Monday 31 July 2017


And I still have a massive bruise from where I had the blood tests last week


Then after nap me and GGtGG headed into town for a walk. When we got there we parked at the end of Blue St/Lammas St, from there we walked along, crossed St Catherines St, up past Debenhams to the top of St Catherines Walk, back down as far as M&S then across to John St, up Jacksons Lane, past Iechyd Da to King St. Along there to the end then back and down past the old Guild Hall back to the car.
It doesn't sound very far but we were walking for more than an hour. But I can walk now, no rest involved

Cycling @ Gym

So we hummed and hawed then in the end we came to gym to exercise instead of swimmimg and when we came in the pool is *full* of kids, there is no way we could have got in with them all. And it is fairy nuff as I have to go see one of the beautiful physios tomorrow instead of gymming
Half way there, 5km to go
And I did it, all 10km of it in, IIRC, just under 50 minutes
But there is a new thing, for the past week or two I have just cycled the 10km without having to stop for a rest, just get on and go kind of thing

Sunday 30 July 2017

Happy Haircut

So s'afternoon GGtGG suggested to me that I need a haircut and it looks better than before now, he's narrowed the mohawk somewhat

Saturday 29 July 2017

Where Are We Going?

So we nipped down to the C&M Organics Thank You Party and it was a bit excellent. First of all we set off for a tour around the farm which I couldn't really cope with, it was too muddy/slippery so we cried off, but it was generally lovely. Loadsa folk just saying hello etc and I had a full on proper dance called by the dance boss which was excellent. Again I am just astonished what I can cope with, do now

Friday 28 July 2017


Then I was back in Sam's class. Which was as hard as ever but again I am getting better at it. I thought "Look, no holding on, I did it all in standing position" which I think I thought last week too


So Freya got loadsa online reaction to the Harry Potter Day while I was having my nap and then going out almost straight away to another Iechyd Da Monthly Folk Night which I did enjoy. There were a couple of newbies that I don't have any memory of and I  was most impressed with a brunette woman playing and singing
Who was there before according to my MOS

Thursday 27 July 2017


Well we popped out first thing and fetched the organic veg from Iechyd Da and said "See you later" to them.
Now we are & home for an hour before picking up that Freya and taking her out for an early birthday treat
And we are off in a couple of minutes..... (not that I am excited.....)


We are taking Freya for a birthday treat today (even tho it is not her birthday yet)
Hopefully she won't look at this and spoil the surprise.....
Ooooh wasn't that good. We had sandwiches, all kinds of Harry Potter tat, some "Beer" stuff, all with a constant Harry Potter theme tune playing. My description isn't impressive enough. We had a lovely time and Freya got loads of online reaction.

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Ultra Shopping

Then after dinner we popped to Morison's and did the weeks shopping a day early as I will be well busy tomorrow.
First of all to Iechyd Da to fetch the weeks organic veg, then to gym, then taking Freya out for an early birthday treat as she will be away when her birthday comes, then again to Iechyd Da for the once a month folky night (noisy)

More Shopping

Then later at GGtGG's call we went to The Range and bought another couple of Cafetieres for my kitchen cupboard and a couple of little token gifts for Freya's birthday


So we headed over to St Clears, to the Llety Cynin Leisure Club to go swimming. It was a bit strange but we got the "family" changing room. I had to do 14 lengths or so because it is so small but we managed.
We will be back there tomorrow with Freya for a birthday treat (even tho it's not her birthday yet, she will be away for that)

Tuesday 25 July 2017

What A Noon'eraft

Well we headed Docwards and was seen by the nurse. She said she was amazed about how much better I am etc, I am no longer in the type 2 diabetes "range" etc. Frankly she was amazed and pleased.
Before I saw her I popped into the other bit of reception and asked for my 'script. She had no record of my order, the "system" had been broken over the weekend but she said "I will print it out now and try to get it signed before you come out from the nurse. Which she did
Then we popped into the chemist next door and they had only 1 in stock (I had ordered 2) but gave me that 1 and a note about the other. We got into the car and I said "There is no 'when' on here, go back and ask them", he popped back and said "Within the hour". So we headed round town, to buy more mop heads for "him" and to get a card for Freya's birthday then popped back and fetched the other item. Phew, all done but I am way late for my nap.....

