Thursday 31 December 2015

Java Snow

And as I managed to update one of my web pages with snow Java today but I can't find a way of making it just be over the picture, any clues pls let me know

Just in time

Then we headed over to Aardvark half an hour early and just caught them, they were closing early too but I did manage to get everything


And I started taking my antibiotics s'morning. I had initially thought "Wait 'til after tonight" but as I would then have to wait 24 hrs so couldn't start 'til Saturday I just went for it

From The Sky

And when we were heading out to gym today suddenly the sky opened with a massive hail shower that left a couple of inched of hail. Scary and slippery

Less Busy

So me and MM headed off to gym s'morning. I did 4 exercises plus a full 20 mins cycling afterwards so it is slightly easier than a few days ago.

Wednesday 30 December 2015


Then s'afternoon I phoned the dentist to ask about an appointment. It sed "Were closed but phone this if it is an emergency" which I did and they said "Pop into town, see you in three quarters" so we had an emergency appointment at Water Street Dental Practice. She looked, found the pain, said "No fillings have come out but the gum is swollen" sold me some mega mouthwash and put me on antibiotics, so no getting drunk tomorrow.
Then I had a late bath, got up again and suddenly looked in my diary and it said "Go to docs and pic up 'script", we phoned and they were still open for another 25 minutes so we shot down and found the chemist next door also closes a bit later

Gym gym jeroo

So we headed to gym s'morning and I managed 4 weights before a 20 minute cycle session, that was all I could do yesterday, just the cycle
And on the way there we popped into the Spar, just walked in, and picked up a small book of stamps as I had used them all up on birfdé cards

Luscious Linda (or Gorgeous Greta)

And the totty is coming here (if she can get thru the rain) in 15 minutes to cut my toenails
(Or is her name SexySuzanne?)

Tuesday 29 December 2015


And my 3 offspring and one spouse are coming over for me to buy them a Chrimbly Dinner tonight.....
And they were all there tonight. I didn't need a pee from before to afterwards, a number of hours, but generally it was just so special

Struggle @ Gym

And good lord, after 4 or 5 days off I really struggled at gym s'morning. We called it a day after 20 mins cycling....

Monday 28 December 2015


And these are the best pics of 2015 apparently, from Da Gruniad


So me and Timmy headed into town and pottered today. While we were there we popped into the cinema and booked 2 seats in Star Wars 76 or whatever it's called for tonight, using my Chrissy pressie of a free film view certificate
When we were on the way home we called into the pub up the street and booked us into there tomorrow, when 3 kids and 1 kids wife are coming to see me
And I owe Denyse and the team a big thank you, the film was a bit excellent, I took me back a few years etc

Sunday 27 December 2015

Going Out

And Sam phoned me tonight and said "Me, Emma, Toby and Freya want you to buy us dinner next Tuesday", so.......


And at the end of Xmas over eating and over boozing I have lost 1lb in weight so at least I am still moving in the right direction

Christmas Is Over

And the shops were open again s'morning, my parents have buggered off....... the Christmas Celebrations are over for another year


So we headed off to the shops s'morning. First of all to Wilko to pick up 4 boxes of small tissues to fill the shelves for the next 6 months or so, then we headed over to Morrison's (noisy link) to pick up the rest of my weeks shopping, I think we needed 4 items today

Saturday 26 December 2015


Well they have gone off now and in the morning they have gotta leave too early to nip over here for a bit. So thanks for a cool visit


So we just sat in here s'morning and my parents came to visit, had a cuppa and a mince pie and chatted for a couple of hours. Mummy has taken a few Cream Crackers etc and they are gonna have lunch while I eat lunch, bath and rest, then later we are heading out for dinner somewhere else
And the dinner was as delicious as expected. 

Friday 25 December 2015

Ho Ho Ho

So I had a morning with the parents s'morning and they were verbally very pleased with their pressies, as was I. So I had an early bath and I am now in bed for an early nap then we are meeting them in town for lunch
Which was pleasant, we had lunch, the veggie option was peppers stuffed with cous-cous and it was actually rather lovely. And as for the Christmas Pudding and Custard, I am in pudding heaven
So as requested by Mumsie we are heading back to see them in the hotel after an hours break
And we had a delicious much lighter meal tonight

Thursday 24 December 2015

Happy Parenting

So we are meeting my parents later who are already in town(1) but I needed nap etc so we will see them in a bit
(1) Much earlier than they reckoned when I spoke to them yesterday 

Unexpected Shopping

So me and Timmy went into town for a walk today. We parked outside the Drovers Arms and I walked the whole way up he hill to Nott Square. There I pleaded tiredness so Timmy was pushing me back in the 'chair when suddenly it started to rain really heavily. We paniced and ducked into Aardvark which was on my list for later today shopping. I thought they had a delivery later on a Thursday, hence my plan to shop later, but everything was already there. So luckily I had stuck 2 shopping bags in my pocket on the half-chance as we were coming to town so I was able to fill them both with products

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Can Do It

And I noticed in the kitchen today that I was standing and walking all the way around the central divide without my wheelchair or my walking stick. It is no longer such an impressive fact for me, I just do it

Caught Up

Then the phone rang s'morning and it was Brian, Julia's Dad saying "Can I pop over and see you today?", so yes, he came over today with Freya and they both had some cheese and biscuits and grapes (which Timmy had txted me to say "Buy this"). It was nice to catch up


So we headed into gym and did loadsa exercises etc. Because time is at a bit of a push Alex said "No time for bike 2day"  but because of that I arrived at gym, walked upstairs, did my exercises, and walked back down.

Tuesday 22 December 2015


So me and Mighty went to gym s'morning and I did a 20 min cycle, just over 4 km.
But first of all we nipped to Aardvark and bought my Mum some Organic Chocolate Spread which she asked me to get for her, she will arrive about half an hour after it closes for Chrimbly so she felt the need to ask me to fetch some. While we were there I got some extra tins of tomatoes, tins of mixed bean salad etc that will be used up in a couple of weeks

Monday 21 December 2015

Unexpected Shopping

And this evening I was about to start cooking when I realised that the "Timmy burgers" I had bought were looking sad without bread rolls, I went to the bread-bin, looked at tomorrows rolls and realised that they were much too small for the burgers. So we nipped out and bought more. Got some petty cash cleaner etc while we were out


And I have got off swimming today (Hooray) because a) I really complained last time, and b) it's the school holidays so it's gonna be full of kids etc
Right. Well as I had no swimming I actually got stuck into the exercises like a normal gym exerciser. I put weight up by 10 kg on most of them and just went for it. With a visible layer of sweat on my face at the end

Sunday 20 December 2015


And I was chopping the roastable veg tonight. I managed to peel all items and chop all of them with my right hand.
And it was cooked well tonight, none raw and undercooked and none burned/overcooked.
Yum yum, it was nice tonight


And MightyMark came into work today, said "Morning" then immediately got stuck into sawing the legs off the outside seat in the front garden so it now fits properly without having to be propped up on one leg

Saturday 19 December 2015


And I asked Ed "Want roasted veg or casserole?" so he said "Casserole", I chopped up all the veg with my right hand and remembered all the ingredients tonight so it was actually a bit lovely

First Time In 12⅔ Years

So after bath today I went to put my jumper on. As usual (since my accident) I went to put my right arm in first. I thought "No, see if you can...." and put my left arm in first. I used to be stuck at this point and need to take if off and put my right arm in first as it wasn't flexible enough to reach/stretch. But today I just put my left arm in first and then put my right arm in. It was slightly more difficult than doing it t'other was round but only slightly. My right shoulder is so much better than it was last time I tried....


