Tuesday 31 May 2016


Then we popped into town for a walk s'afternoon, partly to make up for getting half an exerise s'morning. We were lucky to get a disbled parking space outside the new Aardvark premises, from there we walked past M&S, all the way round to Mansel St so we went up past the old Aardvark all the way round to the new one again.
The surface was as shit as a shit thing on occasion but I managed it all

Busy Morn

So first of all I phoned to make an appt with Dr Rice soon. I was held in the queue for about 10 mins but eventually spoke to someone. She said "Can u come next week?" And we arranged a time to visit. I hung up, went to write the appointment down and realised that I will be in Belfast next week. So queue again for ages and changed the appointment, no problem.
While this was happening I received a txt message from Ceir Cawdor Card asking me to phone them to make a service appointment. Which I did too, made an appointment for the day before nipping to the Drs
So then we popped to the Drs to pick up my new script. We went to the next door chemist and got everything except for one tube of cream which will arrive tomorrow or Thursday.
Then we nipped to gym and did half a mega cycle when all the lights went off and all machines stopped working 

Wonder Horse

Champion The Wonder Horse. I did it

Monday 30 May 2016


So we headed out for a walk after dinner tonight. We walked all the way up Dol-y-dderwen where we discovered that unusually for a Monday the pub was open. So as I wanted to extend the walk we went the little bit up and across to the pub where I only had 1 pint. The walk home was vaguely unsettling, it was slightly downhill which is harder for me than uphill.
But we made it happily while it was still light

Nearly A Month

And will I be able to beat a months games tomorrow?

No swimming, it is half term

So we popped to the gym today, not the swimming pool as we had been warned that it would be really busy. So we got in on a lovely hot summers day and all the swimmers..... must have gone to the beach or summat. When we got into the centre to go upstairs to gym there was only 1 person in the swimming pool
But I did pull down, kick and lift up exercises and my morning lunges before getting stuck into cycling for 10 minutes


And we discovered yesterday when exploring that on Thursday I have to go to a specialist hospital to have my eyes tested. It used to be (and still partly is) a mental hospital for the mad folk of Carmarthenshire. St David's Park it is called....

In One Week

In 7 days time I am setting off to fly to Belfast for a few days.
This is where we are staying

Sunday 29 May 2016

No Longer Sweating

And as it's a quarter to 9 in the evening now I am actually cool. Not that it has been warm today...

Emptying It

And I also got stuck into another thing which has been added to my timetable, emptying my razor device of fluff

Cleaning The Bath

So day before yesterday I tried summat, and carried it on yesterday so hopefully it becomes part of my routine. Usually the bath lifter device is covered behind with black bits of "dirt", from the bath after they have washed it out, just getting thicker and grubbier until they wash it again. So what I have done is get out of the bath without emptying it, dry myself then get loadsa water in the jug device and use it to rinse the sh*t off the seat and as I let the water out I can then rinse it all down the plughole. Which make "tomorrow"s bath a bit more pleasant.
And I did it again today, one less task for my MOS to do... I am a bit worried that as I improve they are getting lazier 

Saturday 28 May 2016


And we popped out tonight, he said "Wanna pint?" and.......


Eating lunch today the news finished so I switched over to European Championship Athletics. By jassus, it's just not possible to be doing what they are doing
The rings, the rings.  [Weeping]


So me and GGtGG popped into town, parked on Llamas St opposite Aardvark and walked along Friars Park to Wilko, walked for miles in there, bought more bird food and walked back to the car

Friday 27 May 2016

Missing Her Already

And Andrea has left 'til next Friday now. OK I was quite impressed with her. Will I be able to keep myself in control next week?

I Won The 11th

Hah. And today I won the game that has failed me since the 11th of this month, wonder if I will be able to do a full month?


