Tuesday, 31 May 2011
More To The Point
And today I was able to write better than I have been in years, I went online and looked for help devices but they were all too dear but it occurred to be I just need a tilt, like a file sideways!!!
Groovy Device
And I finally figured out how to make my hand held PC device read a book online today, so I was able to sit reading on it
Groovy Chick
And yes, that beautiful daughter came to see me earlier
And good lord we had the dinner that Sarah advised me on today, I enjoyed it but Freya said "Don't like courgettes" but apart from them seemed to eat it all up well
And I have just finished a book, a Spike Milligan poetry book that I have been reading for a few days, I finished the old fashioned paper edition today
Monday, 30 May 2011
So Ed came here s'morning, helped me change the bed, did some chores then took me to Morrisons shopping. He waited while I went round the back to recycle then followed me in. I went in through the gates, pulled out of the way. I stood up and pushed my trolley. He followed behind with my 'chair in case I needed it. He guided me where to go, he could read overhead signs but I was to busy walking. Half way round I asked for my wheelchair. I sat down for 5 minutes resting, stationary. Then I walked with my trolley rest of way round the shop, through till, and pushed it over to the wall beyond THEN I sat back down in my wheelchair. My whole weeks shopping, on foot. It was by far the furthest I have walked in ages
Like it was over the mountain on this blue thing which I missed and carried on to Llandovery
After lunch we went out for a drive, to Llandovery and over the Black Mountain but we missed the turnoff and got stuck half way up't mountain, had to turn around and come back. It was still a lovely drive tho
Sunday, 29 May 2011
And I was sitting here (using my 'puter) later when there was a knock at the door. I went to see who was there and it was my old friend Julie and her current lodger, my son Toby. I went dribble for half an hour then they left. They will be in Wales 'til Thursday so I hope to see them again.
And I noticed that when they stood up to go Toby put his glass in't kitchen and put his chair back out of my way, he does care
Saturday, 28 May 2011
So today I went over to look on my bookshelves, I couldn't find the book I was looking for but I found a book by Spike Milligan which I took out. I opened it, it said "Book of poems", I thought "Oh" but tried reading it anyway. A few pages later I came across a poem which made me smile
Oh dear
So I turned on t'telly because there was a F1 qualifying session on, I watched it for about 3 minutes then someone, Sergio Perez, crashed big style and they are still trying to get the driver out
Apparently he is OKish nowAnd I turned it on again to watch Man U play in some European Final, but they lost too
Sense of smell
So last night in my living room I spilled a glass of sloe gin. So I mopped it up etc but today I had to ask a MOS "My sense of smell disnae work, does it smell of booze over there?", he sniffed, moved 7 inches, sniffed again etc, and said "No smell".
So phew
So phew
Friday, 27 May 2011
Wow (Redone now)
So Paul came round today and caught up with the paperwork that it was too late to do last night, then Sara the Physio came round so we all set off for the gym. Just double good lord, I did it well, managed to walk on the treadmill, grimaced on the pedalling machine, was astonished at how straight up my right arm could be on the lifting weights machine etc. So we made another date in a fortnight to go back and sign up etc. My new hobby.....
Then we ventured in and had a look at the swimming pool, we have agreed that I am allowed to wear t-shirt to hide my flab and just walk in the pool, none of this swimming stuff which is nearly impossible but they say that just walking about in the water for half an hour will do me goodSo one of next weeks agenda is to go buy some trunks
Thursday, 26 May 2011
So I went off with Ed to (Voluntary) Work, which went well, we had updated the web in about 4 minutes then got stuck into trying to design a new flier for them, I don't think it is very good so far, no background etc, but "they" sounded very pleased. More to do in a fortnight when we go back (as we had to tell 'em today), there is no point going every week, there is not enough for me to do
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
So Paul came here s'morning, we talked and he did some chores for a bit, then we went out and bought some more sweets, as on Friday I start at the gym and I shouldn't eat as many then. Then we went to a different shop and bought another bottle of sloe gin to replace the one that I broke last night. I went into the shop in my 'chair, went to the end of the aisle, stood up and walked behind my 'chair with the basket on the seat. I walked up the aisle, got gin and a bottle of water to take to the gym on Friday, turned and walked to the til. I stood there and paid, walked towards the door. By now Paul was saying "Don't overdo it", I walked to the doors, walked out of the doors and walked across the car park where I finally sat down again in the car
The furthest I have walked in over eight years!!!