No, I don't think we should try The National Botanic Gardens today, it's f***ing raining

Friday 18 December 2015


Then I cooked the usual Friday dinner of na'an bread pizza and chips. While I was making the pizza I was puzzled, I nearly called Alex and said "What's missing?" but no. I prepared the na'an, coated it with cheese, garlic, onion and mushroom, put it in the oven and when the timer said 2 minutes it suddenly occurred to me, tomato purée. Duh. The "cheese on toast" didn't taste too bad but it wasn't the pizza that I have been looking forward to all day


So as we didn't have to go to Aardvark s'morning we had an unexpectedly quiet morning but in a bit we have to go to my weekly session in the gym class, hopefully with Sam
And as Alex just pointed out to me this is the last gym class of 2015 today.....
And we did gym. Sam wouldn't give me "missing you already" kiss for Christmas. But she did notice summat and said "You couldn't do that last week"

Thursday 17 December 2015

Oops Out

And we are heading out to an unexpected Folk Night at Caffe Iechyd Da, Carmarthen, I had forgotten etc


So we headed into Aardvark and did loadsa shopping but they had no mince meat to make mincepies so we had to call into Morrisons and pick up some. I had almost nothing on my list for there on Monday so I just did my whole shopping today too

Well Fit

Then I headed to gym, without my 'chair, and did the cycle for 10km exercise. It was the fastest time I have ever done it in today and I wasn't trying too hard, obviously my general level of fitness is improving

Wednesday 16 December 2015


And we headed down to the pub and had a pleasant chatty time


Right, off swimming in a bit

Tuesday 15 December 2015

I Own It Now

So I can do as many "decorations" as I want

Mint Spys

Then we headed into town to fetch some of the ingredients for the mince pies I am making next week with Alex. I will buy mince and eggs in Aardvark on Thursday but I got flour and unsalted butter and a baking tray etc today


So s'morning me and Alex went to gym to do sum exercises. As I am getting better, and trying to get betted still, I climbed the stairs to gym today. While I was half way thru my first exercise it suddenly went "Beep, beep..." there was a fire alarm. So we had to leave the building by the stairs not the lift this time. So after 10 minutes in the gentle rain outside we were allowed back in. I thought "..." and climbed the stairs again partly to prove to me how much better I am. Then we went in and finished my exercises. Then we headed out thru force of habit I got in the lift, headed down got there and came straight back up and walked down the stairs to prove to myself that 2 ups and 2 downs is possible and I could still walk back out afterwards


And everything is on hold now and I am watching telly as the astronauts are about to take off to the space station.
I am a bit puzzled as I was too ill to be aware when it first went up. Previously the last space missions were in 1969 (when I was born) and onwards from there

Monday 14 December 2015


And me and GGTGG went swimming today and I had as much fun as usual. Doing so I noticed that I am getting better in... a way but I can't be positive about swimming at all

Sunday 13 December 2015

Right Hand

Just WOW, cooking tonight I chopped 4 or 5 things with my right hand. The reason I say wow is just that it is so much better/easier than it was last week which was so much easier than the week before etc


And while we were in town s'morning looking for another pin on board to stick up my "How well are you getting on" newspaper cutouts etc we had to go to another shop and buy more Christmas headware to wear in the car

Marginally Chaotic

So this Sunday I needed to change the bed s'morning and it is Timmy working today and it is not his favourite, or most effectively done, task making my bed.
THEN we have to nip to Morrisons to check out the various tofu products that Tim swears are there but last time I was in the shop, with no Tim, I couldn't find any. Because the tofu burger thingies we bought from Aardvark are full of some coating (ghee?), which is well calorific apparently

Saturday 12 December 2015

Climate Change

So 195 countries have signed an agreement on summat that Timmy doesn't believe exists, climate change.
Gord knows, hope it improves life

Quiet Weekend Day

And as I look out the window to see the rain I think we will have a quiet day today.......

Friday 11 December 2015

Nipped Out

And we nipped out later to the Tafarn Pantydderwen and had a socialise with locals night. Which was actually quite pleasant, folk recognised me and said hi and we all chatted

Yum yum

And we had that na'an bread pizza again for tea, like we do every Friday, and it was as delicious as ever


Then we didn't have time to come back here so we were 10 minutes early for gym class. It was a small class today, only 3 students at the start although that was un to 4 by the end. Again I was doing my get down and crawl backwards exercise but when I had finished I crawled back to the stand up on here seat and this time I pulled my right foot forward instead of the left, I left the left out of the way so I was just using the right, and I pressed down and stood up like that. Fark, it is IIRC 13¾ years since I was able to stand up on my right leg, it felt easy today.
Nearly 14 years....


So s'morning before gym we popped into Morrison's to have a look for some version of the Tofu Burgers which Timmy sez contain too much fatty cover in Aardvark. So I said to Alex "Bring the chair but push it behind me, I will walk 'til I am exhausted" but I walked in't shop, half way to the back turned left and walked to the other end, looked around and waljked all the way back to the car by myself. It seems like no time since I couldn't walk a couple of yards

Thursday 10 December 2015


Then after Argos we are heading to the Aardvark Christmas Party. We will get a mince pie and a mulled wine and a 10% discount off shopping. So we will buy much tonight and go back tomorrow for the fruit and veg which is delivered on Friday morning

Emergency Shopping

So I got out of bed and saw Timmy and he was holding the staff kettle, saying "It's broken" so we got online and ordered one from Argos and said we would pay in store so we get a receipt


So s'morning I went to gym and did my 10km cycle faster than last week.
After 8km I said "Knackered" and Timmy replied "But...." and I just cheerfully went back on for the last 2km. Dunno I s'pose my laziness overtook me 

Wednesday 9 December 2015


So instead of going to the comedy gig tonight we headed down to Farmfoods and bought loadsa tat. Well when I went in one of the 'til workers said "Ah, hello Neil, sorry, we have no sweet potato oven chips or ice cream lollies. Sorry".
Thankfully she was joking....
Am I that notorious.....


And as I had cried off going to gym after dentist today we first of all headed into town to get more salad from Morrison's. Without my wheelchair, we left it at home.
Then after shopping we headed down King St to look at the venue that there is a comedy gig at tonight. We couldn't find it, so parked at the far end of King St and set off on foot to find it. It is the 2nd last building at the other end so we were able to explore access etc. Then we had to turn around and walk (nearly) the whole length off King St to get back to the car


And this mornings fun involves a trip to the dentist for a checkup. Hopefully I have learned loadsa stuff about brushing and my clean between your teeth attachment so hopefully......
Yeah, she was positive etc but still it wasn't a very pleasant experience

Tuesday 8 December 2015


Then this afternoon we had to go back to The Pound Shop and say "This Xmas tree light that I bought yesterday doesn't light" but they didn't have any more battery 20 light ones left but as Alex said "There is a plug in't corner" we took a plug in version. Once Alex had been to the garage to fetch an extension it works


So first thing we had to head to the Drs to pick up my proof of still being alive which the insurance company want every year before they will carry on paying out....
Then we headed to gym, did 4 (no, 5 apparently) lifty exercises followed by 20 mins on the bike

Monday 7 December 2015

Lentils And....

So me and Timmy headed into town and bought sum lentils in Aardvark.
While we were in town we popped to  shop to buy deodorant in case I am proving allergic to the cheapy one that I have been using. 
While we were up the street we popped into Poundland to get some more Xmas tree lights,  Well, we wanted sum but I bought 4 light up decoration sets


And Timmy had to mend my Internet Banking so I could make transfers and pay Ed for the meal he bought t'other night for 3 of us
But soon he will be seen as Daft, Stupid Timmy to me as we get in swimming pool
And after my lunch I got stuck into cooking, chopped up loadsa veg etc added tomatoes, herbs etc then went to add sum lentis.  Erm... I searched, looked everywhere, called Timmy, he looked everywhere and neither of us could find the lentils. Call myself a hippy with no lentils?

Sunday 6 December 2015


Then later we took a trip down to Wilko to buy some Sudocreme for my slightly infected but nearly better armpit
THEN later still, but still not very late, we headed into the about to close cos it's a Sunday Morrison's and got my full weeks shopping cos it's Timmy working tomorrow and he doesn't approve of the place

Ta Ra

So then s'morning me and MightyMark took David back to the airport and he went home again. Brief visit

Saturday 5 December 2015


And we went out and had a delicious dinner at The Ivy Bush in Carmarthen tonight


Then we headed off shortly after Ed came here to fetch David from Cardiff airport

Friday 4 December 2015


Then later I was at the docs for my testosterone jab ahich went well. It was a new nurse and she was very quick. But after we were finished MOS asked her for a few more iodine patches. She said "Ask and ye shall receive" and gave us a few. I said "Ask and ye shall receive - will u marry me?" but she said no


So another busy Friday...
And it started off in Carmarthen at Aardvark where I spent much too much on food etc. So now temporary rest before my once a week gym class
Then we went to gym and Sam wasn't taking the class. But the chap who was taking it said that as he hadn't seen me for  few months that he was gobsmacked at how much progress I have made. And today we were doing a "lift it with your right arm" exercise and my wrist was staying where I put it, not bending inwards like it used to
Now we are off to the Drs for my testosterone injection

Thursday 3 December 2015

Nipped Out

Then later we nipped out to More Reason's To Shop At.... to top up the salad. While I was there I turned my head slightly from the salad and spotted sum garlic & herb croutons which while pleasant enuf with dinner did not taste of garlic for me


So we headed to gym s'morning where Timmy was most grumpy insisting that last week I was capable of.....etc.
But on the leg presser machine  I did my routine at IIRC 20kg but afterwards got him to switch it up, just to see. We did various but after I did it up and down with 120kg I said "'Nuff"

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Go To War

So they won the vote in House Of Commons, we are going to war now....

