Thursday 31 May 2018

Iechyd Ding

And we are going to the monthly folk night at Iechyd Da tonight.....
Lordy, so the chap who was supposed to come down with the PA "forgot" and after much crises and phone calls said "I will be in an hour" and wasn't at all. We had loadsa folk playing on a cheap "hear it" battery powered PA with no vocals but even so a couple of them were excellent

Busy Thursday

And I remembered how to do it etc. After we brought it home and divided it into "put where" piles I put it all away.
Then we went to gym where today I did a rowing machine. So that feels a bit odd too, yes my right arm is behaving much better than it used to but along side that is a new ache as I am using unfit muscles

First Busy Thursday In A Fortnight

And as we didn't have to pick up any veg last Thursday as we were disappearing off for a few days on Friday so my baby boy could get wed very stylishly so today is the first Fetching Veg Thursday for 2 weeks.
Hopefully I will remember the fetching......

Wednesday 30 May 2018


Then we went into town for a walk after dinner. Parked at the bottom, walked uphill, along King St then back on the other side and then downhill past the old court again. There was no reason, just out for a walk
And it feels OK again having the FES on my leg. I think the swelling on my big toe must have been growing for ages


And we went to see the chiropodist a week early today, I was cynical that she would send me to the doctors after looking at my swelling but none of it. She did various cutting and grinding and the swelling has gone down and I am a happy, more comfortable chappy

Nor Swimming

And as it is half term there is no swimming class today so instead we popped gymwards and did four upper body weight lifting machines.
And I really want to complain about how my right arm is a bit fscked. Less fscked than last time we did upper body machines but it still doesn't work as well as my left arm

No Thunder

Well it hasn't been stormy yet......

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Foot Fixer

So someone made a phone call to the chiropodist today and said "Neil has an appt next week but can he see you early as his toe hurts?" so tomorrow afternoon I am going


So I said to RoyGBiv that I thought my toe was hurting too much to cycle but I would try it first and see. So far nearly 3km into it and it doesn't hurt at all. The cycling machine/position keeps my toe at the right angle where it is not hitting against the end of my shoe

Grenfell Inquiry

So I was looking at the newspaper and I came across a "Grenfell live inquiry" link, clicked it and it just shows a video of gentle music playing against pictures of people trying to lead their lives. Every few seconds there is a new photo of someone else. All the people who were killed. All. I only managed to keep it on for 10 or 12 pictures, a very few of the people who are no more


Back To Normal

So I was back yesterday but it was a bank holiday "nothings happening" day but today I am back to fecking gymming etc


Well having recalled to go and water the veg s'morning and fark, it is doing well

Monday 28 May 2018


And having just arrived today I forgot to go out to the greenhouse and check it. Tomorrow this is......

Home Again Jiggety Jig

So we woke up early s'morning and immediately packed up and loaded the car etc. We travelled back and arrived at almost exactly lunchtime, called at Spar so me and Mark could buy a sandwich as my bread was frozen and came back. Put the washing on etc and were just a bit astonished about where we had been for the last 2 or 3 days

Sunday 27 May 2018

A Bit Emotional

And I was nearly crying watching that Sam marry Emma. But 'tis done
And I said to both of them "Didn't he do well?" to which she replied "I did quite well too"


And we drove down to where we were in last night to order breakfast and the waiter said "Veggie breakfast isn't very nice" so.....
Well I thought it was nice 


So I woke up s"morning and thought "So go home today?" then about 10 seconds later "NO SAMS GETTING MARRIED" so a bit nervous....

Saturday 26 May 2018


So on the way up we left about 10.30 and didn't stop for lunch til about 1. And I didn't need to stop 3 or 4 times for a pee. My bladder control is much better

We're Off

So we are off in a bit to Stoke-on-Trent where that Samuel Mark Joseph is getting married to Emma. My baby.......

Friday 25 May 2018


What am I reading on Sunday for Sam&Emma?


