Thursday 31 August 2017

Good Time Was.....

And we had a good time at Iechyd Da tonight. There were fewer than usual spectators (which is bad from "their" POV) but some excellent muso's.
Pics taken but not "'done' 'til tomorrow. (And on Friday morning I can do them)
And it felt a bit strange, going out and having 3 pints of beer to drink and not falling over or being sick or wetting the bed or anything


And I was lifting my shoe up to put it on and I noticed the wire that connects to my FES was nearly broken, well the wire was complete but the covering was broken. I called Timmy and he came to look, they actually had a spare much to everyone's surprise but that means there is a job for Timmy first thing, phone them and get another couple of spares
I don't think it was anyone's fault, just the product had worn out

Thursday AM


So we have another busy Thursday morning, to Iechyd Da for the organic veg, to Morrisons for the rest of my shopping, then do some exercise
Then s'evening we are back to Iechyd Da for a Folk Night (noisy)
(Double Sigh) 
Well me and Timmy headed into town, it took 3 goes up King St before we found a parking space, we did Iechyd Da and said "See ya later" to the staff there, went Morrisons-ing and did that too. So we came back, put shopping away etc then I said "Timmy, gym?". Today I was directed to a rowing machine, the type that I couldn't use at all last week and today my ar*e let me do 2.1km so a lot better. Still not best but better

Wednesday 30 August 2017


And today also the postman brought a new bit for the freezer drawer, which luckily MM understood and was able to put it on the freezer drawer which was looking a bit sadder every day.

Where Shall We Go

Then today MM, as there is no swimming, took me to the Civic Centre in Swansea mainly because it has loads and loads of stairs, but also because it opens out to a lovely coastal path. All of which we used, it was lovely

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Unexpected Dinner

Then tonight we set off to walk thru town and actually ended up at Frankie And Bennys where we went in first just for a brew ('cos I needed to sit down too) but in the end we ate there. After being warned off by Stu t'other day we had a not too unpleasant meal
But this is the first time I have drunk that Alcohol stuff since I fell over a fortnight ago. Hopefully I haven't drunk so much, I am still in control tonight etc
Phew, no sick, no falling over.... 


So today Timmy took action with tape on the freezer drawer, dunno if it has been effective, wait and see


So I was trying out on a bike at the gym today. Basically  to see if my coccyx was objecting and it didn't object too much
So in the end I managed about 3.5 km of my target of 10km, but the fact that I could do any was an improvement

Monday 28 August 2017

Cheerful Drunk Man

And when we were out walking tonight a drunk man was coming t'other way and he said 'Hi' to me then he said to RoyGBiv 'He used to be in a wheelchair, used to be' which was nice


And the back door is still open, it has been so warm, even tho it is dark now the door is still open

Double Sigh

And Sara The Physio has just emailed me to say "Sorry, circs. beyond my control, tomorrow is cancelled. Will be in touch...."

Walkies Again

Sigh, therapeutic walkies again tonight. We are just heading into town......
And we parked opposite Caffi Nero, walked round town, up Red St/Chapel St, up past Caffi Iechyd Da and along King St and back down the far side of the old court building, Guildhall

Hope It Fits

And aargh, the already broken front of the top drawer in the freezer broke more today. So I hope this replacement fits

I CAN Walk Nowadays

And in the bathroom s'morning not thinking about it I just stuck my walking stick next to the door and walked without holding on, just walked, to the loo. Like I haven't been able to do for over a fortnight.

So it is proof, I AM getting better

This Morning

So first of all today I went to the gym with RoyGBiv and did various upper body exercises, as I can now.
Then we headed into town and I bought about a years worth of tissues from Merlins Walk. I could have just waited until I was in Morrisons in a couple of days but I tell everyone that it is therapeutic, a)Walking to get there, and b)Just conversing with the till operator etc

Feet and Legs Better

And this morning I can just tell that my feet and legs are behaving a bit better.....
But my fscking coccyx is still hurting, most sitting down positions.....

Saturday 26 August 2017

And remembered again

And I recalled to eat these again.....

