Tuesday 31 January 2017

Sneaky Gym

So then when Denyse and Timmy left I said "Right, lunchtime". Roy said "Nip to gym". I said "No, I can't, if we have some lunch then by the time I have digested it will be nap time, then it will be full of kids"
But he was kind of insistent, we nipped, did that normal speed on the bike for 2 mins then go like fu*k for 30 secs then repeat for 20 mins. Lordy, dunno about time etc but I was panting less when I finished


Lordy I am torn. So Denyse is coming to see me in a bit and I am trying to think of what to say to her. (I suspect there is *no* point with "Will you marry me?") But it's like I am so dissatisfied with many parts of my life but they are parts that were so "off the beat" that I couldn't have even considered it a while ago. As I am SO MUCH BETTER now I shouldn't complain about issues, just be glad that I can even think now.
Well she came, and Timmy came in too and we had a conference. It was OK, we talked about my issues etc.
BUT she still wouldn't marry me


And what the flip was this ad that popped up on my iPad last night?

Monday 30 January 2017


And having been outside tonight it is, significantly, just a bit chilly as opposed to fecking freezing which it has been for a couple of weeks.
Dunno, apparently the cold will be back in a few days but.....

Special Pocket

And today when we were out my eyepatch elastic broke. So I reached into my bumbag, went to the "secret" pocket at the back and took out a new one, still in it's wrapper.
Then later when I was back home I replaced the emergency patch with another new one out of the cupboard

Buying Mini Ice Creams

So we popped out tonight to get some more mini-ice cream lollies. So I bought 2 packets so they should last nearly a month. AND in the same shop we bought 2 bleaches as it was so cheap we didn't just get the one we needed. So petty cash card bought that


And for dinner tonight we had baked potatoes with that veggie bollock knees as I am a bit short of pasta ATM but it was fecking delicious, even nicer than with pasta.
So perhaps it needs a different name but who knows


And at lunchtime we are off to the swimming pool for exercises.
And I did it. Swimming and various walking and stretching exercises.
But today I swam 10 lengths for the first time since my accident. And it seems easier, I wasn't panting etc when I had finished.

Sunday 29 January 2017

STILL Reading

And I have just finished another Pratchett book, lordy this Kindle machine makes it possible once more. Can't believe I couldn't for SO long...... but it's hard deciding "What next?"
He moaned again, I think it is almost identical to the moan I had when finished the book before this one....

Not Fatter

So this week despite having a night out at Iechyd Da (inc beer) and the Headway Christmas Lunch (with cheesecake) my weight hasn't gone up this week.
It is the same as last week but I see that as progress

Early Cooking

And I cooked tonight's and tomorrows dinner before lunchtime so it has time to simmer in the pot so it will all mix together and go down into the heat etc. It is my main "cooking" project, bigger than the pizza and I need to chop and grate more stuff
But peeling with my right hand, it is still 3 or 4 times quicker than last week, I am still getting better in so many small ways so fast that I must have been fscked to begin with
And actually it was nicer than last weeks, my herb/spice comb was spot on, which can't be bad

Fscking Solitaire

Lordy, I have just had to play the same game of solitaire three times before I actually won it. So now I can shut my eyes, I have been in bed now for fscking ages

Saturday 28 January 2017

Cruising For A Bruising

Then today on the toe that I hurt in the pool on Wednesday, which doesn't really hurt now, there is a huge bruise below the half nail bit.
The photo that I took a couple of days later but you can still see the bruise below the nail on my big toe

Out For Lunch

And we are going out for lunch to a nice pub towards Swansea as it is the Headway Xmas Party
And we took it over pretty much but we had a pleasant enough feed paid for by Headway Swansea. But it was so big I am gonna have bread roll and some salad for dinner, as in my usual lunch
And I still felt as full as a full thing after a roll and sum salad for dinner
Oh and we were in the pub but it was lunchtime so I had a bottle of mineral water to drink

Friday 27 January 2017


And as Timmy was working last night when I fetched my food home, tonight it is na'an bread pizza and chips for tea.


