Saturday 31 December 2016

I Cut Them All

And I tried it again sitting on my bed and I managed. I cut every one of  my toenails today. It is the first time I have managed in about 17 years!!

Clearing It Up

And today RoyGBiv is clearing up all the bits of plant that are growing up through my stones out front. He is peeling them off with a device so it will be OK for another few months.....

New Years Eve

So it is the eve of a........ another day tomorrow 😐
And we went up to the pub up the road last night and it was as busy as I have ever seen it. Still wasn't that busy but a fair amount of folk
But s'morning I have got a hangover so it must have been worthwhile

Friday 30 December 2016

It's Thrown Me

I was on my way home after cycling today when I thought "Oh, Sam's class Friday afternoon" but then on reflection no, she had told us ages ago that she wouldn't be there today. BUT good lord, that has thrown me, it doesn't feel like a Friday at all, but yes, it is a restful few days to come.....

Morning has broken.....

Well, what a morning. Firstly we popped to the Drs to pay a parking fee and go in and get my script for cream for my feet and more asthma medicine.
Before we came home we went to gym and I cycled 10km doing 2 mins slower and then some time (between 1 and 2 minutes) half as fast again. By the time I was finished I was panting and sweating
And yes, I have no gym class s'afternoon like I usually do on Friday, it's Christmas etc

Thursday 29 December 2016


And I had another trim today

Gluing It

Then the posty came with a small parcel of mega oven glue and wipes to clean it off first etc. So "we" (actually RoyGBiv with me watching) got stuck in, took out the glass, took off the oven door and is presently mid glue
So to let the glue dry we had to go out for dinner, to the pub up the road. She complained how they had nearly no food left but I just had egg, beans and chips but I was impressed with how good it was. Well prepared. I complimented them on the sticker that we could see from our table which said it won food awards for the last 2 years so obviously even summat as plain as egg beans and chips tasted that bit more special as it was cooked with such care or summat

First Thing

Then first thing today we popped to More Reasons To Shop At and bought the usual plus a salad pack as we are not having an organic delivery this week and I bought double most ungooffable veg last week

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Back To Normal

So everything is "open again" today so we have to go to fscking Aqua Aerobics class at 2pm
Aargh, no GGtGG has just come in and said "No Aqua Aerobics today, just normal swimming at 1 instead" so we will go a bit earlier      😟
And I did it, 8 lengths and various exercises. What fscking fun. But I struggled to make both legs move in the same way.....

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Walkies Again

So we headed back into own s'afternoon, tried and failed to park on Lammas St, went round the block and tried again, still no so we popped up town and parked on King St, near the far end. From there we walked along to the dead court house, down by it and turned right and right again at the bottom and walked back uphill by Caffi Iechyd Da where we couldn't have a brew and bun as they are shut until next week.
But I do note how much easier it is walking up hill and downhill these days, It makes such a difference to my trip out


And we cleared up and put it all away today, got the living room back


And Timmy was being most scathing about my Xmas pressie for the staff and didn't want to offer it to his replacement who came in s'morning

Monday 26 December 2016

Walking About

And as we popped into town and just went for a walkabout up past the old court I noticed how much easier to a)walk uphill and b)walk back downhill than it was even a few weeks ago


So Happy Boxing Day to one and all

Sunday 25 December 2016


And we had so much lunch s'afternoon that I am still not hungry
And no, I didn't eat another pic all day.

Sad Start To The Day

And it doesn't matter that it is Christmas, my MOS still has to rub cream on my lower legs twice a day. And on my chest once a day, later

Don't be lazy

And no Neil, if you want a choccy you better walk the 6 ft to get it, don't push your chair over. Yes, it is mobile but it's not a wheelchair

It's Not Right

So I have just spoken to Sam and Freya on the phone, I hung up then I thought "Christmas Day, I need a glass of rum", but there is none in the house

Out Later

Then later we are popping to The Ivy Bush Royal hotel where we have booked (and paid for) a table for me and Mark
Oooh, it was delicious. I think there were 5 courses. All kinds of knives and forks to be used in the right order but it was dekicious. When we left I only had to pay for today's drinks
But I am still full now......

Opened My Pressies

And burned the CDs onto my PC so I can listen to them easily. My staff, when there were 2 of them, opened my gift to them, mini chocolate boobies, something they can share between 5 of them


Hippo Chrimbly.....