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
How f*cked
Oh, and we talked about how f*c*ed I was, about how my right knee was broken but healed itself as they were busy, how my right wrist was broken, about how they used to shake me by the right hand when I was having a fit, while my right wrist was broken and not noticed yet..... And he reminded me of how they couldn't keep me breathing when they were waiting for the Air Ambulance.....
So me and Paul are travelling over to Bristol today so I can be assessed for my claim. Dunno what that means or what they are gonna do.... Wait and see
Where I tried to reach into the cupboard to place the 3 sugars I had got from the services in, and managed to knock out a whole bottle of sloe gin, which broke into a million pieces went everywhere, I had to get some of their staff to help
Flip, we have done it, 3 hrs in the car, met my father who had flown over for the meeting, had a delicious dinner, went and that chap talked about how f*cked I am/was, then said goodbye to my Dad, came back.
Where I tried to reach into the cupboard to place the 3 sugars I had got from the services in, and managed to knock out a whole bottle of sloe gin, which broke into a million pieces went everywhere, I had to get some of their staff to help
Monday, 23 May 2011
Since Then
Since then I have been sort of coming to terms with my new enormous piece of work in my mouth. And hopefully my next visit to the dentist (040711) when she takes out 2 teeth I think that will be the last for now, it all seems under control ATM so hopefully
Wiv Ed
So first of all Ed took me shopping, I didn't take the recycling this week as we are in a hurry but we got all shopping that we needed, came home, put it away then set off to the dentists. There I had 3 injections .... she gave me the first, it still hurt, gave me the second it still hurt, then the 3rd which actually made my tooth numb, she gave me 3 injections, drilled as far down as Australia then filled my tooth up. She said there is only 5% of my tooth left now, 95% filling
And the injections have worn off now, just b4 dinner time, it feels OK, no pain or...So I wasn't able to eat proper food or drink coffee at lunchtime. At about 2.00 I tried a cuppa tea which was at first dead difficult but by the end much easier and I ate a packet of sweets for lunch at about 3.00
...& At 'Em
So up by 8AM s'morning after I put my splint in and took tablets. My right foot is a bit achy s'morning but not three bad, so really dunno. It doesn't hurt now so.....
Marginally upset, dentist s'morning, my teeth are such a mess after my accident and then not cleaning then for about 3 years
Marginally upset, dentist s'morning, my teeth are such a mess after my accident and then not cleaning then for about 3 years
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Helen The NOT Hat
So Helen came into my room to do some stuff earlier. As I get confused I showed her the online pics of Helen The Hat, a traveller who I used to see occasionally when I lived at Happy Valley and while we were looking at some pages a tune come on by The Levellers who I used to own loadsa tapes by but I haven't thought about them in 8 years, I no longer can play tapes (even illegally copied ones), so I went online and bought 3 albums by them
Sunday Bl**dy Sunday
So I got up s'morning, after I sat on the edge of my bed and took my many tablets and put my splint on etc it was still just 8AM. Last night, or s'morning, I felt a pain in my right lower leg again, although it didn't wake me up but upon waking I wriggled a bit and it hurt.
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Making Pic
And tonight I looked again and again to find the way of making many photos into one photo, do it in Irfanview, Images, Create Panoramic, then input both pics one above the other
Better Ankle
So it seems that after it hurt a few days ago that my right ankle hasn't been hurting since, so dunno, it might be 'cos it is joining up again or maybe not, who know
Friday, 20 May 2011
Early Night
Good lord I feel now as if it is about 5 o'clock in't morning whereas it's only 11 o'clock, this getting up early is catching up with me now
Gosh, what a day. First of all I went to docs with Paul and apologised for forgetting my allergies and got some hay-fever med off him. When I was there I said I have just opened my last brown 'haler but as I am here as we speak can I have another.
Then we went to Boots to hand in our 'scripts and while I was waiting I bought some multivitamins. So the drawer by my bed is now looking a bit full, asthma med, hay fever tabs, and multi vits.
Then we came back here while Sara tested me and my balance etc.
Then we went to Boots to hand in our 'scripts and while I was waiting I bought some multivitamins. So the drawer by my bed is now looking a bit full, asthma med, hay fever tabs, and multi vits.
Then we came back here while Sara tested me and my balance etc.
