Tuesday 31 October 2017

Off Out

And we are off in a bit to try and make a bat box at the Men's Club in Ferryside
Ooooh. Didn't I do well. We dug out a piece of wood, marked all the cuts on and cut it into about 8 "bits" for the box. That has been left on the side there for next week's nail gunning
And wasn't it extra fun using the "cutting it" tools, powered ones again

BT Feck Up

And the BT Broadband has gone down tonight, for the past hour anyway, still nowt.
And RoyGBiv went outside to phone {1} them and see if there was a problem. When he came back indoors I said "They are sorry, they know there is a problem and they are trying to fix it as quickly as possible?". He said "Yes, pretty much"
 {1} As his mobile doesn't work indoors here
And we popped to the Men's Club and came back and the Broadband was back


As we have already done the cycle we have a restful nooneraft then to Ferryside Men's Shed Club where I have the design to take of a bat box after making the bird box last week

Uber Cycle

So it was a bit strange going to gym s'morning but I think that many of the kids were away doing some kind of outdoor fun as the weather wasn't too bad so I went in and did a mega cycle, 10km. On the way I warned RoyGBiv not to be looking too closely at my time as my leg was so hurt over the weekend but actually I made it under 50 mins which wasn't too slow

Back To Normal Now

Lord, I feel a bit strange after the messing about yesterday and I do feel that I haven't slept very well but there you go. So it is all back to..... and it is Tuesday already even tho yesterday felt like a Friday or summat

Monday 30 October 2017

Swimming Woes

So we popped to gym later than usual for a swimming session that had been moved cos it's school holidays and it was fscking cancelled. So we got in anyway and did sum exercises

Less Sore

And my right leg is noticeably better today, as it was predicted. Still a bit wonky but not half as much as yesterday

Marginally Scary

So a bit of a strange day today. So s'afternoon we are heading to WaterWorks for the first time. It is like AquaAerobics but with a different teacher. So I will have a shower after that then come back here for a late lie down then off to pick up that Freya who is just down for a weekend then take her out for dinner.
I think she was down to babysit her ex-step fathers brothers(?) kids but they are all too poorly to do owt and she had already bought train tickets so she came down to stay with her Mum for a few days
So she came down (Well, we fetched her), that was nice, we had a pleasant night

Sunday 29 October 2017

Much Better

And my right knee, which I made sore yesterday 'cos I was doing so much stuff during the class on Friday, is much better today. Still hurts some but not half as much
So later we popped into town so GGtGG could fetch some printer paper. We parked on Lammas St as usual and walked to the paper shop. But I insisted on it being therapeutic for my wonky leg and walked uphill past the court onto King St, then round and down by Iechyd Da and back to the car that way

Not Scary, Useful Memory

So s'morning I woke up and just remembered, Gord nose how, to wash my bedsheets. Years ago I used a have to stick notes on the inside of my bedroom door to remind myself, since then my memory is just getting "better"

Saturday 28 October 2017

Scary Memory

So I was walking into the kitchen earlier and out of nowhere I remembered that I used to have a chair next to my cooker as I was too poorly to stand up and cook for half an hour
Scary memory


It was nearly frosty last night

Friday 27 October 2017

Dim Shout-io

So we have worked summat out. I haven't raised my voice, shouted, at MM even once today. He must have learned not to challenge me at all or summat

I Was Winning....

Further into the game, I still lost but......


Lordy, so I went to gym to my weekly class today. Yes, it was as much fun as usual but..... fark..... So a) I was on the larger of the two steps and I stepped up and down for 2 minutes and only had to hold on with my hand 3 times, like grab and release again. I was going up & down the big step just balancing on my legs. *And* 2) I was eventually able to go up and down both sides of the sideways one without holding. I say eventually as it was harder but I did it in the end.
I did the rest of my exercises leaving my walky stick lying on the floor next to me too, all balanced by myself
So yes, my right knee feels as if it has been beaten up after all this but it still keeps me walking

Posh Html

So someone sent a link to a page which I glanced at. There is a part of me that goes "UberWow". So when you scroll down the page the txt moves quicker than the background image. I suspect it is some javascript cleverness but it did rather impress me (Doesn't work on some mobile phones)