Not Walk

So we popped put to town for a walk around tonight but it was fscking raining so we just drove around for 20 mins then came home

Sam's Class

So s'afternoon I had to go to the gym class that I thought we would miss because we were at wedding. But I did almost all of it standing on my own two feet not holding on. Including the step up and the step up sideways exercises.
Then afterwards before my bath I called GGtGG into the bedroom and tried some situps on the bed. I had to get him to hold my feet down but that is just a technique/practice thingy. I couldn't get my right arm to go behind my head but with one arm behind I did 10 situps. After the wedding that is gonna become a daily practice thingy. Hopefully in the end I will manage more a day too

FESing Again

And we have decided that my leg looks well enough that I can try wearing my FES again for Sam's Class s'afternoon, just then we will try, take it off immediately etc
And clarkin' bell, it feels a bit strange having it on for the first time in a week. Like good and special etc...

Thursday 24 May 2018

Out For Dinner

Then as Timmy suggested it we are going to Pizza Express to eat tonight as I still have an "Eat some" token that I got for last Christmas
So I had to do the washing up just after lunch
Then we popped to Weatherspoons and  had another glass of wine

What A Morning

So.... today first of all we popped into the theatre on King St and bought some tickets for more popular comedians etc, then we walked back to the car and thought "No, as you only need a few items" so we popped into the Coop and bought Milk and muesli etc.
Then we got into the car and thought "Ah well, Morrisons petrol station" but on the way there I actually looked at my shopping list so before we got petrol we actually had to go to Morrisons and do more shopping.
THEN we popped to gym and did a rowing machine and IIRC I did the distance in the quickest ever time.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Walkies, not in Carmarthen

Then tonight I said "Lets go out" to which GGtGG replied "Where?", "Dunno" so in the end we headed down to Burryport where we walked loads along the walkway which would have been to hard for me to do a couple of months ago but now the uneven surface etc doesn't phase me.
We parked up before the tearoom and walked down past the lighthouse


Fark. So I watched a program about folk with dementia meeting up with a load of 4 year old's and the effect it had.
By jasus, it was moving. One of the older folk hadn't spoken at all for a few years. First think said was "When are you coming back?"


And it sez on my diary for today to go swimming in the pool s'afternoon
And oh what fun we had. Actually today we were having so much fun that I didn't look at the clock to see how much was left until about 43 minutes into class

Looking Bigger

And the tomatoes, the courgettes and the rest of the veg in the trug is looking healthier and bigger s'morning

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Quizzing It

As someone noticed an advertising sign t'other night we are going out to a quiz night tonight
And it was nice, we came second in our team of 5 and they usually have a quiz every week but not next week as they are getting married
And I thought "Oh, how well did we do and I suffered a brain injury some years ago so I am a bit stupid" but on reflection it was the rest of my team who answered most of them

Charity Shops

So we popped into town, King St, and went looking in charity shops. In the 3rd one we found some respectable ties and bought two to wear with my pink shirt and grey suit at the weekend.
Plan B was to borrow one off Timmy but this was me being independant 


Well we popped to gym s'morning and I did 10km of level 15 bicycling in possibly the fastest time ever. Not too knackered once I had rested for 15 seconds

Fscking Hay Fever

And I am sneezy s'morning and have blown my nose about 12 times so far.
And I don't have a cold......
But after about 6 o'clock at night I have stopped runny nose-ing

Monday 21 May 2018

Out Again

Then s'evening we popped into town again to try and make this Helena Advice sink into my head. Which it seems to have done a lot. But Timmy said "We have been nagging you about this for years and all it needs is for some beautiful woman to tell you just once and suddenly you listen...."
Dunno, it improved my walking with no FES today......