Saturday 24 December 2016


And we went out for a cuppa s'morning. Parked up on Lammas St and walked down Mansel St to The Calon Cafe where we had a very nice brew. Afterwards we walked back, the long way round through town
But discrimination!!! They only hire beautiful women!!!!!

We Are Not Worthy

Dunno how he managed, RoyGBiv and Google have together succeeded and my expensive electric toothbrush beeps every 30 seconds again

Friday 23 December 2016


And when we went out, we were promised a cool night in t'pub but that didn't happen. Beer was drunk but......

Shut The Windows

Now as my living room windows have been k-banned open a few mm for "ever", today it is so windy that I had to shut them tight
Lordy, now about 5 hours later I have been able to open them again

No Class

So as there was no gym class today I thought "Lets not go then" but RoyGBiv insisted I go anyway so I got on one of those cycling machines and did 10km with resistance set at 15. It was knackering but I recovered quite quickly

Struggle, struggle on. I took this pic of the screen on my cycling machine when I was just over half way through today's exercise

Thursday 22 December 2016

What A Morning

Phew, finally finished. So first of all Timmy and I headed to Caffi Iechyd Da to pick up the veg, it hadn't been delivered yet. So we sat there drinking a cuppa tea 'til it arrived. Finished our tea, said tara and headed off to Morrisons. Good lord, talk about full of people with trolleys piled up with stuff. But they had no blueberries which are an important part of my diet, so we bought everything else and headed to Tesco to pick up 2 tubes of blueberries.
Then we came home and put it away. Now its lunchtime. When I will do the washing up as we are going back to Caffe Iechyd Da for a special Xmas Folk Night tonight
And we were so busy we had no time for gym. I didn't stop crying for ages

Wednesday 21 December 2016


And today I was just walking all about the kitchen w/out my stick, as I am so much getting better


Then after the opticians we went straight to the gym. First of all we had a cuppa tea to let me recover from the stress of optical testing. So again we did the upstairs device but this time I was able to walk up 16 flights of steps

Ho ho ho

Solstice Greetings

Eyes Tested

So s'morning I have an appointment with the optician to see about my eyes. I suspect that last time I was there they said "Your right eye is fscked" but since then it has been moving back towards a lined up position. It still isn't there completely, hence needing my eye patch, but I think it is half as far out of line as it was last time I saw the optician
Ooooh, he tested me for nearly an hour, loadsa tests. He said in the end that my right eye is still as far over as it was but it was radically better. Apparently I was able to read 3 lines further down on that reading chart thingy

Tuesday 20 December 2016


And I have started reading another Terry Pratchett novel tonight and I am enjoying it again, this reading malarkey

No Neil

So I thought to myself "Quiet night, lets go to the pub" but on reflection I was in the pub/eating place last night and had too much red wine. So it must have got into my hormones or summat. I haven't been to the pub (apart from last nights Xmas dinner) for about 3 weeks

One Of My Early Jobs

Was here

Sara Stuff

Then we are going to the gym today to do another Sara session on the bike, faster/slower etc
And we went and I did it. Gosh it was hard work as I set the resistance to 15 today but I did it. And I got my puff back faster than RoyGBiv did even tho I was more exhausted after more exercise

One A Day

One a day, you fatty, they said

Monday 19 December 2016


Then l8r we went out with Julia, Adam, the offspring and our bigger kids. A) It made my head hurt how much out babies have grown up, and B)Julia's little girl told me that she approved of the jumper and the hat I was wearing tonight
And briefly tonight we saw Naomi, who used to run Brer Rabbit in town, whose son is now with Julia
And I didn't take a single photo all night

Christmas Crackers

"From the crackers at Saturday's Navigation M.C.C. dinner.

Q. What sort of bike does Father Christmas ride?
A. A Holly Davidson.

Q. What happens to a turkey at Christmas?
A. It gets gobbled."



And Sam, Toby, Freya and Emma came round, drank coffee, were well pleased with their pressies, gave me lovely pressies for Xmas and went off so I could nap
Puff. Chaotic. So in half an hour we will head off to where we are gonna eat tonight. I have already done the washing up for the house

Walking Round The House

And after lunch today I decided to see how much more capable I am these days and set off around my house to the back, alone. There just wasn't an issue, it was easy all the way and back. But there was no bench to sit on out the back.
Possibly a purchase after Xmas....