Thursday 26 October 2017

Usual Thursday

So first things first we headed to Iechyd Da and were on the third trip down King St before a parking space appeared. Actually two next to each other. So again "they" hadn't taken loadsa veg out of my box and put it away. AND I said "See you later(1)" too. THEN we popped to Morrison's where I bought the rest of my weeks shopping. So then we brought it home and put it away etc
Then before lunch we popped to gym where I did 3 and a quarter KM on the rowing machine, the new usual distance. But again I am just getting better at it
 (1) Open Mike night tonight

Tory Wisdom

How Wise

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Mobile Version

So first of all I linked seperately to a web page and a mobile phone version as there were some graphic issues. THEN I discovered in my already owned files how to do a phone version from the same URL, so I was able to take away the second link, knowing however you look at this that you get a visible version


Then we popped out before dinner time and headed to Farmfoods and picked up more really cheap chips and some baguette pizzas. And DON'T MENTION IT some ice cream

It Feels Odd

So s'afternoon I got changed for the pool so I am just wearing socks, no sockings until I come home later. 
It just feels different in some way.....


So I said to GGtGG that I want to head into...... B&Q? and fetch some screws and a hook and eye so we can put my birdbox up but he said "No, I have loads, instead of having to buy 100 to use 2 I will bring you in some on Saturday and I am sure there is some H&E in my cupboard"

Early Lunch

So in a bit I will eat some early lunch, then go and get changed into swimming trunx and clean clothes then in a bit longer we will head to Aqua Aerobics class/session
And wasn't it fun, today with Llinoss, the woman who usually takes the extra Mondy class too. 
And I did today.... well there is one exercise they do where you put one leg forward and the other back and today I managed to get the heel of my right foot down to the ground, when it was in the back position. Summat I have been trying to do unsuccessfully for some years now but I managed it today

I Wanted Some Chocolate

So I was heading to the kitchen thinking "I want to get fatter and unhealthier" wanting a big piece of chocolate but instead I ate an apple.
WTF's going on with my head???

Tuesday 24 October 2017


So that was the last of a series of busier and busier days. Finished now. Tomorrow it only sez 1 thing on my diary. OK it is fscking Aqua Aerobics but just that to do

So Next Week We Will Make.....

So this week I finished making my bird box and I am well proud of it. I thought I wouldn't be capable of owt and yet look at it. So when we hang it, hope for loadsa residents

Blinkin' Flip

So I have just bathed, napped, got my FES put on, hung out the washing, and now in 6 minutes we need to leave for the hospital in Llanelli
PITA.  And what a pain that was going to see the doc re my testosterone. Basically he didn't say or do anything useful. So we are headed back, I will cook then we are off to Men's Shed to hopefully finish my bird box


So I have another 8km to cycle before I am finished having so much fun
Only two and a half now......

Busy Day

So today I need to do my mega gym, have lunch, have an early bath&nap then we are off miles East to see a Dr who is discussing my Testoserone jab, how effective it has been etc, then after dinner we are off to that Man's Club in Ferrryside to, hopefully, finish my birdbox

Monday 23 October 2017

New Battery

And today I had to change the battery in my "switch lamp half way on" device which I have owned for 9 months IIRC and haven't had to do before. It was quite easy but it retold-me how important a replacement and is currently spare one iyswim

Good Game, Good Game

So I thought "What can I play as well as solitaire?" and downloaded on my mobile phone a free snooker game. Which took me a few days to master how to actually play it but now....... well tonight I was playing against the "Easy Bot", a kind of built in player, and early on in the game I was actually winning!!!!!