That T Place

So we headed out s'afternoon looking for a new diary and some obscure batteries for my new toy, we went to Morrison's and they didn't have obscure batteries or week to a page diaries. So we headed for that Tesco's place where they did have week to a page diaries but no batteries. Eventually it proved necessary to do a random search on that Interweb to find them, even my usual search places didn't have them


And Denyse has been here for hours now, generally in the office with the door closed doing a "checkup" with various members of my staff.
And when she came to the door I managed not to open in and say "Bow down and worship" etc. She said "How are you" and after a deep breath I was able to answer that appropriately without "all the better....." coming in

Tuesday 1 December 2015


Then we headed out to meet the woman who has made me a Christmas decoration thingy from sweeties. And as I wanted the proper change to give her we had to pop in and I  bought an advent calendar too


And today I headed to gym and did a mega cycle.  And today I managed to get the time under the 50 minutes which I have been trying to do for a month

Monday 30 November 2015

It Was Broken

So s'morning my web page half disappeared. I went looking for it and it said "Nah, summats broken, try mend it?" then spent ages 'mending it'. Dunno what it did but it found the many missing pages etc and put it all back together. It finally got fixed about 2 mins before MightyMark said "Gym now then".....


So today I am going swimming with my keen, teacher of disabled swimming, MOS. But first of all we need to pop into the disabled tat shop and get more ferrules, tips for my 'stick
Which we did. Quiet start to the day then we headed into tat shop and picked up 2 THEY ARE NOT CALLED FALLAFELS then headed to pool
Where my teacher/instructor did well at his advising me. I did 6 lengths and many exercises

Sunday 29 November 2015


And the scary wind has gone again, it was 65 mph earlier, it is back to 12ish 8 now

Bread Knife

And I had to call Timmy tonight, I couldn't get the knife thru the swede. He looked, said "We need a sharp knife", and took out one with no bristles on it, unlike the knife I had been using by mistake.
After I had eaten and washed up etc it occurred to me, that knife that I was trying (and failing) to cut the veg with was commonly called a Bread Knife
Us Brain Injured Chaps can sometimes forget simple, sensible things

.... Miller

And it is so windy and raining that I have just switched the taking steam out of the bathroom machine back on as I think opening the window is a bit of a no no

10 Improvement

And Windows 10 doesn't seem to need me to switch off Yahoo mail every time I leave the PC because it just seems to come back on when I touch the mouse which it didn't do with the last version of Windows. If I left it then nowt would happen when I touched the mouse or keyboard, I would have to hold down the power button for 10 seconds to make it emergency power down then switch it back on etc to look at emails etc, but today I was experimenting with leaving and it just seemed to come back on
I have stopped trying to figure out Microsoft Edge browser, and just switched back to Google Chrome and it seems to work.


Ow, so s'morning I had a "Criticise Timmy's bed making skills" session as he had to change my bed but, woe is me, I was a bit stuck for stuff to criticise him on

Saturday 28 November 2015


Good lord but I have been watching the snooker on telly for hours already today

Friday 27 November 2015

Unexpected Shopping

Then, after dinner, we nipped out to Morrison's (noisy link) as we had run out of salad/lunchtime, but I decided to get the whole of my weeks shopping. At a guess we might need to buy a few days salad next week but we shall see how it goes

Win 10

So I have had Windows 10 installed for a couple of hours now, dunno, it's......

Friday Night

And it is make Pizza night again.....
Yummy scrummy in my tummy

Friday Morning

So we started the busy Friday as usual. First of all we went to Aardvark and spent loads as usual on healthy food and drink then we came back to put it away.
While we were back my PC said "Free version of Windows 10, click" so I did and then had to go out to my second busyness and leave it installing
Then we went to gym where as usual I was the star of the show and now I can do so much down on the floor with Sam before getting myself back up
Then we came back to find the PC still installing etc, I had my lunch before it was working again. Dunno what to think, I will have to wait and see

Thursday 26 November 2015


Then we are going out to Iechyd Da (noisy link) folk night tonight, hopefully Freya will wake up early enough to be picked up on the way
No, I spoke to her mother who woke her up, the 2 of them are coming into town earlier tonight so Freya will meet me there, hopefully
And she was so knackered that we boogied until about 10 then we left for the night.... Freya hasn't been to bed last night so hopefully this will let her get a pattern back.....


Then later we headed to gym and after the workout Timmy said "You haven't done 10 miles for ages" as I did 5 mile cycle


So the tyre fixer came s'morning and tried and tried to fix my 'chair. No, it was well flat. He had size... and size... tubes but none to fit my wheelchair. Luckily he had another 'chair in the back of his van that had been returned to him s'morning so he was able to leave me that and say "I will give you a ring when we get the bits you need". So Timmy is busy transferring my 'stick holder to the 'new' chair

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Flat Tyre

And when I got out of the pool my wheelchair had a flat tyre. Someone pumped it up before we got in the car but it was flat again within half a minute. The tyre fixer is coming out tomorrow morning so until then.....
Then at the time when eg the washing was finished I am usually in my wheelchair by then but I had to carry the boxes of clean clothes on my feet
And generally just walking about is difficult now, generally I have been in my 'chair for a number of hours now.... See it as therapeutic....
So it's 11.30 PM now and the only wheelchair I have used today was at midday going into the swimming pool. Fark. So I don't really need one so much? Well I had the advantage of requiring Gareth to stir the stir fry tonight but apart from that I have done it all on my feet. No, I asked him to take the bins out  which I usually do sitting down but the rest of the night.....


So we are off to the swimming pool in a bit.....
And amongst other stuff I managed 8 lengths breast stroke... (Which was my big target so that means I never need to go to the swimming pool again?)

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Out & About

So then me and Alex headed out.
First of all we popped into the walking aids shop by the railway station in Carmarthen to fetch more ferrules for the end of my walking stick. They had none in the right size but they have already ordered a load and will have them in stock by the weekend. So Mondays Diary says "Go back..."
Secondly we headed to gym where I did loads of "extra 5 kg" exercises then 10 mins on the bike

First Time In A Number Of Days

And today I won my solitaire game quickly.

For a number of days it has taken me a number of tries but not today

Monday 23 November 2015

Unexpected Trip Out

Then s'afternoon we had a new trip to make, we had to head into town to buy a new hoover. Bits fell off the old one s'morning, it was say goodbye. While I was in bed Timmy got online and ordered one from Argos which we had to pick up. It was £120 reduced to £45 so hopefully it is a bargain. It seems to be doing it's job now (I can hear it) so hopefully....


So at lunchtime today me and Timmy headed to the gym. At the desk we said "Yes, pool...." and went swimming. I did 6 lengths breast stroke today.....
It was hurting my right wrist for the first 4 length session, before we headed off again I said about it to Timmy and he said "Ah, you are doing this, do this instead" and it didn't hurt as much for my last 2 lengths

Sunday 22 November 2015


And I watched last nights episode of Dr Who after lunch today and what can I say......
Missing her already, she died to save someone else.....


So me and Alex nipped to Morrison's s'morning as although it was on my diary to go tomorrow it is Timmy working and he doesn't approve of Morrisons

Saturday 21 November 2015


And I roasted sum veg tonight. I used my left hand for some peeling but no chopping, I did that all with my right hand
It does need some work, it is not quite right, I need some "no, hold it like this" therapy but I can still use it so much more than in the past


So as it is the first day MightyMark has been working without anything else on the plot he got stuck into my bathroom window. Taking bits off it, but we couldn't get it to open, he said "Nah, that's gonna cost you - I just need some way of gripping through this hole....." but then he cast his eyes over what was sitting on my desk, we were looking on eBay for tools on my 'puter, when he said "Hang on..." and took my folding back scratcher which was on the desk, tried that and was therefore able to properly fix my bathroom window. So now the one in the spare bedroom won't open but.....
And the annoying buzzer pump thing could be switched off, I open the window for an hour instead


Yes, it was cold and windy last night but by the time I had woken up s'morning there was a cloudless blue shy overhead. It looks like a summers days, even if it is feeling a bit chilly

Friday 20 November 2015


Then I went to my only class at gym. It was as hard as usual and as pleasing. Sam started doing more "Crawl backwards then roll over" exercises which while as much fun as usual does my head in a bit, how capable am I even despite.....