And as it is now school holidays and we are busy with visitors s'afternoon we just went to gym instead of swimming pool s'morning. We did various upper arm stretchy exercises and another 5 mins on the Upstairs Machine. I did notice that on one of the lifting machines that last week I was only capable of doing it 24 times today I managed all 30 that it sez to do

Sunday 18 December 2016


Sam phoned me at teatime, he said him, Toby, Freya and Emma are gonna come visit me and do the exchange of presents tomorrow afternoon b4 I have my bath/nap, then they will meet me at the restaurant for dinner tomorrow, with Julia and the rest of the team

Random Shop

Then we popped into town to have some exercise and I thought "What do I need?", and at a push we parked opposite Aardvark and walked the whole length of Merlin's Walk to Wilko where I had to buy more tissues (yes, I said it was at a push) then we walked back along Merlin's to the car. On the way back we went into The Card Centre where I spent a whole pound on some "gift tags", little cards on string

As Clear As Mud

Bit foggy s'morning

Saturday 17 December 2016


And I have had an issue with my gmail account today, both sending from my phone and my PC it hasn't wurked but I think just unpeeling all the "pretend it is from this email" stuff etc it now seems to work again. I even sent an email to the list saying "Does this still work?" but it did. And I am no longer getting about 17 "nah, couldn't" messages which I was getting even when it worked


So we popped into town s'afternoon, went up Lammas St looking for a parking space but it was well busy so we headed off to King St, parked up half way along, walked to the end, crossed over and walked back to the other end past where the traffic goes, right to the end, then walked back to the car. So it was 2 total lengths of the street. And we stopped in 2 charity shops on the way but couldn't find anything nice to buy. We also stopped at an "Art by the artist" shop but couldn't afford any of the desirable items

Getting Better All The Time...

... in small ways but important ways. They are just a sign that I am improving.

So last night when I was getting ready to do the washing up I realised..... 
That I was walking about the kitchen with no walking stick, GGtGG commented
on how good my technique is getting, but that had to be second in my mind
as first was carrying 2 chopping boards to the washing up pile with them both
held levelly in just my right hand

An Opinion

From Clive

Friday 16 December 2016

Xmas Pressie

So today I was in bed s'afternoon when I heard a knock on the door. GGtGG answered it and I heard him talking to the neighbours son, who had brought over an Xmas card and a small pressie for me

I Can Stand Up

So s'morning when we were popping into gym I thought "Oh, I'd better try a pee before we get stuck in". Looked around and there was no disabled loo close by so I tried in the proper gents. I stood there holding it, and stood there a bit longer.... no couldn't pee. So I headed into the proper loo, took a deep breath cos it was scarily low, sat down. Pee'ed then just stood up by using just my legs/feet, I wasn't holding onto anything.
As it was so low I tried to take a photo of my knee above the loo so you can kind of tell what a "fit for 5 year old's" loo it was. But no hands, I just stood up like a normal person

What A Morning #4

Then when we were still out GGtGG turned into gym so we went there, asked first if the afternoon class was on but as they said "No" we popped upstairs and went on a couple of arm movement machines (on one of which my right arm is now moving up as far as the other by itself which is a bit incredible considering how fscked it was even last month) and did more Sara speed up/slow down exercises on the other machine then got on the "Power Mill Climber" upstairs machine

What A Morning #2&3

Then we popped down town and had to go to an expensive parking slot as all the free places around town were full. So we parked up in the old Tesco's Back Car Park on Lammas Street and from there first walked to Savers on Merlin's Walk where I picked more "rinse tour teeth and gums" stuff.
Then we walked back down towards the car and popped into Wilko where again I had to walk right to the back to find bleach and more antibac wipes on Petty Cash

What A Morning #1

So then we popped out to town. First of all we drove down King St, found a parking space and went into the Lyric Theatre. There we booked 2 nights at the Comedy Club there, for January and March and we booked a night at the Pantomime, Robinson Crueso, in again "shout at them" seats

Chess Based Witticism

A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel over Christmas and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories. After about an hour, the manager came out of the office and asked them to disperse. "But why?" they asked, as they moved off. "Because," he said, "I can't stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer."