Got An Appointment

And I received a medical appointment for next month through the post today. Dunno what they are checking, my FES probably


So we headed into town today, parked at the top of King St and called into 3 charity shops on the way along, popped down Jacksons Lane, past Caffi Iechyd Da, then turned right at the bottom and walked the rest of the way along Chapel St/Woods Row along to Little Water St which took us back up and we came out about 5 yds from the car
BUT most importantly we called into the Lyric Theatre to see what was on, and actually forked out oodles of cash for a ticket to see Andy Parsons, and as I have an "I'm A Cripple" card I got my MOS's ticket for free. I think it will be MM that night. I AM looking forward to it, I hope it is excellent 


So I was sitting outside before 10AM s'morning and it was so hot that I needed to take off my extra shirt and just leave myself with a t-shirt. It's warmer than it has been for roughly a fortnight

Friday 25 August 2017


So as the Window Fixers were quick today I did have time to have an early lunch then take myself off to Sam's Gym Class. Which I wasn't looking forward to as my leg is still fscked after my fall a fortnight ago but just WOW. I am even better than yesterday. I was able to walk up the stairs again, I was able to come back down which I couldn't manage yesterday, I was able to ride an exercise bike which again I couldn't manage yesterday so hopefully I am just better and better every day now

Clarking Bell

So the Window Fixers arrived early s'morning and did all the work dead quickly. I was impressed at how they can handle stuff.
BUT as they arrived early there is time for me to go to gym, I had thought there wouldn't be time but they finished and left by 1pm

Thursday 24 August 2017

My Memory

So I was heading to bed tonight, I came out if the lounge, walked down the hall then remembered. I had left the window in the lounge open, I needed to go back and shut it. By fark, an unexpected memory bonus


And we had to pop to the bank earlier and take out loads to pay the window fixer who came yesterday and looked at the job, they are coming tomorrow to mend my now properly closed or properly open windows, including the one that won't open or close since I left them partially open all winter


Then l8r on we headed into town for a walk about. Timmy had to call at a couple of shops but we did walk much further than that.
We parked outside Caffè Nero and walked uphill, Guildhall Square, then walked a little way along King St, down Jacksons Lane and back to the car that way

Wednesday 23 August 2017


So after lunch (and half an hour digesting time) we headed to gym. Again I was doing upper arm exercises at full weight and and I managed 3 or 4 minutes longer on the hurting Neil's arse machine. Today I walked all the way up the stairs not much of a problem but I bottled out of walking down as I was trying to bend my right leg first
Again it was as dull as a.... but I am getting better

What A Morning

So first of all I had to pop to the Drs to fetch my 'script. Then as we had 20 mins to spare we walked along King St and we popped into an Art Gallery and raised the tone then we popped to the Toenail Chopper and had that done. Then we came home and will pop back to gym after lunch


Aah, s'morning it all went as well as can be expected, phew

Tuesday 22 August 2017


So I went to the loo after breakfast same as usual to have my pooh of the day. Squeezed, squeezed and squeezed. Could only do about 25% of my pooh. It still felt like it was in there so I went back to the loo about 11 to try again. Again squeezed and squeezed. This time I did about the second 25%. So all day I felt that the business hadn't been finished but no pressure to try again. Then after 8 this evening I went and tried again, just half squeezed and the last half of my pooh came straight out. Phew.
Now I am waiting in excitement for tomorrow mornings attempt.....

Deep Sigh

So we went to gym s'morning and I said I thought my neck was well enuf to try some arm exercises and it was, we were up to full strength required etc, so back to normal. The only issue I had was with the machine to finish on. I couldn't do treadmill, my arse is too sore for bike but in the end we got on a pedal by hand machine which was OK. I only did 5 minutes but I think that was enough for today


So my phone rang s'morning, it was a woman from the toe chopper clinic confirming that my appointment is at 11.30 tomorrow. After she hung up I panicked and thought "It sez Wednesday for the appt in my diary", phoned them back and told them they had phoned, said "See u tomorrow" but I thought the appointment was on Wednesday.
She took a deep breath and said "Tomorrow is Wednesday"
Oh yes......