More to the point she said "When you get wheezy it might be nerves not asthma, tell yourself to breath calmer and see it that works". So I tried it next time I got wheezy and blinkin' flip, it did work so more notes to tell the doc in a fortnight when we see him about AsthmaAnd again she said "Walk more indoors Neil"
Thursday, 19 May 2011
(Sort of) Jealous
So reading a story today about someone who was ill~er than me having an operation I probably wouldn't be willing to go thru but it set me thinking
So first thing tomorrow I have to go to the Doctor and tell him I can't recall what I am allergic to so can he give me some hay-fever medicine, and I MAW get some inhaler 'scripts as I am there with a lift to Carmarthen, to a chemist.
Then Sara Daris, the Physio who is going to the gym with me next week, is coming in.
Then Sara Daris, the Physio who is going to the gym with me next week, is coming in.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Wiv Paul
Well, me and Paul were in town today. We went shopping, bought a Money Box for me to save my pennies in. More excitingly we....
More excitingly we went into the gym at Carmarthen Leisure Centre, had a look around and a converse with the staff, basically I will go back next week with Sara, my temporary Physio and go, then perhaps every week, with Paul or Ed
More excitingly we went into the gym at Carmarthen Leisure Centre, had a look around and a converse with the staff, basically I will go back next week with Sara, my temporary Physio and go, then perhaps every week, with Paul or Ed
Sore Ankle
So I woke up early s'morning as my right ankle was hurting loads. I couldn't move it up or down, bend or straighten it, without my 'broken' ankle hurting loads. It doesn't hurt now but walking to the loo this morning was very difficult
I wonder if it's because some bits are coming back to life again?Well my ankle hasn't hurt since, so dunno, I will keep an eye on it tho....
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Tonight some of the BLOG pages that disappeared in the past have come back so I need to post them to an old date IYSWIM
Then Freya came along and had her dinner amongst other things. I got a bit upset because I will be away while they go "We will pay you f. all" next week, when my daughter, who I have missed more than half her life, was supposed to be here
AND the dinner that me and Sarah made was nice but too dry, it needed fewer bread crumbs or some gravy or summat
Then Sarah the OT came along and we cooked together, Aubergine Parmigiana, which I haven't tasted but it looks good, to go in the oven when Freya arrives. There was loadsas hassle griddling the OrgyBeans it took ages, there is no way I would do that alone but there are other versions of the recipe which will be much quicker to cook. Can't wait 'til me and Freya try it later
I received a scary letter s'morning. Initially I thought "I'm not taking a taxi that far" but after speaking to members of my family they already knew, my Dad will meet me there and Denyse is going to arrange transport. Aargh and Ho Hum
Monday, 16 May 2011
What a day
Well firstly this morning I helped Ed change my bed, then we went shopping in Morrison's(1) where I noticed that the "Vegetarian ready meals" section in the freezer was much bigger than before, so polite applause for that. Then we came back here with the shopping and I had lunch and a coffee without sharing. Then we went out for a drive, "Where shall we go Neil". First of all we went to Dryslwyn Castle, near where we lived many moons ago, which made me heart beat faster even tho I couldn't walk up to it, but it felt special anyway.
Then we went onwards with Ed following my directions into Gelli Aur Country Park. He sounded surprised and pleased as he had never heard of it. Good lord, the visitors centre was even nicer than when I worked there but the college in there, where I did an HND many moons ago has got wrecked. The college is now apparently somewhere else but the old building is still there, with no roof now
(1) Where we had to wait for ages and listen to some bumf to get given, in the end, a free veggie cutting tool
Well firstly this morning I helped Ed change my bed, then we went shopping in Morrison's(1) where I noticed that the "Vegetarian ready meals" section in the freezer was much bigger than before, so polite applause for that. Then we came back here with the shopping and I had lunch and a coffee without sharing. Then we went out for a drive, "Where shall we go Neil". First of all we went to Dryslwyn Castle, near where we lived many moons ago, which made me heart beat faster even tho I couldn't walk up to it, but it felt special anyway.
