Thursday 30 November 2017


So after a quietish afternoon I am having a cuppa before going into King St to see the special "We are still open" Xmas shopping treat. Then we will head down to Iechyd Da (noisy link) for the once-a-month Folk night

Thursday Morning

So first of all doing my weekly busyness...
And we popped to town, it stopped raining on the way there so we both popped down to Iechyd Da, said "Ta and see you later" then popped to Morrison's and bought the small rest of my shopping. So now I am waiting for Timmy to finish whatever he is doing and pop to gym for some rowing
"Row row row your boat,
Because you will soon finish,
And it will be time to go home"
Which I did and it was. Tra la la.....

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Feck. Rugger Bugger

So I am watching the rugby tonight. Or should I say 'trying to watch it' it is just too fast and quick ball flying about ball even on the foot wide telly in the kitchen

"Timmy Was Taking Up My Suggestion"

So I mentioned biking to Timmy. He said "Can't you remember, there was one but it was so far away at Cardiff that you got fed up and stopped going" but he had a look on this interweb thingy and it turns out that there is a new place, loadsa bikes to hire, different kinds etc and it is only about 20 or 25 mins away in that Swansea place so I think we will head down next week at some point......


WTF's going on with the temperature. It was freezing earlier tonight, well after dark etc but as the night went on the temperature went up.
As I said WTF?

Timmy Swim

So as we are rearranging staff holidays etc Timmy is unusually working today and is swimming today
Well at last Timmy listened to me blowing my nose and sneezing and said "Perhaps not, you have got so much on next few days you better not get flu" so just gymming today, not swimming
Sigh. So we are off 3km into my cycle, only 7 more to go
Lord, I did the last km at about twice the speed I had dun the rest. There's not wanting to go too fast at first because I will be too knackered at the end..... dunno, I will go marginally quicker earlier next time I try.....

Summers Day

Toasty s'morning

Game Of Pool


Tuesday 28 November 2017

Quadruple Chin

So Sara the Physio sent me an old photo today of me exercising but what a fat git I was then, even I can just see it

Men's Shed-wards

So we are off to the Men's Shed tonight to not do owt, just drink tea and chat to folk. I might find another project but dunno
Aargh, and when we arrived they were having a "meeting" which was like politics and finished with a vote. Later I was talking to Stu and said "I was thinking of reinvigorating a coffee table" and he said "Yes, I will help you" so we have gotta find one now


Then today at lunchtime we had to be in Pyle, about an hour away. Because of time inconvenience we popped to Asda and had a cheap lunch which actually wasn't bad and then we drove the last half a mile to the physio dept. So she kind of said "You look good, what shall we do?" to which I replied "So do you, and dunno".
But we actually did some new to me exercises which I even impressed myself by being able to do etc. First of all we did some "Show off your balance exercises" then putting my left foot on the massive ball seat thing they use and pulling it backwards and forwards. While standing on my wonky right leg. Eventually we were able to do that without holding on with my hand which did even impress me.  Then we did some "Stand on your tiptoes then back to your heels then tiptoes again" which proved very difficult but just about possible with my right foot. Then we were balancing on the bouncy beam and walking back and forward and left and right without holding on. Oh and at some poing I did some hopping on my left leg and on my right leg. It was much harder on the right but I managed
After all this we practiced throwing the gym ball and a volley ball which again made my right arm do strange stuff


Then s'morning I walked from the lounge to the loo with my walky stick held up off the ground. Yes, I managed but it took much longer than with my stick


So we are heading east to see Sara the physio in Pyle, miles away, ATM

Oh It Got Me Going

As mentioned yesterday here is a copy of the leaflet that got me feeling......... yesterday.
I don't know what to say, it got me feeling strongly


So am I gonna be able to do the whole two months?

Monday 27 November 2017

Dinner Disaster

Well no, dinner was delicious and well made etc but after I ate, on the way to the washing up, I stopped at the fridge/freezer, took out tomorrows frozen dinner that has been in there since yesterday to put it in the fridge, and dropped it on the floor. Where the plastic container broke bits off. So we will have some bought frozen food tomorrow


Then today instead of swimming I had the Headway Swansea meeting. I talked about it with Timmy last night and tried to feel a bit more positive about it. Which actually wasn't too bad. We found two chatty folk that I vaguely know from before so we got stuck in. I should have won the second game but was mind faddled and didn't notice the move that was staring at me.