Then we headed off to a Headway Swansea meeting where we actually talked to a chap the whole time without playing games. He was a Brain Injury sufferer (Knocked off a pushbike years ago) and it was interesting talking about having that "get better" attitude instead of lying back in a hospital bed

My Brain Is Improving

And I have noticed a bit recently but today's evidence is so strong that I must tell you....
So s'morning before I got busy I got my clean clothes and put them in my bedroom so I could change after I had my bath later. Later on I just remembered they were there and came into my bedroom to start the bath process without bringing a duplicate set with me.
Like I would have done last year. It might not sound much but it is clear evidence that my memory is improving
OK, I didn't bring duplicate clothes nor did I have to peek into my bedroom first to check if I had done it

Ho hum

And we are off to Headway Swansea in a bit. Hooray but it is better than swimming in a not class.
So next week it is half term so no swimming but week after that I might try the other Aqua Aerobics session too?
Well that was OK. We didn't play any games, just sat talking to a chap called Bryn who was knocked off a push bike years ago. But he understood brain injury, having suffered one himself. It was interesting talking about this as most folk don't know how awful it can be etc. He was saying that his home language was Welsh, he didn't learn English until he was in school and when he woke up from his coma he couldn't speak English, just in his "Native tongue" of Welsh
And beside that, as usual we were sitting on seats that are so low that I used to be against using them at all, standing up with the use of a stick was still difficult but today I did it free-handed as it were, standing up then reaching for my walking stick. (OK, it took me 3 attempts but I did it)

Sunday 22 October 2017


So we are heading off to the coast by Swansea (?) today for a long walk 'cos it's therapeutic
Well we did it. We parked opposite Joe's Ice Cream Parlour and walked kind of East-South-East for about an hour until we reached Verdi's but it was well too busy with folk having to queue so we walked back the way a bit to The George where we had a delicious lunch served to us in about 2 minutes.
Then we walked in the opposite direction for another three quarters of an hour but this time we stopped at Joe's Ice Cream Parlour and had a small refreshment before going back to the car and heading home.
AND we were out for about 3 hours walking and dining and I only pissed once when we were out, held in until we got back. Almost as well as a normal person
And it was raining on us some as we walked but I had instructed MM to bring the brolly from the boot of the car so he held it over my head quite effectively, while it rained on his head

Saturday 21 October 2017

*NEARLY* Not Runny

And my runny nose is loads better today. Still running slightly more than "not at all" but much less than yesterday

Winner Today

So yesterday there were two "error" codes there, then I solved them one after the other. Dunno why I was "being so clever" or what


BUT I am being rather impressed with how easily/well the new knifes cut through veg


So s'morning I changed the bed, the bed clothes are nearly dry now.
Well, while we were eating lunch the beeper went off and said "Dry now" so MM is doing his thing.....
And I made another batch of food but this time I cooked it all for a couple of hours then took out 2 containers worth which I will put in the freezer when it's chilled a bit more. To stop someone's wife saying "You can't eat that, it's too old"

Friday 20 October 2017


Then I popped to my gym class s'afternoon and it went as much better than last week as it has been doing for some weeks. Again walking with stick and putting it down to do all kinds of scary exercises etc.
And we did sort out that there is an Aqua Aerobics class on Monday from 2.45 'til 3.30. So I think that after next weeks Headway session I shall try that too. Dunno, if it seems better fun than Headway I might swap permanently, dunno yet. Oh it is called Waterworks or summat, but I think the rest of my timetable will look the same, just change that

Cleaning Up

And GGtGG has been cleaning up outside all morning, scrubbing between stones to remove all the extra weed/plants that are trying to take over. I have given him the car keys so when he has finished this section he can move on to beneath the car

Still Runny

And I have used and thrown away 5 or 6 tissues already today, I have been up for an hour and a half so far....... Fscking flu jab

Thursday 19 October 2017

Na'an Strangeness

And we couldn't buy Single Massive Na'an Bread today, like we did last week, there wasn't any for sale. So instead we bought 2 single smaller (but much bigger than the original ones are these days) pepper and posh foreign cheese ones. Dunno, see how they are tomorrow


And I popped to gym and did an extra quarter kilometer on my rowing, so now I have a new distance to row every time I am rowing. For now, then it will go up again. But I think I will have to be stroppy then and say "Enough" and go for a walk or summat as I am bored with rowing for so long
But I did notice today that I didn't have to stop to get my breath back at any point today, I just did it from start to finish. After sitting down for 14 years my fitness is starting to come back