So I am off to my only gym class for the week today at Leisure Centre after an early lunch etc
Gosh, that was hard work but I did it. I was speaking to Sam afterwards and she did say "Yes it might seem difficult now but every time you repeat it, as you are doing, it sinks into your brain and becomes automatic so you will be able to do it without this concentration that you are complaining about" 

Iechyd Da

So me and Timmy the not-folk-fan went to Iechyd Da Folk Night last night. As I was eager to get going we sat there staring into space for a bit but later loads of musicians showed up and no-one was a disappointment, a variety of styles

Thursday 26 January 2017


Then I went to gym and did the two minutes at normal speed and 30 secs 3 times as fast for 20 minutes on the pedal machine


Then we popped into town, went to Caffi Iechyd Da to collect the organic delivery then on to Morrison's (noisy link) to do the rest of my weeks shopping
As we were leaving Iechyd Da someone shouted "See you later" as that's where we are heading tonight......
And a good time was had, loadsa photos taken but they won't be done 'til tomorrow as I am fscking knackered ATM

Winter's Day

So I have just been outside to get the bin back after the emptiers emptied it and I must say, it's feckin' freezing, a well wintry day
So I had better get an extra layer of coat in order to nip out s'morning shopping for food

Wednesday 25 January 2017

More Terry

Well I got another Terry Pratchett book today to carry on reading. Lord it's hard choosing what to read on my Kindle but I am a big fan, of Terry and Kindles
Because I couldn't read for so long after my accident, 'til someone bought me a Kindle and I couldn't read very much at a time then as I was so out of practice

Oh What Fun We Had

And it is Aqua Aerobics at 2PM today.
Hooray, what fun....
And when I was in the pool today I knocked my toe against the wall. It wasn't very hard etc but it was the left big toe, the one that has almost no nail and it fecking hurt

Tuesday 24 January 2017


And today I finished reading another Terry Pratchett novel which I enjoyed enormously. At the end of the book it was saying this was his last novel before he died but obviously he was working to the end and it was worth it
But what shall I read next?
Fark, but I couldn't read at all for so many years after my accident, not until I was bought the Kindle device which changed my life......

Bicycle races are coming our way

So me and RoyGBiv headed to gym and today I got stuck into cycling. And today I recalled that it was a 10KM ride not a 40 minute ride like I did last week. But they are nearly the same, it took me 42.4 minuted to cycle the 10KM.
But it's done....

Monday 23 January 2017

He Fixed It

So today I told Mighty Mark about the telly in the living room, the one that GGtGG hadn't been able to get working over the weekend. He had a brief look s'morning and said "I will have a proper look when you are in bed s'afternoon" and when I got back up it was working again. The "aerial" had come unplugged behind my computer miles away from the telly but connected by an obscure wire. So I was able to switch it on, change channel, said "Ta, it's working again" and switch it back off
I can't recall what I wanted to have on in the background but that's what started this saga

What's The Point

So for today it sez in my diary travel miles away to a Headway meeting, they are a Brain Injured team. But the only point I see in going is it stops me having to go swimming....
And "Oh what fun we had", dunno I socialised a bit with two new members and lost at a game repeatedly

Sunday 22 January 2017

All Good News

The Gruniad tonight


And we popped into Carmarthen just as it was getting dark, parked at the junction of Blue St and Lammas St, walked up Hall St to King St, part of the way along then back down by Iecyyd Da to Chapel St and back to the car. It was just starting to get dark when we got back to the car but was pitch dark by the time we got home


And s'morning I thought "What's that noise?", looked out the window and it was a heavy hailstorm. It has passed now but just "Wow" etc

Saturday 21 January 2017


And we went to t'pub tonight and I was as rude as possible with the barmaid. 3 pints I had


Golly, my diary is full for today.....

Friday 20 January 2017

Friday Night Dinner

And as Timmy wasn't working today I was able to make the traditional Friday night dinner of na'an bread pizza and chips. As usual it was fscking lovely.
Yum yum

Proper class.

So every Friday I go to the only gym class that I go to every week now. I think it is about the 5th or 6th up on the scale of "exercise harder", now I go to the hardest session. So full of joy, I like the effects of 'getting better' but the actual process is a bit stressful/difficult
Gordon Bennett, well that is finished now. Yes, it is flipping hard work but I am getting better. A couple of just acquaintances told me how much better at it I am getting, seperately. AND doing the stand up, move your legs apart, then back together exercise I was moving and standing on both legs for the first time in gord nose how long, I am just getting better and better

Thursday 19 January 2017

Fun fun fun

Bollock knees. So I have just had the last of the Spag Bol I made last night with some fresh spaghetti. Oh it is such fun eating spaghetti, such fun

Food Fetching

So s'morning we pop to Caffi Iechyd Da to pick up the organic delivery, then to Morrisons to fetch the rest of my weeks shopping then Timmy will no doubt say "exercise loads" in some respect
Well t'is done, we got to park in the ultimate space today so I had less walking to do. And yes, we are off cycling in a bit.....
Yes, I did it, 40 mins cycling. And today I didn't have a rest until after 20 mins so I must be getting fitter