But the reason my mind was faddled was a little A5 booklet called "The Real Guide to Brain Injury" that I picked up today, it it all factual etc but it didn't half get me going, agitated etc

10/10 I Got

Not being smug and clever but....
Ten out of ten I scored.....


So in bed tonight I have just won a game of pool on my 'phone which was unusual enough but then about half a second later the white ball followed the black into the hole transferring me to loser mode....

Sunday 26 November 2017

Cooking Error

So yesterday I cooked, divided into portions and froze most of my weeks food. I had some by myself tonight (It is Timmy working) and it was delicious.
BUT today I opened the drawer in the fridge to take out my salad pack for lunch and found behind that a bag of 250g of Curly Kale which I hadn't added to the food and I couldn't think of a way of cooking it and adding to frozen packages

Saturday 25 November 2017

Proper Cooking Day

So I am back to cooking on a Saturday and as Mark said "I did well".
But we popped out to the market today for some last minute Xmas shopping and I forgot, the sauce pan was on the cooker turned lowest but still on when we went to town. No harm done, it was fine but a bit unnerving


And we popped out s'afternoon and got Xmas pressies for my old bro and his wife and my young bro. I knew what I had in mind for Dink, we popped there and found summat for Gareth about 10 yds away. Utterly different stall but it's done

Friday 24 November 2017

Shock Horror

So I found myself going to drink "some beer" at boozing strength. It was empty when we passed 2 folk on the way out/in but then later more folk were drinking, so he didn't have to focus on.........

We're Off

And in a bit we are going to the only gym class that I attend in the week. Just lordy, how different this class is compared to one I started in a while ago
Double lordy. I am just better than I was last week etc
And today I took it upon myself to use the stretch backwards tool which is attached about 10 ft off the ground, so I held on and sat right down before pulling myself back up using my arms. (Kind of like this, sort of.)  It is not a machine I was s'posed to use but even Sam was impressed at how well I did it


Yes, Timmy has just been outside to move his car and he says it's freezing

No, Today It Is

No, today is Friday, now...... it's not Saturday, it going to gym class day

Thursday 23 November 2017

Friday Today?

And for a number of hours now I have been thinking that tomorrow is Saturday. Dunno how or why but I have to go to Sam's Class tomorrow @ gym. It was not today.......


Then just before lunch we popped to the gym and I did my 3.25km cycle. And it was about 2 minutes quicker than last week


So Timmy and I popped into Iechyd Da then Morrison's and all I can say is I am so glad that we had the new FES straps, so walking wasn't a problem

Chicken Dinner

And I am in bed tonight lying not going to sleep and I have just, for the first time, won a game of pool on my 'phone

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Habit Now

Well so today I am walking without my 'stick again, seems to be force of habit now

Where's The Car Key?

So we came out of gym today, I reached into my pocket and where was the car key? I use the same pocket every time, no wasn't there. So we went in out of the rain, I handed my bumbag to GGtGG who looked in every pocket. To no avail. I was just starting to panic when GGtGG opened the big bag that had contained everything when we were in the pool and started looking thru it. At the very end, at the very bottom of the bag he reached in and produced the car keys. Dunno how they got there but at least we were able to drive home

We Tried It

And even tho I won't need my FES on today we tried it on, with alternative wires etc and we couldn't make it work, Roy was right.
So hopefully the new wires will arrive while I am at pool or else they will arrive after we need to go shopping etc in't morning
No, phew, they arrived while we were in't pool, we got back, changed them over, tried on my FES and it worked!!!!!! So big phew about using it for shopping tomorrow


So we are off to the sw*mming po*l, to an Aqua Aerobics class again in a bit......
Hoo-fscking-ray..... but even tho it is such fun it is doing me loadsa good so I shouldn't complain too loudly, but......
And bother GGtGG has remembered his trunx today so it is a go.....
And wasn't it fun. But as she said aren't I getting better and better at doing various exercises

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Why Not?

And why did I never experience anything like this when I was in a care home?