Monday 21 August 2017

More UberWalkies

So then after an early lunch we headed east to Aberafon, near Port Talbot. Which was miles away (it took ages to get there and back) but I was able to walk one way on the walk behind the wall above the beach and in the other direction actually along the beach. Which was a bit scary but obviously possible
And it rained all the way from home to Aberafon, stopped raining while we walked about the place, then started raining 5 mins after we were back in the car

To The Docs

Then me and MM had to head into the Doctors and leave in my 'script request as their online version is being updated. Which I then discussed, they took my other form, gave me a print out with details of how to enrol etc. Then I came home and enrolled. So I am in it now, just all the previous 'scripts are missing, but I will fill it in as I need it

New Car

And the chap just phoned me and told me to pick up my new car in a fortnight, it will be ready

Sunday 20 August 2017

Saturday 19 August 2017


And tonight after I went to bed I am listening to a Bob Monkhouse last ever show and it surprisingly excellent. A smidge smutty but excellent. In fact it is so good that I am not going to sleep until it is finished

Back Out

Then I remembered that I was supposed to nip to the cash machine today to fetch some cash as I spent loads last night when we were out for dinner so we popped into town, parked ½ way along King St and walked from one end to t'other and back, 2 full lengths even tho we were parked half way along. (As in we passed the car on the way to the other end, passed it) So in process we popped to cash machine and looked at every charity shop window but they were all shut

Broken Feeling Better

So when Timmy came into my room to do my Hamstring Exercises I asked him about my extra pillow, saying it felt uncomfortable sometimes. He said 'That was put on when you were 5.5 stone heavier, you might not need it anymore' which cheered me up no-end.
After he left I was undressing for my bath, I moved the extra pillow over to the other side of the bed, and knocked down my bedside lamp from the table. I picked it up and the bulb had fallen out, so 'Timmy' once more

Home On....

So s'morning we popped out for a walk round town but it was drizzling so instead we went to The Range and had a good look round at their millions of "home accessories"

Still Recovering

And today for the first time since last Saturday morning my neck doesn't hurt, I can turn my head fully right and left
And s'morning I walked into the bathroom, put my 'stick by the door and was able to walk the 3 steps to t'loo without holding on, again for the first time in a week

Friday 18 August 2017

Off Out

And we are popping out in a bit to fetch that Sturit chap and going out for a meal.
Which will be nice, he was one of my closest friends before my accident
Ooh, It was nice. So we had a starter, main course and pudding each, which was nice if a bit fattening

Cream, bottom

So "someone" recommended a cream to make my coccyx hurt less so Mark had the fun job of rubbing it on s'afternoon. Wait and see....

Better In Bed

And in bed s'afternoon I can lie on my right side again, for the first time in a week


So I had a class at gym s'afternoon and it wasn't as difficult and stressful as I thought. Apart from my go on the exercise bike. Oh I stayed on there for about 7 seconds before my coccyx was screaming


And night before last (IIRC) there was lightning happening during a rainshower

And Bad Jokes.
Three dead bodies turn up at a city mortuary all with very big smiles on
their faces. The Coroner thought he should inform the Police to tell them
what has happened. 'First body: Pierre Dubois, Millionaire French
Businessman, 60 years old, died of a heart attack while shagging his
20-year old porn star girlfriend. Hence the enormous smile said the Coroner
to the Police Inspector. 'Second body: Hamish McTavish, Scottish, 25 year
old, won £100,000 on the lottery. Spent it all on whisky and died of
alcohol poisoning, hence the smile.' The Inspector asked, 'What about the
third body?' 'Ah,' said the Coroner, 'this is a most unusual one. Paddy
Murphy, Irish, 30 years old, struck by lightning.' 'Why is he smiling
then?' said the Inspector. 'He thought someone was taking his picture.'

Chris Pollard

Sleep With It

And I slept with the night light on outside, it seems fine and not light disturbing. And when I switched on the bathroom light suddenly it was too bright for this and it switched off, temporarily

Thursday 17 August 2017

Gymless Day

So as we had a Gym free day today after dinner Timmy got the next section of his "telling me how to....." teaching work and we discussed various things that I was rubbish at but am slightly better now

Trip Out

Then after lunch we headed to Wilko where we bought a new extension lead and a Velcro pad set so we can put up the new nightlights to prevent me falling over at night when drunk, again.
The postman brought the nightlights earlier today. They seem to work but wont know how well until it is dark tonight


So we popped off s'morning to Iechyd Da and fetched my veg, then even before we brought the veg home we popped to the Drs and then a nurse called me in and was taking ages to make the thick gloop go into the syringe, she turned to me and it didn't hurt/take too long or anything, she just injected it into my arse
So that is my testosterone taken care of for another 3 months

Wednesday 16 August 2017

How Fat Did I Used To Be

So I am 2lbs short of loosing 5½ stones in the past. Just fark, I am still a chubby(ish) bloke, where the fark did I keep that 5½ stones????