Then at lunchtime we headed to the leisure centre for my once a week gym class. It was as hard as usual but I did it again.
As I was leaving one of the other students said that I was an inspiration to her. She has known me for some time and the very fact that I keep going, and the benefits from that, are the inspiration 


Then me and MM left Timmy and Andrea talking and headed over to the Drs for my jab. She couldn't get the stuff from the bottle into the syringe for ages, it was well thick and gloopy so I was dreading having it stuck into my arse but she was so steady handed etc that it didn't hurt one bit
And hasn't hurt for the rest of the day either. Phew


So first thing s'morning Andrea arrived for a cover shift, she is in being talked to by Timmy ATM but she will drive me to gym in a bit

Thursday 26 May 2016

Happy Night Out

And we popped down to Caffi Iechyd Da and had an excellent dinner and night out

How To Clean Lens

So hopefully my new purchase will make pictures be without blurs and whited out bits
And it seems to have done what it it supposed to and there is still 97% of a tube left.  Happy

Hectic AM

So we are really busy s'morning and the first part of the afternoon. Then it al goes quiet until the take Timmy to his favourite folk sing-all-ye evening at Caffi Iechyd Da
Well that was a bit hectic. First of all me & Timmy headed down to Iechyd Dato collect the veg. But we were too early!! So we sat down and had a brew which was about 3/4 finished when chapped arrived with it. Looks good and I got everything I ordered this week. Then we popped up to Morrisons and did the rest of the weeks shopping. We came back and put it all away then headed off to gym where I did 3 lifty machines then 10 minutes on a get your heart beating machine
So the hectic morning has finished now I have had lunch so it's a bit quiet until we head back to Caffi Iechyd Da tonight

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Not Drowning

Then we went to the Aqua Aerobics session in the pool and oh what fun we had but it went well and she was paying attention to me, suggesting alternatives when I couldn't manage exercises etc

And About

So me and GGtGG headed into town, actually got the stuff for my injection so phew, the appt has been made for Friday morning at the Docs, they will jab me then.
Then we headed up, parked on the end of King street and walked half way along it to Lloyd's Bank and got change for the container full of pay for parking cash in the car


And the chemist has just phoned me to say that the testosterone injection "stuff" has arrived. We have been trying to get this for nearly a week. The Dr wrote a 'script, the chemist couldn't get it, we tried another chemist, still no, went back to the GP and got a different 'script for slightly different medicine..... finally arrived
Providing I don't get there, ask for it and they say "It was on the bill, but I can't find it" like they did t'other day during the same process

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Feed Me

And I went out the front door tonight and could immediately see that the bird feeder was empty. Like really empty, 2 days after I filled it


So me and Timmy went to gym s'morning, I said can we do cycling today and summat that is over quicker on Thursday as that is a "do loads" day.
So I cycled for as far as a..... with 0.5 km extra as there will be every week in the future until I reach 18 miles or summat

Stress, stress, stress

So Timmy was writing some stuff on the new kitchen wall chart, including stuff about our trip to Belfast in a fortnight which is exciting and sh*tting myself in equal measures

Monday 23 May 2016


This was all it took to differentiate between this and this.
It is so different

Home Bargains

And we popped out about 5 to Home Bargains to pick up a new mop, a special one they advertised which has a bottle of whatever cleaning fluid you use on the front. And MM seems very impressed, it travels over the kitchen floor easily whereas the old mop struggled with the grippy floor


So we have a swimming lesson with MM the part time swimming instructor today
Hoo fsckin' ray
Well I went and did it, swam a width with no floats etc, did various impressive stuff and was deeply unimpressed by the whole event
And it made me think. I was trying to swim as instructed by so many folk kicking from my thigh and hardly moving my knee, and some more of the time with both knees bouncing. But oh it felt so much better for me to be doing the bendy knee way

Sunday 22 May 2016

Quote From Me

I was looking thru the hotels website for when we go to Belfast and on one page there is a quote about the accommodation that I kind of half recognised and at the end of the quote it sez "Neil", was it me that said "Accommodated our needs to book in early"

"New" Trainers

So today we retired my trainers as they are getting worn unevenly by my walking habits. We got out the others which we bought on the way to Ireland last year as Timmy had forgotten to pack my others. I only wore them in Ireland, when we came back I started using my regular ones again. So these ones have been sat on top of my wardrobe for months, we took them down today, Timmy fitted the FES device and my new pink laces.