FES Crisis

So we couldn't get my FES to work on the way to gym earlier. When we left I put it back on and it was working then if I stuck my right hand out horizontally to the right. After we got out of the car it had died completely. Roy changed the wire etc, no avail. So he phoned "them" and they said they would sent out new bits. Dunno. So not going out tonight, we will see if GGtGG has any more luck tomorrow


And tonight we are going to the Men's Club again but it feels a bit strange. As we have nowt to make what shall we do there? Roy said "Just go along and chat" but that feels strange too, what do I have to chat about?
Now I think we have called it off. As we are having trouble making my FES work today and as the Men's is a standing on your own two feet exercise "we" decided no


So we popped to gym earlier and I got stuck into the cycling machine. I did half the distance required, I stopped after 5 km instead of doing 10 but did say "What other machine should I use?" so then I went on and did some "Pulling arms backwards" exercises
I did get stroppy at RoyGBiv, as he was trying to beat me so he had time to recover afterwards but I had to say "Stop it, you are going too fast and I am going as fast as I can manage"

It Doesn't Drip

And I have noticed everywhere in my house that there is no longer the sound of the tap in the kitchen dripping in the background. It wasn't too loud before but my house is quite small etc so you could pretty much hear it from everywhere. No more
Possibly you might say "Everywhere??  OCD" but I could hear it

Monday 20 November 2017

Late Dinner

And as I was eating with my Dad all weekend the food is slightly out of time, so I had to spend ages cooking big food s'afternoon. Except I had to go swimming so we are on target to have a late dinner tonight
Ooh yum yum, in the end. Not only did I think it was delicious so mid MagicMark which is saying summat
So we ate tonight's and there is enuf for another 2½ nights, so it is all in containers, day and a half into freezer (it is already marked with date) and one portion into fridge ready to eat tomorrow


So (Hooray) there is no Headway meeting today so we are heading to the swimming pool (Sh*t) for an Aqua Aerobics session.... It's called Waterworks on a Monday, I have no idea why......
Well that was done. I can't remember exactly what I was doing at the time but there was one exercise that I haven't been able to do properly in nearly 15 years but I did it today. It is 15 minutes shorter than the Wednesday session but more hectic/hyper, value for money

Sunday 19 November 2017


And my PC was getting slower and slower tonight, so I clicked "Restart" it restarted then couldn't get it together to open any page, neither mine or my email. So I had to go out to the hall and press the technical "Restart" on the router and as if by magic it all came back to life.

Blog Pics

And the way of putting pictures into Blog posts that eventually worked again last week has died again, it wouldn't work today


For ages.... at last

Feel Strange

And I just feel a bit odd tonight, well perhaps not odd, just a bit strange. As my Dad was here for the last couple of nights now tonight he's no longer here

Send Them Away

And we loaded into the car s'morning my freshly made bat box to go as a gift to Dink's wife, Nora, she is in charge of putting it up, as we don't own any trees and it's hard to find a bit of the house 10 ft off the ground and facing south


And today I suddenly realized that I was walking about the kitchen without my 'stick, again

Have A Banana

And I have just gone into kitchen for some snack type biscuits and instead found that I am a bit behind with eating bananas this week as I have been out at mealtimes with my Dad so I ate a banana instead
What is the world coming to

Stressful Morning

So MM put my FES on at 9 s'morning then we popped down and fetched Day. Immediately after the handover Roy drove us to Cardiff Airport where we dropped him off again.
It was just very strange, seeing him in a grieving state and pleased to see how well I am doing too. Odd and unpleasant but we did it
Well he has just txted me, Dink picked him up at the airport and he is safely home

Saturday 18 November 2017


And earlier on Mark tried to phone Diablo's but couldn't get thru, while I was in the bath he tried again and managed to make the only vacancies for early tonight be mine so we are off out after fetching Dad later
Well after tonight's dinner I was looking for a MOS to tell that I enjoyed the food so much that I want to marry the chef


So s'morning we popped to fetch my father then came back here for the handover. After that wew headed into town, parked on Lammas St and walked up the hill past the county building onto King St. From there we walked the whole length of King St, turned left just before the library then left again and along the run down side street back towards town
After calling in to the Old Aardvark Shop which is a cafe now we had to leave there as their coffee machine was broken so we actually had a delicious lunch in Waverley Stores
Then we dropped Dad back at the hotel, I will nap etc and we will pick him up later