Falling In Love

So today I was working with a temp/student/newly qualified MOS called Helena and I am getting fixated. Because she did me so much good, gave me good advice, told me what to do. After the session I could only walk slowly but my right foot was behaving properly/not turning over etc. I am a bit puzzled about what we actually did but it I can reproduce it I will be well happy
And while we were there Timmy shot across the road to the chemist and bought some treat legs cream which feels comfortable. I can't wear my FES until the cut skin has mended. AND she phoned the FES clinic and said "WTF" as I was the second person this week with bleedin' bits on well old FES marks so they are gonna send me some new pads

Bought A New Case

And the cover case on my phone ripped yesterday for no apparent reason. So on Ebay bought a new one for 3.99 which will be delivered in the next couple of days

Were Off

And we are off to see the physio lady in Bridgend s'morning
Oh tra la la

Sunday 20 May 2018


So we popped into town and went for an enormous walk tonight, about as far as you can go on my route. Without my FES, we had left it off today to try and heal the wounds it had left on my leg. But I did it. BUT my right wrist was slightly bending up because I was having to concentrate slightly more on how my feet were doing with no FES assistance
But I did it, walking for nearly an hour, uphill and down

Next Weekend

And now the royal wedding is over it occurs to me that it is not a few months away, nor a few weeks but it is actually happening next weekend. That Sam the youngster is actually getting married this day next week!!!

Saturday 19 May 2018


And we parked on Llamas St and walked down towards Wilko along the newish st. On the way along we called into a Charity Shop and dropped off some big clothes and had to tell the assistant that's because I have lost 5 stone. We called into a couple of cheap shops but they had not both items we wanted and as I had no cash I thought "Leave the bank card along" and went all the way to Wilko where I bought more Mansize boxes of tissues and more "carry them in your pockets" tissues.
Then later we went down to the pub in Llansteffan and were able drink proper beer


And as my right leg is looking poorly under where the FES sits on my leg we have decided (well Timmy has) decided not to put the FES on me tonight. I can still walk without it etc, just not so well

'Twas Broken

So the countdown timer that I use to tell me when to get up after my nap had broken and wouldn't work anymore. I got on Google Apps and downloaded a replacement which I wasn't completely happy with but it was the best I could find. Timmy came in s'morning and I asked him for sum advice and he said "Goto that link to PlayStore on your phone", they have the majority of stuff for your phone. I downloaded summat, still had the same issue as the first one, tried again and I am happy now. So I uninstalled the intermediate and I am happy with the one that's there now
The intermediate ones wouldn't let me choose from a selection of times, like "Normal nap" and "Brief nap after class that's running late" etc

Friday 18 May 2018

Hot Water

And the tap is still running hot which makes a) having a bath and b) doing the washing up and c) washing my hands much easier

Did My Washing

And I had to do a load of washing s'afternoon which means that the machine will be empty tomorrow therefore I should wash the sheets off my bed etc as I wash it every weekend Saturday or Sunday depending when the machine is free

I Am Not Worthy

So today I will be at my once a week Sam's Class.
I am not worthy....
     Well I have now had an early lunch so I can do sum digestion before going to class........

Dun it. It was as much fun as usual but I noticed half way thru the cabbage-string exercises (They are called ham string by most folk).....  half way thru the cabbage-string exercises I noticed that my right knee was bending as much as the left knee. It still wasn't the same, it hurt and I felt unsteady, but it was the first time it has bent as far as the left knee in over 15 years. I told Sam (as I was feeling a bit smug) and she said "You didn't used to be able to bend the right knee at all"

Thursday 17 May 2018

Hot Bath

And I was able to have a hot bath again today (Yesterday I had a shower at swimming pool and day before was the first bath I had had for weeks) and it still felt really important etc etc

Thursday AM

THEN me and Timmy headed into town, called into Lloyds bank* so Timmy could pay me half the cash for the plumber, then we popped down to Caffi Iechyd Da and fetched an enormous box of goodies, then to Morrison's where again we had a bigger than usual shopping list, then home and put it away.
Then we called down to gym and I did my 20 minute cycle, at normal speed for 4½ minutes then flat out for 30 seconds repeated for 20 minutes. Puff puff pant etc but I can do it 
* WTF's going on, you don't need to queue up any more, just went to a "Paying in" machine, put my card in, didn't need to enter my PIN, put the cash in the slot at the bottom, it clicks and hums then says "You paid in £x?" you click "Yep" and it pays it into your account!!!