Wednesday 18 January 2017

My Flu Has Gone

So I am flipping well enuf to go to the Aqua Aerobics class just after lunch.
And oh what fun we had. Yes, I am better than last time, better than time before etc but just fscking well sick of it
But I did manage the floating on your front, lift feet off the bottom thingy which I would have been able to do years ago but have had some difficulty the last few years but I managed it today

Tuesday 17 January 2017


Then MM said to me today "And there's that comedy club at The Lyric tonight", I said "I think today has been a bit full, I might give it a miss", he said "You have already bought tickets, they are hanging on the wall in't office"
Lordy, that was 95% empty but the few folk gathered at the front all enjoyed it. Including myself. At a guess there were about 40 folk there (max) but we did all laugh and clap
AND I have already bought tickets for  Tues 21st March too, so I hope that is fuller(1) and equally fun

(1) Hopefully King St will be open to traffic again, it was closed tonight so we had to park in the car park at the end and walk along

Hectic Day

So s'morning I have an appointment with my Dr about Diabetes, dunno what they are gonna make of it, it doesn't feel bad so hopefully.....
Then after an early lunch we have to drive miles to see The Physio around Cardiff somewhere to do even more fun
Well yes, s'mornings appt went well. After I had been in the waiting room for about 1 minute she called me, weighed me, took blood pressure etc and was very positive about the diabetes risk. AND she took reference and put me on the toenail cutter list, so some hospital will be in touch at some point to make an appointment to cut my toenails
Well the physio session with Sara was as exciting (and hard work) as usual

Monday 16 January 2017

Self Control

Then tonight we had to head down to Farmfoods to top up the staff T and coffee and I just walked past, with only a murmur of "I want 17", the big tubs of ice cream. Right past I strode
Gord but it was hard but I managed

Two Dinners

So tonight I was cooking tonight's dinner and making a pot of veg/tomato sos for tomorrow. The casserole cooked quicker than I thought so we could have eaten in tonight except there were spuds baking for tonight so.... but I cooked 2 dinners and didn't even make too much mess

I'm So Happy

Hooray I am so happy being well enuf to go fscking swimming again today.
  • Sings and dances a happy song
This sarcasm doesn't suit me
Well, I did it, various stretchy exercises and 8 lengths.
I am getting better at swimming a length then doing summat else,
I used to swim a length then stand still panting for some time, but not now

Sunday 15 January 2017

Colander Free

So last night Timmy was cooking while I was eating mine.  He put some spuds on to boil and I said "Colander in that cupboard" but he said "No, I will just pour them out between saucepan and lid" which has given me a plan to try out tonight.
Except I will pour it over the colander in case I fail and it all spills out of the pan
AND I MANAGED. It was the first time I have poured water off a pan without colandering in about 14 years, I just couldn't manage before

Saturday 14 January 2017


And I got confused and couldn't figure out how to set different alarm/alert noises but Timmy had to appear sad enuf to know and in he end I got it set to different sounds etc
And I finally figured out how to make new links open in a new window too, my PC used to do it but I changed the search engine and couldnt change this to the new settings.... dun now

Noisy Machine

And today's treat in the kitchen is listening to the washy machine washing very noisily

Friday 13 January 2017


Lordy. So s'afternoon after Sam's class we came str8 back and I got ready for bath/nap. I woke up and GGtGG spent 10 or 20 minutes doing various creams then I went into the kitchen and started cooking. We ate, didn't have time for pudding or to wash up just headed straight out to theatre, parked, walked in and as I was having a pee before sitting down a speaker said "2 minutes to show".
And it was excellent, well entertaining and after we came back someone had to do the washing up.
Lordy, talk about just having enough time to do what we needed to do.....
And it occurs to me morning after that I just sat down in a proper persons, normal, seat and at the end I just stood up again, no problem, I don't require assistance nowadays

I Could Walk Again

And in my weekly class I had mastered that walking thing again, the one I hadn't been able to do for a couple of days. So Timmy was right when he said yesterday "Dunno, perhaps throw away these FES pads. They don't feel too bad but it might be..."
Well the rest of the class was as much of a challenge as ever but as Sam said "You didn't used to be able to do this..."


So today I will have my only class of the week with Sam. I hope that I am well enuf, that my cold has gone. Then later I need to cook bang on time because immediately after dinner time we are heading to Llanelli to see the Panto

Not Bad

So on the list of things I need to order from the docs occasionally I added "Pressure stockings" which are relatively new. OK, the writing isn't excellent but I am a bit impressed with how legible it is, written with my right hand

Thursday 12 January 2017


And I was looking at my diary for tomorrow and WTF's going on?