Friday 17 November 2017

On The Way

So we are half way along the M4 to Cardiff airport and my Dad is in mid air getting here too
So we went to the airport and picked him up. On the way back we called into Penllergaer Services and had an early lunch as we all were heading to gym. So after we had dropped my Dad's goods at the hotel we all went to gym where it was a bit strange, as my Dad hasn't seen me exercise for some time it was a bit odd being able to do the exercises to that extent
Then we took Dad back to hotel for nap and I popped home for the same reason
THEN again we all called into Tafarn Y Tanerdy where we had a delicious dinner before dropping Dad back at hotel as we were popping out to Llanelli to see Phill Jupitus who was actually rather entertaining
Pant, pant, exhausted today, tomorrow will be easier but......

Thursday 16 November 2017


And I was puzzled tonight thinking "How does one use a divide symbol?" but then a bit further looking I found a built in calculator

Start With SO

And just glancing there are 3 sentences just in today's blog starting with the evil word


So first thing tomorrow we are heading to Cardiff Airport early to get there to pick up my Father. Then as we had bought tickets months ago we are dropping my Father in his hotel for the night and heading out to see Phill Jupitus later. Then go back and pick him up Sat and Sunday mornings too as he is not gonna hire a car this time. Sunday early afternoon we will drop him back off at the airport, a flying visit

Shop, shop, shop, shopping.....

Then we popped out to Farmfoods to buy some more garlic bread, more ice cream on a stick and even more big ice creams to eat on a different day than the sticks, and more than 1 day to eat each one


Aargh. So a) I couldn't put pictures in my blog like this, it just wouldn't let me previously and b) There is a new version of Firefox in my PC for the last couple of days, it just uploaded itself without even asking me. So just.......

And it works with photos that I have taken too


Didn't we have a lovely time. So we popped to gym and set off to cycle 3250m. Which I did but not in a "going faster" mode but I did it in about 20 seconds less than the last time

Unexpected Shopping

So we popped to town to Iechyd Da to pick up the veg first thing then we went to a cheapskate shop, Home Bargains, to try and pick up some recolourer for the grout as we had bought a bottle of "Clean it" last night which, while cleaning it hadn't made it look good as new. SO we couldn't find and recolourer so instead we went around the corner and bought some white Tipex which seems to have worked so far. It will dry etc while we are at gym

Morning Loo Ritual

So it felt proper again s'morning, unlike yesterday. So we will see what happens later..... (noisy link)
So later I thought "Fark, I do need another, was running my bath so sat on loo while it filled. Squeezed, squeezed again, no, nowt. But I felt full. I had my bath, was getting back out and farted for about 6 seconds. Ah, pressure gone, it feels fine now

Wednesday 15 November 2017

More Reasons To Shop At.....

Then tonight GGtGG said "Can we pop to the shop for....." so I thought (and said) "OK, well we may as well nip to Morrison's (noisy link) and get my whole weeks shopping" to make tomorrow less busy as the day after that we get really busy so am beginning to be marginally paranoid


And I went to the loo s'morning and thought "Where's the rest of it?" so I went to loo again recently and did an enormous pooh, so relief is felt......


So we are off to Aqua Aerobics today, having missed Mondays do as we were at Headway...
"Oh what fun we had......" - noisy link
And wasn't it as much fun as usual. But as I did say to the instructor afterwards that even tho I really don't enjoy it I can tell how much good it is doing for me

Tuesday 14 November 2017

HTML Crisis

And my copyable HTML bit of "How to make it lookable at on a mobile phone" didn't seem to be working when I tried to do a page yesterday. Aargh, crisis then later I just looked for an alternative piece of code, tried it on the webpage and it works. Bigger picture if you are looking at it on a phone which pleased me but you need to look at the page on both devices to compare/contrast