Don't Forget

And I must remember to piss in my sample bottle first thing in't morning and take it to show to the nurse at lunchtime
Which I did recall and it is sitting in the bathroom waiting......
And hooray we need to head to gym first and do some exercises. I refused to do the 40 minute cycle that's on my timetable as I need to be still functional after lunch when we are at the Drs
Well we popped to gym. So Roy suggested various machines after doing stretchy exercises and then, to show I wasn't lazy, I went on an extra newbie tool, the hand peddler for 5 minutes

Monday 24 July 2017

It Rains In Wales

Most days..... a pic of the sky full of clouds


So we are off to Headway again for a sufferers meeting
And it wasn't actually too bad. I decided on the way down to integrate myself with other sufferers, not just sitting with MM and that is what I did. 

Saying Hello

So I was sitting out the front s'morning when one of the neighbours passed. In the past I have had trouble making myself heard 30 feet away but I tried to raise my voice but not be shouting and I seem to have got it right today. I didn't shout but he turned round and replied

Sunday 23 July 2017

It Occurs To Me

I have thought so recently and it really was brought to my attention today. We popped out in the car s'morning and didn't get back for nearly 3 hours. In the past that would have required loads of stops for the loo but today I didn't pee until we were back home

... And About

So Timmy and I headed out s'morning and first of all we checked out the private shallow swimming pool in St Clears which I think we will try (and pay for) on Wednesday(*) next week. Then we just went a long way round on the way back, even looking over the river to where I used ta live

(*) Monday, my other swimming day, is filled up by a meeting of Headway this week

Saturday 22 July 2017

Start To Weekend

So Timmy came in today, said "Any plans apart from buying car?" so very shortly after that we headed into the Toyota garage and left less than an hour later having just ordered a new hybrid car. He will be in touch in 2-6 weeks and tell us to pick it up
Just wow etc, that went quickly and well

Friday 21 July 2017


And Freya txted me today and said "Sat, when we said we would meet. I am actually working 'til 10PM. Today....?" I had to say "Aargh, I am half way thru cooking, meet you in an hour?"...... which we did, went to a pub together and didn't get too drunk, we enjoyed each others company

Less Hectic But Still Hard Work

Then s'afternoon I had the pleasure (?) of one of Sam's classes. What can I say, fecking hard work but ultimately worth it

Hectic Morning

So first of all today we have to go to the Drs for my blood test (and get a piss container), then we have to head to Morriston Hospital in Swansea to get the replacement FES device, then we need to go to gym to Sam's once a week class
Well the start of the day went OK. We went to the Docs for jab which only took 5 mins then we were off to the FES Clinic in Swansea where "they" had left another FES controller to be swapped for my broken one. That was easy and we are now in the car on the way back for lunch before Sams class where I will wear the new one 

Thursday 20 July 2017


And Timmy took a call s'afternoon and basically the chap said "We have got a spare FES, come and fetch it tomorrow, swap for the old" so after my blood tests in the morning we will head to Swansea before I head to gym class

Trip Out 3

Then later we tripped out again to B&Q to get a new toilet flusher for the staff loo which Timmy fixed. Well apparently
No, he has demonstrated it to me, ooooh

Trip Out 2

And when we were in Iechyd Da s'morning she said "You coming here tonight for the gig?". The answer was a big "YES"


After we had brought the shopping home we headed out to gym where I did about 80% of my 10km cycle ride as it was switched up even higher than before

Trip Out

So first thing s'morning we headed into town and first of all we popped to Caffi Iechyd Da to fetch my weekly delivery of Organic Veg which is delivered to them with their delivery. And I did say "See you later" to them, too
Then, same trip out we went to Morrison's and got the rest of my shopping

My Vision

And yesterday from the car I was just glancing at two women as we passed them. I looked, kind of up and down, just being nosey. As we passed further suddenly I could see, like surprise surprise, another woman walking with them who was about one pace to the right. I hadn't seen her during my concentrating look at the 2 women to the left.
Sheet, that's why I can't drive if my vision is that fscked, there's bits missing

Wednesday 19 July 2017


So I took my FES box and was trying to make the battery fit more securely, I pulled, trying to bend, the bit that connects with the battery and it came off in my hand. The thing is fscked. I am gonna have to try getting new one tomorrow

I Thought Of It By Myself....

Not doing summat from a website
"Whose Hand Is On Top in a dominator style" I asked?