And as soon as I had finished my breakfast me and GGtGG went out to the greenhouse and removed 3 of the plants from there to put them in the trug, I think the last 2 plants we will leave in the greenhouse
And I went back out to have a look tonight and it already looks better, more upright plants etc etc

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Recording Sound

And I spent ages today trying to find different ways/techniques for recording sound so perhaps I could have a stronger method. No such luck but I rediscovered how to video/record sound on my camera which I can then convert to sound files. Dunno why I did that, just rediscovering
For future rediscovery you just have to press the small video camera picture button next to main button on top of my camera. Then "up" arrow to play it back

Walkies (AGAIN!!!)

And we popped to town for walkies again tonight. So we parked on Lammas St and instead of going up the hill we walked along Lammas St and down Mansel St and then up the hill past Iechyd Da and then back down to the car.
Oh, it was a different route but still as much fun as ever


Well we are off to the pool s'afternoon for an hours workout

Hot Water At Kettle

Aaah. T'was much easier making my brew s'morning, just able to heat my mug up, didn't have to reboil the kettle etc

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Wot Denyse Said

And Denyse arrived when I was spreading some bird seed on the feeder tray and said "Stand properly" which was actually to remind me to think about...... etc..... and then said "Anything I should bring up with the team?" and I said "Yes, actually...." and went on to tell her about walking in the back door, how I want/need to practice more but I am not allowed to try it by myself, so can I walk in there "While there is a MOS behind me with his hands free to catch me if I fall" and she said "YES".
Woop dee doop, hooray etc etc
Then she approached me again and said "Second thoughts. If we get the council to put handrails there, they will do it for free, then you can use it by yourself. DO NOT use it until then"


The phone rang at about four minutes past nine s'morning and I thought "Is that the plumber?", picked it up and said "Hello" and a woman with a very thick foreign accent said "Can I speak to the homeowner, please?" I didn't even reply, just hung straight up
Then a couple of hours later I was thinking "Where is he?" and he just pulled up, outside, no phone call etc. He did a couple of hours work then fscked off. I turned the tap on and it ran hot for about a second then ran cold. 
So MM had to phone him again, we had a direct number, he came back, did about 20 seconds work with a screwdriver and it all works now. The hot bath is happening again and we didn't have time to go to the gym first.
Well "someone" said to me today that when the bill arrives "they" will pay half from Staff PC and I can pay the other half

Be Good

So I am trying to be good today, there is no point asking Denyse to marry me, just no point, so I am trying to make friends

Monday 14 May 2018

Yum Yum

And I cooked pasta for myself tonight again. Nice it was, I can manage it now


Today's T-Shirt


Church Road

So we popped out front door, turned left and walked down the footpath then came onto Church Road.
It is the minor right turn just after we have driven off to town but I went up it, uphill it is. Soon we were level with the roof of our house

Come On, Plumber

Come on, waiting for you to phone s'morning
So Timmy phoned them at 11am, they said they had ordered the spring and the wrong one had arrived, so he had to order the full expensive part (that we had been waiting for a week to avoid) and hopefully will be in touch tomorrow. So instead of heading off to Headway in Swansea we are heading to Aqua Fit @ gym, luckily Timmy had brought trunx just in case, then shower @ pool

Sunday 13 May 2018

Stressed Hand

So we went to Carmarthen tonight, parked on Llamas St, walked up past the old town hall and along King St. For the whole time my right hand was sitting at my side, where it should be.
Then we turned down the steep downhill at the end of King St., Little Water Street. My right hand went up in the air and stayed there until I had walked the five yards through the very steep uneven bit when it went back to my side


And I cooked some pasta for tea tonight which I haven't done for ages, I had kind of gone off it as I struggled using my knife at the same time as my fork to scrape it on, to eat, but nowadays that is straightforward again, so  I think I have changed my eating habits a bit
And I was sh*tting myself about carrying it to the sink to drain but it just worked, my own two feet with the pan in two hands


And I went across the road to ask the neighbour summat and she said "Come into my house and see" and I walked up the side and into her house. Lord but she works hard to keep it nice
And she did say that even from her not very close neighbour position she can tell how much better I am getting week after week. Like, she said, "I used to be in a wheelchair"

Bl**dy Sunday

So here it is, Sunday. MM is out the front cleaning the rest of the stones underfoot then he is gonna move small stones under the car as they have all moved away from the manhole and that is sticking up a bit so he needs to make it all level once more. I will take a pic once he moves his car away......

