroom and took the "aid getting out" device out of the bath and cleaned it. Good lord, I suspect that we should add that to the list of tasks that the staff need to do every week, It hasn't been cleaned under since I got it, and it needed it

Busy Morning

So first thing s'morning we headed out to Aardvark and did the most of my weeks shopping.
So today I got into car with my 'chair, drove to town, parked, got out of the car without my wheelchair, walked to Aardvark, did shopping and walked back to the car
Then we went to gym and did another load of exercises in the weekly class. I am definitely getting better at it, I used to be able to do about 45 minutes of the class then sit down for the rest but it is all doable now

Thursday 27 March 2014

Iechyd Da

And it was Caffi Iechyd Da tonight. We turned up early as we had been round town looking at houses etc, so we just went rather than waiting for half an hour and going. At first it was too quiet, nobody to play giitar etc but in the end a few talented singer/songwriters came in


So I have just had my dinner at Caffi Iechyd Da, with a spoonful of baked beans on the side. The baked beans are made here. And they are delicious


So we had to nip to Wilkinsons today so I could pick up some glue stuff for the floor and SmallPaul could get a sandwich for his lunch. I wheelchaired to the hall, stood up and walked to the car, we drove to the shop without my wheelchair, I got out and walked into the shop, had to travel miles to find the product we wanted, walked, paid, walked to car, SmappP drove back here, got out walked home and opened the door on my own two feet
Then I thought "Phew" and sat in my chair again but it is a step, tomorrow I will walk further etc 'til I am no longer dependant on this chair

At Last - a win

Gord, after a number of days loosing I finally won a game of solitaire, finally

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Strange Shopping

And s'evening we did have a very odd shopping trip. We went out and went to 3 shops, getting one 1 item of the list in each one. At the end after 3 shops we had bought 4 items, unobtainable elsewhere items


And we are going off to the swimming pool in a bit.....
And back now, it was as much fun as ever but even I am noticing improvements in how my arms move etc

Tuesday 25 March 2014


And I have just come into the kitchen for a brew. I sat down and tried a game of Solitaire. I lost. So I tried a game of Backgammon. I lost that too. So finally I tried a game of pool. Loser
So later I went in again to try and change my luck. So Solitaire. Loser - again, still.....
And again s'morning.....


So I needed a nap today. I was late and I was busy. Anyway just before I napped I was having trouble with one of my web pages, couldn't see the problem. Timmy looked and said "You have got 'A,C,B" instead of "A,B,C".
I couldn't see it at all as I was fatigued. I didn't sleep but rested my brain afterwards

Right Hand

And after I had my bath today I was thinking about how much better at drying me my right arm/hand has got. But I am out of the way of using it, I generally just dry with my left hand. What is the quickest and easiest way of breaking bad habits?


So we got up later and sitting about, waiting 'til about 12.15 when we go off and meet Sara at gym where she can tell me to do loadsa extra workouts etc
And wow, what a different day at the gym that was. So last few times we have been there together we have been working on Cardio Vascular stuff, improving my heart etc, but today I was working on the machines that I usually walk straight past, working on the lifting weights machines. Lifting them with both arms
It was well different, hard but again I can feel myself getting better

Getting up

So I was up for a pee about quarter past 5 s'morning and the noise of the birds singing then was unbelievable
And when I got up again at 8 o'clock they had finished singing for the day

Monday 24 March 2014


And for dinner tonight we had potato gratin and a mushroom and onion pie from M&S and it was delicious. A bit too pricey to eat every day buy very good

S&M and Gym

Then after lunch we headed into Marks and Sparks where actually Timmy helped me, pushing me about and reading what was on the shelves, so we spent the last of the voucher I got at Xmas (1).
Then we nipped to gym, instead of swimming 'cos Timmy didn't feel up to it and I did nearly as much as was requested.
(1) And the voucher had worn away, she had to call a supervisor to read it as the bar code had gone 
AND we got an entry into a competition with the receipt

Poor Timmy

And poor Timmy came into work not feeling too great today and I immediately called him and went "PC issues". 2 hours later after working on my phone and PC it is sorted. There is just the iPad issue to look at when he comes out of the loo
Then we can carry on with the day, go shopping
Which we did, to Morrison's (noisy link) and got some new frozen food to try and very little else, it was a small shop

Sunday 23 March 2014

As Soon As Their Back's Were Turned

Then s'afternoon, after my parent's had left, I had to do some rebellious teenager thingy....