Runny Nose

And as an after effect of my flu jab yesterday I have got a runny nose today

Dun It

So we headed off to Iechyd Da first s'morning, bit of a struggle to get into the parking space but we managed. And this week the MOS knew that was my order, leave it alone......
And afterwards we headed to MoreReasonsToShopAt..... (noisy link) and did the rest of the weeks shopping

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Off Out

So we went to my local pub tonight but it was shut. So we headed into town, avoiding the pub I useda drink in when I was in the care home, instead we made it to The Old Oak (in Welsh Yr Hen Dderwen) on King St in town. It is relatively busy

To The Docs Too

Then today immediately after nap (if I have time at all for complete nap) we have to go to the Docs as he is checking me up on my diabetes, a review
Well I had a good aqua aerobics session and there is only time for 25mins rest before I'd better get ready for docs
Well we went and did it. He said 'Yes you're doing well' and gave me a flu jab and that was done


And GGtGG got stuck into cleaning all the dust off the car today, it looks a lot more respectable now
And I found some mess on the inside of the window in the kitchen and was just able to rub it clean with a tissue

Akwa Ayrobikz

Hooray. So I have to go to the Aqua Aerobics class today and ask her about the other session, whether I can make it to both as Timmy has decided that I need a diary refurbishment.
So we need to ask Sam about going to a different session re gym too.......

Tuesday 17 October 2017


So I went along to the Men's Club tonight thinking I was gonna have to do some cutting with a saw etc. Just by gord, one of the assistants was helping me most of the night and I used power saws, power drills, nail gun etc and made my bird box almost completely. It needs to be treated with some treater and some hinges put on for the top.
But just by god, I thought I wouldn't be able to do much as I am "a cripple".....

As If By Magic

And MagicMark cleaned all the dust off all the windows today. Lordy, it looks loads better, they got really dirty yesterday afternoon

Chaps Club

Then when we pop to Men's Club later I have got a design of summat to make which we will take along and see whether there is enuf spare bits of wood to cut this out or whether we need to buy some and bring it next week
The design I am taking is for a bird box, potentially if that goes well there is also a design for a bat box


So off to the docs first of all to pick up a 'script for me then off to gym and, I suspect, do another mega-cycle
Ho hum. So we went to the Docs first, picked up the 'scripts, into the chemist on the way out and picked up the goods. Some of which I am in charge of and some of which I gave to MM to put "away" for future use
Then we popped to the gym and mega-cycled. Again my head is a bit disconcerted about how much better at this I am compared with a few weeks ago

Monday 16 October 2017


Aargh, the "light traffic" app has come back on my phone by itself, I was looking for it for a couple of days, couldn't find it, and it came back when I was in bed asleep last night

Windy Day Today

The hurricane is getting closer.... (noisy link)
And as the wind gets stronger and stronger (it is well noisier than when I recorded it s'morning) I think that we can't go outdoors and walk from the car, go swimming. But GGtGG says "No, carry on"
Well it seems to have calmed down now, 7.30pm and it is still noisy but less noisy
Yes, it's 9.30 now and much quieter still.... Phew
Yes, in t'morning we were able to put the hanging decorations back up......


Well off to the fscking swimming pool today.....
We did it. In, some walking back and forward, walking backwards, walking sideways then eight lengths. I tried to stop at six but he was a grumpy sod who had the key to the locker in his pocket so I had to continue

Sunday 15 October 2017


And MagicMark who is s'posed to be working tomorrow has just phoned Timmy and cried off. His car is broken and it is a bit of a journey from Swansea, where he lives, to here
Well in the end GGtGG phoned him and said he would swap tomorrow for the Wednesday he was s'posed to be working


And tonight I walked from the kitchen to the loo with no walking stick. I will have to get some advice about whether this is sensible but the very fact that I can....
And My Advisor said "Yep, indoors that's fine, but outside you need your stick, for a variety of reasons"

Getting Better At It

And I noticed today that some chap was working on summat outside the shop and I went over and got involved in a conversation with him in passing. He responded, obviously he understood my point.
This is so much better than last year......