Off Out

And I think that we will finish making my bat box tonight at the Men's Club but then we have next query of "What should I make next?" as it is a well therapeutic environment
And the more immediate query of "Where should we put the bat box?" needs answering too.
Oooh. Yes, we finished it. All that needs doing is sticking an eye on the top to attach it to summat with a long piece of gord nose what. And I was looking on RSPB site looking for a camera but they were a bit pricey. Dunno, will continue to look. It is a bit posh

Trouser Crisis

Before we popped out to gym I was putting on my FES device, half way through when "PING" the button came off my trousers. So I had to change then pop gymwards.
NOW RoyGBiv is being kind and has taken the needle and thread packet out of the drawer and is attempting to fix them, as I couldn't, my hand is too knackered. Just phew, he offered, some of my other members of staff would just say "No, buy a new pair"

And off we go again

So first of all we popped to the Docs to pick up loadsa scripts then we came to gym where I have about another seven and a half kilometers to cycle
5 now...
And wasn't it fun, from start to finish.
But again I didn't stop for a rest, just did it

Monday 13 November 2017

He's Coming

And my Dad has just phoned with times of his flights to Cardiff on Friday and back to Belfast on Sunday as we are going to pick him up from the airport and give him a lift for the weekend
Very early into Cardiff and back mid afternoon


And we are off to another Headway meeting s'afternoon so I am trying to be a bit eager.....
Well wasn't it more fun than swimming. It was as special as ever but today there were a couple of newbies who we played Rummikub with. And I won a game today so summat must be getting better at this thinking malarkey


And I watched that Blue Planet 2 series, episode 3 t'other night and I am just so impressed with the camera technology to take such interesting and informative shots, you really do learn stuff from watching

MagicMark Outdoors....

And when mark came in I felt the need to point out the unclean-ness of the windows, so he is busy cleaning them as we speak.....

A Cold.....

..... and frosty morning


So I walked from the kitchen, where I had just finished my brekky, into the bathroom, to have my morning pooh, without my walky stick, I left it in the kitchen

Sunday 12 November 2017

What's Going On?

And I watched the last 3 frames of what sport on ITV 4 tonight????

I'm Pleased With It

So tonight after I did the washing up, wiped the sides etc I looked at the floor. Yes, 3 or 4 muddy marks. In the past I would have had to shout "Timmy" (or whoever) but tonight I just reached out to my spray mop and cleaned the floor up. It must have taken 3 minutes or so
We did own one (or two) of these in the past but they have been broken for...... 6 or 9 months or summat so I had forgotten what a useful tool they are

He Won The Argument

So I was having my usual moan at Timmy today and I was complaining about "them" having to keep an eye on me while I am cooking. He said "Yes, but..... one of your hands doesn't work as well as you want and your vision isn't very good. That's why we gotta"
Yes, I can't disagree with any of these points, I think he won the argument. I had thought he was gonna say it was due to my stability on foot but no, that's not an issuer

The economic hardship, alienation, loss – and worse – that motivated so many have to be tackled

We’ll never...


So someone on Facebook had put a link to a song, which I listened to today. Lordy how emotional, I haven't heard that song in about 20 years but I still new all of the words (noisy link) about soldiers dying, and worse

Crazy Weather

So I am looking out the front window at the deep puddles on the road as it was raining heavily a couple of hours ago.
Look upwards and you see an almost cloudless blue sky
Aargh, I have eaten my lunch and it is raining again

First Thing

And first thing today I did my "cooking for the rest of the week" ritual and made loadsa food which, when it's ready I will divide up into 2 days worth and freeze the rest. I usually do the cooking ritual on Saturday but as we were out last night for dinner* I didn't
* Even if Wales lost

Saturday 11 November 2017


.... and warm tonight

Out For Dinner

And as Wales are playing rugger at dinner time tonight we are going out to my local pub to watch it (and try and be sociable) and have dinner therefore there
When all is said and done we lost


So we had to pop to town to Savers to fetch more mouthwash etc then we headed down to Wilko and bought a spray mop device for much too much cash.
For the whole trip we parked up on Lammas St across the road from where we were heading and did it all in one go. It occurs to me that I used to have to plan our trips out with minimum distance walked etc. Nowadays I just head into town, distance twixt shops etc is now not as much of an issue