And relax

And we are taking it easy today. As we were so busy yesterday we are just relaxing here and not going out for any walks today
And my parents are leaving here, to go home, about time I start to cook tonights dinner
And It actually turned out a bit delicious again. It was roasted veg night and we had 1 Linda McCartney Sossij and a load of veg and I think it was all well chosen this week, with the exception of the mushrooms most of it was yum yum


Well I got up about 6.15 s'morning and had a pee, and didn't need to switch on the bathroom light, I could see anyway
Summetime is coming...

Saturday 22 March 2014

Peeing Every 15 Minutes

Oh that's such a thing of the past

Staying In

And we decided not to go to Botanic Gardens today, as was on my plan, as it is raining, then 20 minutes later blue sky then a quarter of an hour later it's raining again.
So my parent came over here, talked, drank tea then they went off to have lunch, I will bath etc then txt 'em when picking up Freya
And we decided, phoned 'em, said "Book" etc so we are just going to eat in The Ivy Bush, their hotel, so we will see them when we show up with Freya in tow tonight
What a performance. Freya was late, we were therefore late, we got there after we had told my Dad to book a table but it was fine in the end. We all had a lovely meal and they had a good chat

Friday 21 March 2014


And I cooked 4 pizzas and a big pan of oven chips for all of us. And it was yummy

My Memory Is Improving

And today we were walking through town and my Mum said "Ah, that hardware shop it has closed, bother". I was thinking about it later in Belfast, 200 yds from the street we lived in was a shop, dunno if it is open, but I remembered the name and I haven't seen the shop for 20 years

Off Out

So we are off in a bit to my actual class @ gym, with my parents to spectate
And it went well.
And as I went on 2 or 3 women expressed astonishment at what I can do now that I couldn't do a few weeks ago, and as my parents haven't been to a gym class in over a year they were astonished


Then after my parents had a cuppa we went off shopping in Aardvark. I got a fair amount but forgot eggs <shrug>. My mother bought 3 jars of welsh honey, which she bought last year and thought "Mmmmm". Then she paid for my shopping too
And when we were going too the shop there was rain and hail stones falling from the sky, by the time we parked the car the rain had stopped and by the time we came back out of Aardvark there wasn't a cloud in the sky, 100% blue

Thursday 20 March 2014


Then my Mum and Dad arrived. We sat drinking tea for a couple of hours and caught up with some gossip then we nipped to the pub up the street and had a rather nice dinner. I think Mum and Gareth were not satisfied with how little chicken there was in their curries but I had a broccoli&cheese bake which while very burny was very nice once it had cooled down.
They are coming shopping to Aardvark with me tomorrow morning then coming to watch my class afterwards. I think they will be astonished to see how much better at it I am

Doing The Dishes

And as we were going out for dinner tonight I thought "Better try" and did todays washing up earlier, when perhaps ⅔ of it hadn't been used. So it was easier but I still managed

Quiet Day

And we are having quiet day today as my parents are coming over later

Wednesday 19 March 2014


So s'afternoon I had a bath. Got dried etc then got into bed for a nap, naked. As I was lying there my left foot was warm enough but as it has felt for the last few months/years the toes on my right foot, just the toes, felt chilly

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.


And Alex asked me s'morning "Wanna go to gym or swimming?" and as "Neither" wasn't an acceptable answer we decided to go to gym. So today I was walking in the treadmill with my FES working which felt a bit strange but I was able to do it. Then today we went on a proper bike rather than the hand one that I had to get off early t'other day and it worked. I switched my FES off as I got on the bike and I was able to do 15 minutes no prob. It sez "Use effort level 2" but I had it up to 6 for 14½ minutes then on level 14 for the last 30 seconds.
And I was glad when that half minute came to an end


And today, for the first time since I bought it, I thought "Why isn't my mouse working?" and realised that it isn't connected/plugged into anything and it's batteries must have run out. And yes, all the issues I had over the last few weeks are fixed