So then s'morning Timmy said "What wanna do?" then we headed off to The Range (noisy link) shop where we bought more bread- and chopping-knifes and utensils as the set I had were cheap and blunt/getting dirty etc
And I did do that "lifting my walking stick offground" exercise for some of the distance within the shop

Saturday 14 October 2017


So s'morning I made the food for the week, then at lunchtime I opened the fridge and what was looking me in the eye? 250g of Curly Kale. Aargh, panic, eat lunch then chop it up and try to stir it into the already prepared and thickened dinner. Double Aargh, add more water to let it all cook together then if it is too runny I will thicken it up again
Well it looked a bit odd when I first tried to stir it in but over time it looks better
Well as far as my wonky taste buds are concerned it was a bit delicious. I will know for sure on Monday when I give MagicMark some to eat

Out To Feel Clever (?)

So me and Timmy are going out to a community quiz night in the village hall tonight. To either feel smug about how clever we are or feel daft.
Aaaaaaaa. Feel nearly as clever. There were 3 teams playing. One came in 6 points behind the winner, and we were one point behind. One point!!!

Shock Horror

So s'morning when MM and Timmy were having their handover chat I went to the kitchen and started cooking the pan of dinner that needs to cook slowly until tonight. But there was no-one looking after me, I could have cut myself or died or anything. They *must* keep an eye on my cooking. So whose "fault" was this? Mine for cooking when I had decided it was time or theirs for now having their handover meeting in the kitchen to keep an eye on me?
This is why Neil is a bit disgruntled with them "having to" keep an eye on me. WTF's the point. I cut myself once, ages ago, and because of that this new plan is in place

Friday 13 October 2017


So the FES feels a bit wrong when it is electricing my leg. So I nearly said to MM "Help" but then it occurred to me, my right leg is behaving as it did before my accident. So it's a get used to it feeling odd/painful as it is working so well

Seeing Clive

And we are popping out tonight to have dinner at Caffi Iechyd Da and see the band that's playing.
There will be Clive in his wheelchair and a few other members
Very good, very entertaining. They played loads old light "rock" songs, I am a fan


So we popped to gym for my once a week class and what can I say. I used my walking stick to get there and for some between the exercises motion but for nothing else, I did all the exercises on my feet, no stick.
Including the balance on just your right foot exercises

Strange Memory

So MM said summat "slowly" and I responded like this.
Very strange memory I have, I can't remember who sang songs but other nonsense is well remembered


Oops (fixed now on the 15th)

Smug Better

And it occurs to me today how much my quality of life has improved since my cream on my legs has been reduced to just the afternoon, not in the morning too

Thursday 12 October 2017

.....Pig's Bum......

So we had the new large single na'an bread made into pizza for tea and it was nice


Then after I had put my shopping away we popped to the gym. Today I did 3km of rowing slightly faster than last week. Seems to be a routine, slightly faster.
Then we came home and had a late lunch


So we are off to 1st of all pop to Caffi Iechyd Da to pick up the organic order then to MoreReasonsToShopAt to do the rest
Which we did. It was OK. This week I bought na'an bread that was even bigger than last week's but there was just one in the pack so tonight I will cut it in half and make 2 pizzas
Fingers crossed

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Interweb Was Bust

Then today I was looking at summat on my phone, suddenly it said "Nah" and stopped working. The router in the hall had gone different colour so I assume there was no interweb on anything. I went and pressed RESET and 5 minutes later it was working again. Since then there has been no problem

.... And About

Then s'evening we popped down to Farmfoods and just stocked up on garlic bread and ice cream. Well I have been eating both regularly for some time and I have still lost 5 stone so it can't be that bad for me
BUT it was so windy I got out of the car, took two steps towards shop, and then the wind blew, I had to take two steps sideways. But it didn't make me fall over like it would have done a month ago

I Feel Naked

So I have just got changed into my clean clothes and swimming trunk to save me having to take 2 sets of clothes to the pool, but as I am not wearing stockings until I come back from the pool I feel a little bit naked

Standing Up

And it has become habit now to move myself forward before standing up then just using my legs, no hand assistance.
Lordy, progress........