Then we nipped down to Savers to get some sink unblocker as the kitchen sink is just starting to empty slowly
Just starting but that is the best time to deal with it and not require and proffesional help 


So s'morning we had to nip to Kwik-Fit through the rain, walk in there and say "The tyre light it coming on again", they said "Have a brew, we will check" came back 10 mins later and said "Yes, tack in tyre, fixing it" and because it is a Motability car just got us to sign and sent us on our way with a fixed car.
And it had stopped raining, was looking to blue sky by the time we left
Yes, the sky looked like this when I was in bed for my nap

Saturday 21 May 2016


So tonight I was sitting at the table, just finishing my dinner, I reached for summat and accidentally knocked over my nearly full glass of apple juice, and watched as it ran, spreading out over nearly the whole table. Luckily Timmy was here and coped, getting cloths, kitchen roll and a bottle of Cif (which when I was living with Mum & Dad was called Jif)

I Have Come Such A Long Way...

But I have so much further to go

Feeding Timmy

And because of various reasons which I can't recall ATM we didn't have My Usual Friday Dinner last night so it's on offer to Timmy who said he actually enjoys my naan bread pizzas so he is actually willing to eat summat I prepare tonight.
Ah, we had to feed 3 last night, Andrea was here as well, and we only had two naan bread, they come two in a packet


Then we popped further into town and interviewed my potential new MOS. His name is Roy and he did seem nice and knowledgable so Timmy is gonna send him an offer of the job type letter and then he will be able to hand in his notice where he is at present.
If he decides to take the job


So first thing s'morning me and Timmy headed into town toBoots who told Timmy that my cream should be delivered today. The computer screen said it should be here but no, they couldn't find it. They asked us if we wanted in delivered Monday but we said "No"' Timmy is gonna have to phone the Doctor on Monday and get it sorted out

Friday 20 May 2016

Tea Time

So then we had to nip to Morrisons and pick up a bag of new potatoes and a packet of salad, which we ate with a packet of Linda McCartney and it was actually rather pleasant. She has gone home now, she will be working again next Friday with MM again

Team @ Gym

Then we went to gym team handed, me MM and Andrea the new MOS. We got on well, we'll I did while they sat on one side gossiping

Temp MOS

And when we came back from the docs Timmy was midconference with Andrea, the new temp worker. Who has had to come all the way from Cardiff to work with me
But she is being such an OT. In mid conversation I said "Washing up, can't do that" and she replied, "Can't hear you, I'm an OT". Oh dear, we might fall out

Morning Jab

So we popped to the docs for the jab for my Testoserone but they said "No can do, they have stopped making that" and gave me a 'script for tablets for the rest of my life. So we went to the chemist across the way then the chemist next door and neither of them had the pills in stock. So Timmy is gonna phone round the chemists and try to find them. Otherwise we will be back at the docs s'afternoon
Right, they will have them in Boots tomorrow afternoon so I will go and get them. We want injections, I will have to put up with pills this month but hopefully they will have found summat by then

Thursday 19 May 2016

Right Foot

So today I asked Timmy about my right foot feeling un supported sometimes and he just said "When u walk press your right foot down harder" and it is strange,  I'm not sure what he meant but just trying to figure it out helps big style, my right knee just moves properly and doesn't bend too far back. So I will ask Timmy for another explanation tomorrow and just keep trying to move properly in the meantime

And Busy Again On The 'Morrow

So I had a busy morning today. Tomorrow morning MM has to take me to the Drs for a jab first thing, he is having to start work earlier than usual to take me, then in the morning Denyse is coming to talk about loo seats then bug*er off to Carmarthen to interview new staff, about the same time I will meet the woman who is gonna work the odd day to cover in the meantime.
Then we have to go to my one class of the week at gym. Then breathe deeply