So s'morning we nipped to Aardvark and I spent the majority of my food cash this week. All dun, got it all etc etc. Walked from the house to the car, parked opposite Aardvark, walked there, walked back, walked from car to house and when putting stuff away. Wheelchair was not used

Thursday 19 November 2015


And we headed into town after it was dark today, 4.30 PM, we had to look for a stick for photos on the stand to remind me about being careful(*), and while we were looking for that (5 shops before we found it) I picked up more coloured markers, the write on everything ones
(*) Suggested by Denyse after the issue of last weeks overbalancing


And Sara Davies came in to check me up s'morning. Dunno what to say, she seemed impressed with the many small ways I am getting better (eg)


And I discovered last night loads of free versions of Blackadder to watch and this silly song made my heart beat faster

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Not Swimming

And as Timmy said "I'm not well" we didn't go swimming but I did half of a mega cycle before I complained that it was too hard and stopped

Tuesday 17 November 2015


So we headed over to the big shopping centre at Llanelli tonight but couldn't find what we were looking for


So s'morning we went (through the rain) to gym and did loads of machines followed by a 10 minute cycle

Monday 16 November 2015


Then s'afternoon we had a phone call from Wilko saying "Your order has arrived, collect it" which we did. A bit strange but ordering online and collecting from the shop in a couple of days


We are off swimming in a bit....

Little Old Lady

And she came, did various swallowing listens etc and some speech & language and generally said that I was so much better than last year etc. She doesn't know whether we are finished now or whether she needs to update once a year or summat. Denyse will tell her

Christmas Pic

And another pic from the Carmarthen Journal, at the Christmas Lights do t'other night

Sunday 15 November 2015


As Sara Bailey (The Little Old Lady) is coming tomorrow and she is a "speech and language" therapist Timmy commented today about how much my speech has improved over the last year. Frankly I have forgotten why a S&L is involved as I am used to being able to speak etc again. So hopefully she will be impressed etc with what's going on
Apparently when Timmy started work he would not be able to understand everything that I said, whereas now it is as clear as.....




And because Sara Bailey (the little old lady) is coming to see me tomorrow morning I will have to do my weekly shop a day early (ish) today. Some weeks we do go on a Sunday but........
And we did it, got everything etc
And I walked about the house s'morning, walked to the car, wheelchaired about the shop, walked from the car to the house and continued walking after we got back home

Saturday 14 November 2015

Bet On Football

So if you bet summat obscure like all tonight's matches one team will score 2 goals you might be rich

Read It

So on my Kindle I have just finished book 2 of Alien Hunter, which was...... But I read it all by myself


So to make dinner tonight I had to cut up a carrot, a parsnip, a courgette, a small turnip type thing, few 'shrooms and a small piece of broccoli . With my right hand. Gord, it still isn't as good as cutting as it used to be but it is 17 times better than it was a few months ago

Friday 13 November 2015

Christmas Lights

Then over dinner time we headed into town to watch the Switching On Of The Christmas Lights. We got invited into the main area as they were asking some cripples to come out of the crush and we spent an hour listening to all kinds of music etc before there was a firework display up the hill
WTF are they playing at, it's mid November....


So some collectors called at the door s'morning for Children In Need and I took the pennies pot out and poured some in. They thought I was being really generous tipping a pot of cash for them but I didn't. So.....

Don't Panic

And Timmy is telling me "Don't panic, we have already done it together" as Mark is coming in s'morning for his first shift on his own and it is a relatively busy morning, Aardvark then gym class
So we went shopping first, I thought we had done well and got everything but... Anyway we came back and unpacked it etc then went to gym
Now at gym class I has to try and be so grateful to Sam for teaching me how to get back up etc. I did some other exercises etc but this was the most important thing by a long way that I needed to do
Then after lunch we had to go back to Aardvark for the organic juice which we had forgotten s'morning

My Gob Is A Bit Smacked

And as I haven't seen Sam since last week today I feel the need to bow down, kiss her feet etc and say "Thank you for teaching me to get back up" after I had to get back up a few days ago, and I managed, it is relatively easy for me, now....


It's Friday the 13th today...

Thursday 12 November 2015

Yr Hen Dderwen

Then early evening me and Timmy went out and had a coffee in the pub on King Street that is trying to present itself as an eat, drink, and have fun place


And so we headed to gym before lunchtime and there I did a mega cycle, 10km in somewhere about 50 mins. And I remembered to take a bottle of water with me to stop for a drink every 10 mins or so


So there was a knock at the door last night, I answered it and it was the chap from the cake bakers house sort of across the way. He said "A neighbour up the street was broken into t'other night, so be careful, make sure you lock the doors and shut windows...."

Wednesday 11 November 2015


And I made a dinner tonight which was rather nice, but there were no chips, not proper ones or sweet potato ones.


So 10 minutes before we nipped out to shops s'morning I went to the loo.  As we went out I thought "I feel like I need a pee b4 we go..." but then "No just been" so I went out after feeling that I needed a pee and went round 2 shops and didn't go to the loo when coming back. So telling when I really need the loo and not wetting myself 'cos I made the wrong decision... So difficult this being a grown up

Shopping B4 Swimming

So today it sez "Swimming" at 1PM on my diary so I think we will nip out to Farmfoods to get sum more frozen stuff before that
Which we did, generally "spud" type accompaniments and ice cream for pudding. And another load of veg, from another shop, to make a dinner tomorrow, like Julia said "Better cook veg than eat frozen food"
Then we did head to t'pool where once again I struggled to throw my ball, did a few lengths and exercises. Again I couldn't remember how to move my arms all the time, it would go wrong mid length etc
AND as we headed into Morrisons s'morning a chap closed the door and said "2 minute silence" so we stood there thinking all kinds of thoughts until at 2 minutes past 11 he opened the door again and we felt we could speak again

Tuesday 10 November 2015


And we are off out in a bit to a meeting of The Green Party in Johnstown (about 1/2 mile away)
And it was...... a bit quiet but we talked about what we think should be done etc etc


Then we headed to gym to do my exercises. Alex said "Bring your chair just in case after your fall" but he pushed it, I walked


So I was in the kitchen, went to sit down in my chair missed and tumbled over backwards. Dunno why I overbalanced but.... Alex picked my chair back up and I was able to stand up using that

Monday 9 November 2015

A Busy Day

Well so for the rest of the day I was...


And we (me and Timmy) are nipping to the swimming pool in a bit....
And actually today it wasn't so bad, I almost enjoyed it...

Busy Morning

So at 9.00AM s'morning I was sat on the loo when there was a knock at the door. GGtGG answered it and it turned out to be the chap that Timmy was expecting at 2PM s'afternoon to tell him about quotes. Gareth phoned Timmy and then asked the chap to include this and that in the quote that he will post to this address in a few days

Sunday 8 November 2015

More Reasons...

And as it Timmy working tomorrow and he disapproves and GGtGG claimed to know where the short sell-by Na'an bread are to be found we decided that today would be a Morrison's trip

Keeps The Doctor At Bay...

And s'morning I had an apple about 11AM. All by itself but it gave me so much pleasure to eat. I suspect it was more pleasure than b4 my accident, it is so clever/impressive now...

I Used To....

Well, I used to work for a couple, he would be on the farm about 16 hrs a day, she would do the same a few days a week but then other days she was on the phone saying "Organic orders?" etc

Saturday 7 November 2015


And it is a word that I had forgotten but researching into heathenism, paganism etc it came up.
Oh yes, I am striving towards it......


So again I chopped all the veg to make a roasted veg dinner with my right hand. I have been able to do this for a few weeks now but it is still such a big event after not being able to for about 12 years


And I got another hand exerciser machine thru the post today and I feel that I can actually use this one, the first one I got just wouldn't be crushed by my right hand


And after lunch I ate one of the apples that I bought on Friday, the small enough for my teeth to work on them ones. And I didn't have a knife on the plate this time, I knew they were small enough so I just got stuck in, and it was a bit lovely, delicious and fulfilling on so many levels

Friday 6 November 2015


Then at bath and nap time we had to go to the Dr's for my yearly anti flu jab which didn't hurt too much


And I am exhausted now but the gym class went well. Still able to get down to the floor, crawl backwards, sit down, go backwards and stand up!!

Aardvarking Across The Universe.....

And so we went to Aardvark s'morning and did my usual big shop


So last night as I was going to bed I thought "Check if your muesli is prepared" but on reflection I could remember preparing it and putting it in the fridge. And I could be sure of when etc. In some aspects occasionally my memory is working like a proper person's memory....