Saturday 12 May 2018

No Contact

And the plumber hasn't been in contact yet so we will have to go to the fscking gym again for a shower
And as one assumes he won't be doing business on a Sunday we will have to shower there tomorrow too....
Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t


And I did most of the weeks cooking, chopping etc s'morning. So it is currently cooking in a big saucepan, needs more cooking time then in a bit I will add some lentils and yellow split peas then later bake some spuds to accompany it
And it was rather delicious when finished. So I have frozen the rest and taken a portion of last weeks that we still hadn't finished out of the freezer for tomorrow

Tie Them

And I am wearing my tie them velcro-less trainers which I tied by myself again s'morning

Friday 11 May 2018

What A Night

And we went back off to the pub down the road (Llansteffan, The Castle Inn) and had a few beers. Also had a big chat with the landlord
BUT first of all we walked for ages along the beach and back along Llansteffa
And I stood at the bar for the first 2 2/3 pints

What A Day

So first things first GGtGG arrived to work and said that the plumber had phones, he had finally found the spring and had ordered it, and was expecting it to arrive thru the post today or tomorrow, in which case he would come here and fix it. He hasn't contacted us again today so fingers crossed for tomorrow. Well we wen't down to the showers @ gym after the class today and did igt there again. What fscking fun
Then still early we popped over to Sports Direct and looked at more Velcro trainers but tried on a pair of just tie proper laces ones which I could manage now (Unlike how ill I was when we bought the last pair 3 or 4 years ago) so we bought a pair of slipper/trainers to use in the house
Then we popped across the car park to Home Bargains where GGtGG bought much cleaning products for the staff to use here. He also bought me a few flowery plants, a Bush Lobelia which hopefully will fill the bed with flowers

It's Broken

And my PC in my bedroom wouldn't connect to the Interweb last night. I tried again s'morning and it still wouldn't connect. So I said to MM "Can u have a look?", he said "In a bit", I said "Well I will switch it on then", went in, switched it on and it conected.

Thursday 10 May 2018

More Fun

And we set off this evening to just walk around town. Parking on King St, walking along King St then down past Caffi Iechyd Da to Llamas St then back up past the old town hall

Fun Showering

And we still have no hot water in the house so had to go back to the gym for a fscking shower later
What total fun

What a fscking day

Well what a day we have had. Went to gym and did my ritual 3.25km cycle which fills me with such job. I came home and did my therapeutic exercises then later we did another kind of fscking exercises
OK despite all this exer-fscking-cising we popped to Caffi Iechyd Da first thing and fetched the veg then went to Morrisons and fetched the usual shop plus a packet of kitchen roll which we were about to run of. Then later in the afternoon I was in the kitchen cooking and I ran out of kitchen roll!

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Gardening +++

So GGtGG got stuck into gardening today and put the 'edge of the grass' plastic bits around and got some of the grass out of the flowerbed
And we put the rest of the veg out growing in a compost thingy too


So we are off to the first swimming session today.
But I feel sh*t, like I had a heavy hangover, after my 3 pints last night!!
Gord, that was hard work today but I managed just about everything. Gord it's hard work but it is doing me loads of good

Tuesday 8 May 2018

We Are Going Out

So we are going to have dinner out tonight....
And we had a lovely night. We had food first then got stuck into playing card games which I could have done without but we did have a nice night. Chatting to a newbie eg
And we did win the game!!!!!