What A Morning

So, after my toast incident, me and Timmy headed over to the hospital for a blood sample which I new nowt about but I haven't seen Timmy for a week and he knew. Basically they need to check my testosterone levels before my next booster jab, which is tomorrow. So we needed it today which was already looking a bit busy. So we popped over to the hospital first thing, went around the car park twice looking for a space, said "No, too busy, come back later" and headed off down King St to park near Iechyd Da and get the veg. As we turned into King St it started to rain and Timmy said "Shall I run'?" so I sat in the car and let him. Then we went to Morrisons and did the rest of the shopping, including Blueberries which were marked as NA on my orgy porgy veg box. Then we brought this home then tried the hospital again. This time we got a parking space and when we went into the department there was no queue at all. So 10 minutes later she had finished and I thanked her for being so capable and not hurting me etc. Then we headed to gym where Timmy was describing how he thought I had been skiving and missing training etc and I did a mega cycle in 1 minute under target time.
Now I am sitting at home with less on the plate

What A Performance

Ugh. So instead of my usual muesli today I had to have toast for breakfast as my muesli deliverer won't be delivering until later today and I wasn't gonna buy a big packet as the deliverer will deliver org muesli later today
But ooh lord, I am so much better at buttering then last time I tried but it is still not as nice as muesli
But toast makes so much mess in the kitchen...

Wednesday 18 May 2016


Don't know why I feel like this, perhaps it's that BBC program about ABI but I just feel like ... I'm not happy being a sufferer

BBC say ABI can fsck you

 Sorry, shocked and impressed etc


And when I got up s'morning it was raining so heavily, like noisily bouncing back up. Now it has eased off to just rain and according to the weather forecast it is gonna stop raining within the next hour for the rest of the day
And by 10 o'clock in't morning the road was 99% dry again. Lordy, what's going on?

Tuesday 17 May 2016


And tonight I just enquired if AlexTheLeaver was prepared for tomorrow and he said "Aargh, no" so I can think happil thoughts - no swimming pool tomorrow

And About

So first thing today me and AlexTheLeaver nipped to Morrisons and got some extra muesli, well a bowl of cereal waiting for the milk as my cereal is gonna run out 1 or 2 days before I get my weekly food delivery and I didn't wanna buy loads of non organic cereal
Then we nipped to gym over lunchtime and it wasn't busy at all, so we got in to do my exercises without queuing. The 'lift your arm' exercises that originally I was able to do 5 of, last week I managed 12, well today I managed 29 out of 30 target. So obviously summat is improving, big style
 And I did buy an enormous garlic bread for tonight as a)my sense of taste is improving and b)I did like garlic bread in the past. So tonights dinner is summat from the freezer, sweet potato oven chips and garlic bread.
      Yum yum

Monday 16 May 2016

That's Better

And the posty delivered about last thing s'morning the special pads for the end of my chair legs at the dining table. So my chair is now 4mm taller and more to the point you can just move it about pretty silently and without it leaving streaks on the floor.
So MM tried to fit them with the supplied small screws and couldn't make them go into my chair legs at all, he has to drill tiny holes first

No 'Wimming Today

So as they are doing up the pool slightly there will be no swimming until Wednesday, my Aquafit session
And I suggested to MM that we go out for a long walk instead of going to t'gym and he said "Yes, as long as you are walking fast for a long distance" so happy chappy now......
Right, we headed out after lunch and parked near M&S in Carmarthen, on John St, then walked up, past Iechyd Da to King St, along that then down the hill past the court back to the car. It took us almost exactly an hour, uphill and downhill

Sunday 15 May 2016

With Two Hands

And I asked Alex to help, went to the oven and instead of using my usual oven glove I used the one with two handles, one at each end, and managed to lift the hot dish out of the oven, lid off, stir it, lid back and put it back in the oven. By myself, no assistance required. Checked and stirred
And using my right hand at the same time as my left is the important thing here

More Visitors

And all alone we had another visitor today...