Nicked from Facebook

Thursday 15 December 2016

I Think There's Nowt Happening

And I suspect that there won't be a replacement teacher for Sam's Pulse Gym class tomorrow. I spoke to "them" today and they didn't think a substitute would be involved. But I will just go there at Pulse time tomorrow and either take the class with some other instructor or get stuck into just exercising


Then tonight I cooked a couple of small baked potatos for myself and a packet of Falaffels, which I haven't cooked for about 20 years. But it was fine, easy and nice (loads in the frying pan, I think next time I will try to use a gripper rather than a stiring tool.
But as it was a Don't Feed Timmy day there are half a frying pan of fallafels for tomorrow now I have drained them


Then later on we popped to the gym. I said to Timmy "What shall we do?" and he said "Right, Sara The Physio suggested......". Fark, on a bike pedal flap out as fast as you can for 20 seconds, then slow down to a more normal pace for 20 seconds, then back up, then back down etc etc. So I managed 10 minutes today and was panting very heavily which made Timmy happy by the end
Then I got on the rowing machine but it wasn't a scary

Organic Food Crisis

So s'morning I said to Timmy "Head off and pick up the veg then go shopping" then I suddenly got an email from the provider saying "Aargh, the van has left and your veg is still sitting here". So me and Timmy sat down, had a conference and decided to head off to Whitland to collect it. I phoned  to check they would still be there and a chap said "She has just left in the car for Carmarthen, should be dropped off in 20 minutes". So we popped in, fetched it, popped to Morrison's and picked up the rest of the food. So I had to send them an email and say just how grateful it I was. Even tho popping 30 miles in a car with just my veg isn't exactly organic is it? But it will taste nice for me

Wednesday 14 December 2016


So s'morning I was in the loo having a pooh. I squeezed and then thought "????" as I could smell summat, at all. Now I don't know if it was a really smelly pooh or if my sense of smell is getting better.
Hope for the best


So we went to AquaAerobics today and the usual teacher wasn't there but a substitute did all kinds of good work

My Heart

 So Denyse was here s'morning to check up on GGtGG and see how he was getting on with me etc

Tuesday 13 December 2016


Then after lunch we headed down past Swansea to see Sara the physio. Now first of all we had brought back the brace thing that I wear at night, talked about it and decided I was to keep it for now, with my staff instructed to tighten one of the straps after I put it on every night. Then I did loadsa stepping backwards and forwards and some work stepping with my right foor raised slightly on a cushion to see how well it is connecting.
Then at the end I walked the whole length of her lab and back without my walking stick and without holding onto anything with my hands, just walking like a proper person

Use Another Programme

So yesterday I was having trouble making the timer on my phone make noise to wake me up after nap when my phone is set to silent to avoid the phone ringing and "waking me up". I asked MM again what he had done last week, he said "Erm....." so we gave up. S'morning I looked online and downloaded to my phone an "Online timer (mobile version)" which lets ne switch my phone off a d still goes "Beep beep beep" after 40 minutes

Different Metabolism

So s'morning MM woke up, went for a pooh and then came out for brekky. Apparently it is traditional with him. Wheras my metabolism is different, I woke up, as traditional got up, went for breakfast and then went to the loo for my daily pooh

Monday 12 December 2016

Social Care

Well the news says how social care is out of budget but luckily my care is paid for privately so I can still afford my staff


So I don't seem to have done too much today but.....
So tomorrow I have to go see the (beautiful) Physio instead of going gymwards


So today we are heading off to a Headway Brain Injury Survivors type meeting. Which is unbearable fun but it is more fun than going to swimming pool which is the alternative
And yes it was. As every it felt a bit odd kind of "WTF are we all doing here?" but I won a game of Kerplunk and a prize for Xmas in the raffle

Sunday 11 December 2016

Seems Like Weeks Ago

Was it really just s'morning when me and my bruv and GGtGG went out for a walk along King St?
In my head it feels like ages ago.....