Then Again

Then after bath/nap/sleep I called Timmy into the kitchen and started rearranging stuff between cupboards, so the stuff that I couldn't see/reach in one of the bottom cupboards is now up where the mugs and glasses were and vice versa. So the bottom cupboard was "full" with stuff being out of site whereas now the new food cupboard is only half full so I can top it up as I buy new stuff
And I deleted the buy new free standing cupboard link that I have had for 2 or 3 weeks now


After we brought the food here and put it away etc we popped off to gym. I said to Timmy "Not on the bike for an hour, I am still too fscked" he said "That 20 minute normal cycle interspersed with 30 sec full out goes every couple of minutes". I thought "Sh*t" but just went ahead and did it, it was fine.
Although after the first ultra fast go I had to stop and take my blue asthma inhaler, the one I haven't needed to use for several months now

Timmy Busy Morning

So soon after Timmy came in and as soon as he had finished gossiping with GGtGG he came and did my feet etc, fitted the FES then we went off to Cafi Iechyd Da to fetch an enormous box of veg that was delivered there. From there we popped to Morrisons where I bought the rest of my weeks shopping

Not Running

And my runny nose seems to have dried up overnight. I am still a bit sniffly but 95% better today
Gord, well I have been out of bed for an hour and a half and just one tissue was used about 20 mins ago. I am half breathing in and out thru my nose too today
Lordy lets hear it for those anti-flu jabs, the ones I objected to on so many levels but I think I would be still in bed just getting up to having proper flu as opposed to almost got better from cold
AND I am noticeably cheerfuller s'morning, according to GGtGG

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Quiet Day

So today I am just sitting about here not feeling very well. I am not as bad as yesterday/last night, just feel a bit sh*t.
But because of this I feel a bit grumpy and unhappy, this makes it harder finding that life thing

Blood Tester

Then we had to go to the Drs for a blood test s'morning. So I have to go back to the docs next week to the diabetes clinic but we needed the blood test first.
But I am impressed, during the whole operation she was talking to GGtGG and it didn't hurt. She took 3 or 4 samples in less than a minute

Less Bad But Still Snotty

So my cold is 18 times better than it was last night but still runny nose etc

Tuesday 10 January 2017


And today I bought myself a collection of lollies instead of a big ice cream. Now there are 12 lollies in the packet, it is the same size as, roughly, 2 of those tubs I have been eating. So tonight I have eaten one lolly, not a whole tub of ice cream which I have been eating occasionally


And I have got the fscking cold today, my nose is running, I am coughing like I am choking on food. I think luckily I had the anti-flu jab or I would be even iller. I suspect that I am gonna refuse to go to swimming exercise class tomorrow, just the gym will have to do it

Emergency Shop

And we popped out to Farmfoods and fetched more frozen food and a litre of UHT long life milk so if we do get stuck in here by snow we can eat and drink
And we actually shopped for a different kind of food than I normally buy today, I was watching out and it looks nice. Hopefully we can eat it leisurely when it doesn't snow

Meat Teeming

So all my staff and Denyse are having a team meeting here today so they can all slag me off etc. So I don't think there will be any Gym but perhaps we will go out for a long walk later or summat
(Sigh)Here they all are, talking in the kitchen(/S)
Already discussing how to nag Neil about taking half of his weight on his right foot........

Monday 9 January 2017

Oh What Fun

And we were at a Headway meeting again today playing those "Mind challenging" games. I just wanna scream every time the subject is brought up

Sunday 8 January 2017

Working So Far

Well it's still attached etc. I haven't touched it "to see how well it is stuck" because down that road lies disaster etc, but it works so far, I made us our dinner tonight.......

Mr Independant

So I did it myself s'morning, this "being somewhat independent" taking the masking tape etc off the door and refitting the glass panel

Saturday 7 January 2017

Out To Dinner

But alas as the cooker is not useable tonight me and Timmy will have to go out for dinner. Dunno where to yet, I still have a voucher for a tenner off at Frankie and Benny's but I will leave it up to Timmy to decide.
And it was nice when we got there, to F&B's. I had the cheapest pizza combined with half a portion of chips and half a slaw and it was fecking delicious

Bought A New Bit

Then over bedtime I was trying to find the part that RoyGBiv had said we would need to fix the oven if the mega-glue didn't hold it, which it hadn't.(1)
I found the part in the end, ordered it, now it's time for bed
Well, s'morning Timmy tried to stick it on again, using the mega glue, more of it this time, and perhaps we won't need the new bit when it arrives. Perhaps
(1) And I had been distracted earlier watching a whole game of rugger on't telly