Then we went onwards with Ed following my directions into Gelli Aur Country Park. He sounded surprised and pleased as he had never heard of it. Good lord, the visitors centre was even nicer than when I worked there but the college in there, where I did an HND many moons ago has got wrecked. The college is now apparently somewhere else but the old building is still there, with no roof now
(1) Where we had to wait for ages and listen to some bumf to get given, in the end, a free veggie cutting tool
Then I went to the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales to work. It seemed a bit more organised today, by us rather, so we got it together for them quite quickly, then we had to find parts of photos which will be used in their competition soon
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Saturday, 14 May 2011
So later today I am going to May Day at Glynabbey. Hopefully it will be good. A bit scary, not very wheelchair accessible but we will try, me and Paul
Just generally WOW it was cool, we managed, new path in part of it, just generally well cool. We spent much of the 'noon in the music tent, it was very good
Friday, 13 May 2011
Then after lunch Denyse came back, 5 mins later the door knocked again and it was Sara the new Physio. We met talked for ages about what I need to do and we made an appointment for her too see me next week.
Then the door knocked again, 3 times and it was Ed, Paul and Jackie who were taking about caring for me, what is involved etc
And when all 4 of my employees were here I unveiled my new hat
Then the door knocked again, 3 times and it was Ed, Paul and Jackie who were taking about caring for me, what is involved etc
And when all 4 of my employees were here I unveiled my new hat
Busy Day
So I started off this morning with Paul, we chatted briefly then he took me to the Grasslands Trust at Carmel where we were driving about making notes and taking pictures of any litter. Some of the litter we didn't have to photograph as we photographed it a fortnight ago, but no one has picked up. Me and Paul conversed about this and basically decided if it hasn't been cleared in a fortnight there is no point in us photo-ing.
When we came back we had to go to Tesco's to buy some cheese and onion pasties and my recent liking, some custard tarts
When we came back we had to go to Tesco's to buy some cheese and onion pasties and my recent liking, some custard tarts
Thursday, 12 May 2011
Well amongst other stuff that was happening yesterday (the BLOG page has disappeared)
I was at the Wildfowl and Wildlife Trust doing stuff on their PC. I had to find loadsa picks both on their net and the Interweb and they will be used in a "Which animal or plant is this?" competition
I was at the Wildfowl and Wildlife Trust doing stuff on their PC. I had to find loadsa picks both on their net and the Interweb and they will be used in a "Which animal or plant is this?" competition
So just now I went out, I was sitting looking at the road. Then a passing bird sh*t on my arm in passing. I thought "No" reached for a tissue, then thought again and reached for my camera first. Except my camera was still plugged into my PC, I had forgotten to put it back earlier, I had to get it back later
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
So with Paul we went shopping, got another new bum bag but this time identical to last weeks died one so I instinctively reach for the right pocket, and a new first aid box with some plasters and Germolene(1) etc
(1) Because my middle finger on my right hand I bit the nail a bit extravagantly
(1) Because my middle finger on my right hand I bit the nail a bit extravagantly
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Tum Ti Tum
Fixer(new link now)
So my alarm clock went off early s'morning, I got up and waited for the man to do the "Annual Service of Heating" as they emailed me and said twixt 8AM and 12AM. But this wasn't a number of hours check, just that he was doing everyone's in the street and he would be here between.... At 9AM he arrived, checked the heating etc, interrupted me paying my leccy bill online but it is all dun now. He has finished and left, I finished my payment, all dun and dusted
Monday, 9 May 2011
Ed 2
And he came back and took me to the Headway meeting which was actually more interesting than expected. There was a rep of STAR who was talking a lot of sense about training folk back into work or work related stuff. Up until now I have thought "Nah, when I have got my claim I won't need to work and I don't wanna" but I may be bored and this talk attracted my attention and I may get in touch with them in the future
Ed number 1
So I had Ed take me to Morrisons to do some shopping, all good etc.
Then, as he wasn't changing my bed this week, we were at a loose end so we drove off to Whitland to see if I could find the house Bob and Dot (the organic farmers I worked for ages ago) but Whitland seems really different and I couldn't see owt today
Then, as he wasn't changing my bed this week, we were at a loose end so we drove off to Whitland to see if I could find the house Bob and Dot (the organic farmers I worked for ages ago) but Whitland seems really different and I couldn't see owt today
And Ed is coming back later to take me to Headway. He phoned me yesterday and said "Wanna combine 2 items?" but I said if I go shopping, then come back here and have to cook an evening meal with you watching it won't work, so no ta, keep it at 2
Sunday, 8 May 2011
65 Today
And as I was coming back indoors today I spoke to a MOT(1)S and he said "Mick, next door, he's 65 today and you are invited tonight" so yes, I will
(1) Member Of Their Staff

And wow we had a nice time, I had red wine, white wine when that was finished, and loadsa sandwich style buffet style party food. Yum, yum it was
(1) Member Of Their Staff
And I asked a MOTS if she had any more hand made cards, she said "Not here but my husband will be here in a hour, I will phone him", then an hour later a handmade card was dropped off. AND I did all the writing, both inside the card and on the envelope with my right hand
And wow we had a nice time, I had red wine, white wine when that was finished, and loadsa sandwich style buffet style party food. Yum, yum it was
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Friday, 6 May 2011
So I am being taken off to see an eye Dr at a hospital miles away. Dunno what they are gonna do or say but..... the last Dr I saw said "No more BoTox now" so....