Tuesday 18 March 2014


And today I was walking about without my FES switched on and Paul said to me how much better I am walking. Without my FES


So we nipped over to see the doc in Llanelli at dinner time tonight. He looked at my results and at my throat. He said it looks like I have got sleep aponea. He said in the next month or so they will contact me and tell me to pick up a testing device and we go from there


Then we nipped off to the gym for a bit. It was easy on't treadmill, as I am getting fitter, but I had to finish the hand bicycle device early as it was hurting my shoulder

2 pics moreso

So after much fiddling about and redoing sizes with captions etc now we have a 2 pics together with text on pic which appears different size on bigger photo. The new finalized version

Monday 17 March 2014

2 pics, 2 slogans

OMG. Wow. So I figured out how to put 2 pics side by side with a caption on each and how to make that slogan appear in size on a bigger version of that picture.

Blog Crisis

Then today out of the blue I went to make another Blog entry and the "Click here for new post" button had disappeared. What a performance. We had to switch off everything that was working and restart the browser and take a few more steps before it came back.
Then we had to switch back on the desirable gubbins etc etc

Umlaut HERE

So yesterday I finally gave up trying to make an umlaut be visible on my site, today I was trying again and after much work with Timmy and myself he said "Give up, I'll send u a link to check more if you are bored" and then I found another site which said summat about ALT code or &# code but didn't mention this one but I tried it &#0220 and it worked. 3 or 4 days later we found a way to win


And we went swimming today and did a good long session. I did loadsa exercises and a length and a half swimming on my back with just one support behind my shoulders, this is the second time where I have been able to swim with just one support and I did half a length extra today

Watch Filums

And good lord, I had got a letter from Amazon saying "Watch....." which I hadn't really understood so s'morning when Timmy came in I showed it to him, he said "Good lord, there's thousands of free video's for you to watch on your PC or iPad"
And good lord#27 I found Fawlty Towers in the first 2 minutes of looking...

Sunday 16 March 2014


Then later we went and picked up Freya, along with Maiah to give her a lift into Carmarthen. It was nice, first of all we nipped out and had an ice cream looking over the river then we came back and cooked together, which was nice if a bit hard for me to cope with cutting it all but as I was trying to set a good example to Freya don't use your hands
And in the car tonight she did say "Eating in or out?" but as I had a Banoffee pie waiting for us here for pudding we had to come back here

Panic S'morning

But when I woke up s'morning I couldn't remember where my brown, daily, inhaler lived. I panicked for a bit 'till I was in to kitchen with Alex when I asked him where they were. He pointed and said "There", sitting on't table in a box

Quiet Day

So we are having a quiet Sunday, not much happening. I did my washing s'morning and watched Gareth cut the grass
Then after napping etc we are going over to pick up that Freya. And hope she doesn't like banoffee pie which I bought as a treat for us yesterday

Saturday 15 March 2014


And everything depends on circumstances. So I am due to change my bed "over the weekend", and because my washing basket was full today I put it off until tomorrow.
Still the weekend but with nowt else going in the washing machine


So tonight I had roast veg (veg as recommended by Alex last week) for dinner and while it was burnt to a cinder it was still delicious. When I was making it I had to peel 1 carrot, 1 parsnip and 1 potato. I did it all by myself, peeling everything cleanly. It is still much too hard holding stuff in my right hand but I am a million times better at it than I was even a few weeks ago
So Near So Spar
So I had to nip to my nearest shop to buy some stamps today, as I had used the last one I had to reply to a questionnaire from my Doctor, so we drove to the Spar. Alex fetched my walking stick from the boot and I walked into the shop, without my FES being on. It was fine, I need to practice walking short distances like this
noisy link in title
More Reasons To Shop At Morrison's
Well, so we went out to M&S looking for some delicacies to feed to Freya tomorrow, couldn't find any there so we nipped to Morrisons to buy them, I thought "Well, I am due here on Monday to do my shopping, may as well pick it up today if the best before date is fine and it was
noisy link in title