So today an early lunch then a session in Aqua Aerobics. I think this will be finishing for a couple of months for the school holidays, today is the last session. Apparently, anyway.......
Well we did it. Doing "stand on your right foot and moving the left" was just mind blowing as  I simply can these days

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Hot Chocolate

So for a bedtime drink I have just had one of the sachets of hot chocolate which have been in the drawer for ages. Just that powder and some warm (but not boiling) water. Cor Blimey it was nice, and drunk a bit quickly


Then s'evening when me and Roy were out shopping I found my FES control box in the shopping basket. I had obviously knocked it off. I put it back together but it stayed black, not working. I limped around the shop and had a proper look on the way home. Nothing. A couple of beeps when you pressed one button but no other signs of life. Roy said "Battery dead?" but I said "No" as I had changed the battery only last week, but still no life, no combination or order of button pressing brought it back to life.
So in desperation I took the battery out and replaced it in the same position. Lights and display were on again. It works again


But by feck but it's odd looking at Hybrid cars. Sometimes it made engine noises, other times we were silent as we headed along. Just by feck, posh or what

Everyone Meeting

So I am waiting here for a "team meeting" s'morning where everyone is coming here to get together and slag me off to Denyse etc
Right. So first of all I had to sit around while they did this "meeting" mularkey. Then when I expected Denyse to say "Garage" she had to go and do a "bosses" type of meeting with Timmy while I had my lunch
Then we popped off down to the Toyota garage, me, Roy my driver and Denyse and Timmy. We had a look at the cars then Timmy went home and me and Denyse and Roy said "Test drive" to one of the workers and we took out both kinds of car and went uphill and around town with Roy driving
It was a bit odd but after that I think I prefer the cheaper car, although if we do chose that we will have to see how it's fitted out, CD player/Radio etc. I think me and Timmy are gonna head down on Sat and order the car when Denyse has got some bits of paper etc
BUT she did say that perhaps we will be able to "just having cream on my washed legs" once a day, in the afternoon which I am very pleased about. Still "needs" the afternoon which I am not to happy about but it is better

Monday 17 July 2017

What A Swim

So me and MM the ex swimming teacher have just been to the pool for a swim. I managed 8 lengths today with both my legs kicking and both hands moving properly about.
I still wouldn't saw it was fun but a good swim was had
And I was practising making my right arm move properly, and keeping it up at the same level as the left, at the surface of the water. It might sound straightforward to you but it is much harder for me. But I just about managed while kicking properly with both feet.....

The Doctor

Aargh. I have just watched the last episode of this series of Dr Who, where he dies and is rejuvenated into female form.
Just good lord, I thought the previous Dr was the best for a long time, hopefully this new character can be as good

Not When I Was At School

And they hadn't invented it when I had my first computer classes at school, just how old does this make me feel

Sunday 16 July 2017

Out And About

Then s'morning me and GGtGG headed into Wilko's to pick up some more stuff for the staff. As usual we parked on Lammas St and headed up Merlins Walk. That used to be an issue for me, I would park on Lammas St if we were going to a shop halfway along Merlins Walk but I used to find it hard to get all the way to Wilko's and back. Used to. So we bought another mop, some loo roll and some other stuff. GGtGG was able to pay for it on the other staff card
Although on the way there we passed some unusual activity in town....

Saturday 15 July 2017


Then later we headed over to Pembroke Castle for an evening of 60's bootleg entertainment, the headline of which was the Bootleg Beatles who actually were rather good and entertaining. When we got there with out "standing space only" tickets one chap looked at me and immediately, without having to be asked, walked over with us and got us let into the seats. The Pembroke support band werent too bad, the Bootleg Beachboys should have stayed at home looking for another job but the Bootleg Beatles were rather entertaining. I did stand up through that to have a boogle with a rather beautiful partner of some "bigger than me" chap
It was a good evening and night out, there was a selection of food made there, I had pizza, which wasn't too dear, and a bar.
 The underfoot wasn't too bad, mostly grass but reasonably well cared for. And as I can walk on stuff like that now.......
And I used the big pockets on the leg of my cream coloured trousers for the first time, the tickets were too big to fit in my bumbag but fitted perfectly in a newbie place

Dennis is a menace....