Aha, so after the difficulties last week I decided to try again, no looking for buttons etc, it just worked and putting it alive on webspace just worked too

Said tara

So we all headed into town s'morning, walked from one end of King St to the other and went into a Café and David insisted on buying us a coffee and a bun.
Then we walked back along the length of King St then took him to the railway station where he said we weren't allowed to come in and wave so we said tara and he got on a train back to Bristol where he will catch a flight back to Belfast Aldergrove Airport

Google Maps

Then today I did a quick Google Maps to check out where we are going with the kids and family next weekend and here it is (Excited already)


And a couple of days ago when MM was working I said to him "But the alarm has gone quiet on my phone?", he looked at it and said "Do this" which I did but then realised why I had switched it to quiet as it was buzzing every time I pressed a button. He looked and then said "Do this, goto the last item on the list which says 'Extra functions' then switch that off" and now the alarm is properly volumed and I can press buttons without "Click"

Saturday 10 December 2016


So my big brother is flying over for one night tonight, staying in the spare room etc. We have booked a table and are going out for dinner tonight
Napped, creamed by Timmy, dressed, waiting to go now....... (Sad???)
Wow, we went out and had a lovely dinner etc

Friday 9 December 2016

Timmyless Food

And as Timmy wasn't working tonight(19) I was able to cook my usual weekend treat of na'an bread pizza and chips. It was very nice sitting indoors listening to the rain falling outdoors as we are it tonight
(19) Unlike yesterday, the day before and tomorrow


And I went to Sam's class @ gym s'afternoon.
Now I was really nervous before I went but I am more than capable of doing it so dunno why really.
MM said afterwards that *4* folk had independently spoken to him about how I was visibly getting better every week


So there is no mist today (unlike yesterday), but....

Right Hand

And I ate my muesli s'morning with my right hand.
It hurt and it was awkward but my right hand worked

Thursday 8 December 2016


So I thought to myself s'morning "Why do these webpages have summat describing the width of the photo, surely it just works whatever size of photo is used?" so I did a few pages without ".jpg width=80%" they looked fine on my PC. Until I looked at them on my phone or tablet, it was trying to show the photo realsize, so it would show a corner of the photo instead of the whole pic
So I have added width=80% to those pages, it looks proper again

Post Office

And while we were out today the postman stuck a card through the door saying that he couldn't deliver summat and we can go into town and pick it up tomorrow. I suspect that I know what it is but waiting and seeing

What A Morning

So first of all we went into the Chemist next door to the doctors to fetch my sockings (They phoned me s'morning and said they had arrived) then we popped to gym and I had to demonstrate to Timmy the walking upstairs machine, then I did the chest press machine and a rowing machine (after a rest as the stairs machine is hard work both mentally and physically) then left
From there we popped to Iechyd Da as they were closed s'morning as a MOS was poorly so we fetched my organic veg box
Then we went to More Reasons To Shop At.... and got the rest of the weeks shopping then we came home
So that's a whole days worth of diary entries done in a morning. And I didn't need to stop at the loo until after we were back. That is a piece of my metabolism which is much better these days

Where's My Veg

And Iechyd Da have posted online that they will be closed until lunchtime. So I hope that my veg is hidden away somewhere
Presumably there is someone there fixing whatever is broken so hopefully......

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Oh Dear

My brother emailed me a link about his visit.
Oh dear


Then after lunch we headed to an AquaAerobics session where again I am astonished at how much fitter I am.


Then we drove straight to the Drs and picked up my new script for sockings, popped into the chemist, and had too leave my phone number as they will phone me when they get them in
But I didn't have to look and tell them my phone number, I just remembered it


Then I went to the dentist for a clean by nurse and a check up by a proper dentist. The cleanup was as dull as...... but my mouth feels slightly cleaner now so......
The dentist came to check me up and didn't have to do any fillings or owt which is to my credit. She did get a mirror to show me some kind of growth on my tongue which I have been instructed to try and remove with my toothbrush after cleaning


So Timmy showed up today dripping with the cold. A)I am scared he will be infectious so should have phoned someone else to take his shift..... and B)We headed to the pool today for AquaAerobics so.........

Tuesday 6 December 2016


And we popped out to eat at Frankie and Benny's which I have had a "money off" voucher in my bumbag for ages so we went out to actually spend it tonight.
So we have another tenner off voucher in my bag now, we keep falling for it


And I have noticed a lot recently that when walking with or without my FES going on even if I am not concentrating on moving my right foot properly that my toes don't hit the ground every time I move my foot. So it seems that the improvement is becoming more "in place", automatic

Getting Better

And today we popped to gym and did another 10km cycle. I wasn't as puffed out afterwards as I was last week. Generally my physical fitness is getting better so quickly

Buying On Petty Cash

Then today we need to pop to that Tesco place (according to MM) and buy a diary for the staffroom for next year etc