Friday 14 March 2014


Then even tho it was lunchtime we nipped to B&Q to pick up a piece of edging for the carpet. The piece that was on there was bent as I discovered at midnight last night when I tried to close the door behind me on the way to bed. So instead of phoning the landlord we just bought a piece and Gareth fitted it


Then we went to gym, the class, which I missed last week. By gosh I can tell how much better I am at stepping up, a few things that were nearly impossible a month ago are easy now


So we headed out s'morning to Aardvark where (as usual) I spent too much on food etc. I did ask the assistant for discount "'cos Celia usually gives me some" and she did knock it down to the nearest pound

Thursday 13 March 2014

Wireless Broadband

And my PC stopped working for a bit today. Luckily Timmy was here and he switched some switches off and on again and got it all back working. I said "What's that icon here, there's usually...." and he said "It's a Broadband icon, what you have had here (for a number of weeks/months) is a Wireless Broadband icon
So good lord, it is slightly faster and more reliable now.....


And I am not going to gym for a practice session today as I am having an early lunch then meeting Sara (a physio) at the National Botanical Gardens (noisy second link) where we are going for a long walk
Oh. My. Ged. Wasn't that amazing, such a good place. So I walked miles up and down a slopy bit and about ½ way round the largest glasshouse in Europe or summat. But I was too busy walking to take many photos but it was lovely

Wednesday 12 March 2014


Then last of all today we had to go to the Drs and pick up another prescription of TestoGel. In theory this will be the last 'script, he will inject me in a months time


And I had to go see the dental hygienist and she was a bit more impressed this time. I didn't have to see the dentist afterwards this time, so obviously my toothcare is working


So instead of going swimming today we nipped into gym for a practice session as I have got a dental appointment today and I would be too exhausted etc. It went well tho....

Phew, email to and fro my phone

So Timmy was working again today and he managed to sort out my phone so it receives and sends email again. It only receives when I switch on the program etc and ignores the rest, I delete them from my PC but not my phone, it is set that they are still on the server until I receive them on my PC
So phew from the POV of SOS for example, not that I will have much to say but even some....

Tuesday 11 March 2014


And I was walking by the castle when I glanced upwards and noticed the moon in the sky. I thought this only was visible at night but apparently not, daytime too

Out For A Walk

So today Alex said "So, gym or a long walk?"
Then s'afternoon he took me to Carew Castle which turned out to be rather nice. It is built by a small lake which has a footpath the whole way round. When we got there the carpark had a damaged (by rain) path to it so I stayed in my wheelchair until we were on the proper path. I walked nearly a mile until the far end of the path where it turned into a country lane with traffic again. It was lovely being able to take pictures all round the castle, all round
Strangely enough the far side of the castle has "Not castle like" windows, dunno if they were original or added at a later date


So me and Alex just got stuck into..... no, Alex got stuck into, while I watched, clearing out the Veg Trug of last years veg. And it took less time than we expected, it was just 3 or 4 plants that had gone mad and overgrown, with a few Strawberry plants, which we left, mixed in. Hopefully the Strawberry plants will come back and the few Blueberry plants in te tub next to it will come back too. Alex took the pullings off round the back and put them in my compost pile

Monday 10 March 2014

More Shoe Shopping

Then we had to nip out again to buy more sandals as all the Velcro that keeps it closed had come off one of them


Then we were able to go swimming. Where Paul was impressed by how much better I am getting as we haven't been together for some time. As he was impressed he came up to me and suddenly pushed me in the chest - and I didn't fall over which is because my balance is much better.
He also said "Walk across, don't turn around and try walking back backwards", something which I wouldn't have been able to do a few months ago, but it was easy for me today


Then we had to pop back to Morrison's (as the 'chair fixer came early) and get some oven chips which I had forgotten yesterday


So we had to sit around waiting for the 'chair fixer to come and replace the seat bit of my chair and it is so much higher now, in proper position not kind of sagging somewhat

Sunday 9 March 2014


So s'morning we went out and just explored town, sitting in the sun etc
Then we nipped to Morrison's and did a (my usual small) weeks shopping as the wheelchair engineer is coming tomorrow so I may be busy

Spring Has SprungI

So here I am tonight still not having put a top on over the t shirt that  I have had on for the last 10 hours or so....