Thursday 5 November 2015

A Private Bath

And because Timmy had no more cream to rub on my back and chest after I got dried today I went to the bathroom alone, and stayed alone, I will be alone until after I have finished my nap
For the first time in a year...

Mega Bike

As we went to gym today Timmy said "I notice that you didn't do a mega cycle last week", I reply "I did what they told me" so he said "I better tell them..." so we did a 10km cycle, 3 weeks ago it took nearly an hour, 2 weeks ago 53 minutes, none last week and today 44 minutes
OK, well actually last week I did half the distance in a third of the time then said "Enough, knackered now"

Wednesday 4 November 2015


And we went to my local pub tonight. It was fine, I was sat at the bar chatting up the barmaid when she said "You were in with her a few months back. How do you know Freya Amsbury?" It turns out she was at secondary school in the same class

Dr Phoned

And the Dr phoned me s'afternoon and said 'You ordered a repeat 'script with your anti acne cream on it, how's it looking, can I not write that out for you as you have been using it for ages?" So I had to say "Yes, try me without it"


And at half four we nipped out and bought more ingredients, I haven't cooked frozen food in about a week!!!


And we went swimming over lunchtime. It went OK, exercise, stretch etc then we got out.
It stopped being good then.
In the big disabled changing room was a chap. So we went round to the first smaller room, someone in there too so we went round to the far one. We got in, unpacked then I got under the shower. Except it doesn't fscking work. So back outside to wait for one of the other rooms to be free.
And of course it was the smaller one which was first

Unscrew The Oven

So I got an email from the folk that I had emailed about buying a new knob for the oven saying that I can't see the model no, but GGtGG was working, looked at it and said "Right, take out these screws we will be able to move the oven forward"
I said "WTF" but he managed it, found the serial no. on the top then put the oven back, away again and screwed it back in

She Has Been

And she came, was as skilled as ever on my toenails and has gone now.
Missing you already.....

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Glorious Greta (or Luscious Linda)

So the 'cutting my toenails' woman is coming to take some cash away tomorrow. I am a bit gobsmacked, last time she was here she cut my big toenail so far back that the scar is still visible now, 8 weeks later. And it didn't hurt that much.
Gord I am in awe of her cutting skills..... (And marginally in awe of her beauty too but that is secondary) 


And we had the rest of the bean stew that I made t'other week for dinner. Defrosted it, saucepan, sweet potato oven chips and garlic bread.
Yum fscking yum, it was delicious as even Alex told me after dinner


So today we went to gym to do the '4 machines then 10 mins on the bike' session, and again it was easier in so many ways than last week. Bendability, strength, it is so much better

See Ya

So Mark is off s'morning after his first 'on your own' shift and he hasn't done too badly. He had to be told "No, do it like this...." about a couple of items but he eg did the washing up carefully etc and he listened to my criticisms so hopefully he won't be too bad. And he knew about the jobs I have waiting for him but was too busy yesterday to get stuck in....

Monday 2 November 2015

Stir Fried

And we had Stir Fry for dinner, stir fry veg, a tub of fruity juice and some egg noodles to fit in. It was very nice. I think I used to cook it, got into trying to make my own chopped up veg which didn't have the fruity juice on it so wasn't as nice so I got bored. However I have proved that I like this, I can make it, so at a guess every Monday or Tuesday.....

Dun Shopping, Now.....

So Mark came in today, it's his first shift by himself. So I took him to Morrison's s'morning which went well enuf, I got all my small shopping list etc.
In a few minutes we are off to the swimming pool......
Well it went OK. Did my exercises then another 2 lengths breaststroke (with my flippers). It went OK in the pool but when we came out we had to wait 15 mins for a disabled changing room and even then we had to go in the small, not enough room to function, room

Sunday 1 November 2015

Clear, blue sky

And this afternoon we were under a clear blue sky. Well sunny and well warm. Wintertime, where is it, it's November now.....

I Started The Month OK

Saturday 31 October 2015


And I thought I recalled Ed's eating habits so I said to him s'morning "Want fried veg or Lentil Bollock-Knees for tea?". So yes, I did recall and he said "Anything but fried veg".....

Failed On Two

So I have failed twice this month, recently!!
Wibble. Suck Seeded in the end, sorry for talking nonsense


Festival Of Dead today.......

Friday 30 October 2015




Just wow again, how much better am I at my Tofustring exercises this week...

Second Things

So I went to my only class @ gym at lunchtime today. Again small improvements, I didn't used to be able to step onto the trampoline thing with my right foot, it was too high, now I can. Also doing the hold on and get down to the floor. I couldn't do it at all a few weeks ago, now I get down, crawl backwards, turn over and get into a sitting position on the floor then reverse the actions and pick myself up from the floor.

First Things First

So s'morning we nipped to Aardvark (*) and did my weeks shopping, milk, yoghurt, veg etc. While we were in there another woman came in shopping, it was Ann(e) who with Graham owned and ran it when I worked there

(*) We had to park out the back again, luckily they don't mind important customers parking there although you are not supposed to
It's all done now, quiet few minutes then off to my once a week gym class in a bit

Thursday 29 October 2015

Iechyd Daing

So, not much time after the last trip there we are going out to Iechyd Da again, just for a come all ye folk night this time
We got there early, we were the only customers for half an hour but it did pick up later


As we went mega cycling yesterday today I just went on lifty machines. On the bendy leg one I was able to have it set to bend my leg further than last week.
Small improvements but they are coming every week

Wednesday 28 October 2015


And I explored in my cupboards then went shopping and bought veg so we are having a Pasta Lentil Bollock-Knees for dinner tonight
Ooooooh. Wasn't that delicious. I made noise eating it and Gareth also told me it was well worth the hassle. I had to remind myself how to cook it by looking at a very small webpage. And I did all the chopping with my right hand!!


So I am not sure. I said to Gareth s'morning "No swimming, half term....." he replied "Perhaps...." so I am getting all my FES on etc to go to gym and taking my trunx with me, we will see which is quietest and if we do go swimming I will have to take my FES off and wrap it up etc
So no, by the time we got there the pool was full of kids so we went upstairs to the gym instead. I got on a bike again but this time aimed for a quicker cycle. By the time I gave up I had gone half of the distance I covered t'other day but I only took a third of the time I took that day. Half the distance in a third of the time

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Stirring Fry

And we are having a stir fry for tea tonight, which I used to cook once a week or so but haven't for ages. But as I can't remember what to do.......
And it was quite nice....... 


And me and Alex headed to gym and did 4 exercises and 10 mins on the bike. Just good lord again, it is all easier than last time I tried, again

Monday 26 October 2015

Out For Tea

And as I protested about cooking for 3 of us* we are heading out to The Tafarn Tanerdy tonight, for a petty cash dinner and I will pay for mine
Yes and very nice it was. The landlord said "We usually see you at the weekend. Monday??", I s'pose I am distinctive looking...
* This is the last night we will have 3 of us fir now, Mark is "fully qualified" to drive me about etc now


And s'morning before we headed off to the pool the postman knocked the door and handed me some swimming aids
And good lord, what a difference they make. It is still difficult but I seem much more .......

Busy Morning

So first of all we have to nip to Morrison's and amongst other stuff try and pick up a stir fry pack with additions, I used to make these regularly but I haven't for a while....
Then after someone has taken off my sockings we need to head to the swimming pool
And we went shopping and did that, now we are back indoors for half an hour before swimming. Hooray
But when shopping I had on my list a stir fry ingredients and a sauce for it. I had no noodles on my list as I own some old ones here but I am looking forward to tomorrow....

Sunday 25 October 2015

Right Hand

And I have just peeled all the veg I am roasting for dinner with the peeler held in my right hand. 6 items, I didn't start with my right then give up half way thru, I just did it all
And then I chopped it all with my right hand too.....

Out In Carmarthen

So it had stopped raining about 11.30 s'morning so I said to Alex "Head to town" so we did, was a bit gobsmacked at how many shops were open/people were shopping, the god botherers must feel that they have lost

Time Will Tell

And waking up s'morning I had to set the time on my watch and the battery clocks in the front room and the bathroom but all others have changed themselves. My PC, my mobile phone, my iPad...