Gym Wonkyness

And we popped to gym s'morning with instructions not to do any arm stuff as my neck/shoulder is wonky. First of all we tried the cycle but I only managed 1 km on that so then we tried the treadmill but again after 10 mins I was knackered

'Net Usability

So yesterday the internet failed occasionally and took ages to connect to my uploading website connection (FTP), whereas today, so far, it has been as quick as a very quick thing


So my neck is still hurting but my head is turnable around again. Even tho my neck hurts I can look to both sides again, for the first time since Friday

Tuesday 15 August 2017


So when we got there she said Denyse has been on the phone telling me that you fell over at the weekend so what needs doing? She examined all my movements etc then said "Right, acupuncture for your neck, is that OK with you?" and proceeded to stick I think it was 14 needles into me, only one hurt and that was only tiny. While we did various exercises she did say that after next weeks check up class that I am doing so much so well that I can stop coming to see her every fortnight. At a guess it will be every 6 months - a year between classes!!!

Busy Morning

So first thing s'morning we popped down to the Drs to pick up a new script for Asthma Inhaler and I thought "Might as well..." and got another couple of  bottles of chesty scrub even tho we were only just into the last bottle.
So now I am resting for half an hour then we need to have an early lunch and pop off to Pil near Bridgend to see the beautiful physio/nurse lady and I can complain about my neck hurting since I fell over on Friday


And after yesterdays crisis on a day when  I have washing to do it looks a bit more promising

And the weather forecast person after the news today said it will rain tomorrow, when I have no more washing to do but will be sunny again on Thursday, when I do the next load


And I have just gone to bed with my armrest thingy on, for the first time since last Friday that I have felt well enough to

Monday 14 August 2017

Video Crisis

So I saw some folk on the news taking videos with their mobile phones and thought "Yes, I...." and first of all got stuck into trying to sort out my posh camera. After about 3 hours I ended up again on the video settings menu, in the end I asked MM "HTF.....?", he looked, said "Scrap all the alterations, look, and press that small red button next to the picture button". Aargh. Then I spent another 2 or 3 hours trying to put it on my website, loads of different ways, none of which worked, then summat called out in my head "Youtube, there is an upload button at the front....". So in the end I sorted it, and took another similar video with my mobile phone, well no, I took many, upside down, wrong side up etc, in the end I figured out how to do it properly

Weight Training

So I tried to do some ham string weights like I did every day until the disaster on Friday night and I haven't done them since. The first load with only 1 small weight was OK, so I did the second lot with 2 small weights. In the past I would do it with a heavy weight which was the same weight as the 2 small ones AND 1 would use a small one too. So I will try it with just the heavy one to start with tomorrow then move up to both if I can


That was a bit strange. So we got there, looked round and went over to sit with 3 women who were at a guess between my age and 65, all sufferers in one way or another. I lost all 3 games we played but I suppose the point of the afternoon was to connect with them which I think actually did happen


Lovely day for a.....

Lordy, yesterday I did a load of washing, hung it out about 3pm and it was dry by the time it was getting dark. Luckily didn't have any washing today....

Getting Better

And I finished my pooh s'morning and went to stand up, thought "Oh, I've left my walky stick on the back of the door" but managed the 3 paces from loo to door without holding on to anything and any disaster. Yes, it still hurt etc but that was the first time I have managed what was a habitual habit since last Friday night

Sunday 13 August 2017

More Practice

So we popped out walking before teatime

Look, here

It wasn't too painful once I got out of the car and RoyG did say that I seemed to be walking quicker than yesterday so at a guess I am recovering

Mobility Issue

And I am still walking about a third as fast as I used to but my leg hurts less than it did yesterday

Saturday 12 August 2017


And I made the food s'morning that should last for a couple of days but by lord. On two counts 1) I peeled the veg all with my right hand, it seems easier every week, and 2) I am getting so much better at chopping the veg up with my right hand. Even tho one of them was a butternut squash. As easy to peel and chop as a brick
And the food was a bit delicious
We had it tonight with boiled spuds, it is RoyG who is working today and tomorrow so I may have to bake the spuds tomorrow