Unexpected Shopping

Then we nipped to Morrisons to buy some cheese sauce to cook on the broccoli tonight and as well I got 2 baking spuds so we can have a 'not chips' accompaniment
Ooh and it was delicious, if the broccoli was a smidge undercooked it was still hot and chewable. And delicious the whole dinner was, baked potatoes with broccoli and other veg in a rich tomato sauce

Miss Him

So after Alex said "Lets go check the garden s'morning" and we did it occured to me how much I will miss him when he goes after next Wednesday

Cool Teacher

Someone on Ixion posted this note from a teacher to pupils yesterday, I approve

Saturday 14 May 2016

Big Walkies

So this afternoon, at my suggestion, we set off to the reservoir for a walk around. (Basically it is number 4 in this guide). It was well lovely, very "in the countryside" but all accesible etc. A lovely afternoon out

Strange Memory Came Back

And I had a strange issue with remembering stuff from the past for the first time in years today

Friday 13 May 2016


So I arranged the webpage with my purchase, left it sitting incomplete for an hour and in the end gave in and bought one

Clean It

And I discovered today that after GGtGG cleaned the cupboard doors etc after the tiler was in that some of the cupboards have actually got dirt on the eg plates in there, there is a much bigger cleaning up job than we expacted

.....Only Happens......

And there is thunder happening today after lunchtime


Then today I had my gym class which went as well as a......
And on the way to gym I was discussing my issue about getting on the plane, I got to gym and quite happily set off up the stairs. Gosh it's easier than it was last time I flew

Thursday 12 May 2016


Then we headed to gym where he said either cycle for an hour or do 5km in 10 minutes so I just sweated and panted, did the shorter but much more intense cycle then headed home for lunch


So then first thing today me and Timmy went to pick up my organic delivery front Iechyd Da then on the same trip we drove to Morrison's, parked in the carpark, checked my Organic Order so we could buy anything that hadn't come, and walked in and did the rest of my shopping



Pick It Up

And we need to head over s'morning and pick up my weekly delivery of organic food which makes Timmy (who is driving me today) think all kinds of negative thoughts

Wednesday 11 May 2016


<Sigh>And I did some more today</S>

No, Can't Bear It

Aargh. Tonight on telly I started watching The Invictus Games and what can I say. After about 3 minutes I had to turn it off, I can't bear it. If you have lost both legs in a wartime incident you shouldn't be running a race. Just wow and aargh etc

Saying Tara

And today was Alex's first shift working since he said he was giving in his notice which feels a bit odd
But he has remembered his swimming trunx so we will be in Aqua Gym later
And what can I say... It was interesting

Tuesday 10 May 2016

What A Performance

So we went to Ceir Cawdor Cars in Carmarthen, popped the car in for it's checkup, walked from there the number of hundred yards to the Cafe that used to be Aardvark when I worked there. Had a cuppa tea, a very nice bun then headed back. We got back, waited 5 minutes then she came out and said they couldn't find any faults on the car. Wait and see at a guess

Gymming It

And I popped down to the gym and did hard exercises for 20 mins. A sweat was broken into


And as I had been taught to do exercises called Lunges In The Kitchen and then couldn't go in my kitchen for a week they had kind of fallen through. But s'morning I have restarted the exercise scheme
And this evening too. Lets get back in routine....


So I am lying in bed without anything on my top half. And no covers over me, it is that warm at half past one in't morning

Monday 9 May 2016

Fr Ted

And tonight I found an episode of Father Ted on telly and I am rather enjoying it

Missing Him Already

And Tim announced today that in a few weeks AwfulAlex is leaving my employment, he has found another job so he will be leaving soon


Then me and TerribleTimmy headed to the swimming pool. Apparently my lengths were much quicker today so dunno, summat must be improving


So s'morning it occurred to me.
So I haven't had the FES on yet today but it has already done me so much good. I am walking almost without concentrating and my right foot is sitting flat on the floor, not all trying to turn upside down like it was before I was fitted with an FES device in the first place

Sunday 8 May 2016


And earlier when we were sitting at the dining room table to eat I noticed that it had gone wobbly. MM looked at it and said "Allen key later when you are in bed napping". He did and it is much better now, I can press on it to stand up with no fear of it falling apart etc


And for the first time in a week I had to get knives and boards out and actually cook from scratch the curry that we are having for tea tonight and the foreseeable future, it is a large saucepan


Then just before lunchtime me and MightyMark went out for a drive about. We popper out to Narberth and just walked over the well uneven up and down pavement. It was better on the other side of the road but I said "Therapeutic" when MM suggested crossing over. Eventually we called into a café and had a brew

Saturday 7 May 2016

Luck Or Skill

Taking this pic under my porch tonight. Luck or judgement?