So today I looked at "What's on telly", and because of that I am now watching the men's wheelchair doubles. What can I say, just incredible


So we are going to some castle tonight to watch The Bootleg Beatles. Dunno....
Right. So we had a marginal panic. GGtGG phoned them up to ask various things but he said "We couldn't get seated area tickets, is there anywhere for a cripple to sit?" as I don't think I could stand up in a crowd for that long, she said "Yes, disabled area, bring your blue badge and you will be allowed in"
Minor crisis averted

Friday 14 July 2017

The Class

And I am going to the only class I goto every week at the gym today. It is called a "Stroke" class but it is for folk with similar ailments
Lordy. Well I have done it. It makes my brain hurt how much better I am week after week. Today I noticed, doing the step up and back down exercise I walked the long way round to be on the other side of the exercise machine so I could reach the handle with my left hand. The handle that I did not grip at all today, but I could if I needed to


And I heard Timmy and MM talking about the first aid course MM had to do yesterday. Their conversation passed over these, which made me well paranoid/scared but apparently it is just a standard first aid role play these days, not specific to me because...... I am not this poorly

Blueberry Crisis

So I opened the fridge and went to take them out but......."WHERE'S MY BLUEBERRIES?"
Then I realised, yesterday I was gonna put them in the fridge, I thought "That salad drawer, as I am cutting my own salad at lunchtime every day and eat all that I have cut, it's empty" so I stuck them in the left hand salad drawer

Thursday 13 July 2017

Does It Wurk?

Well, my "new" bedroom PC. So t'other day I emailed the seller, he said "Do this......", still didn't work. I emailed him again and he said "OK, download this and start it in a complex way". I tried it, it said "Can't find...." and the PC was still bust. I asked Timmy and showed him. This time it didn't say "Couldn't find...."
OK, switch it off and wait. Stays switched off. OK. Switch it back on and start the "Switch off later" program, check it later and it is switched off!!! So hopefully it is working again.......
The postman brought me the new Hard Drive for it s'morning. So it is sat plugged into my laptop with the old "music" hard drive that most stuff can't see plugged in opposite and it is copy/pasting oodles of files. It is about ⅓ of the way through and it has been running for about 4 hours now. Hopefully tomorrow.......


Then we popped down to Caffi Iechyd Da to fetch my orgy porgy food then to Morrisons to fetch the rest of my shopping.
Then after lunch he shaved squares off......

Hectic Morning

So first of all we popped to see the FES expert. She looked at me walking, tried moving switches etc and basically put it back together same as normal, said "It's goin' well, keep up the good work" &c
BUT she did say that the FES padds weren't sticking to my legs properly because a) my legs are too hairy, and b) because I have the moisturiser cream put on before FESing every day.
SO she told Timmy to shave squares of my legs so they can stick properly and tell the staff to leave cream off these squares so they will be much stickier

Off To 'Ospital

So we (me & Timmy) are off to hospital (Morriston - Swansea) to see some FES expert s'morning.
Then we are doing shopping &c

Wednesday 12 July 2017


So we went off and fetched Freya as she is back at her Mum's finished the year at Uni


Then we went to Aqua Aerobics. Which was as hard as ever but I am getting better at it. This eek I really noticed the standing on just my right foot aspects.....
But I was a bit annoyed, she said to everyone at one point "Watch, your bottom....." but I was jealous, I thought that was my job


So s'morning I had to go to the toe chopper who did that and scraped off some hard skin &c
Came back, had a late early lunch then I am off to Aqua Aerobics in a bit

Hectic AM

So s'morning first we have to head down to the toenail chopper in Carmarthen. Then we need to come back here, pick veg &c and have an early lunch. Then get changed into tomorrows clothes and my swimming trunx, put the old clothes onto wash then go to an Aqua Aerobics class.
Then s'evening that Freya is coming to visit me, as she is back from u=Uni for a few months

Tuesday 11 July 2017

How Much

And I was so attempted to ask an assistant "How much is yours?" after I saw the note outside about the price

Still Broken

And me and Timmy tried to sort out my bedroom PC but we couldn't. I emailed the seller, wait and see what he says


Then s'morning we had an early lunch then headed off to Pyle to see the temp physio, Rhian (I asked her how to spell that) and she did all kinds of mainly stuff on my arms which had improved it before we left

Lovely Weather

Today, lovely


And my old HDD won't connect to any computer, both new and old. However it still connects to the laptop so I have bought a new drive, we will plug them both into the laptop and transfer all the tunes
We haven't been able to stop the PC switching itself on tho.....