Maschinenpistole Und Biere

So last night we popped up to the closing pub to try and be supportive. I only had 3 pints and a dark rum but when I got up for a pee, I left my walking stick behind, as usual, but fell over in the hall. (Apparently, I have no memory of this) MM had to help me get back up and my right leg is well sore s'morning, I have strained it at the top.
No blood but harm done
And it is still sore to walk this evening, I can't even take 1 step without my stick which is a lot worse than normal

Friday 11 August 2017

Odd Dinner

And we had our usual Thursday or Friday dinner of naan bread pizza and chips. But I have already had proper chips once this week so I had to substitute them for sweet potato chips. Which I haven't tasted for ages, I used to have them 6 nights a week (and proper chips the seventh) but recently I am getting into this healthy boiled spuds with my dinner instead

(sings)Isn't She Wonderful....(/s)

And then today I am, after an early lunch, back in Sam's class for the only time this week
Well phew that's finished. It's gob smacking what I am capable of nowadays but still
ex-frigging-hausting too. But I can and will, every week I am a little bit better.....

Thursday 10 August 2017


Then after dinner we headed into town for a walk without any stairs and parked on Lammas St, walked up the hill to King St past St Peter's Civic Hall, back down past Iechyd Da and back round to the car. It wasn't much but I needed some exercise today

Missing You Already

Not that I see you very often but..... hopefully the new owner will get it together

That'll Do

So my speed test is looking OK


I think I can live with this

Communication Skills

So I said to Timmy what shall we do at gym as I have already done..... this week, he said "Wait, I will think" and came back 5 mins later and said "Me and Denyse were discussing...." and basically I will have a communication skills session instead. What that involves I have no idea but......
We discussed eye contact etc for an hour. I didn't feel that we covered anything that was new to me but perhaps it was a reminder. We have 2 more sessions to go thru at some stage


So some plug in fairy lights arrived a day early today so we went out, took out the broken ones and replaced them. I went to put the broken ones in the bin and suddenly the bin was full of coloured lights, they worked again. No idea why, they hadn't been working outside but they are now work again. So we put them on the shelf in the utility room switched off as a potential spare set

Usual Thursday Business

So we are off to pick up my organic veg in a bit, then go to MoreReasonsToShopAt.... (noisy link) then go to the fscking gym and do some fun exercises

Still Doing It

And I am still doing that "put right foot on left knee" thing

Wednesday 9 August 2017


Then we headed out to Farmfoods tonight to fetch some more oven chips etc and I had to top it up with some icecream


So as there is no Aqua Aerobics class 'til after summer holidays and the pool is too full of kids playing we are getting different today, I had suggested that we walk round town and nip upstairs and downstairs in some shops but I was told "No....." and the plan is to head gymwards and just do loadsa machines and the rowing machine, which fills me with joy.....
Well I did it then. 4 machines finished off with 25 minutes on he rowing machine to do 2.5km

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Fitness For Ages

Then today we popped to gym early and I did another 10km cycle. It was nearly or possibly the quickest I have ever done the distance in
But it rained on us as we headed into and out of the gym. After I took a picture of the weather about an hour and a half earlier

Monday 7 August 2017

Big Walkies

Then s'morning we had a conference about whether to walk early or after my nap, we decided to head out early so we straight away headed East on the M4 for a bit, until we arrived at the coastal pathway here. Then we set off along the path for a bit, then we walked down more stairs onto the beach where I managed to walk for half a mile of so along sand, until the next stairs up. I think we were lucky that the tide had been right in earlier in the day so it was all firm etc. We carried on for ages until we reached the RNLI rescue centre at which point we turned back and walked loads back to the car

New Habit

Even tho the pics are a few days old I still did it again s'morning. A new habit, just getting better in so many small ways

Sunday 6 August 2017


Then the Tofu that's gonna be for dinner two nights in a row, well the first half is marinading in a mixture of soy soz, lemon juice, garlic and ginger. I will fry it up tonight and I hope it will be nice.
After stirring the marinade every half an hour until dinner time  
And it was delicious in the end. Summat that I used to feed to my kids and missus sometimes. Reminded that I used to cook it by Julia, I am grateful. It was fscking lovely