And s'morning GGtGG said "I have just been talking to your neighbours and they wondered it they can come and see your kitchen floor as they might want a new one?"
So they popped over later and were well, vocally, impressed with my new tiled floor. So I suspect they might be contacting the fitter....

Dinner Where?

So we had dinner in the kitchen/dining area tonight and already it doesn't feel like a novelty. I am used to it again, phew


After a conversation about fattening foods that I had t'other day I thought "I haven't tasted that for nearly 15 years" so tonight I tried it with my Sweet Potato Oven Chips. Mayonnaise and Chips. I had forgotten how good it tasted (even tho it's not doing me much good) just yum yum it was

Walkies In Town

Then s'afternoon I was feeling a bit twitchy and GGTGG said we needed some shopping so we drove to town parked on Lammas St opposite the new Aardvark and set off walking to Wilko's. We went in there got about half way to the back when GGTGG said "I need to go right to the back of the shop for some XXX. Wanna wait here?" But I said "No, it's theraputic" and followed him right to the back for some goods. Then we queued up and paid then left. On the way back to the car I said "Aah,  Poundshop, want..." so we went in there and walked around until we found what I required. Then we queued, paid etc then walked back to the car. On the way GGTGG commented on how different it feels being in town with no wheelchair.

Lunch In Kitchen/Diner

Then today we, me & GGTGG, sat in the dining area to have our lunch, for the first time in nearly a week. It felt good

Beginnings Of Back To Normal

So my MOS is coming in early today so "the two of them" can get stuck into putting furniture back etc into the kitchen. So hopefully breakfast today will be my last meal in "there". IIRC they can't put the washing machine back until tomorrow as it counts as heavy so...
No, mistaken I was. They were saying that yesterday, to today is tomorrow IYSWIM. 3 loads of washing done and dried and put away today

Friday 6 May 2016

Even Tho

And even tho the tiler has finished there is no furniture in the kitchen until tomorrow when it has all dried properly etc so me and Alex are still going out to eat tonight. At Pizza Express to keep up a Friday Dinner tradition

Didn't He Do A Good Job

And the tiler has left today, he reckon's the job is finished and I might agree

Friday Dinner

And we had to keep up some traditions for Friday Dinner even if I can't cook it myself this week

Thursday 5 May 2016

Hot Weather

So today it has been so warm so I installed a temp measurer device thing on my phone. Now, at a quarter to 11 it says "Indoors 31° Centigrade"
Now at 11 it sez 32°

Macaroni Cheese

After my query when Alex ate this on Tuesday I went back to Morrisons for tea (and my weekly shop too) and tried this. Yes, it was purely average a la Morrisons café but I so enjoyed eating it. I got a bit emotional, like "I used to really like this but it is about 15 years since I have had it (and I had an ABI etc etc) so I couldn't remember, until the first mouthful went in"
But yum yum

He Sais "Wedi Gorffen"

So tonight he has finished tiling the whole floor. It looks f'ing lovely. So tomorrow he has to grout the whole floor and fit the edge bits etc then he is finished.
Then I will owe him sum but I think....... it's worth it, this time
And s'evening I was walking about looking at the room, it feels so "not slippy underfoot" it is so much better


So first thing today I popped into Iechyd Da (we got the closest free disabled space on King St, no car park was involved this time) and fetched my delivery of orgy porgy veg etc.
Then I went to gym for a mega cycle.
Then we came home for lunch.
THEN we popped into town back to the chemist near the Drs and fetched my new sockings