The Plumber

And the plumber phoned GGtGG s'afternoon and said "I have been having trub getting the spring to go in the middle, I got the two outside bits. Eventually I found it, I can have it by Friday or I can spend £100 and buy the whole piece by tomorrow".
GGtGG had said "Neil will probably be tight fisted, I will confirm but unless you hear from me assume we will wait a few days"
So hoo fscking ray a few more days in the pool shower but it is worth it to save a hundred quid


Tho just walking about on the way to the shower without the FES device on my foot makes such a difference, it might be a pain in the arse but it doesn't half make walking better/easier

Bigger Sigh

So we had to pop to the pool again s'afternoon and say "Going to the pool" and take ourselves into the shower and make myself clean


So we came over and had a meeting with Sam@gym and discussed me entering the "I'm doing well" competition which I said "Yes" to but she is gonna find lots of old "How well am I ATM" stuff that we will then be able to compare how much better am I now with
Then we said tara and went upstairs to get stuck into a 10Km cycle. Which I still have two thirds of to go
Which I finished. It took me ages because I had accidentally pressed the button to make it harder 6 or 7 times but I still managed it in under an hour. Just

Going To Bed

So I was going to bed tonight and I reached to switch on the PC which every night since I bought it has required a couple of minutes worth of faffing about to eventually switch it on.
Tonight I just pressed the on button and it came on!!!!

Monday 7 May 2018

Boiler Fixer

Is he gonna be able to get that bit and come tomorrow?

Loopy Nuts Are We

And I have just watched about 8 hours of well impressive snooker, the World Snooker Championship (noisy link) and I was just gobsmacked about some of their clever play


So I have to meet Sam Gleeson tomorrow mornin' to talk about someone who wants to write an article about me, after they have interviewed me, about how I am exceeding all expectations in getting better. Or summat

Walkies Again (More)

And we popped into Carmarthen after dinner, parked on Llamas St and walked thru town, up past Debenhams to the top where we sat on the stone benches, which were actually warm today. We sat letching for about 20 minutes then walked back to the car

2nd Visit

Then we had to go back to pool and have a fscking shower as my boiler is broken over Bank (and "boiler bits" suppliers) Holiday weekend. Hopefully some progress will come on tomorrow but I need to go and see Sam Gym at 11 AM about some "reporting how well I am despite all medical advice" scheme

First Visit Of The Day

So we popped to gym as there is no swimming class today so we did loads of exercisey machines etc. Some of the weights on lifting machines were set at 25 or 27.5KG or about 4 stone!!!!
We will have to go back later to have a swim (which is what they call using the shower) as it is gonna take some time for the boiler to be fixed

Sunday 6 May 2018

And Again

Then after dinner we headed into Carmarthen and walked for miles again. There were loadsa drunk folk about as it is Bank Holiday Weekend but......

Walkies Out

So we went out s'morning and decided to head for the Enormous Car Boot Sale at Carew, a few miles West. When we got there there was much uneven walking surface, and some grass to walk on too. We walked for miles, I bought a tool to enable me to bleed radiators, Tim bought a spanner then a few stalls later we bought loadsa "edge your lawn" strip, we were only looking at 2 boxes (to make it long enuf) but after much sales we bought 5 boxes for a fiver, which Timmy carried back to the car

Saturday 5 May 2018

Warm Weather

So it is about half past 11 at night, the heating has not come on and I still just had to take my fleece off as it is too warm

Aargh, Let's Go For A Walk

Then s'evening we went out for another long walk around town. And tonight I was walking on all kinds of surfaces, slopes and uneven surfaces etc and it did occur to me that that is just so much more possible these days.
I used to have to walk in the road if the pavement was too wonky - used to

Plumbing Crisis #2

Then we had to go to gym, heading for the shower, said "Swimming pool please" when we went in, "Sorry, no, shuts in 5 minutes" he replied so we had to say "Actually we weren't headed for the pool..." and explained the crisis and how it's a fecking bank holiday weekend and they did let us in in the end

Plumbing Crisis

And GGtGG has just spoken to the plumber and he is still waiting for the part to be delivered. So he said "Carry on with your day, I will phone you if it arrives".
So we are heading out to meet WWEG for a coffee and a bun and a chat/flirt
 And it was nice, had a good chat then walked about town for an hour before coming home for lunch

Local Pub

We were out exploring last night. On the way back we called in to The Tafarn Pantydderwen, my local pub. Except it was closed. Apparently she has closed up the business and it is up for sale
Instead we tried The Castle In in Llanstaffan which although 10 minutes drive away was very friendly. "Are you tourists?" they asked us

Friday 4 May 2018


And as the plumber hasn't phoned back then I'd better go to gym to the Beautiful Samantha's class....