Bit Sad

Right. OCD.
So first of all I passed all of last months (which I have already bragged about) but now I am just over a third of the way through getting all this months passed. Yes, I think it is good and clever etc it is proof that my head is getting better
Which might all be true but there is an element of OCD in publicizing it like this

Friday 10 November 2017

Out Tonight

So we popped out to a lot fuller than last year bingo do at the hall. It was raising funds for the school etc so one just paid loads etc.
We first heard about it when a neighbor came round to post summat through my door but actually knocked, which one does appreciate, letting me know etc
I didn't win any bingo but I did win a raffle prize which one of my kids will get for Xmas too
But I think last year I just had to play just one bingo card at a time but tonight I bought a book of 5 games and coped, I could manage. Dunno if it is my eyesight that's improving, my scribbling or my memory or what but I could just do it this year


So we need an early lunch today so I can digest it before going to the Stroke Class at gym at 2PM
Well we went and was testosteroned the whole way through. Today it was taken by Christina instead of Sam but she too is in the "What can u do now?" school of thought 

Thursday 9 November 2017


Then we popped to gym where I was rowing distance again. But being full of testosterone after my jab s'morning I was as quick as a quick thing. Again no rests, just did it

What A Morning

So first of all me and Timmy set off about 25 to 9 heading for the Drs. As the traffic is so heavy at that time of day we arrived at 5 to, just in time. So we had my blood taken then queued up again to see if anyone was free to jab me, instead of sitting there for an hour, which there were so she stuck a needle in my arse
Actually I was rather impressed with how steady of the hand both injectors were today, it didn't hurt too much
Then we popped to Iechyd Da where I bought Timmy a coffee as we had to wait 10 minutes for the deliverer to arrive. As it had messed up the timing, going to the docs so early
Then we popped to Morrison's where I bought the rest. They had changed the na'an bread for pizza again, but I think we bought a successful result

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Everyone's A Winner

I have just won an ebay auction for a pair of Xmas boxer shorts. £1.30 + £1.50 postage it is


So after that crisis we are off to a swimming class today at 2pm.
Hip Hip McBollocks or summat.....
And oh wasn't it fun. But as GGtGG said "Well at least you know it is doing summat for you"


And the interweb has been broken since breakfast time s'morning and I have just had my lunch
Well I had an early lunch as we are heading to swimming class later but it is working again now. MUCH relief.....
And much relief, I have been able to get on it again for about an hour. But I haven't read a single email, I have been updating my 'site, updating my blog etc etc

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Finish It?

So we are off to the Man's Club to carry on work on my bat box. Dunno it it will be finished tonight, dunno how long it is gonna take
No, not finished yet. So RoyGBiv had to spend ages cutting grooves into the wood for bats to grip on, because I just couldn't cut owt with a hand saw. I tried repeatedly but I think my arm broke and they thought I was gonna die so they didn't put it together properly or summat, it just doesn't work very well. But Roy made all the grooves look proper, so next week we will put it all together

Here We Go.......

 So here we are cycling like a super fit cyclist.  I have got about another 8km to go
7 now
Down to 4.5 to go. Hoo-flipping-ray
Well I did it. Again without stopping for a rest, just cycled on and on, and got a lot faster the last 4km


So @ gym today I am due to do miles (well 10km) of cycling but I am not going to try going quicker this week as I have just gotta sort of settle down, not trying to go faster and faster every week as I am already loads faster than a couple of months ago

Monday 6 November 2017


But if he hadn't had a gun he would have killed 2(?) people, Mr Trump


So hopefully she will actually be here this week so if so then I am attending my first "Waterworks" session in the pool at the gym later
Well that went well. Lordy she does different exercises but I feel it has done me sum good. And we did a 'stand on your right foot, move left foot forward and bend the left leg' exercise where my right heel was staying on the ground*. My tofustrings are the best they have been in 15 years or so
* First time it has stayed down since my accident, so it was an important event


And as we were coming out of somewhere yesterday a small kid passed me and said "He's a pirate!" to which I replied "Shhhh, keep it a secret"

Chicken Dinner

And last night I finally finished last months daily puzzle games, this is quite unusual to complete a month


And the playing music PC in my bedroom has proved very hard to switch on for months now, needs pressing the button in time with gord nose but this last week it seems to have fixed itself, some update or other has fixed it