Saturday 24 October 2015

Eating An Apple

I haven't bought any apples for ages because my teeth couldn't do with biting them, once it was cut up it was fine but I couldn't do this biting thing....
So this week I bought 2 small apples, dunno why, they just cried out to me. So at lunchtime I got lunch, an apple and I brought a knife so I could cut it up. But because they are smallish apples and my teeth & mouth are better than they were last year I could just eat the whole apple without using the knife, I just bit it
My mouth and jaws are well 'better'

Half A Gadget

So one of my new purchases arrived s'morning. It is a "hold your Kindle upright, so you can read it comfortably" device, and just WOW.
It is like the "Prop your iPad" thingy I had been using but half the size, it fits and can be moved about comfortably. The iPad and device are in the background of the photo

Friday 23 October 2015


Then me and GGtGG went to gym and got stuck in to a class. But halfway thru I was doing a "get down and crawl" exercise when Sam approached me and said "Right, finish crawling and turn over to a sitting position". I said "No, I won't be able to stand back up" she said "Try it" and I did it, to sitting on the floor. Then I turned back over, crawled about 10 moves forward, grabbed the chair and was able to stand back up. WTF, really gobsmacked so I had to it again to prove to me that I can
That is just a wow, how much am I improving. So if I fall over anywhere I will probably be able to get myself upright, unasisted

Busy Day

Well there is the usual busy Friday day today....
So we managed the Aardvark shop first thing. As well as "normal" shopping I also headed upstairs (switch off your FES, walk up, switch it back on) and bought bog roll and toothpaste too. But I found everything that was on my list

Thursday 22 October 2015

Club Iechyd

Then we, all 3 of us, went off to a groovy "Gig" night, as opposed to the usual open door do at Caffi Iechyd Da. And it was rather nice, eat from their 100 veggie menu, drink some organic bitter beer and have a listen

Did The Washing Up

Then after lunch I did the washing up because we are going out to a bonus Iechyd Da night tonight as well as next Thursday

Team Handed

Right so we are going swimming today, me and Timmy and MightyMark and we are meeting another therapist, Sara(1), in't pool
But I mustn't get my stuff out of the cupboards first, MM has gotta learn what to take and where it lives
(1) SexySara?

Good lord, we did it. 1) Sara was well impressed with how much better I am than
a few months ago when she last saw me and 2) We managed to do a bit of
forward swimming with no aids, only a few meters but it is still an improvement

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Mega Cycle

And today instead of swimming I have gotta go to gym and do another 10km cycle, which took me the best part of an hour last time I did it but it is supposed to be "slightly quicker" today
And "how sad can I be" but Google Maps tells me that is about the distance of my long cycle as a youth, from my house on Lisburn Rd to Steph's house in a nearby town, Lisburn
Well, against my will, I did that 10km, and I did it about 10 minutes quicker today

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Wrong Day

So I am going swimming today instead of on Monday....... to confusing to....... dunno, can't think of an excuse but.....

Monday 19 October 2015

Fried Dinner

And me and Timmy cooked a just fried veg and cheese omelette and some sweet potato oven chips for tea. It was very nice if a little complicated to cook

It Works

So today for the first time I was able to leave the bathroom after my bath and shut the door behind me, no 57 point turn to shut it then 57 point turn to get back out, it just works!!!


A good post from ATP

Not Swimming

And today I am just going to gym not swimming as Mark has to learn about this and he is working today. So I am going tomorrow instead
So me and Mark went to gym while Timmy sat downstairs and waited for us


So I went to Morrison's s'morning, did the rest of my shopping

Sunday 18 October 2015

And Nowt On My Diary to do....

So my usual Sunday chores.

1) Change the bed.
  • No did that yesterday as the rest of the washing was empty yesterday
2) Perhaps go shopping.
  • No, because Mark has to come with us and learn my routine tomorrow

And we are going to gym Monday and swimming Tuesday because Mark has gotta learn my routine using which machines etc and he is working Monday next week

Saturday 17 October 2015


And today Neil's Unwillingness was taken into account and we didn't head off to Laugharne to see the gig tonight....


And today I am under 16 stone for the first time in a long time. Am I so much lighter because Ed the ex-barber, ex-care assistant and now nurse was working for me today? (And cutting my hair!)

Friday 16 October 2015


And when I walked into the pub up the street tonight one person commented on how he had never seen me walk before, last time he was in't pub I was stuck in my 'chair

Dinner Time

And we had that delicious Friday treat tonight too.....


And I went to gym and did loads of exercises. Yes, my limbs are still fscked but they are so much better than they were a few months ago........
One of the things I achieved was the getting down to your knees, crawling backwards and forwards then picking myself up. Even Sam said "I don't need to watch now, you can just do it...."


So tomorrow we are off to Laugharne to see the special band playing


So we went to Aardvark s'morning and spent way too much cash on food....

Sigh it's Friday

So s'morning to Aardvark then to gym for my class

Thursday 15 October 2015

He's Fixed It!!!

And after Mark did some WD40ing yesterday the bathroom window now opens again.
And, more to the point, it shut again 3 hours later

How Far?

So today me and Timmy headed out to buy some spinach to add to tonight's dinner (Dunno why?) then we went to Gym. Where I cycled the furthest I have gone since my accident. 10km in total. So yes, I feel a bit fscked now but.....
In just under an hour I managed it, just

Copper At Door

Then s'morning there was a knock at the door and it was a policeman saying "2 houses were broken into up the road yesterday, up your security" so.....
Then s'afternoon someone dropped this thru my letter box

Wednesday 14 October 2015

More Cooking

So we had another made from scratch dinner, we had Green Beans with Tomatoes and New Potatoes (without the olives as described in the recipe) which doesn't really tell you how it was made etc but it was nice anyway

But First

But first we all nipped out to Aardvark and Morrison's to get the ingredients for tonight's dinner

Team Handed

So me and GGtGG and Mark have gotta go to the pool s'morning. Mark's advice has already helped so we will see if his teaching ill folk to swim experience helps even more
He just encouraged me, saying "Keep it up, you're doing well" etc, so.....

Tuesday 13 October 2015

More Spectating

Then tonight I got to watch/help Alex make a delicious casserole
The video didn't work so we have 1, 2 and 3 parts


And we headed to the gym s'morning and did various exercises on machines. Today, for the first time, I tried a Cross Trainer (noisy link) which was possible but made my head explode. You need to move your arms in a different direction....
On the video I was only doing the first exercise, for now......

Monday 12 October 2015

Spectate @ Dinner Time

So today I had the first of my week long "Watch us cook" nights. So I watched Timmy make a Spanish Style Omelette which while nice was far too much hassle and I think a Normal British Omelette with oven chips eg would be nicer and a bit easier to cook


So I went to the pool with Timmy, got in, did some exercises then set off swimming. So Mark had said, after last time when he was in there with us, that while still breaststroking that I should try moving my hands diagonally downwards while on a stroke instead of straight backwards. Now I had all sorts of issues with the new stroke but it was working. Timmy commented on how much faster I was swimming etc

Sunday 11 October 2015

Bored Tonight

We had a chat last weekend and I agreed to go see The Martian (noisy link) tonight.
But today I decided all by myself to go see The Suffragette next weekend instead but after GGtGG said "Well it is on at 7.20 tonight" and left it at that, OK, I am gonna use my CEA card tonight to see The Martian, and possibly next weekends trip out too. Timmy will be pleased
And it was a bit excellent, we were sat in the wrong place for vision but I coped

More Reasons

Today, just before lunchtime, we headed to More Reasons To Shop At (noisy link) and did my weeks extra shopping, but we didn't need and salad today, I had run out early this week so presumably we will run out even earlier next week

Saturday 10 October 2015


And "someone" suggested that instead of watching the rugger on t'telly here tonight that we head into The Ivy Bush Hotel and watch it on their big screen and have dinner out while watching the rugger
So we will have tonights planned dinner tomorrow
And we did go, had a lovely dinner in nice surroundings with a good (but not raucous) crowd, but we did get to watch Wales losing rugby
And for the first half of a half I sat in the proper low down chairs until I got uncomfortable and moved back to my wheelchair.  I was shitting myself, I tried to stand up, failed, thought "Erm...." but just managed the second time. But a few weeks ago I wouldn't have been able to manage standing from such a low starting point
And I had a pee, went out, watched the rugby for 2 hours (give or take..). and didn't need another pee until I had been back in the house for 10 or 20 minutes. It's a bit embarrassing to talk about fairly regularly but last year I would have been out of the hotel room 2 or 3 times during the 2 hrs of a match

Friday 9 October 2015

Friday Dinner

So tonight I made 2 pizza's as usual on Friday but also had to boil some pasta and microwave some pasta sauce from the freezer as Mark was working on a learner basis too


And then we all went to my gym class which went well, even tho Sam is on holiday today.
On the step over device which I usually have to put my right foot round instead of over, they had put some lower tiles in every other go. So I was able to step over each one, alternating right and left feet

Aardvarking With.....