I Forgot

So I was concerned about the plumber coming back today but Timmy reminded me, to the Drs for 11AM with GGtGG for my quarterly testosterone jab
Oh what fun....
And by the time we got back the plumber hadn't phoned..... And he still can't answer his phone, it's out of signal, only a mobile...

Thursday 3 May 2018


And it stopped raining s'afternoon so after dinner I tried another walk around town. This time it was nearly 2 hours of walking. Then I said "Let's go have a bun" so we drove to St Clears but the café there was shut so we came back to Carmarthen and Timmy chose McDonald's where he bought me a bun and a hot chocolate. I think one of the café's might have been better but as we don't know which one is still open etc this was the easiest option


Then we popped to gym and got stuck into rowing. And I think that after having time recuperating etc I still did my 3.25 km in the quickest time ever
Sam came and spoke to me halfway through (and I still managed the quickest ever time despite distractions) and said "That thing you wrote a few weeks ago, about being better and better, it has come to some bosses attention and they want to write an article about you and they said 'Can we have a photo' so can I take one of you when you have finished on this machine?"
Dunno what to say, fame beckons?

Iechyd Doo-dah

THEN we popped to Iechyd Da and I thought we were about an our later than usual but I think the veg had just been delivered. And there were no NA's on my list today, everything was there
Then we popped to MoreReasonsToShopAt....  and got the rest of the shopping which cost f all this week as I had a £5 off token to add too


So the bath fixer says he will be here at 11AM s'morning, which is about the time I need to pop to Iechyd Da to get the veg but I suspect he will just be here for 5 mins until he looks and decides what the problem is then fscks off to buy the bits he needs
Ho hum, hecticness
Aargh. At 10 to 10 s'morning GGtGG said "They are here" and I thought he meant Timmy, looked up and there was a van saying Hot And Cold on it, ah, the plumbers were early. So they did much work while I left them alone and didn't get in the way, he said "Ah, 'tis the water pressure being too high....." and went on to say that he thought summat expensive was fscked but went on looking at plumbing then said "Ah, look" and pulled a small piece out which was in about 27 pieces. So this was the problem, causing all the pressure issues etc. So he got the heating to work, just the heating, and said he will hopefully be back with the bit tomorrow.
So yes, it is gonna be expensive but not as expensive as I thought when he first spoke to me
Well, for my shower we boiled a couple of kettles and I just had to wash standing at the sink. No Dermol medical wash today but as, hopefully, it is just for one day that shouldn't be an issue

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Went Out

So we went out at dinner time tonight and walked for miles and miles (and miles) around town. Like a long way.Then we walked a long way to a restaurant for dinner. We took a shortcut on the way back to the car so it was merely a long walk
Then after dinner I got in the mood where we would take it further but when we came back I hadn't been to't loo for about 4½ hours


Then GGtGG phoned round s'morning and has found someone who will hopefully come and look at the boiler tomorrow. "They" seem to think it is a minor crisis, wait and see
Today there isn't a problem as we are going to the swimming pool in a bit and the shower finishes the ritual there


And because I didn't have any distractions this week I am going to my second swimming session in the pool s'afternoon

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Boiler's Fscked

And I had a cold bath and did the washing up under a tap that ran hot then cold then hot again. Dunno, can't look at anything, it is all locked up under warranty but it disnae wurk, the hot water boiler

Out To Party/Flirt but not Bowl

Then later we are popping to Xcel Bowling to meet up with WWEG folk and chat while they bowl
Well that was nice, we had a load of sitting watching folk ploy bowling etc

Hectic AM

So s'morning we had to pop to the asthma nurse who said "Sorry, the room is upstairs" but that is not an issue for me anymore. She asked loadsa questions, watched me take my inhaler, and basically said "You are OK"
Then we got a 'script from over the desk there and went next door to the chemist and got loadsa cream for my armpits etc
Then on the way home we called into gym and did an enormous cycle, without needing to stop for a rest and I think it was the quickest ever for that distance