Ooh Look

And as I posted a pic or two yesterday this feels like it is so important, being able to bend my right knee in such a fashion after more than 14 years of not being able to.....
And I did it like this again s'morning, a new habit will be made

Saturday 5 August 2017


Then after an exchange of emails I am going to meet that Stuart chappy in town for a coffee
And we met him in town for an hour and it was much better than him coming here which has happened in the past. We said "Out for a meal", agreed and agreed to email him next weekend to make a date

Uber Walk

So we popped out s'morning to do a bit of shopping in Aardvark, we did that, walked back to the car, put the shopping in the car then turned around and basically walked right thru town, thru the outdoor and the indoor market then right up the hill that used to be the Cattle Market, stopped had a coffee then walked all the way back to the car

Friday 4 August 2017

Isn't she beautiful......

And I am off to the only class that I have with Sam all week now......
And wasn't it hard work, but slightly easier than last week, it seems to me anyway. I am getting better and better, very slowly but going in the right direction

Government Job

A guy goes to the Council to apply for a job. The interviewer asks him, "Are you allergic to anything?"
He replies, "Yes, caffeine. I can't drink coffee."
"OK, have you ever been in the military service?"
"Yes," he says, "I was in Iraq for one tour."
The interviewer says, "That will give you 5 extra points toward employment." Then he asks, "Are you disabled in any way?"
The guy says, "Yes. A bomb exploded near me and I lost both my testicles."
The interviewer grimaces and then says, "Okay. You've got enough points for me to hire you right now. Our normal hours are from 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You
can start tomorrow at 10 a.m., and plan on starting at 10 a.m. every day."
The guy is puzzled and asks, "If the work hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., why don't you want me here until 10 a.m.?"
"This is a government job", the interviewer says. "For the first two hours, we just stand around drinking coffee and scratching our balls. No point in you coming in for that."

Chris Pollard

Thursday 3 August 2017

Busy Morning

So we had a relatively busy morning. Once MM was on board we headed down to Iechyd Da to pick up my veg then straight to More Reasons To Shop at.... (noisy) to do the rest of my weeks shopping. After we brought it home and put it away etc we headed to the frsking gym and I did mainly arm work on various machines

Tying Laces

And while I was tying my laces I sat up and crossed my legs to make my foot be reach-able. Lordy but that is still seeing like a new practice that I wasn't capable of doing a month ago

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Tara Freya

Then we went out and bought Freya a dinner. We popped to Hen Dderwen which wasn't bad. Andr where they have a separate menu for veggies. Same products as the general menu but you don't have to look thru 76 meaty items to find yours
And where we followed Freya and were drinking proper fruity cider, none of your Strongbow stuff


And we popped into the shop where she was working and took her off for a coffee and I fell the need to write much more but I need a sleep now. I was well impressed with the troubles she has overcome. She used to be in a wheelchair too


So first thing today we have to pop to the chemist next door to the Drs where I left my 'script yesterday for more sockings then we have to go to the Dentist half way along Mansel St in Carmarthen. While I am there we might pop into the 2nd hand shop that I promised that I would visit when the woman who suffered a brain injury is working. I don't think she will be working today but as I can just say "Ah, here it is" and say hi to her Mother who owns it
And we pooped into the dentist. Not even a small filling was required, which was nice. So obviously my new method of brushing is working.

Tuesday 1 August 2017


So we are heading over to see (the beautiful) younger physiotherapist Rhian in a bit. Hopefully she will carry on working on my hands and arms
And didn't she just. We did loads of it seemed random exercises but ultimately they were all to basically fix/mend my right wrist
And it occurred to me later that Rhian-ning is a bit of a come on,
Rhian is her name and Ning used to be my nickname.
Ning the Merciless, Wang the Perverted springs to mind


So first thing today we headed over to the Drs to fetch my 'script for sockings. Walked into the chemist next door and they said "Sorry, none today, come back after 10 tomorrow". So I had to say "So will you pay for my parking tomorrow?" and I also had to say that opposite where I was sitting it said "Pain relief" but that was no good to me, my pain was in my heart, looking at all the beautiful staff who work there........