So Mark is gonna come to Aardvark with me and GGtGG so he will learn how to park/shop etc.
I have got a slightly bigger shopping list than usual as "me and my staff" are cooking more from Monday

Thursday 8 October 2015

Extra Hand

So today Timmy is working with the newbie Mark

Team Meeting

So today I have gotta try and mind my own business as Denyse and potentially the whole team are coming here for a "team meeting"
And I sat in for the first hour but have been asked to leave now so......

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Went Out

And because he was at a..... me and GGtGG went up the street to the pub tonight. I was complaining about not being able to get in on Thursday for the Rugger World Cup and she did say that someone else (she wasn't working last Thursday) had opened, perhaps just with the door around the side as.......

Hooray For 'Wimming

And we (me and GGtGG) are off to the swimming pool in a bit.....
And he did manage to get me doing sum breaststroke
And I won't be coming to gym tomorrow as there is a "team meeting" happening in my house

I'm So Lucky...

That this doesn't apply to me, I have my own income.....

Alex Said.....

He said....."
No Neil, shhhhhh

Tuesday 6 October 2015

In Town

So we headed into town s'evening because "I'm bored" but we did find ourselves shopping and bought a wig to wear to Rocky Horror Show in a quid shop


Then after our shopping trip we headed into the gym where I did 5 machines then 4 and a big bit KM on the bike


Then first thing we had to head over to the chemist that didn't have everything on my 'script yesterday to finalise that and it was done
I walked from the car, to chemist(*) and back
(*)Down the scary slopy bit etc

Made It Work

So s'morning I video taped the Dancing Flower that the postman brought yesterday

Monday 5 October 2015


And for tonight's dinner I am trying that made from scratch pasta sauce

To The Docs

Then we had, all 3 of us, to head to the Drs to pick up a 'script for cream, because it was raining I wheelchaired instead of walking, then down to the chemist  to pick them up. They gave me an "owes you" 'script for 1 piece, so tonight or tomorrow we will be back

'Wimming Again

And this time I am taking the "teach disabled folk to swim" new MOS swimming so.....
And it went OK, we took out list of exercises to so and did them then I did 3 lengths breast stroke. Dunno why it wouldn't work t'other day, perhaps I just need a Timmy in the water or summat

Sunday 4 October 2015


And I had my first "Shave your whole face the same" shave today

To Be Continued

Aargh, I watched yesterday's Dr Who s'morning, it was excellent but it says "To be continued" at the end......

Saturday 3 October 2015

More reasons to shop...

So I needed to go and buy more salad before lunchtime tomorrow and some bits, but as it's Timmy working in the morning and he will be grumpy about my looking for Quorn Sausages and Chopped Onion eg I decided that we better go tonight

Neil's Fashion

So today I was glancing at The Gruniad and there was an article about me

Nipped Out

Then we nipped out to Wilko's to buy another mirror as.....
OK, when shaving with my electric razor I can't look in the mirror and see my left cheek, because my eyes were so fscked and they only partly mended it so I can't look even the 5 degrees left required to see my cheek, so I now have 2 mirrors, one to use for most shaving and then bring another into play and shave my left cheek with both

Got That Saturday......

So it's Saturday today. I changed my bed, had breakfast and........ fsck all else

Friday 2 October 2015

Dinner (Dinner Bat Man)

So we had the traditional Friday Night Dinner of na'an bread pizza and proper chips and again it was lovely


So tonight we headed over, bought more traditional oven chips, more sweet potato oven chips, and a few bits of ice cream etc


And as I am lying in bed after my bath, my right leg is warm enough, my left leg is warm enough, my bum and arms etc are warm enough but my right toes are fscking freezing


And we had a gym class with a chap instructor as Sam is away on holiday but I still astonished myself with how much more I can do
My right knee, I have been struggling to not let it go too far back on walking, but today I just realised that I need to tighten all the muscles in my whole knee and that keeps it in a proper position


And I just about managed to not call "Gareth, ignore Timmy, we need to be @ shop" went to Aardvark, parked at the back, and bought everything. And we were back here three quarters of an hour before we need to pop to gym

Thursday 1 October 2015

Walkies To Pub

And I walked all the way to the pub and it was shut. So Mark walked back home to get the car, while I finished walking the rest of the way to the pub so I can say "Did it". So we drove into town and went to the Rose And Crown where the telly is on but the match hadn't started.
Ooh we won too!!


So we all went to gym and I did less exercise on more machines so Mark can get familiar


So Mark is shadow shifting with Timmy today. I have a few jobs 4 him then we (all 3 of us) are going* to the pub to watch rugger and have dinner at the same time
Walking there from here, all of us!!!

Wednesday 30 September 2015


Then we went swimming again, I still can't do breaststroke under GGtGGs instruction but we did all exercises and 4 lengths on my back etc

New Monitor

So I was expecting a second hand monitor for the bedroom PC s'morning. Waiting and waiting, I thought "In 20 minutes we have gotta go swimming. Hope he arrives while we are still here to accept a big parcel" Then in 5 minutes he arrived, with nothing for me today. I thought "Tomorrow then" and then in another 5 minutes a new PO van pulled up outside the house and unloaded my new monitor. I unpacked it, said "Looks good" etc then we went swimming. Afterwards we were able, no I wasn't able to, I watched GGTGG plug it in etc and it works. Properly etc, I am a bit pleased


And I have just phoned up and booked (I have got a Hynt card now, so my carer goes for free) to see The Rocky Horror Show (noisy link) in Cardiff in IIRC February next year
"The river was deep but I swam it, Janet....."


Paraplegic man walks again with help from electrodes
(noisy link)

Tuesday 29 September 2015


And tonight (as usual) I was lying here and all the rest of me felt warm enough but the toe section of my right foot was shivering thru cold


Then tonight Alex said "Lets go out, not to Carmarthen like we always do" so we headed down to Burry Port to look at the boats etc and they actually launched the lifeboat while we were there


Then after lunch we headed out to Charlies, a kind of all sorts shop where I found summat for my Dad at Christmas. So I have been busy online too this week and I have already bought nearly all the Xmas pressies that I want


So before lunch me and Alex headed to gym and I did lifty up exercises and 20m on the bike. I did notice that on the bike I didn't need to stop for a rest, I just cycled 4 and a bit KM. I am so much fitter than a couple of weeks ago

Monday 28 September 2015

Confusing Day

And we have had an odd day, me and GHtGG doing as normal and Timmy and Mark being in the background, training Mark.
But good lord, my MOS need to know loads and loads about me


Then we headed into town later looking for Xmas pressies, found one for my Mum but nowt else


So we went off swimming today. I was really struggling to do the breaststroke, dunno why, I was doing it all properly, push off the wall, kick loads and move arms, just didn't succeed today. So I did 2 lengths of not really stroking, 2 lengths on my back and many hamstring exercises. GGtGG said "Come on then, get out" but I tried again to do a breath breaststroke, still couldn't, dunno what the issue was

Getting Easier

So because I am going swimming today I carried the half pile of washing out of my room to leave by the machine, I will fill it up later when we come back from the pool. But today I walked on two feet, walks stick in left hand as usual and the box of washing in my right hand. Just phwoargh, how much better is my tight hand? It seems like no time since I had to wheelchair out of my room in order to carry half a box of washing etc

Sunday 27 September 2015


So s'afternoon we headed to The Trostre Shopping Center in Llanelli to try and find some stuff for Xmas. I found summat for my parents and f. all else
Apart from some wrapping paper.

More Reasons To Shop At...

So s'morning me and Alex went shopping (noisy link) as I finished last weeks salad yesterday. They only had 1 pkt of granary or brown baps, I had to buy a packet of white too

Not So Urgent

So while I am having my breakfast s'morning I do need a pooh but it is not so urgent today, I can eat my breakfast and drink my coffee and do the washing up first
Back to normal.....

Saturday 26 September 2015

Right Hand

And cooking dinner tonight, I had to chop "some" veg to put in a pasta sauce, a red onion, a courgette and a big mushroom, and I took my knife in my right hand and chopped up all the veg. I did not use my left hand at all
Until It came time to eat......
And I am just walking about the kitchen when preparing food. No stick, no chair. I do walk slower with no stick but I can do it


And Ed the hair cutter (and....) is working again today
But most mohicans don't consist of grey hair.....

Nipped Out

And we nipped out to Wilko s'morning to fetch more "kitchen cleaner" stuff and staff bog rolll etc.