He Remembered

So it is MagicMark working today, he doesn't usually work on Wednesdays. But he knew we were s'posed to be going to Aqua Aerobics and brought his trunx with him
Well we did it. Again there is an element of wow as well as my usual joy at going. The wow was because today I was able to stand on my right foot and move my left leg round. Just standing on my right leg, in the past that was a no no

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Booked Chrimbly

Then s'afternoon as it was too late for gym we popped into town and walked miles to the Ivy Bush Hotel where we booked a Christmas Dinner for 2 of us. We can book more if my Dad is gonna be here for Christmas
And he took his "petty cash" card with him and instead of paying the deposit he paid half of the bill, so I can just pay t'other half as my part of the bill, simpler, we don't need to transfer some cash etc

Not That I Hadn't Been Paying Attention.....

Then I looked at my diary for today to see what was on my timetable and actually it sez "Team Meeting" so I'd better get used to there being loads of members of staff here and not much else happening
No Neil, don't flirt with that Denyse, there's no point.......
Well they all showed up, I sat at the kitchen table with them and Denyse said "Bu*ger off Neil" or words to that effect, so I am sat in the living room by myself trying not to earwig......

Monday 9 October 2017


Lord, I am getting better. Just walking about my house without my walking stick.
I am too nervous to try it outside but I am doing it indoors

Cleaning The Oven

So s'afternoon I got stuck into cleaning the burnt on flops of stuff from the floor of the oven. I opened the oven door, looked at it, thought some then just bent over and got stuck in myself. I nearly cleaned it all, I just had to call MM and ask him to help with about half an inch worth of grubby stuff at the very back. I could reach most of it.
Which on one level makes me think "WOW", just like how much better are you now?


So we are in the car driving to a Headway meeting in Swansea s'afternoon
Well first of all in my not swimming session I was beaten three nil in a Connect Four session, then we had a mind boggling session of Rummikub which I just had one piece left when someone else won
And we didn't win a prize in the raffle which we had bought tickets for either

Sunday 8 October 2017

Day Of Rest

So I don't think there is anything in the diary for today...

Saturday 7 October 2017

When I'm Calling You....

Then today we tried that Going To The Local Pub Without Drinking Too Much which was alright, a nice night out, and there were loadsa folk in the restaurant bit of the pub tonight. And not so many fewer in the pub part of the pub too
But as they weren't regulars there they didn't jump up off the seats at the bar for me. But I just stood next to them for a couple of hours. I can now

Christms Walkies

So me and GGtGG headed into town s'morning and went looking for Xmas pressies for my kids. We walked all around town, uphill and back down then half way uphill again to call in at loads of shops. (And some charity shops just to have a look too) In the end we bought 5/6 of the pressies for them, we were walking around town for more than 2 hours. It MUST be theraputic too, that long a walk.
And oddly enough I didn't need a wee until after we were back and I had emptied the bags etc. It was a lot longer than I used to be able to hold  it in

Friday 6 October 2017

Strange Na'an Bread Pizza

So it was a bit odd making the two garlic butter na'an bread into pizza. They were much better sized, only slightly too large for the rather little plates I use as I am permanently on a diet but weren't bad. I thought they were a bit greasy with garlic butter but Mark said he thought they made the nicest pizza he has had off me

Isn't She Lovely.....

So first thing s'morning there is some boffin from "the company" coming in to have a chat with Timmy about 'me', then early lunch then off to Sam's Stroke Class @ gym.
That is all that's on my diary, no doubt we will think of some therapeutic exercise later
So first things first the chap came and talked to Timmy, apparently we are an example and he tells other cases to "run it like us" etc. And he left 5 mins. before I was due to have my early lunch before gym
Lordy am I getting better. So today I did 95% of the class with my walking stick held horizontally, not touching the ground, in one hand

Thursday 5 October 2017


Then today after nap I said to Timmy "The gym will be hectic now, lets go for a walk" but he said "No it won't be" and took me off to gym and it wasn't too busy. So I did a 3km row in 2¼ minutes less that last week. No stopping, no changing down a gear, I just went for it
Then we headed into town, at my request. We parked up at the top of Blue St just where it turns into Lammas St and headed off for a walk, but not an uphill one today. So we walked down past M&S (calling at Boots on the way so Timmy could get something to stop his lip hurting) then round to Mansell St and back to the car that way.

More Reasons To Shop At.....