Saturday 8 March 2014

Slimmer - Slowly

And my weight is down by 3 pounds again this week.....


And I have just had Ed in "my office" laughing out loud a Bill's Jokes from my website

Friday 7 March 2014


And we had some girl visiting tonight who didn't approve of many aspects of my life but she will learn to live and let live one day


Neil The-Hippy

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Cold Bath

So this afternoon I started running a bath, got into 3/4 of an inch and suddenly the tap started running cold. Reaction to the power cut s'morning. After I got out of my cold bath, switched the heater off and on again it now works again

Crisis crisis crisis

Lordy, we had a power cut s'morning so I had turned the router and the PC off, then when the power came back on the PC worked but wouldn't connect to the interweb. Much fiddling then, much later, the connection just started working again.
But I haven't been to gym today, we went to Aardvark, left the PC off, came back tried it and nowt so I was much too stressed to nip to gym
But it seems to be all sorted now, so.....

Thursday 6 March 2014

Yes Please

So s'morning Gareth came on duty then about an hour later Paul and Denyse came here. We all got in the car and went to look at the house. I didn't feel any different this time and asked Denyse to contact the chap with the cash and tell him to start looking into it. She did warn me that loads can go wrong but still wished me well in the process

Wednesday 5 March 2014

My Fist

And I can't help saying how not wrinkled over my right wrist looks in the picture of me with a frying pan that we took today


So then we had to nip to that Tescos place and pick up expensive (well, more than I paid, buying over the Interweb) ink* and an enormous^ packet of bog roll for him too
* Ink for his printer
^ 24 rolls


So today we had to put everything on hold until the deliverer delivered some ink for my printer. He had come when I was out on Monday morning between 9AM and 10.30AM and left a card but it was nearly 3 PM before he came today.
So as soon as that was done we went to Gym, not swimming today but gym and I did 15 minutes on the bike and 10 minutes on the treadmill, without my FES being fitted

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Us Heathens

Wont be eating our pancakes tonight, no
I might have forgot....

Out For A Walk

So today instead of going to the gym we are gonna see if the footpath just down the road is accessible. In case it isn't Alex is gonna push my wheelchair next to me, as neither of us has been before but it looks good.
Another adventure....
And oh my wasn't it excellent. Rough stone surface, some muddy bits, not tarmac, up and down but I managed it all no problem. I enjoyed being out and about and came back feeling a little smug

Shrove Day

And as we were out looking for a new battery for my FES yesterday we passed a stall that said "Make pancakes easily" so we bought some add milk and shake then fry pancake mix which we are having for dinner tonight


And Paul phoned s'morning, him and Denyse are coming here on Thursday morning and together we are going to look at the house I liked t'other day
Aargh, scared and intimidated and excited too. Buying a house, me!!!!

Monday 3 March 2014


Then after such an exciting morning we had to go to the swimming f**king pool, where as usual I got better at stuff and generally improved nyself
This time I swam my length with just one floating long support thingy which IIRC is better than I have managed in ages


So first thing s'morning me and Paul went to look at a new house which I am very pleased with, I think it looks good etc
And I walked the whole way from my car, around the house and back without switching the FES on on my right leg

Sunday 2 March 2014


Then we went supermarket shopping today as we have to go look at a house tomorrow morning when I would usually be shopping

Drive Past

So we went out s'morning to view two properties but they were both no for various reasons.
This afternoon we have two more to view, obviously they are coming out of the water now Christmas is over
And we went out again, there is one to be added to the looking at list, so a good enough days work

Saturday 1 March 2014

Lock Up

And for some reason when I went to bed last night I forgot to get my muesli for the morning soaking, and I also forgot to lock the front door, it was still open s'morning when I approached to unlock it. And I wasn't even drunk or anything

Internet Playing Up

So today the internet decided that it was wonky and wouldn't send or receive my emails, luckily it's Ed the clever bug*er working today and he was able to fix it.
And fix my printer, needed the ink changing and I couldn't reach the new ink

Posh House

And it occurs to me s'morning, so my staff can go and have a shower and I can go have a pooh at the same time