And s'morning I got up at about 10 to 8 and immediately went for a pooh before my breakfast. That's different to usual

Friday 25 September 2015

But I Can't

And I spent ages today farting about with video files. So I made some .mp4 into much smaller .avi files, tried to put them on my website, couldn't. OK, went back and tried to put the .mp4s on, still not working. So I had almost given up, looking again and again for answers on that Interweb when I came across summat which said "Your bandwidth will cost too much, put it on youtube" and 'Doh, of course', that worked


Then Sam did my head in (more than usual) at gym, I was on the stretchy thingy and she looked at me and said "Just crawl backwards" which I just did. Then we were doing various balance exercises, lifting each leg in turn, then each hand etc
It was just really strange, doing stuff that I would have said "No, impossible" tio even a couple of weeks ago


So as usual we went shopping in Aardvark s'morning and found everything that was on my list

Thursday 24 September 2015

Oogie Woogie

And it was as entertaining as usual at Iechyd Da (noisy link). As usual Timmy didn't approve but I liked it


We live in a ridiculously capitalist world

Washing Up

And I did the washing up after lunch today as we are going out to Caffi Iechyd Da tonight

Cycle... to the moon & back

So in gym s'morning with Timmy I repeated the cycling 8 km thingy. I was obviously lazy, it took me 25 seconds longer today than t'other day. So yes, I didn't have a rest until I had already cycled 4 km, which used time be a total session involving 5 or 6 rests. That was the only test, that 1, in my 8 km today

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Farm Foods

We were in Farm Foods tonight buying more tea/coffee/sugar for the staff on my petty cash card when I glanced at one member of staff and nodded "Hello". She saw me and immediately came over. She said "Remember you asked but we didn't have any? Well we now sell Sweet Potato Oven Chips"
And I think they might be nicer (as well as cheaper) than the ones I had to buy from Tesco

Good-ish News

And Alex has just announced that as he is full of the cold we can't go swimming today. So hooray etc but he is gonna take me to gym for loadsa exercise machines as I just went on the Tour De France yesterday
And I went in and did loads of lifting exercises. One of them, lifting straight up from the shoulder, I was only able to do 3 or 4 times last week (because my right arm is fscked). Today I was able to do 18 lifts. I am just getting better in so many ways

Tuesday 22 September 2015


So I wasn't skiving today when I forgot but after Alex reminded me I got stuck in and did my sara-cises for the afternoon

Alex Mender

And Alex got stuck in with a hammer and the filing cabinet in my living room now shuts properly like it hasn't for a week now
So ta Alex....

Tommy Ducked

So today we went to gym and I got on one of the exercise bikes. And I cycled further that I have ever cycled on an exercise bike, 8 km (autoplay video, noisy) I did, I used to struggle to reach a few km
But yes, I am Tommy Ducked now, but I don't have too much to do s'afternoon

Monday 21 September 2015


And I used the first section of my spraying deodorant today. I wouldn't say "No problem" as I need to think about using it especially spraying it with my right hand but it worked. The future is now......

Swim A Long Way

So today in the pool with Timmy I swam 6 lengths breast stroke. And my right arm is much more able to do the strokes, keeping in position etc which it wasn't doing even last week
6 lengths, I used to struggle to do half a one

Sunday 20 September 2015

Small Ways

Lordy, I am still improving day by day in small ways


And there was a lot of fun had by folk on the Ixion do, oop in Yorkshire this weekend. I think I may go next year (more mobile etc) but dunno, it is such a distance away

Ha Ha Ha

Oh dear. These are just 2 of many but they got me......


So I was sat at the dining table at lunchtime realised that I had forgotten summat from the fridge. So I stood up and walked to the fridge without using my walky stick, I just left it on the back of my pushy trolley
I am so much better/more confident now


And today I got it together to not just look at at and actually burnt some incense, but I was right, my nose is too fscked to actually notice a difference


And we are gonna watch the first Wales game in the rugby world cup in a bit....
And I had to just watch the first half then bath/nap etc
So it started with Wales losing....  then it went on to them losing even more, but then Wales got back in touch and in the end they won by 40summat to 9 points or summat

Saturday 19 September 2015

At Cinema

So "we" were outside the cinema today and they are advertising one of my chat up lines as the name of a picture that's coming next week


And as I forgot to buy milk in Aardvark yesterday we had to nip to shop today. I thought shouldn't waste fuel just buying that so we went to Morrison's instead and got my weeks shopping that I was gonna do tomorrow


So s'morning I updated my iPad and it said "Password" and scared nine sense it stopped working altogether. Luckily Timmy knew how to reset it then I have spent a happy hour reloading my apps etc

Friday 18 September 2015


And we went out to my local pub to watch their big screen of world cup tonight
And England won the first match of the tournament.....

Fame And Fortune

So someone at gym today said "Have you seen The Carmarthen Journal this week?"


Then I went and did an exercise class with Sam. Again it is hard to say why but I am better than last week. She did say to me that next week we can start getting about on the floor and generally doing exercises while I am down there because my confidence, my ability to get back up, is so much better than it was a couple of weeks ago


So we headed to Aardvark first thing s'morning and bought not quite as much as usual as I still possess loads of veg that I bought last week. I checked it all s'morn so I can confidently cook it over the next few days

Thursday 17 September 2015

Popped Out

Then s'afternoon we popped into town mainly for a nosey but while we were there we bought some more clean myself scrub that I use every day in't bath

Furthest Cycled

So today we went shopping in Aardvark (to get some upstairs stuff) then in next door so Timmy could have sum breakfast (while I drank a cuppa tea) then we went to gym where I did 6 km on the bike, the furthest I have cycled in some years
And I am knackered afterwards

Wednesday 16 September 2015


So after Gorgeous Greta the Foot Fairy comes to take some money off me, me and Timmy are going swimming again. See how this breaststroke is coming along etc
Well she came and really impressed me with how much better the overgrown toenail on my right foot is looking now, again she cut well into the overgrown bit, making it smaller again
Then I went and did my swimming. It is a bit strange, doing breaststroke the right hand which on Monday was turning itself over has pretty much stopped, it is just doing what I tell it. So in between exercises and stretches I swam 4 lengths breaststroke. Which I couldn't do before my accident

Tuesday 15 September 2015

A Long Way

So today we headed to gym and I just got on a bike, and cycled 6.3km in the next half an hour.

Monday 14 September 2015


And I am reading once more. A book that was donated by an Ixie called Chernoble by Frederik Pohl. It is a serious long book but I have just finished the first quarter and it is mind boggling. A big disaster has occurred and noone is any the wiser. Yet


And today is a fscking 'wimming day.
Hooray etc he said sarcastically
Right. So what is Timmy doing differently than Gareth?  He said "Do this..... and make sure you do it like that" and I immediately swam 2 lengths of breast stroke


And today I am a bit impressed with the FES. I haven't had it on yet today but already my right foot is nearly being perfect. Walking into have breakfast I was hardly having to level it at all, it just does it by itself now

Sunday 13 September 2015


So Sunday..... we had to nip to Morrisons before lunchtime as I had run out of salad but that is the only exciting thing to happen today
OK it wasn't very exciting but.....

Saturday 12 September 2015

Early(ish) Bath

So I had an early(ish) bath <at the time I am supposed to every day> so we will be ready to head to The Cwtch about tea time
Which was a bit excellent if a bit muddy. Chappy soon realised that pulling me backwards, if a bit unsettling, made wheelchair progress possible


So he has won the Labour party leader election

Confused Conference

So me and Alex had a conference about heading to The Cwtch. I thought it was starting early so there was gonna be all kinds of bath/nap issues but actually it will be s'evening before "proper" bands get on so we won't go til then

Friday 11 September 2015

Friday Dinner

And what do I cook every Friday? AND tonight I cut the end off a red pepper so we had that too, pizza with onion, mushroom and red pepper. And garlic, with chips
And I experimented with using cling film to wrap the rest of the pepper tonight

Busy Day

So as well as my usual Friday busyness, Aardvark, gym class etc, today we have to nip down to the Dr's for a testosterone jab about nap time s'afternoon
Well we have done the Aardvarking, no problem. We were able to leave the wheelchair in the boot and walk in, it is still in't boot after we came home to put shopping away. In a bit it is off to gym, then lunch, nap, and testosterone jab in quick succession 
So we nipped to gym and again I am astonished at how much progress I am making. I am in bed for a nap but I didn't have time for a bath. Dr's. in an hour
And that was actually more scary than painful. She got me to stand up, took ages and ages to fill the syringe as the gloop is thick so I was becoming more unable to run away which I wanted to. She eventually stuck it in me and it hardly hurt at all. So PHEW