So today at Morrison's we didn't buy the smaller than used to be na'an bread, or the too large ones that we bought last week, this week Timmy found some already garliced with some butter to make it go round kind of medium sized ones. Only difference is they come packed single so we had to buy 2 and put them in the fridge rather than the usual breadbin as they contain some butter. Dunno, I will know how they taste tomorrow

Thursday Business Then.....

So s'morning we have the usual Thursday Morning Business, Iechyd Da to pick up veg, then Morrison's to pick up the rest of the food and then.......
then we are due to meet that Ruth in a cafe in Carmarthen for a lunch
And we did meet up for lunch and it was very pleasant. Ruth has just been promoted big style so she is effectively doing the same job for oddles more pay

Can't Read It All

Lordy, I have copied an article from Da Gruniad about suffering from a Brain Injury and it upsets me.
So far I have managed about the first third, will try again later

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Properly Hot Dinner

And then tonight I got to use my new oven, making properly hot food and I think it is better than the old one

Woe Is Me

And the delivery folk have emailed me s'morning and it looks like the delivery will get in the way of Aqua Aerobics, none this week.
Hmmmm, an improvement?
Double hmmmm, they might be early enuf.....
Yes, that was all done by about 11.15 today. Loadsa time to have my early lunch, get changed and head to Aqua Aerobics....
Oh what fun we had. But I did it all....

Tuesday 3 October 2017


Then tomorrow the expensive new cooker is being delivered and fitted. Hopefully it will improve lots of things....... Dunno when, they are going to txt me early tomorrow.....

Off Out

So we are popping out in a bit to The Ferryside Men's Shed. Dunno if I am gonna pay to join, they were doing loadsa making/mending stuff which I am not very capable of, we shall see
But Sturit is not going this week, we exchanged emails s'morning as he has some visitors
Well that was a bit strange, I was sanding some new table legs made from Giant Redwood which is a massive tree, like 20-40 feet across but these pieces were much smaller. I sanded them down, perhaps next week I will do them again with a finer paper
AND he did say to me "Wanna seat?" but I said "No" as the longer I stand the better etc

Odd Pooh

So s'morning I went to the loo after breakfast as usual and squeezed and squeezed but could only do half my pooh, I could still feel that the other half was waiting. I went back to the loo an hour later, squeeze, squeeze but nowt came out. A second hour later I tried again, squeezed gently and an enormous pooh came out of my bottom. Hardly any squeezing, it was just ready to come out.
So timing is the key.....


So he insisted that I pedal today so here we are, I have dun about 1.5km so far, 8.5 to go
Half and half now and I haven't stopped for a rest yet
Well I did it. Apparently I was impressive by being on a bigger weight than last week and going quicker, but dunno, glad it's over

Monday 2 October 2017


And I had loading randomly the webpage from the gas engineer who came here today. Looking at a second page there is a picture at the top of the page which stays still while the rest of the page is moved around. Very very crazy, it stays still while the page moves around it.
I looked into it somewhat, I think it is a JavaScript function, that is enough for me to stop looking. Anybody got a clue as to how it's done?

Proper Walkies

So I walked down the stairs at gym with my walking stick held sideways in a not touching the ground position, then carried on across the 20 yards or so to the next door with my stick held up

No Swimming

So the boiler service chaps phoned me s'morning while I was on the loo having my morning dump, but GGtGG answered, asked them about the taps in the kitchen then said "See you later"
Basically they are not plumbers, they can't fix the tap and they are coming about 1PM s'afternoon, so I can't go swimming which is usually at that time
So instead we went to gym earlier and I did various machines, strengthening my right arm specifically

Sunday 1 October 2017


And I did use my newish mini tripod last night to a)take the accompanying picture and b)take the video that I posted of my new rocking flower

It'll Stop

And today we are watching the rain as we need to pop to town and buy some cleaning product.
Apparently it will stop raining soon, wait and see.....
Well we popped into town when it was stopping raining, somewhat drizzly and occasionally dry. We parked up on Lammas St (2nd time round) and walked to Wilko up Friars Park calling in at various charity shops on the way. There he bought various cleaning products and I got another spatula, all of 30p I spent today