Mega Cycle

Well it was written on my timetable to cycle for an hour today but I thought "No......" and said "Just 20 minutes but going AFAF". So usually I travel 3.9 or 4 km in 20 minutes, today I broke into a sweat and cycled just over 5 km.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Dinner Out

And tonight we popped out for dinner to somewhere close to where I usedta live and currently not far away from Freya but I was astonished. A) it was really nice and tasty and B) it cost next to nothing, but it tasted like quality food, not cheap rubbish


And I was a bit thrown out by Lloyds Bank s'morning. I queued up, gave the woman my cash card and said "Can I have X hundred quid, please" she said "Type your pin number" and counted out the cash for me
So I needn't have taken my passport as the only proof of ID that I have now that I no longer have a driving licence

Missing Her Already

And we popped into town s'morning and forgot that the chiropodist was coming to cut my toenails. The floor layer told me when we got back

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Almost Painless

And when he creamed my armpits tonight it was hurting perhaps only 2% of how much it was hurting 3 nights ago. It is still unwell but getting better and I still have 3 days on antibiotics.
Here's hoping...

Out For Dinner

Then tonight we are going out for the first "someone else's kitchen" food. Dunno where we are going tonight, I will leave it up to Alex(1)
And we just went to Morrison's for tea and we both said "That was lovely" afterwards. And it was relatively cheap. £13 for the 2 of us with 2 apple juices, 2 coffees and 2 buns between us
(1) No, my call actually, in the end

Weirdo Lunch

And we had lunch in the spare room today then. It all went well, I could find everything etc but it felt so strange

What A Day #27

So after the crisis s'morning, we popped to Morrison's where I bought the smallest Muesli I could find as more organic is being delivered on Thursday, then to the gym to do lifty/pushy exercises. On one of those machines, I asked Ed for advice, I said "I suspect that my right arm is lifting as far as the left now, is it?" and he said "Yes". It still hurts to move it like this but if it now moves nearly as far as the left summat must be improving

Thrown Out

So s'morning I had breakfast in the spare room and just as I finished the floor redo-er arrived. Conversation, then he shut the door and got to work. ATM there is big noisiness coming under the door s he struggles to remove all the tiles and carpet
And you should hear him drilling (noisy WS)
He has finished drilling now, so phew

Monday 2 May 2016


Earlier s'evening I did more preparation for the tile layer coming tomorrow then said "Can't stand it, gotta get out" then we went to a pub on King St (My local was shut, it's Monday) and had a couple of pints
Then when we came back I had to go into the spare room to prepare breakfast for tomorrow, that I will be eating in there


And today GGtGG came in an hour early so him and MM could get stuck into moving the heavy machines out of the kitchen etc as the chap is starting tomorrow so I will be out of there for the rest of the week
And Timmy just txted me from Malta to say "Tiler has just txted me, he will be with you by 8.30 in't morning"

Getting Better

And while GGTGG rubbed cream onto my armpits s'morning it still hurt a bit but 97 times less than yesterday so it is improving

Bank Holiday

So today is a bank holiday. That means no gym as it will be full of kids who are off school for the day etc, hopefully BTN Tuesday

Sunday 1 May 2016


And I nearly had to fill the bird feeder again. That's about 3 days since I filled it. Either more birds are eating or we are gonna have some fat pigeons


And it is well foggy here ATM

Less Hurting

And having just had MightyMark put cream on my armpits I can say that it hurts less than it did yesterday. It still hurts a bit but it is getting better. I have another 5 days of antibiotics so hopefully it will continue

Next Week (or 'This Week' if you count Sunday as the first day of the week)

So next Tuesday the floor tiler is starting in my kitchen/dining room so it will be a week of eating out
And my team started rearranging the furniture, when there was two of them here s'morning, to make the spare room into an eat breakfast/lunch area next week
And I have done my last load of washing. Tomorrow morning, when there are 2 of them here, they will attempt to put the washing machine into the garage. And then GrumpyGareth is responsible for removing loads of tat out of the kitchen etc ready for Tuesday morning