And my phone says it is -1° when I woke up s'morning

Sunday 5 November 2017


So s'morning we popped into town, sat in the car for about 3 minutes 'til the rain stopped then we walked miles and back, from Lammas St, past M&S, up through St Catherines Walk shopping centre to the very top, then back, and it stayed dry until were coming home and it started to rain again, then it stopped again by the time we reached home

Fireworx AGAIN

Sorry, my mistake as they were saying on the radio all day yesterday how loadsa fireworx last night but tonight we will head down to the B&Q car park and look over the fence at....
Well it wasn't bad. The B&Q car park was full of folk watching the fireworks for free but it was an impressive enough show. As ever I was ready to go home having seen 2 seconds but we stayed through more bangs and flashes 'til the end

Saturday 4 November 2017

Double Fark

So I got an email tonight offering me many disabled aids, like loads
What will they think of next.....(This seems particularly relevant to me, I had to learn to use my left hand....)


So Roy had kind of insisted that we go out and watch some fireworks but I wasn't bothered. He knackered himself *so* much cleaning up around the house that he hasn't mentioned it tonight.
Which I am not bothered about, at all

Cooking On My Own Two Feet

So this morning I have been back and forwards about the kitchen, peeling veg, stirring the pan, chopping veg etc making loadsa food and I have been walking backwards and forwards without my walky stick and without holding on at all about 90% of the time, just getting about the kitchen on my own two feet

Friday 3 November 2017


So then we headed to the local pub to try and be sociable on a Friday night. There was 2 couples sat together eating and eventually playing pool and just the 2 of us sat on the other side, in the end watching rugger on't telly
So there was me trying to be sociable and there was no one there to be sociable to

Isn't She.....

So while I was in Sam's class today she was doing a "stand with your feet apart" exercise. I caught her attention later and said "It just doesn't work for me, trying to stand like that" and she said "Ah, that's probably because....... you need to do this" which although I didn't have a chance to try did make complete sense to me and I think as that follows on from loads of other advice I have been given that it makes complete sense.

Hectic Day Started

So s'morning I started off with a hurried, very early, lunch then popped out to Lammas St to the toenail chopper and what can I do other than kind of moan uber-gratefully and kind of moan "Forever in your debt"
Then we popped to the Drs and said "Someone contacted you for a proof that Neil is still alive letter for his claim" and they said "Posted it to Anthony t'other day" so again I made grateful noises then left
Then we went straight to gym for my class
Then we panted a bit and said "Glad that's done"

How Posh

So today I was searching on the interweb and this came up, lordy, how posh and how clever must you be

Thursday 2 November 2017

Intimidating Morning, in the morning

Then tomorrow I need to have an extra early lunch then we are heading down Lammas St to the toenail chopper then popping to gym for a class almost straight away afterwards

AM Busyness

So we have the usual Thursday morning business today, to Iechyd Da to fetch my organic food then to Morrison's (noisy link) to fetch the rest of my shopping then to gym for some stressful workout
Well that went well enough. So first things first me and Timmy headed to King St, were able to park without too much delay, and walked down to Caffi Iechyd Da, it had just finished raining. Now as the newbie who took half my veg away t'other week now knows, my box was sitting on a table by itself, waiting for me, when we got there. So we fetched that and then popped to Morrison's where I again didn't have a load to buy, it was cheap this week
THEN after I had put it all away etc we headed to gym where I got stuck into cycling 3.25 KM again, this week I just got stuck in from the start and did it about 2 minutes quicker than last week

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Opened My Eyes

This program is very long but as I get thru it I am feeling more favorable about These Punks.
If you are gonna watch it leave an hour aside to watch it all

To Gym, To Gym, To Buy A Fat Pig

So we popped to gym to a different but similarly levelled class. Which was meant to be taken by someone else but actually had That Sam in charge. There were some familiar exercises and some new ones which Sam had to explain. And yes, I feel knackered but healthier, same as usual


So as it is all confused by half term at gym and there is no swimming class today I had thought we would go out for a long walk today but GGtGG has just arrived and says "There is another worker running a class at the same level as Sam at 2pm today, we are going to that".
So I thought "Yo"