I Timed It Well

So I went outside and cut my lettuce &c today. I set the lettuce by the sink and thought "It's a bit too early to eat....", sat down by my PC and it is raining now, I missed it when I went outside

Monday 10 July 2017

What A Day #27

Well, s'morning we didn't have much to do, had an early lunch then headed off to Headway Neath for a couple of hours, came back, bathed etc then the chap arrived and delivered the new PC for the bedroom but I was busy cooking, so we ate and then me and MM came into the bedroom and started setting up the second hand PC. It all went well except my keyboard had an old fashioned connection so we nipped to Tesco to buy a new keyboard. Which we did, it didn't cost too much then we came back and got it all plugged in etc. We got it working, connected to my webpage but MM can't get the CD's in the outside HDD to play. So we plugged in a physical CD, got that working so it will do for tonight. Timmy the expert is in tomorrow so he can plug it in properly
Aargh, the PC turns itself back on afterwards. No matter how I switch it off......

Sunday 9 July 2017


So I picked the veg from my greenhouse today. But how shall I eat it?
Apparently it is nice raw in salad so I suspect one shall be chopped every lunchtime for a few weeks


Well as I had time today I have made an enormous pan of Bollock-knees which boiled for an hour. I switched it off when I got in the bath but afterwards I need to add some RSL &c and kind of thicken it up
Well I thought it was yummy at dinner time but as my sense of taste is a bit wonky dunno. When MM has some tomorrow he can tell me

I AM getting better

So today was changing the bed. I still need help putting the sheet and the cover on but today I was able to do the pillow cases and thing cover.
Yes, it's not all of it but it is progress
OK. On the subject of getting better, someone has put a wedge under the kitchen door to keep it open in the wind. Now I use my right foot to arrange and kick it into place. Last year I had to use my left foot

Saturday 8 July 2017

No Time

And because we had been busy at the garage etc I didn't have time to cook (the 3+ hours for bollock knees) so we popped out to The Caraway Restaurant. My food was alright but Timmy had to complain and say "This meat is all runny, swap it for summat else please, I will just have a burger instead" so we weren't very happy with the trip out
BUT before we ate we headed into Carmarthen to stand on the footbridge and watch a "fun" rowing race. Which was strange but being able to stand for that long and walk that far is a bit encouraging. 

Hippy Cars

So we went out today to the Texaco garage and looked at their hybrid cars, starts on petrol, switches to battery, when battery runs out starts petrol again etc. I think ATM they are the most enviromentally solution that doesnt need plugging in every 40 moles

Friday 7 July 2017

Roll On Monday

Then at some point on Monday someone is gonna deliver my new PC for the bedroom, either to me or the greenhouse if I am out.
£56 well spent, I hope

Oh The Fun....

And we are off in a bit to my one physio class of the week, "stroke" this one is aimed at...
And we had an early lunch so I had digested before going to class, I need to
Just by jazus, I am getting better every week.
The one that stood out for me was the stepping up and down and back up again without using my 'stick. And there were loads, I said to Sam about how my right foot is so much slower than my left foot doing a movement and she said "You didn't used to be able to use your right foot at all". And the stepping left and right, again with no stick and I managed to catch myself when I was a bit wobbly, again in the past I would have been on the floor


And Timmy spoke to me yesterday about choosing a new Motability car and he said there are a small number of Toyota hybrids available without having to pay too much extra. So we will head out over the weekend, when he is working again, and have a look
Oooooh, a eco friendly hippy-mobile!!

Thursday 6 July 2017


So then tonight I showed Timmy some of the links to cheap PC's that I found, to replace the one in the bedroom but eventually we just bought a refurbished one from Amazon, I think I am protected etc

Force Of Habit

It is just becoming more normal to walk about indoors with no walking stick

So Near So Spar

Then after lunchtime the postwoman came late and delivered my new monopod. Upon opening it it looks all wrong, won't fit on my camera so we went online and said "Give it back". So they said "Print this out, stick it to the envelope and take it to the Spar". Which we did but they said "No, computer system is down, try again tomorrow" so on the way to gym tomorrow (or way back from) we have another call to make.
It is the first time I have done a "Send it back" thing to Amazon and it wasn't too hard

What A Morning

So first of all s'morning me and Timmy had to head for the Drs to get my inhaler and a new cream. Fairy nuff except when we were finished I walked towards the door but Timmy had headed for the shortcut to the chemist. Oh yes, that way......
Then we had to head to Carri Iechyd Da to fetch my organic delivery. First time we went down King St someone in front of us nicked the parking space but second time around someone was coming out of a much closer parking space so we got that. I had to tell them that I will be late next week as we have to head to the hospital in't morning but that was done
Then we popped off to Morrisons and just about got everything, they were well short of organic milk but I found a big one with just about the right date on it
Then before lunch we headed to gym where I did 20 minutes on a rowing machine