And they said "Yes, your eye isn't getting worse but it is still f*cked, you can't see everything and therefore you can't drive yourself". So sh*t s*it sh*tSo tra la la, this has been the biggest event in some time and it is depressing
Thursday, 5 May 2011
So I went to "work" s'morning, it went OK, but still a bit dull. Then on the way back we went to the bakery, sat in a carp ark eating then went to vote in this referendum thingy. I had 3 papers all of which I did. Now when's the result coming out?
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
After Dentistry
So after the dentist we went for a wander about Carmarthen, including going in the new shopping centre to buy a new file and looking around the market as it was market day, and I found a new friend in there. While we were there we were collared by a radical political type who collared us and insisted we vote "like this" on the election tomorrow
I felt so much better afterwards, it was incredible
So I was sh*tting myself this morn. as I had to be taken to an emergenct dental appt. Paul came here, we chatted for about half an hour then he took me. The dentist said "Wow, yes" and gave me an enormous temporary filling on my tooth. She didn't need to do much drilling, it was all a painless and helpful situation, I now feel much better with my temp. filling which "she" will have to add to my list of things that need doing in 2 weeks when I go to my "proper" dental appointment.
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
And tonight I was waiting for Freya. And waiting. And waiting. Then I got a txt message saying "Missed the bus, later..." so I waited even longer then at last she came. We were both better at being pleasant etc today. We had a beautiful dinner which I relearned how to cut Pitta bread (microwave for 20 seconds, then cut) we had a delicious and rather messy dinner then Freya said "Gotta go in 10 minutes". We waited for 2.25 hours for her lift to show up, 2 phonecalls etc
But Freya is beginning to have better taste in music, Blues and Heavy Metal this week
And after I did my photo's etc I was eating some Muesli for brekky and one of my back teeth broke in half and dropped loadsa "stuff". It is hurting a bit now, much more when I eat etc. So I phoned the dentist and have made an emergency appointment for tomorrow when Paul is here with his car
Burry Port
And we got to Burry Port last night, went into the club, said "Where is it?" they said "Around t'other side" we went round and got good seats as there were only 4 other people there. Paul looked a bit panicy but I bought a pint and started to listen. By the time I had finished that pint there were loads of other Folkies in there and it was a good night, if very different from Iechyd Da but still good. We got back so late last night that I went str8 to bed and didn't put the flashless photos up 'til s'morning
Monday, 2 May 2011
Fun later
And I am going out in less than an hour to the Folk Club in a pub in Burry Port, pretty much directly south of Carmarthen
Well later first of all I went to the shop with Ed, I needed less food this week as cupboards are getting fuller etc. After we came back here and I put everything away we went back out in the car for a Sight Seeing trip. We went to Cwrt Henri the first place we lived in Wales..... I am just a bit emotional having seen it all again.... but.... it is a couple of months since we last went there
Sunday, 1 May 2011
It Reminded Me
Just now I was out at the road, on the other 3 tiny kids went past, one on a tricycle and 2 on scooters, like this picture that I found online. The youngest kid was last

And the last little kid suddenly fell off, face down on the pavement. She didn't even hurt herself, got up and carried on. But the moment she fell my heart was in my mouth, my experience of accidents has been a bit distorted.
And the last little kid suddenly fell off, face down on the pavement. She didn't even hurt herself, got up and carried on. But the moment she fell my heart was in my mouth, my experience of accidents has been a bit distorted.
Lie In
So I was about to go to bed last night when suddenly my PC started misbehaving loads, so it took me about 3 hours to finally fix it and be able to read email again etc. So I was extra knackered when I went to bed last night, late too, and it was after 9.15 s'morning when I woke up again, it is some months or years since I have slept that long
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