Friday 6 January 2017

Not This Poorly, ANY MORE

Then today I was looking thru some old photos and I found one of my back at it's worst, good lord, MM saw it, pointed at the top RHS of the pic and said "It's not even 10% of this now" but then I looked further down the pic where it was worse......
Thank the lord that it is much better now

Right Hand Writing is Improving

It's still not perfect but my writing done with my right hand is so much better than it was last year

Sam's Back

So after a week without her that Sam the Gym instructor is back in Stroke class s'afternoon
And just WOW. I did the whole class with no walking stick, simply strolling around the place. Yes even Mark said that he could see that I was walking properly, weight to both sides, at the start of the class but as I got tired the quality decreased. But I did a whole hour with no walky stick!!!
And yes, I was overtaken by loadsa folk and I didn't concentrate on moving my arms too while I walked but it was still progressive

Thursday 5 January 2017


And my beautiful daughter txted me last night and said "I had forgotten, and going back to that England place soon" so we made a last minute plan that we are going to pick her up from home s'evening, then take her home later
No, she has just txted me and said "I am in town" so that's easier
Well, she came and almost didn't eat while I was having my tea as she was going out with J to a restaurant to mark her last night around here, she will be back in Manchester until Easter when I will see her again


Well it's back to a normal Thursday after Xmas now. So we pop off to Caffi Iechyd Da to pick up my (hopefully) delivered Organic Veg, then to MoreReasonsToShopAt to get the rest of my shopping then to the gym to do whatever Timmy suggests
<sigh>We went to gym after doing shopping and cycled for 10km which is exhausting</s>

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Early Lunch

And we had an early lunch today as we are going to Aqua Aerobics at 2pm today. Yes, it is all back to normal etc.
AND when we go into gym I am gonna have to queue up to see the beautiful assistant rather than using the machine, to ask them if Sam is back for Fridays class or not....
Oh dear. We were the only 2 folk there today as I think "the staff" had been telling people it was cancelled when in fact it was on. Hah, a few minor..... no change, she actually did more with us as there were no distractions...... I was glad when the hour was up.
But again I was pleased she was concentrating on me but still...... oh and Sam is back for Fridays class so.....

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Back To Normal

Right, it's back to shops opening full time etc instead of the bank holiday hours, kids back to school etc. It's a normal day
So instead of gym we (me and Roy today) have to drive miles to meet up with Sara the physio who presumably will do me some good
Lordy, we did and it was. I did loads of walking forwards, sideways and backwards on the machine then walking uphill. Sara did comment on how much better at doing that I am now.....

Monday 2 January 2017


And I walked today to reach the bird feeder device out the front. So I had to step over the stone edging and about 3 steps on grass. But I also had to step over a wire and lights arrangement. That was absolutely no problem, now but 4-6 months ago it was much harder and I had to cut the end off a wire so it wouldn't go all the way, get in my way.
Then, not now

More Reasons To Shop At....

Then we popped into Morrison's and fetched some more frozen food and another tub of wash your sheets powder as I am supposed to use it instead of the eco stuff I use to wash my clothes. But they had no garlic bread with cheese so I had to sub it with a garlic baguette

Spam, spam, spam, spam

So I was messing about ctrl-alt-del-ing various issues on my 'puter s'morning when I thought "Ah, finished" and turned back to read some email. Lordy, there was spam everywhere, in every folder, many copies. I tried to delete a couple to no avail and took a deep breath to reconsider.
So after a few minutes I switched it off and on again. I was a bit nervous when I reopened my email but now it was just the messages to me, the spam had been taken away 😕

Out For Lunch

And me and MM are going out for lunch today with Brian, Julia's Dad which will be nice.
No, I misunderstood, it was Brian & Rita, Julia's parents. I was still in my wheelchair when I last saw them both so it was nice to walk out to see them.
It was a bit odd seeing them as they saw me within a few days of my crash, when all the medical staff said I was fscked. How wrong can they be, but it brought some unpleasant memories. Still we had a lovely meal in Wetherspoons on King St, I had a veggie version of a Beef Wellington which was lovely, not one of these pretend meat dishes they serve some places
But when we stood up to leave I said "I will go and pay" (trying to be impressive) but they said "We had to pay when we ordered". Och well, see if I am feeling so generous next time I see them

Sunday 1 January 2017

Choochoo Toy

From Modern Toss

Hippy New.......

Well Happy New Year to one and all. I don't have a hang over, no, don't be silly......
Actually I feel much better after bath and nap.....