No Stick

So I was sat on the bench out the front reading when the bin men came and took it away. The kind chap brought the waste carrier up to me and set it next to the bench. So I stood up, picked up the carrier and walked all the way around the front and up the side of my house to the spot outside the garage where I keep the carrier. Walked the whole way with my walking stick held horizontally off ground
But the back door was open for me to enter so I couldn't do it back round!!

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Gloop Gloop Gloop

So I had an early lunch and then just after lunchtime we headed to Aqua Aerobics. Well the regular teacher was back for a start and......
Just WOW etc, I am noticeably better week after week.
So first of all in the car on the way there I told MM about how my kicking when swimming had noticeably improved on Monday with somebody else. Then during the class I was doing "Stand on your right foot and lift your left leg" without having to hold on. I was just balancing on my right foot without holding on or overbalancing, too much anyway
And just generally I was able to do all the exercises with my right wrist in the correct position, wasn't bent over unnaturally

Tuesday 4 July 2017


So here we are in the fscking gym pedalling away like a good 'un. We have about another 7km to go....
And wasn't it fun, I finished quicker I think than last week

Monday 3 July 2017

RHS Pic Crisis

So if I am trying to take pics with my right hand pressing buttons etc,  also need to do that when it is plugged into my PC to transfer pics etc
No, 'tis done now, etc

Folding It Up

And tonight I washed the 3 towels that I had used @ swimming pool and experimented with taking 3 more out if the cupboard and replacing them. The point came later when the sun had dried the towels. I took them to the cupboard, folded then one at a time and was able to reach upward and forward and put them away, by myself. It is the first time since 2003 when I haven't required assistance with this task. Looking in the cupboard now they look properly away, not wrinkled balls of....

Farewell Wrinkly PC

So I said to Timmy again, "Is there an issue with this PC, it is so slow", he had a look and said "Nah, it is just too old". So the only think I use it for are playing music (and looking at dirty pics at night) he swapped the music store and speakers to a spare laptop and it has a link to all my vulgarity, so it seems so far to be about 18 times quicker. So we have put the old PC to one side, we will see how I get on with the substitute

My Calendar

And I changed the month on the calendar s'morning instead of 2 or 3 days ago and it contains a beautiful picture of one of the tourist treats on the north coast of Ireland


And the birds were cheeping s'morning. They were doing it moreso when I went out but by the time......

Sunday 2 July 2017

In My Book

So at the minute I am about  of the way through The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and I am rather enjoying it. But today I was reading and came upon a quote

And that is the same quote I have on the first page of my website, my home page


So I woke up s'morning, looked at my watch, thought it said 9.30am, thought "WTF?", put my top on, shoes on etc, got up, walked to the loo, a voice from the next room said "What are u doing, it's only half past 5"...

Saturday 1 July 2017


And I was watching a program about driverless cars tonight, dunno what to say..... but I was impressed

No Hibernating

So I was looking at a way of switching my PC to not "hibernate", just "sleep" mode. So I investigated and found right click on START and goto COMMAND PROMPT. But it didn't work. What was going on? Ah, it didn't say COMMAND PROMPT, it said "COMMAND PROMPT (Admin)" which I had missed yesterday. Did what it said and my PC is behaving more like I wannit to

Still Improving

And today when I was cooking 2 dinners at once (one in the pan until tomorrow) I was hopping backwards and forwards around the kitchen without my walk stick and without holding on to owt to balance, just walking about like a proper person


And today I am wearing a lumberjack shirt kind of thing over my T shirt. I noticed today when taking it off (as I was overheated) that I used to avoid the lumberjack shirts as they had buttons instead of a zip, which were hard to do up etc. Yes, they are still difficult but 10 times easier than 6 months ago as my hands are becoming so much more useful

Art For Arts Sake

So me and MM headed into town early and called into the Oriel Art Gallery in Carmarthen. It was excellent, some beautiful work. The assistant was talking with me about the art and he went into the back room and fetched another book to show me pictures relevant to our conversation. There were another 2 art galleries opposite, across the road, but we decided to head off round town for a walk and will call in next weekend to look at these 2 galleries