Monday 5 December 2016

Marginal Panic

And I had to ask MM tonight "Right, if my brother is gonna stay here we need to make the bed" to which he replied "I think it is made already", we went and checked and yep, it was.
No bed making is involved


And I made 2 veggie burgers for dinner, c/w rolls to eat them out of. I was just able to cut the rolls in half using my right hand. It makes me think "Wow" just how much better at this kind of thing am I now 😃

Second Things Second

Then we popped to the swimming pool and did my usual load of exercises. MM did say that I was a lot less out of breath than the last time he was doing this with me so obviously my general fitness is loads better

First Things First

So first of all I popped into the doctors to fetch my script for Duac ointment and while we were there I said I saw a dermatologist yesterday and she recommended changing my sockings every three months so can I have a 3 new pairs? She said "Yep, be ready Wednesday" so I will have to pay another 50p parking fee on Wednesday

Sudden Plan

So my big bro txted me and said "See you on the 17th?". I had to say "NO" as that is the weekend when my kids are all coming over from England so he txted me again "OK, c u this weekend". Aargh, sudden plans unsettle me etc etc but it will be nice to see him

Sunday 4 December 2016


And before my nap I got knives and cutting trays and washing bowls out etc, and fetched 5 small carrots from the garden, so I can go into the kitchen and do the biggest cook of the week, roasted veg.
Mmmm, yum yum

And "NO feck off"

And this morning for the first time since I saw that Dr type yesterday after Roy put the cream on my legs I didn't have to take my t-shirt off to let him put cream on my armpits. Hoo-flippin'-ray, a victory for that getting better
OK, I will have to let him do it s'afternoon (and check to make sure my 'pits still look healthy) but just once a day now, not twice. Hopefully a long term approach 

Saturday 3 December 2016

Make Folk Cross

Vegetarian cafe refuses to accept £5 note made with animal byproduct

The Guardian

The Docs

So s'afternoon we had to pop over to see a dermatologist at t'hospital re my skin. Basically the appt was made ages ago when my skin was in a lot worse state and now it is all looking good etc. She read the note from Denyse, asked me some queries, looked at my shins and back and basically said "Keep up the good work..."

Friday 2 December 2016

..And Chips

Then we had the delicious Neil-made Pizza and Chips for dinner.
Yum yum yum


So again I was in the busier, more hectic, more advanced class. And it went OK. Some of the class commented on how they remember seeing me in a wheelchair.......
And one chap asked if he could take a picture of my t shirt...


And we need to pop to Morrison's before today's early lunch(1) to buy a salad pack as that was the only thing they didn't provide on the organic order. Usually we pop to Morrison's after we pick up the veg box but as we were playing Boccia yesterday we went shopping a day early
(1) As we are going to Pulse Fitness Session s'afternoon

First Of All

First of all we popped down to the hotel where we are having Xmas dinner to pay them the rest of the cash we owe them

Thursday 1 December 2016

Fark, I was loads fatter then

And tonight I was looking through some links to older pages and I saw one and I immediately thought "You fat barstewart", I am much thinner now, like much.


Then s'afternoon we popped down to a very posh, newish, amusement place in Swansea. As well as what we were doing there were chase your kids thru kind of things, a swimming pool, lots of tennis/badminton courts and some boccia aisles. As I had never been before I didn't know what to expect. Basically a target ball is thrown out by one of the players then each team has 8 coloured balls to throw as close as poss. So each team can consist of 1, 2, 3 or 4 members, ours were 4 so we each had 2 balls to throw. Strangely enough the whole team has to sit down to bowl, which as we had a few wheelchair bound players made it work for them.
So I decided to use my right arm for bowling. The first ball I threw landed about 2 inches away from the target and was winning until the opponents last bowl hit it away. We did lose big style but...... So when we were leaving someone said "Tea and cake?" but I had to say no, if I stayed I would have a cake and I am on a diet
And incidentally me & Timmy had lunch there before the others arrived and it was a bit nice, just had a cheese and pickle sandwich but it was thick and lovely. The other players ate @ home before coming but we had to travel so far......


And I wanted to copy a feature off a photographers website where pics automatically get bigger when you wave your mouse over them and I couldn't do it, then Stupot sent me a link to instructions and I managed. There is still a bit more work to be done but as I am going bowling in a minute that will have to wait for later